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Asep Syaiful Bahri Ali
"Ketahanan pangan merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dari ketahanan nasional. Karena krisis pangan bukan saja menimbulkan krisis ekonomi, melainkan juga krisis sosial-politik. Sasaran pembangunan ketahanan pangan Indonesia adalah terwujudnya kemandirian pangan yang bertumpu pada produksi dalam negeri dan berbasis pada kearifan sumberdaya lokal. Salah satu kendala serius dalam mewujudkan kemandirian pangan tersebut adalah lemahnya kualitas SDM pertanian. Kondisi tersebut menjadi semakin sulit karena rendahnya minat generasi muda untuk bekerja pada sektor pertanian.
Upaya untuk menumbuhkembangkan minat dan peran serta generasi muda terhadap pembangunan sektor pertanian perlu menjadi prioritas untuk mewujudkan kemandirian pangan. Sementara itu, peran penting dan strategis yang dimiliki oleh Organisasi Kepemudaan sebagai wadah pengembangan potensi pemuda belum terstruktur dalam upaya pembangunan ketahanan pangan.
Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis SWOT yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal Organisasi Kepemudaan dalam menunjang pembangunan ketahanan pangan serta merumuskan strategi pemberdayaannya.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, meskipun Organisasi Kepemudaan menghadapi tantangan/hambatan dari faktor eksternal, tetapi masih terdapat potensi kekuatan internal yang dimiliki Organisasi Kepemudaan dan dapat dioptimalkan untuk meminimalisasi tantangan/hambatan tersebut. Sehingga strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam pemberdayaan Organisasi Kepemudaan untuk pembangunan ketahanan pangan adalah mengoptimalkan kekuatan untuk meminimalisasi hambatan/tantangan.

Food security is a part of the national security, where the crisis of food is not only become a cause of economic crisis but also will be a cause of sosio-politic crisis. The target of the Indonesian food security development is to realize self-sufficiency food which established by domestic production and local wisdom. One of the main obstacle to realize it is the poor quality of human resources in agricultural sector. This condition is compounded by the low interest of Indonesian youth to work in agricultural sector.
In order to realize the food security development, effort that can be done to grow the interest of youth to participate in the agricultural development should be a priority. Unfortunately, the strategic role of youth organization has not been developed well in the food security development.
This study is designed by using SWOT analysis tool to identify the internal and external factors of youth organizations in supporting the food security development and formulating its empowerment strategies.
The result of this study shows that the youth organizations have several external obstacles in food security development but there are still internal strong potentials in youth organizations which can be optimalized to minimize this obstacles. Consequently, the strategies that should be used in this study is to oplimalize the strong that youth organizations had to minimize its obstacles.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Mintoraras
Penelitian ini mempelajari peranan pemberdayaan perempuan dalam ketahanan pangan keluarga. Perempuan dapat mengalokasikan waktunya dengan mengikuti kegiatan pemberdayaan perempuan seperti kegiatan dasa wisma, koperasi, PKK, PNPM, posyandu balita dan posyandu lansia selain tanpa meninggalkan kewajiban rumah tangga. Dengan menggunakan data IFLS 2014, keikutsertaan perempuan dalam kegiatan dasa wisma, koperasi, dan posyandu balita terbukti mempengaruhi pengeluaran makanan rumah tangga. Artinya, rumah tangga yang perempuannya mengikuti kegiatan dasa wisma, koperasi, dan posyandu balita memiliki pengeluaran makanan keluarga yang lebih tinggi daripada rumah tangga yang perempuannya tidak mengikuti kegiatan tersebut. Sedangkan keikut sertaan perempuan dalam kegiatan koperasi, PNPM, PKK dan posyandu balita terbukti mempengaruhi ketahanan pangan keluarga. Dengan kata lain, keikut sertaan perempuan dalam kegiatan koperasi, PNPM, PKK dan posyandu balita dapat meningkatkan probabilitas ketahanan pangan keluarga.

