"Peran Inslalasi Farmasi RS Dr. M. Hoesin Palembang dalam menunjang pelayanan kesehatan antara lain pelayanan obat-obalan yang merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam penyembuhan pasien, sehingga harus dikelola secara professional. Rendahnya jumlah pasien yang mengambil obat di Tempat Pelayanan Obat (TPO) rawat jalan merupakan salah satu indikator yang menyangkut kualitas pelayanan obat di rumah sakit. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian tentang alternatif cara untuk meningkatkan jumlah pasien yang mengambil obat di Tempat Pelayanan Obat (TPO) rawat jalan RSMH Palembang.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sistem secara deskriptif dengan observasi data resep yang dilayani di TPO rawat jalan dan data kunjungan pasien umum poliklinik rawat jalan dua tahun terakhir (2000 dan 2001). Penelitian secara kualitatif dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada Direktur Pelayanan Medik, Kepala. Instalasi Farmasi, Apoteker penanggung jawab pelayanan di TPO rawat jalan, dan Asisten apoteker pelaksanan di TPO rawat jalan serta pasien umum.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alternatif cara yang harus diambil untuk meningkatkan jumlah pasien yang mengambil obat di TPO rawat jalan RSMH Palembang adalah, melengkapi ketersediaan obat di TPO rawat jalan dengan cara menginventarisasi obat-obat yang digunakan oleh dokter-dokter poliklinik rawat jalan., menurunkan harga obat di TPO rawat jalan yang disamakan atau lebih murah dari harga obat di apotik sekitar RSMH Palembang agar bersaing, dan memindahkati lokasi TPO rawat jalan kedepan (pintu masuk rumah sakit) dekat Ruang Informasi agar dikenal masyarakat.
Berdasarkan basil penelitian disarankan kepada pihak manajemen rumah sakit Dr. M. Hoesin Palembang untuk menentukan alternatif mana yang lebih menguntungkan bagi rumah sakit dalam meningkatkan jumlah pasien yang mengambil obat di TPO rawat jalan RSMH Palembang.
Alternative Methods Of Increasing The Number Of Patients Who Choose To Purchase Their Medications At The Outpatient Pharmacy (TPO) Of Dr. M. Hoesin Hospital (RSMH), Palembang 2003The role of the Pharmacy Installation at Dr. M, Hoesin Hospital, Palembang (RSMH), in contributing to healthcare is through the dispensing of medications which is an important factor contributing to the recovery of patients, and must be carried out in a professional manner. The low number of patients who choose to receive medications at the Outpatient Pharmacy (TPO) are one indicator of the quality of the medications available at the hospital. Because of this fact, this research was undertaken to explore alternative methods for increasing the number of patients who choose to purchase their medications at the TPO of RSMH, Palembang.
This research was carried out using a systematic approach in a descriptive manner. The data was compiled from prescriptions, which were supplied by TPO, and from patients? visits to the general outpatient clinic over the past two years (2000 and 2001). Additionally, qualitative data was gathered through interviews with the Director of Medical Care, the Head of the Pharmacy Installation, the Pharmacist who answered as one who serves patients at TPO, and the Assistant Pharmacist who is in charge of implementation at TPO with general patients.
The results of this research indicate that the alternative methods, which must be adopted for increasing the number of patents choosing to purchase their medications at TPO of RSMH, Palembang, should include the following: (l) supplementing the availability of medication at TPO by taking inventory of the medications used by outpatient clinic doctors, (2) lowering the prices of medications at TPO to make them competitive with the prices of pharmacies nearby RSMH Palembang, and (3) moving the location of TPO to the front (entrace of the hospital) near the Information Center which is known by the community.
Based on the results of this research, it is proposed to the management of Dr. M. Hoesin Hospital, Palembang to establish an alternative way of increasing the number of patients who receive treatment at TPO of RSMH Palembang, which is more profitable for the hospital."