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Diundangkannya Peraturan Bank Indonesia tentang Kepemilikan Saham Bank Umum secara tidak langsung telah menciptakan pengecualian untuk melakukan Penawaran Tender Wajib bagi bank yang terdaftar dalam pasar modal. Pengecualian terhadap kewajiban tersebut tidak serta merta menghilangkan kewajiban bank sebagai perseroan untuk melindungi kepentingan pemegang saham minoritas.

The enactment of Bank Indonesia Regulation on the Shares Ownership of Commercial Bank creates an indirect exemption to exercise the obligation of Mandatory Tender Offer for bank listed in capital market. The exemption over the obligation doesn’t necessarily relieve bank’s obligation as a limited company to protect the interest of minority shareholders."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogi Ajipradana
Tesis ini membahas mengenai liberalisasi kepemilikan modal asing pada bank suatu bank umum di Indonesia. Pada awalnya, hal ini diimplementasikan sebagai salah satu komitmen Indonesia sebagai anggota GATS-WTO. Namun, ketika timbul adanya kebutuhan akan modal yang dikarenakan krisis moneter yang dialami Indonesia pada akhir tahun 1990-an, maka batasan kepemilikan modal oleh pihak asing di suatu bank ditingkatkan menjadi maksimal 99 persen. Melihat kondisi seperti itu, jelas membuat pihak asing berbondong-bondong menginvestasikan dananya ke dalam industri perbankan Indonesia. Hal ini terus berlanjut hingga saat ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk membahas bagaimana ketentuan batasan kepemilikan modal asing pada bank umum dengan menganalisis peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Perlindungan terhadap kepentingan nasional juga akan dibahas, mengingat sektor perbankan merupakan penggerak roda perekonomian nasional, di mana hal ini ditujukan untuk melindungi dan memacu peran dan daya saing pihak lokal. Untuk melihat bagaimana implementasi dan dampak dari ketentuan kepemilikan modal asing pada bank umum, maka penulis tertarik untuk menganalisis akuisisi Bank NISP oleh OCBC Bank (Singapura) yang dilakukan secara bertahap. Deskripsi yang akan disampaikan termasuk pemaparan kinerja perusahaan untuk periode lima tahun terakhir pasca masa akuisisi. Untuk meneliti permasalahan tersebut, metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah studi kepustakaan dengan penggunaan data sekunder, seperti peraturan dan perundang-undangan, literatur, dan data aktual yang berkaitan dengan Bank OCBC NISP. Dari hasil penelitian, penulis mengetahui bahwa ketentuan kepemilikan modal asing dengan perlindungan kepentingan nasional diatur pada beberapa peraturan dan perundang-undangan, baik internasional maupun nasional, seperti GATS dan Schedule of Commitments Indonesia di GATS-WTO, Undang-Undang Perbankan, dan beberapa Peraturan Bank Indonesia.

This thesis discusses the liberalization of foreign ownership in a commercial bank in Indonesia. At first, it is implemented as one of Indonesia's commitment as a GATS-WTO member. However, when the need for capital arises due to the financial crisis experienced by Indonesia in the late 1990s, the definition of capital ownership by foreigners in the bank increased to a maximum of 99 percent. Seeing such conditions clearly makes foreigners flocking to invest in the Indonesian banking industry. This continues to this day. Therefore, the author are interested in discussing how the provisions of foreign capital ownership limitation in commercial banks by analyzing the law and regulations in force. Protection of national interests will also be discussed, since the banking sector is a driver of the national economy, where it is intended to protect and promote the role and competitiveness of the local party. To see how the implementation and impact of the provisions of foreign capital ownership in commercial banks, the author are interested in analyzing acquisition by OCBC Bank which is done in gradually. Description will be presented including the company's exposure to the performance of the last five years post-acquisition period. To investigate these issues, the research method used is literature study with the use of secondary data, such as law and regulations, literatures, and the actual data related to Bank OCBC NISP. From the research, the author learned that the provisions of foreign capital ownership with the protection of national interests is set on some law and regulations, both international and national, such as the GATS and Indonesia Schedule of Commitments in GATS-WTO, Banking Law, and several of Bank Indonesia Regulations."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadhitio Alif Bagaskara
In the current situation acquisition is an instrument that could not be separated in the economy sector particularly in banking sector. Acquisition is the one of many ways that bank to expand their business and also originate the inter-connection that would be facing. Because of that the acquisition of BTPN by SMBC is a challenge to BTPN for expand their self and ready to develop as a huge bank, furthermore, SMBC is a one of the foreign bank which entered to Indonesian market. Based on
the fact that the BTPN itself being acquired through directly by shareholder which could be found hardly in Indonesia banking system. Research methods used in this research is juridical normative. the result of this research is suggesting the government to regulated the acquisition through the shareholder particularly and amendment of prevailing Act in order to compete in international world.