This study aims to study the role of women empowerment in family food security. Women could allocate their time to participate in women empowerment activities such as dasa wisma, cooperative, PKK, PNPM, posyandu balita and posyandu lansia without leaving their household obligations. In fact, by implementing IFLS 2014 data, women 39 s involvement in dasa wisma, koperasi, and posyandu balita proved to affect household food expenditure. That is, households whose women follow the activities of dasa wisma, koperasi, and posyandu balita have higher family food expenditure than households whose women do not participate in anything. While the participation of women in koperasi, PNPM, PKK and posyandu balita proved to affect family food security. In other words, the participation of women in koperasi, PNPM, PKK and posyandu balita can increase the probability of family food security."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian yang meneliti mengenai strategi memperkuat ketahanan pangan
di wilayah kepulauan belum banyak dilakukan. Padahal sebagian besar kawasan
Indonesia adalah wilayah kepulauan. Ketahanan pangan bagi Kabupaten Simeulue
sangat penting untuk dilakukan pengkajian mengingat Kabupaten Simeulue
merupakan daerah kepulauan terluar di Indonesia. Masalah Ketahanan pangan
terkait erat dengan masalah sosial ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang lebih besar,
sehingga terus dilakukan pengkajian secara bersama dengan pengambil keputusan
di berbagai bidang lainya. Permasalahan ketersediaan pangan memerlukan
penanganan yang serius dan terencana.
Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah dijabarkan di atas maka
permasalahan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana persepsi ketahanan pangan
penduduk di Kabupaten Simeulue yang berbentuk kepulauan dan strategi
ketahanan pangan yang dapat digunakan pemerintah Kabupaten Simeulue untuk
menunjang ketahanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi
penduduk terhadap ketahanan pangan dan gambaran umum ketahanan pangan
Kabupaten Simeulue dan mengetahui strategi apa yang di gunakan Pemerintah
Kabupaten Simeulue untuk menunjang Ketahanan Pangan.
Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan skala linkert dengan
sampel berjumlah 100 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan
adalah simple random sampling. Sedangkan analisis SWOT dan penentuan
strategi menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan in depth interview pejabat daerah
di Kabupaten Simeulue. Triangulasi data dilakukan melalui hasil survey persepsi,
hasil statistik dari Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simeulue, dan hasil in-dept
Penduduk Simeulue yang menjadi responden memiliki persepsi bahwa
dalam aspek ketersedian pangan,hasil produksi padi di Simeulue tidak mencukupi
kebutuhan penduduk. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tergantungnya Kabupaten
Simeulue terhadap hasil produksi padi di Sumatera daratan untuk memenuhi
kebutuhan penduduk.permasalahan mengenai aspek keterjangkauan pangan
terletak pada masalah transportasi. Sebagian penduduk Simeulue berpersepsi
bahwa sulit menjangkau pangan karena masalah transportasi. Penduduk juga
kesulitan membeli bahan pangan jika harga naik akibat masalah transportasi.
Kondisi sarana prasarana secara umum belum mendukung kinerja subsistem
distribusi pangan Simeulue. Dalam hal konsumsi pangan, penduduk berpandangan
bahwa diversifikasi atau keragaman pangan masih kurang. Hal tersebut dapat
dilihat dari pilihan makan dari responden. Sebagian responden tidak selalu
memilih asupan protein. Sumber karbohidrat utama adalah beras.
Strategi pembangunan ketahanan pangan Kabupaten Simeulue adalah
dengan memaksimalkan kekuatan untuk menanggulangi ancaman yang mungkin
timbul, yaitu: a) melaksanakan diversifikasi, revitalisasi pertanian perikanan,
kehutanan dengan potensi sumberdaya lahan yang ada dalam rangka pengentasan
kemiskinan; b) mewujudkan koordinasi, advokasi dan sosialisasi ketahanan
pangan dalam rangka mengatasi masalah penduduk, kemiskinan, harga sarana
produksi, masalah gizi dan kesehatan. Rekomendasi kebijakan opersional
ketahanan pangan adalah: a) pengembangan transportasi laut, b) pengembangan sumber daya manusia, c) pengembangan sarana prasarana pertanian, d)
pengembangan teknologi pengolahan pangan, e) kompetensi aparatur daerah, f)
pengembangan lumbung pangan dan cadangan pangan.

