Kaunang, Theresia M.D.
"Latar belakang. Gangguan Pemusatan Perhatian dan Hiperaktif (GPPH) merupakan gangguan psikiatri anak yang paling sering dan 30-40% dari kasus kesehatan mental anak yang dirujuk. GPPH ditandai sulit memusatkan perhatian, hiperaktif, impulsif serta berdampak terhadap emosi, perilaku, psikososial, akademik dan fungsi keluarga. GPPH merupakan gangguan berat karena melibatkan multi aspek yaitu hambatan, kronisitas, morbiditas dan komorbiditas. Puncak usia onset pada usia 3-5 tahun. Penelitian ini untuk memperoleh proporsi GPPH pada anak prasekolah dengan alat ukur SPGPI, membuktikan alat ukur SPGPI, SPRDAP dan SPMP andal dan sahih serta membuktikan riwayat GPPH dalam keluarga dan regulasi diri berhubungan dengan GPPH.
Metode. Uji diagnostik untuk alat ukur skala penilaian GPPH prasekolah Indonesia (SPGPI), skala penilaian regulasi diri prasekolah (SPRDAP) dan skala penilaian model pengasuhan (SPMP). Metode pengambilan sampel dengan cara simple random sampling. Subjek adalah anak berusia 3 - < 7 tahun pada 34 kelompok bermain dan taman kanak-kanak di DKI Jakarta, bulan Maret-Juni 2009. Seribu subjek untuk penelitian uji diagnostik dan 750 subjek untuk potong lintang. Alat ukur yang dibuat pada penelitian pertama diterapkan pada penelitian kedua.
Hasil. Uji diagnostik SPGPI mempunyai Cronbach coefficient alpha 0,996, sensitivitas 96%, spesifisitas 99%, titik potong 30 dan area di bawah kurva ROC 0,9774. SPRDAP mempunyai Cronbach coefficient alpha 0,937, sensitivitas 92%, spesifisitas 96%, titik potong 20 dan area di bawah kurva ROC 0,9383. SPMP mempunyai Cronbach coefficient alpha 0,8125, sensitivitas 72%, spesifisitas 95%, titik potong 70, dan area di bawah kurva ROC 0,8233. Faktor risiko ayah perokok RP 3,48(1,79 sampai 6,78), regulasi diri RP 21,01(6,98 sampai 63,28), riwayat GPPH dalam keluarga RP 11,89 (2,44 sampai 44,65).
Simpulan. SPGPI, SPRDAP dan SPMP adalah andal dan sahih untuk digunakan sebagai alat ukur. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan bermakna dengan GPPH anak prasekolah adalah ayah perokok, regulasi diri dan riwayat GPPH dalam keluarga.
Background. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common child psychiatric disorder, comprising 30-40% child mental health cases referred. ADHD is typically characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and affects the emotion, behavior, psychosocial, academic and family functioning. ADHD is a severe disorder includes the impairment, chronicity, morbidity and comorbity. The peak of onset is 3-5 years. This study aims to obtaining the proportion of ADHD in preschool children with SPGPI instrument, to demonstrate SPRDAP and SPMP instrument are reliable and valid, and to demonstrate ADHD related to family history and self regulation.Methods. Diagnostic test for SPGPI, SPRDAP and SPMP Instruments. This study using questionnaire and interview. Sampling method was simple random sampling. Participant from 34 playgroup and kindergarten were selected from DKI Jakarta. The study was conducted from March-June 2009. The samples were 1000 for diagnostic test and 750 for cross sectional study and the children age from 3 - < 7 years were selected. Parents and teachers of these children were asked to complete SPGPI, SPRDAP, SPMP and personal form. The instruments from first study were applied for the second study.Result. The result on diagnostic test showed that the Cronbach coefficient alpha 0.996, sensitivity 96%, specificity 99% for SPGPI, cut off point 30 and area under ROC curve 0.9774. For SPRDAP instrument, the Cronbach coefficient alpha 0.937, sensitivity 92%, specificity 96%, cut off point 20 and area under ROC curve 0.9383. For SPMP instrument, the Cronbach coefficient alpha 0.8125, sensitivity 72%, specificity 95%, titik potong 70 dan area under ROC curve 0.8233. The related factors were patemal smoking PR 3.48 (1.79 to 6.78), self regulation PR 21.01 (6.98 to 63.28) and family history PR 11.89 (2.44 to 44.65).Conclusion SPGPI, SPRDAP and SPMP is reliable and valid and used as an instrument. Patemal smoking, self regulation, family history of ADHD were related to ADHD."