Dewasa ini Akuisisi merupakan suatu hal yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dalam dunia ekonomi khususnya dalam dunia perbankan. Akuisisi merupakan salah satu cara bank untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya dan juga jalan untuk memperluas jaringan yang akan dihadapi di dunia internasional. Oleh karena itu akuisisi Bank BTPN oleh SMBC merupakan tantangan sendiri untuk BTPN dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya, terlebih lagi, SMBC merupakan bank asing yang memasuki pasar Indonesia. Fakta yang ditemukan bahwa BTPN ini diakuisisi melalui pemegang saham yang dimana jarang sekali dalam dunia perbankan hal ini dilakukan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan ini adalah metode yuridis normative.
Hasil dari penelitian in menyarankan agar pemerintah lebih khusus mengatur tentang akuisisi melalui langsung pemegang saham dan juga meamandemenkan undang-undang tentang akusisi sekarang agar dapat bersaing di dunia internasional."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Netta Almira Saleh
"[Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaturan tentang pembelian kembali
saham atau yang sering disebut dengan buyback di pasar modal Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh Bank Tbk. yang secara khusus diatur dalam Peraturan Bapepam Nomor XI.B.2, namun dalam kondisi krisis global yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini, Bapepam mengeluarkan peraturan baru yang mengatur mengenai buyback pada kondisi pasar yang berfluktuasi secara signifikan, yaitu Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 2/POJK.04/2013. Peraturan baru tersebut memberi sejumlah
kelonggaran dalam pelaksanaan buyback, terutama batas pembelian kembali saham yang dinaikkan menjadi 20% serta tidak perlu meminta persetujuan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (“RUPS”) terlebih dahulu. Digunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan yang bertujuan untuk menemukan masalah (problem finding) untuk kemudian menuju pada suatu penelitian untuk mengatasi masalah (problem solution). Permasalahan kemudian tibul dikarenakan adanya kelonggaran tentang
kewajiban dilaksanakannya RUPS dalam pelaksanaan buyback saham yang mengakibatkan tersinggungnya / berkurangnya perlindungan terhadap pemegang saham perusahaan karena beralihnya kewenangan RUPS menjadi kewenangan Direksi perusahaan. Selanjutnya, bagaimana apabila setelah melakukan buyback, perseroan tetap mengalami kerugian, sehingga dalam hal ini direksi dapat saja dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya, namun untuk itu harus terlebih dahulu
dibuktikan bahwa direksi telah melanggar fiduciary duty-nya. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai tata cara dan persyaratan dalam pelaksanaan buyback oleh Bank sebagai emiten atau perusahaan publik berdasarkan Peraturan Bapepam Nomor XI.B.2 dan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 2/POJK.04/2013, perlindungan pemegang saham dan tanggung jawab Direksi terhadap buyback yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan.;This thesis discusses on regulations related to share buyback by a Public
Bank in Indonesian capital market that is specifically regulated in Bapepam Regulation Number XI.B.2, however in the current global crisis conditions, Bapepam has issued new regulations regulating on share buyback in the market conditions which fluctuating significantly, namely Financial Service Authority Regulations (“POJK”) Number 2/POJK.04/2013. Such new regulation gives some flexibilities in the buy back execution, particularly the limit of shares buy back
increased to be 20% and it is not necessary to get prior approval from the General Meeting of Shareholders. In this thesis is used literature research methodology with the aims to find out the problem (problem finding) and then to go to a research to overcome the problem (problem solution). The problem arises when the regulation causes a loose on the company’s obligation in conducting a Shareholders’ Meeting (related to share buyback), thus giving the Borad of Director of the company, on their sole discretion, to conduct share buyback. This
action gives an impact to the shareholders’ rights, in the meaning that the shareholders in this case do not have the right to participate nor give votes in the company’s corporate actions (in this case, share buyback). Furthermore, if the share buyback costs losses to the company, the Board of Directors of the company should be asked for its accountability, but to do so, it must be previously proved