The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns;The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns, The study examines the strategies to strengthen food security in the islands
has not been done. Though most of Indonesia is an archipelago region. Simeulue
food security is very important to do an assessment considering Simeulue outer
islands of Indonesia. Food security issues closely related to socio-economic
issues, politics and the larger culture, so the assessment is being conducted jointly
with the decision makers in a variety of other fields. Food availability issues
require a serious and well-planned.
Based on the background that has been described above, the main
problem of this research is how the perception of the population food security in
the form of islands of Simeulue and food security strategies that can be used to
support the government Simeulue food security. This study aims to determine the
perceptions of residents on food security and a general overview of food security
Simeulue and know what strategies are in use to support the Government of
Simeulue District Food Security.
The method used was a survey method with linkert scale with a sample of
100 respondents. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling.
While the SWOT analysis and the determination of strategies using qualitative
methods in depth interviews with local officials in Simeulue. Triangulation of data
is done through a perception survey results, statistical results from Statistics
Simeulue, and the results of in-dept interviews.
Simeulue respondents have the perception that in the aspect of food
availability, rice production in Simeulue is not sufficient for the population. This
has implications on Simeulue dependent on rice production in Sumatra mainland
to meet the needs of penduduk.permasalahan about food affordability aspect lies
in transportation issues. Most residents of Simeulue perceived that food is difficult
to reach because of transportation problems. Residents also have trouble buying
food when prices rise due to transportation problems. Infrastructure conditions
are generally not supportive of Simeulue food distribution subsystem
performance. In terms of food consumption, the population of the view that
diversification or diversity of food is still lacking. This can be seen from the
dining choice of respondents. The majority of respondents do not always choose
the intake of protein. Rice is the main source of carbohydrates.
The development strategy of food security Simeulue is diversification
strategy, by maximizing the power to deal with threats that may arise, namely: a)
implement the revitalization of agriculture fisheries, forestry and land resource
potential that exists in order to alleviate poverty; b) realize coordination,
advocacy and dissemination of food security in order to overcome the problem of
population, poverty, production facilities, nutrition and health issues. Operational
food security policy recommendations are: a) The development of marine
transportation, b) development of human resources, c) development of agriculture
infrastructure, d) the development of food processing technology, e) the
competence of local officials, f) development barns]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mario Fernandes
"Peran strategis Ketahanan pangan dalam pembangunan negara menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan hasil empiris dari riset terdahulu Hal ini berimplikasi terhadap belum jelasnya posisi ketahanan pangan dalam pembangunan dan ekonomi suatu negara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model terbaik yang menjelaskan pengaruh ketahanan pangan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kemiskinan dan sebaliknya sehingga diketahui posisi ketahanan pangan dalam pembangunan dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis jalur dan regresi data panel terhadap 83 negara dari tahun 2012 s.d 2019. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap tiga model yang menjelaskan posisi ketahanan pangan yaitu: sebagai variabel independen, intervening dan dependen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi terbaik ketahanan pangan dalam pembangunan dan ekonomi adalah sebagai variabel intervening. Model ini menunjukkan bahwa secara langsung dan tidak langsung kemiskinan dan pertumbuhan populasi penduduk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Ketahanan pangan yang diperkuat dengan status sebagai negara maju memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara langsung terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Strategi kebijakan untuk mencapai pembangunan dan ekonomi adalah menurunkan tingkat kemiskinan, menurunkan pertumbuhan populasi penduduk dan meningkatkan ketahanan pangan. Langkah strategis dalam mencapai ketahanan pangan nasional untuk mendukung pembangunan adalah meningkatkan ketersediaan, keterjangkauan, kualitas dan keamanan pangan serta menjaga ketahanan sumber daya secara berkelanjutan.

