ABSTRAKTindakan CAPD adalah salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal. Persepsi pasien yang
baik tentang CAPD dapat meningkatkan efikasi diri pasien yang menjalani
CAPD. Mayoritas pasien CAPD berawal dari pasien HD yang memiliki persepsi
pengalaman ketidaknyamanan baik fisik dan psikis. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui
hubungan antara persepsi tentang tindakan CAPD dan efikasi diri pada pasien
yang menjalani CAPD. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional.
Jumlah sampel 75 responden dipilih dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil
uji regresi logistik menunjukkan ada hubungan antara persepsi tentang tindakan
CAPD dan efikasi diri pada pasien yang menjalani CAPD dengan variabel
confounding yang mempengaruhi adalah variabel dukungan sosial.
Kesimpulannya, perawat perlu meningkatkan kemampuan saat mengkaji persepsi
pasien serta meningkatkan peran dukungan sosial, sehingga informasi yang
didapat menjadi dasar untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri pada pasien yang
menjalani CAPD.
ABSTRACTContinuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is one of renal replacement
therapies. Good perception of CAPD therapy could improve patients self-efficacy
who are undergoing CAPD. CAPD patients mostly came from HD patients who
had physical and psychological discomfort perception This study aimed to
determine relationship between the perception of CAPD therapy and patients selfefficacy.
A cross-sectional approach and 75 respondents selected using a
consecutive sampling technique. The results from logistic regression test showed
that there was a relationship between patients perception and self efficacy with
confounding variable was social support. In conclusion, nurses are required to
enhance the role of social support, so that the information obtained would become
the basis for improving self-efficacy in patients undergoing CAPD;Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is one of renal replacement
therapies. Good perception of CAPD therapy could improve patients self-efficacy
who are undergoing CAPD. CAPD patients mostly came from HD patients who
had physical and psychological discomfort perception This study aimed to
determine relationship between the perception of CAPD therapy and patients selfefficacy.
A cross-sectional approach and 75 respondents selected using a
consecutive sampling technique. The results from logistic regression test showed
that there was a relationship between patients perception and self efficacy with
confounding variable was social support. In conclusion, nurses are required to
enhance the role of social support, so that the information obtained would become
the basis for improving self-efficacy in patients undergoing CAPD, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is one of renal replacement
therapies. Good perception of CAPD therapy could improve patients self-efficacy
who are undergoing CAPD. CAPD patients mostly came from HD patients who
had physical and psychological discomfort perception This study aimed to
determine relationship between the perception of CAPD therapy and patients selfefficacy.
A cross-sectional approach and 75 respondents selected using a
consecutive sampling technique. The results from logistic regression test showed
that there was a relationship between patients perception and self efficacy with
confounding variable was social support. In conclusion, nurses are required to
enhance the role of social support, so that the information obtained would become
the basis for improving self-efficacy in patients undergoing CAPD]"