that the Board of Directors has violated its fiduciary duty, in which it also corresponds to a doctrine namely the doctrine of business judgment rule. This study discusses the procedures and requirements in the implementation of the share buyback by the Issuer or public company based on Bapepam Regulations Number XI.B.2 and POJK Number 2/POJK.04/2013, the protection towards the company’s shareholders and the responsibility of the Board of Directors toward
the share buyback in relation to the doctrine of business judgment rule;This thesis discusses on regulations related to share buyback by a Public
Bank in Indonesian capital market that is specifically regulated in Bapepam
Regulation Number XI.B.2, however in the current global crisis conditions,
Bapepam has issued new regulations regulating on share buyback in the market
conditions which fluctuating significantly, namely Financial Service Authority
Regulations (“POJK”) Number 2/POJK.04/2013. Such new regulation gives some
flexibilities in the buy back execution, particularly the limit of shares buy back
increased to be 20% and it is not necessary to get prior approval from the General
Meeting of Shareholders. In this thesis is used literature research methodology
with the aims to find out the problem (problem finding) and then to go to a
research to overcome the problem (problem solution). The problem arises when
the regulation causes a loose on the company’s obligation in conducting a
Shareholders’ Meeting (related to share buyback), thus giving the Borad of
Director of the company, on their sole discretion, to conduct share buyback. This
action gives an impact to the shareholders’ rights, in the meaning that the
shareholders in this case do not have the right to participate nor give votes in the
company’s corporate actions (in this case, share buyback). Furthermore, if the
share buyback costs losses to the company, the Board of Directors of the company
should be asked for its accountability, but to do so, it must be previously proved
that the Board of Directors has violated its fiduciary duty, in which it also
corresponds to a doctrine namely the doctrine of business judgment rule. This
study discusses the procedures and requirements in the implementation of the
share buyback by the Issuer or public company based on Bapepam Regulations
Number XI.B.2 and POJK Number 2/POJK.04/2013, the protection towards the
company’s shareholders and the responsibility of the Board of Directors toward
the share buyback in relation to the doctrine of business judgment rule, This thesis discusses on regulations related to share buyback by a Public
Bank in Indonesian capital market that is specifically regulated in Bapepam
Regulation Number XI.B.2, however in the current global crisis conditions,
Bapepam has issued new regulations regulating on share buyback in the market
conditions which fluctuating significantly, namely Financial Service Authority
Regulations (“POJK”) Number 2/POJK.04/2013. Such new regulation gives some
flexibilities in the buy back execution, particularly the limit of shares buy back
increased to be 20% and it is not necessary to get prior approval from the General
Meeting of Shareholders. In this thesis is used literature research methodology
with the aims to find out the problem (problem finding) and then to go to a
research to overcome the problem (problem solution). The problem arises when
the regulation causes a loose on the company’s obligation in conducting a
Shareholders’ Meeting (related to share buyback), thus giving the Borad of
Director of the company, on their sole discretion, to conduct share buyback. This
action gives an impact to the shareholders’ rights, in the meaning that the
shareholders in this case do not have the right to participate nor give votes in the
company’s corporate actions (in this case, share buyback). Furthermore, if the
share buyback costs losses to the company, the Board of Directors of the company
should be asked for its accountability, but to do so, it must be previously proved
that the Board of Directors has violated its fiduciary duty, in which it also
corresponds to a doctrine namely the doctrine of business judgment rule. This
study discusses the procedures and requirements in the implementation of the
share buyback by the Issuer or public company based on Bapepam Regulations
Number XI.B.2 and POJK Number 2/POJK.04/2013, the protection towards the