The strategic role of food security in the country's development shows that there are differences in the results of empirical research by previous studies. This has implications for the unclear position of food security in the country's development and economy. This study aims to analyze the best model that explains the effect of food security on economic growth and poverty and vice versa so that the position of food security is known in development and the economy. This study uses path analysis and panel data regression methods for 83 countries from 2012 to 2019. The study was conducted on three models that explain the position of food security, namely: as an independent variable, intervening, and dependent. The results showed that the best position of food security in development and the economy was as an intervening. This model shows that directly and indirectly poverty and population growth have a significant effect on economic growth. Food security which is strengthened by its status as a developed country has a direct significant influence on economic growth. The policy strategy to achieve development and the economy is to reduce poverty, reduce population growth and increase food security. Strategic steps in achieving national food security to support development are to increase the availability, affordability, quality and safety of food and to maintain resource security in a sustainable manner."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamam Mas`Adi
"Tesis ini membahas tentang strategi pengembangan pangan lokal berbasis ubi kayu dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Batang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi pengembangan pangan lokal ubi kayu dan mencari alternatif strategi pengembangan pangan lokal ubi kayu dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Batang. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Treaths). Analisis deskriptif dilakukan dengan memaparkan potensi pengembangan ubi kayu dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Batang. Sementara Analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk mencari alternatif strategi pengembangan pangan lokal berbasis ubi kayu dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Batang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan ubi kayu di Kabupaten Batang selama tahun 2008-2012 mengalami tingkat penurunan luas panen sebesar -9,21% dan produksi sebesar -18,31%, tetapi potensi pengembangan ubi kayu masih mampu untuk dikembangkan lebih baik lagi. Berdasarkan analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa faktor kekuatan bernilai 2,20 dan faktor peluang bernilai 1,95, sehingga Grand Strategy berada di Kuadran I. Kuadran I berarti strategi SO (Strategi Agresif), yaitu strategi menggunakan seluruh kekuatan dan memanfaatkan peluang sebesar-besarnya. Selanjutnya urutan prioritas strategi terpilih adalah: (1) pengembangan kapasitas produksi ubi kayu, (2) pengembangan mutu dan keragaman pangan ubi kayu, (3) peningkatan citra pangan tradisional ubi kayu, (4) peningkatan keberdayaan dan partisipasi masyarakat.

This thesis discusses the development strategic for local food based on cassava to support of food security in Batang District. This studies aim to determine for development potential and seek development strategies alternative of local food based on cassava in support of food security in Batang. The method was used quantitative descriptive, approached by SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities Treaths) analysis. Descriptive analysis describe development potential of cassava to support of food security in Batang District. While the SWOT analysis was used to find alternative strategies local food based on cassava to support of food security in Batang District.
The results showed that the development of cassava in Batang District during 2008-2012 has decreased harvested area was -9.21% and production was - 18.31%, but potential for cassava development is still able to be developed better. Based on the SWOT analysis shows that the Strengths factor was 2.20 and Opportunities factor was 1.95, so the Grand Strategy was in Quadrant I. Quadrant I means SO strategy (Aggressive Strategy), its strategy uses all the Strenghts and take Opportunities as large possible. Furthermore, the order of priority for selected strategies are: (1) development of cassava production capacity, (2) development of food quality and diversity of cassava, (3) image enhancing of cassava traditional food, (4) increasing the empowerment and participation.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astatia Damaiska
"Pemberdayaan Organisasi Kepemudaan yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga RI masih ditenggarai beberapa permasalahan padahal hal tersebut berperan penting terhadap pembangunan kepemudaan nasional. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pemberdayaan Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional pasca terbitnya Undang-Undang Kepemudaan Tahun 2009. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data Mixed Method.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan belum berhasil dan membutuhkan peninjauan kembali terkait peraturan Undang-Undang Kepemudaan. Hal ini disebabkan sosialisasi peraturan yang belum merata dan tingginya penolakan peraturan pembatasan usia pemuda; rendahnya koordinasi kemitraan strategis; minimnya ikatan yang terjalin antara Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional dengan Kemenpora; serta bantuan dana untuk program kerja Organisasi Kepemudaan nasional yang dianggap masih belum memadai.

