ABSTRAKUni Eropa menggalakkan slogan "Eropa, Tujuan Wisata No 1 di Dunia" sejak 2010,
diawali dengan pembaharuan kebijakan pariwisata Uni Eropa yang berlandaskan
hukum Traktat Lisabon 2009. Namun, program pariwisata berkelanjutan dilakukan
mulai 2006. Pariwisata, yang merupakan kegiatan lintas sektor, menjadi komoditas
industri Uni Eropa. Mereka memiliki kompetensi untuk mendukung pelaksanaan
kegiatan pariwisata di Negara Anggota. Belgia, Belanda, dan Luksemburg adalah
Negara Anggota Uni Eropa yang unik, mereka tergabung pula dalam organisasi
regional Uni Benelux. Sektor pariwisata di tiga negara Benelux menarik perhatian.
Sejak 2006 Belanda selalu unggul dalam jumlah kedatangan wisatawan
internasional, disusul Belgia kemudian Luksemburg. Pelaksanaan dan kebijakan
pariwisata di setiap negara berperan penting dalam memajukan pariwisata mereka.
ABSTRACTEuropean Union promotes the slogan "Europe, the world's No. 1 tourist destination"
since 2010, initiated from the renewal of the European Union tourism policy based
on the Lisbon Treaty, 2009. However, sustainable tourism program has been
conducted by the European Union since 2006. Tourism as a cross-sector activity
has become the European Union's industrial commodity. European Union has a
competence to support the implementation of tourism activities in Member States.
Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg are unique Member States, they are
also incorporated in the Benelux Union, a regional organization. Tourism sector of
the three countries gains attention. Since 2006 The Netherlands has been always on
first place regarding to the number of international tourist arrivals, followed by
Belgium and Luxembourg. The implementation of tourism policy of each country
and the policy itself plays an important role in creating the advancement of tourism, European Union promotes the slogan "Europe, the world's No. 1 tourist destination"
since 2010, initiated from the renewal of the European Union tourism policy based
on the Lisbon Treaty, 2009. However, sustainable tourism program has been
conducted by the European Union since 2006. Tourism as a cross-sector activity
has become the European Union's industrial commodity. European Union has a
competence to support the implementation of tourism activities in Member States.
Belgium, The Netherlands, and Luxembourg are unique Member States, they are
also incorporated in the Benelux Union, a regional organization. Tourism sector of
the three countries gains attention. Since 2006 The Netherlands has been always on
first place regarding to the number of international tourist arrivals, followed by
Belgium and Luxembourg. The implementation of tourism policy of each country
and the policy itself plays an important role in creating the advancement of tourism]"