company’s shareholders and the responsibility of the Board of Directors toward
the share buyback in relation to the doctrine of business judgment rule]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sergia Louisa Sjahlim
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis terkait dengan struktur konsentrasi pasar terhadap profitabilitas perbankan di Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode 2007 hingga 2016 dengan menguji hipotesis structure conduct performance (SCP), relative market hypothesis (RMP), efficient structure (ES), and quiet life hypothesis (QL). Concentration ratio (CCR4), Herfindahl Hrischman Index (HHI) dan indeks Lerner (Lerner) digunakan sebagai variabel dalam pengukuran proksi konsentrasi, sedangkan market share (MS) digunakan sebagai pengukuran hipotesis RMP, variabel X-efficiency (XEFF) dan scale efficiency (SEFF) digunakan dalam membuktikan hipotesis ES. Pengukuran variabel XEFF dan SEFF dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode nonparametrik Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), dan regresi selanjutnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi data panel Generalized Least Square (GLS).Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa struktur industri perbankan di Indonesia cenderung semakin terkonsentrasi.Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan, perbankan di Indonesia tidak berlaku sesuai dengan hipotesis SCP ES, maupun QL, namun cenderung lebih sesuai pada hipotesis RMP.

This study aims to test the hypothesis related to the market concentration structure on the profitability of banks in Indonesia listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period 2007 to 2016 by testing the structure conduct performance (SCP), relative market hypothesis (RMP), efficient structure (ES) and quiet life hypothesis (QL). Concentration ratios (CCR4), Herfindahl Hrischman Index (HHI) and Lerner index (Lerner) were used as variables in proxy concentration measurements, while market share (MS) was used as a measurement of RMP hypotheses, X-efficiency (XEFF) and scale efficiency (SEFF ) is used in proving the ES hypothesis. Measurements of XEFF and SEFF variables were performed using nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methods, and subsequent regression was performed using Generalized Least Square (GLS) panel data regression. Regression results show that the structure of the banking industry in Indonesia tends to be increasingly concentrated. In addition, based on the results of the analysis, banks in Indonesia do not apply in accordance with the hypothesis SCP, ES, or QL, but tend to be more appropriate on the RMP hypothesis."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syadif Ammar Taufik
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa dampak market power dan regulasi perbankan terhadap pengambilan resiko pada 705 bank di 14 negara Asia-Pasifik dari tahun 2012-2018. Demikian terdapat tiga faktor yaitu main effect market power terhadap pengambilan risiko, main effect regulasi perbankan terhadap pengambilan risiko, serta dampak interaction effect antara market power dan regulasi perbankan terhadap pengambilan risiko. Terdapat delapan jenis pengambilan risiko yang dijadikan variabel dependen. Penelitian ini menggunakan regresi panel dengan model fixed-effects. Penelitian ini menemukan tiga hasil yang penting. Pertama, market power mempunyai dampak meningkatkan pengambilan risiko secara keseluruhan (default risk-taking), namun mengurangi pengambilan risiko portofolio. Hasil ini mendukung teori bahwa adanya dampak negatif dari market power terhadap modal bank. Kedua, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa regulasi kekuatan pengawasan, keketatan permodalan, dan larangan aktivitas memiliki dampak meningkatkan pengambilan risiko. Namun, regulasi lainnya memiliki dampak yang berbeda-beda tergantung tipe pengambilan risiko yang digunakan. Penemuan terakhir adalah adanya dampak mitigasi dari regulasi terhadap pengambilan risiko dengan adanya kenaikan market power pada bank. Selebihnya, terdapat perbedaan dalam penemuan pada negara berpendapatan menengah dan tinggi. Secara kesulurhan, penelitian ini mendukung teori competition-stability pada literatur market power dan private-interest pada literatur regulasi perbankan. Lebih lanjut, penemuan juga mendukung teori market-stealing dan dampak positif regulasi kekuatan pengawas pada pasar perbankan dimana ada tingkat market power yang tinggi.