of Youth Organisation that conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports is still suspected some problems though have important role against the national youth development. The focus of this research is the empowerment of national Youth Organisations after the publication of the Youth Law in year 2009. This study used a qualitative approach with a mixed methods of data retrieval.
These results indicate that empowerment has not been successful and requires a review of the Youth law. This is due to socialization Youth Act that has not been spreaded evenly and high rejection of regulatory restrictions on the age of youth; low level of strategic partnership of coordination; lack of bond exists between the National Youth Organization with the Ministry of Youth and Sports; and funding for the program of national youth organizations that were deemed to be inadequate.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian evaluasi atas program kader kewirausahaan pemuda yang dilalrukan oleh Kemenegpora dalam rentang waktu 2006 s/d 2009. Fokus kajiannya diarahkan pada menganalisa problem-problem yang menghambat pencapaian target tahimya kader kewirausahaan pemuda dan bagaimana strategi ke depan dalam pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan Pemuda di Kementerian XYZ.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode evaluasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian kaelitatif cenderung betsifilt deskristif, Natraalistik dan berbubungan dengan sifat data yang murni kualitatif. Dengan harapan agar dapat mengungkap fokus yang ingin diteliti.
Penulis menggunakan beberepa metode yang dapat dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mengumpu!kan data. Metode yang digunakan digunakan adalah: metode studi kasus wawancara, evaluasi dan kajian kepustakaan. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri deri 16 orang meliputi 4 orang deri Kementerian XYZ , 4 orang deri Stakeholder, 4 orang deri peserta pelatihan serta 4 orang deri peserta Iomba wirausaha pemuda berprestasi.
Dari analisis terhadap fakta yang ada, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1. Programprogram pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan secara kuantitas dan kualitas belum efektif karena kader-kader yang dihasilkan belum mempunyal karakter yang kokoh sebagai wirausahawan. 2. Stntegi kentitraan oleh Kementerian XYZ dalam pemberdayaan kader kewirausahaan merupakan strategi yang tepat dalam rangka mengatasi kelemahan dan menangkap peluang yang ada, namun strategi kentitnan ini belum sepenuhnya berbasil mengingat belum bersifat kontinu sehingga tidak menyentuh makna dari pernberdayaan itu sendiri.

This research focused on the study of the evaluation on the cadre's program of youth entrepreneurship that was carried out by Kemenegpora in time extension 2006 sld 2009. The focus of his study was aimed in analytic problems that hindered the achievement of the birth target of the cadre of youth entrepreneurship and bow the program management in the future in printing the cadre of youth entrepreneurship in the Ministry of the Young Man and sport.
The research method that was used in this research was the evaluation method with the qualitative approach. In the quantitative research tended was descriptive, Naturalistic and was connected with the characteristics of the pure data qualitative, In the hope that could express the focus that wanted to be researched.
The writer used several methods that could be made the implement to gather the data. The method that was used was used was: the case study method, the interview, the evaluation and the study of the bibliography. The informant in this research consisted of 16 people covered 4 people from the XYZ Ministry, 4 people from Stakeholder, 4 people from participants in the training as well as 4 people from participants in the high-achieving race of the youth businessman.