This research aims to analyze the impact of market power and banking regulation towards bank risk-taking in 705 banks within 14 Asia-Pacific countries from 2012-2018. In particular it has tests three factors; the main effect of market power towards risk-taking, the main effect of banking regulation towards risk-taking, and the interaction effect between bank market power and banking regulation towards risk-taking. There are eight risk-taking measures (dependent variables) tested in this study. Utilizing a fixed-effects panel regression, there are several main findings of the study. Firstly, it finds that market power has a increasing impact on overall (default) risk-taking, but decreases portfolio risk-taking, and provides evidence for the negative impact of market power on capital. Secondly, it finds that official supervisory power, capital stringency, and activity restrictions regulations tends to also have an increasing effect on risk-taking. However, other regulation tends to have a more varied result depending on the different risk-taking measures. Lastly, while official supervisory power and capital stringency regulation increases overall risk-taking for all banks, this effect is mitigated for higher-market power banks. Furthermore, these results are seen to have differing effects based on the level of income of the countries within the sample. Overall, this research supports the competition-stability view of market power and private-interest view of regulation in banking literature. Furthermore, it provides support for the market-stealing effect for capital regulation and the beneficial impact of official supervisory power in high-market power environments.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fahrana Amelia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kasus kepatuhan melalui tingkat kepatuhan dan tingkat kualitas penjelasan, juga melihat kasus ketidakpatuhan melalui tingkat kasus ketidakpatuhan keseluruhan tanpa penjelasan dan tingkat kualitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel perusahaan publik non finansial selama periode tahun 2014-2015. Hasil penelitian pada kasus kepatuhan mengindikasikan bahwa perusahaan patuh cenderung memberikan penjelasan yang spesifik sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku sedangkan pada kasus ketidakpatuhan mengindikasikan bahwa kebanyakan perusahaan yang tidak mematuhi peraturan tidak memberikan penjelasan mengapa perusahaan tidak dapat memenuhi kewajibannya. Oleh karena itu, hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendorong badan pengawas pasar modal untuk membuat panduan pengungkapan yang spesifik bagi perusahaan sehingga hal ini dapat membantu mempermudah pengawasan dan diterapkannya sanksi dari peraturan yang berlaku.

The aim of this research is to analize compliance cases through compliance index and comply or explain index, also non compliance cases through overall index of non compliance cases not explained and quality index. This research uses sample of all non financial public companies for 2014 2015 period. The result in compliance cases indicate that compliant companies tend to disclose specific explanation as required in applicable law while in non compliance cases indicate that the most of non compliant companies did not give explanation why they could not fulfill their obligation. Thus, these findings suggest that the financial service authority need to make specific guidelines for the companies therefore it could help the monitoring process and sanction to be imposed by applicable law. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izaldi Fikri Muhammad
"an di Indonesia, karena merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperkuat perbankan Indonesia dan memberikan peluang bagi perbankan Indonesia untuk bersaing di kancah internasional. Akuisisi bank telah ada dan diatur sejak tahun 1999 dengan lahirnya Peraturan Pemerintah No. 28 tahun 1999 tentang Penggabungan, Peleburan, dan Akuisisi Bank. Namun integrasi bank merupakan hal yang relatif baru, apalagi dibandingkan dengan akuisisi, dan dengan telah dialihkannya tugas pengaturan dan pengawasan bank dari Bank Indonesia ke OJK, maka telah dibuat peraturan baru yang tentunya akan merubah bagaimana hal tersebut semula. Sebelumnya, untuk akuisisi dan integrasi bank, kami sekarang mengacu pada POJK No. 41/POJK.03/2019 tentang Penggabungan, Konsolidasi, Akuisisi, Integrasi dan Konversi Bank Umum. Tesis ini berfokus pada konsep akuisisi dan integrasi oleh bank asing serta potensi masalah hukum dan dampak dari tindakan tersebut. Skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif. Sejalan dengan semakin populernya akusisi dan integrasi bank asing, regulasi dan pengawasan oleh OJK juga perlu disempurnakan, dan juga harus diperhatikan bagaimana dampaknya terhadap pihak-pihak terkait. Oleh karena itu penulis merekomendasikan kepada OJK dan pihak terkait untuk memperbaharui undang-undang terkait yang sudah ketinggalan zaman, namun tidak lupa juga memperhatikan isu hukum atau dampak yang ditimbulkannya.

Acquisition and integration of banks have been popularized in Indonesia for quite some time, as it is one way to strengthen Indonesian banks and give Indonesian banks a chance to compete on an international stage. Bank acquisitions have been around and regulated since 1999 with Government Regulation No. 28 of 1999 regarding Merger, Consolidation, and Acquisition of Banks. However, bank integration is a relatively new thing, especially compared to acquisition. As the regulatory and supervisory duty of banks has been transferred from Bank Indonesia to OJK, new regulations have been made, which would give a change to how it was back in the day. For acquisition and integration of banks, we now mainly refer to POJK No. 41 of 2019 regarding Merger, Consolidation, Acquisition, Integration, and Conversion of Commercial Banks. This thesis focuses on the concept of acquisition and integration by foreign banks and the potential legal issues and impacts of such acts. This thesis uses the juridical-normative research method. As the act of acquisition and integration of foreign banks becomes more popularized, regulations and supervision by OJK should also be improved, and it should also be kept in mind how it would affect relevant parties. For that reason, the author recommends that OJK and relevant parties update the outdated relevant laws and not forget to take care of the legal issues or impacts from it."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Anggitawati
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa Kausalitas Granger antara pergerakan nilai tukar dan arus masuk bersih asing di pasar modal Indonesia, menggunakan data harian untuk periode 2011 hingga 2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah vektor autoregresi VAR . Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pergerakan imbal hasil nilai tukar rupiah terhadap Dolar AS dan arus masuk bersih asing pada pasar modal. Penelitian ini juga membedakan arus masuk bersih asing pada pasar modal menjadi pasar saham dan pasar surat utang. Hasil VAR menunjukkan respon pergerakan nilai tukar terhadap guncangan transaksi asing pada pasar surat utang adalah negatif dan signifikan, sedangkan respon terhadap guncangan transaksi asing pada pasar saham lebih rendah. Di sisi lain, hasil menunjukkan repon yang lebih lambat pada arus transaksi asing terhadap guncangan pada pergerakan nilai tukar.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the causality between the movement of the exchange rate and net foreign inflow in capital market Indonesia, using daily data for the period 2011 to 2016. The research method used is the vector autoregression VAR . Variables used in this study is the return movement of the Rupiah against the US Dollar and net foreign inflow in capital market. This Research also distinguish net foreign inflow into stock market and bond market. The VAR results show that the response of the exchange rate movement to the shock in the foreign transaction flows in bond market is a negatif and significant, while the response to the shock in the foreign transaction flows in stock market is low. On the other side, the result show slower response of the foreign transaction flows to the shock in the exchange rate movement."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Aditya Parlindungan Pratama
"Semaraknya akuisisi bank nasional oleh bank asing saat ini perlu dicermati dengan bijak oleh Bank Indonesia. Akuisisi oleh bank asing merupakan strategi untuk mengembangkan bisnisnya, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri tanpa harus membentuk badan usaha yang baru. Oleh karena itu, asas resiprositas perlu untuk diberlakukan, agar bank umum juga dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya. Seperti akuisisi saham BII oleh Maybank yang perlu dicermati oleh Bank Indonesia, yang dapat memperlemah pasar bisnis perbankan Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan ini adalah metode yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyarankan agar dimasukkannya klausul asas resiprositas dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Perbankan yang baru.

A rampant general bank acquisition by foreign bank at this moment need to be supervised wisely by Bank Indonesia. Acquisition by foreign bank is strategy to develop its business, both inside and outside the country without having to establish a new business entity. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the principle of reciprocity, so that commercial banks can expand their business. As happening with Maybank acquisition of BII need to be supervised by Bank Indonesia, which can weaken the Indonesia banking market. Research methods used in this research is juridical normative. The result of this research suggest that the inclusion of the reciprocity clause in the Draft of the new Banking Act."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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