From the analysis towards the available fact, could be concluded that: L Empowerment programs of the cadre of entrepreneurship in a manner the quantity and the quality were not yet effective because cadres who were produced did not yet have the character that was find as wirausahawan. 2. The partnership strategy by the XYZ Ministry in empowerment of the cadre of entrepreneurship was the strategy that was exact in order to overcome the weakness and comprehend the available opportunity, but this partnership strategy fully was not yet successful considering was not yet continuous so as to not touch the meaning from the empowerment personally.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zerlina Roihana Suryaningrum
"Isu pemberdayaan pemuda (youth empowerment) tengah naik karena adanya agenda SDGs yang diterapkan oleh PBB serta kondisi di Indonesia. Seluruh elemen masyarakat, termasuk komunitas mengambil peran untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan pemuda di berbagai sektor melalui agenda yang dijalankan. Rumah Millennials, salah satu komunitas pemberdayaan pemuda yang dipilih sebagai kasus yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bagaimana strategi community engagement yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Millennials. Konsep yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah komunitas, community engagement, dan youth empowerment. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dokumentasi yang diunggah pada media sosial Instagram dan situs web. Selain itu, peneliti juga berperan sebagai participant as observer untuk dapat mengenal nilai dan karakteristik interaksi yang implisit di dalamnya. Strategi community engagement yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Millennials adalah melibatkan anggota dalam program komunitas, berkomunikasi secara daring dan luring, serta mengunggah apresiasi untuk anggota. Selain itu, ditemukan bahwa pemimpin memiliki peran penting untuk menjalankan strategi community engagement tersebut.

The issue of youth empowerment is gaining prominence due to the implementation of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the prevailing conditions in Indonesia. All elements of society, including communities, are taking on a role in enhancing youth empowerment across various sectors through actively pursued agendas. Rumah Millennials, chosen as a case study in this research, is one such community actively involved in youth empowerment. The aim of this study is to describe the strategies of community engagement employed by Rumah Millennials. The concepts discussed in this research are community, community engagement, and youth empowerment. The methodology involves documentary observation through content uploaded on Instagram and the community's website. Additionally, the researcher also plays a role as a participant-as-observer to gain insights into the implicit values and characteristics of interactions within the community. The identified community engagement strategies implemented by Rumah Millennials include involving members in community programs, fostering online and offline communication, and expressing appreciation through various means, such as uploading on social media. Furthermore, the research reveals the significant role of leaders in executing these community engagement strategies."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gerry Danistyo
"Isu terkait ketahanan pangan masih menjadi isu yang strategis di Kabupaten Belu mengingat kabupaten ini masih memiliki kerentanan terhadap kerawanan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganilisis faktor internal dan eksternal yang memengaruhi ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Belu, lalu merumuskan alternatif strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam rangka meningkatkan ketahanan pangan di Kabupaten Belu dengan menggunakan metode SWOT. Alternatif strategi tersebut adalah: (1) peningkatan kerjasama antara pemerintah dan LSM; (2) pengembangan infrastruktur dan sarana prasarana pertanian; (3) penguatan sistem cadangan pangan; (4) optimalisasi pemanfaatan pangan lokal; (5) peningkatan koordinasi lintas sektor yang terkait ketahanan pangan; dan (6) revitalisasi peran penyuluh pertanian.

Food Security still become a strategic issue at Belu District since this area still have vulnerability to food insecurity. This thesis have purposes to analyze internal and external factors that affect food security at Belu District, and also to formulate alternative strategies could be used for developing food security level with SWOT methods. The alternative strategies are: (1) increasing cooperation between government and NGOs; (2) developing infrastructures and agriculture facilities; (3) strengthening food reserves system; (4) optimizing local food utilizations; (5) increasing coordination within government sectors that related to food security; dan (6) Revitalizing the role of agricultural instructors."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Y. Wahyu Widiasmoro
"Tesis ini membahas Strategi Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Masyarakat Gunungkidul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dimana masih terdapat 38 desa yang termasuk dalam kategori rawan pangan. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kerawanan pangan desa yang termasuk dalam kategori rawan pangan dan merumuskan sebuah strategi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan masyarakat Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan metode SWOT (Strenght Weakness Opportunities Threats). Strategi yang tepat untuk peningkatan ketahanan pangan adalah Strategi ST (Strenght Threats), yaitu strategi yang menggunakan seluruh kekuatan yang dimiliki untuk mengatasi segala macam ancaman. Hasil analisis SWOT tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa perlu merumuskan strategi baru.

The focus of this study is the improvement Food Security Strategy at Gunungkidul Society, Yogyakarta Province, where there are 38 villages which is categorized of food insecurity. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of food insecurity among villages included in the category of food insecurity and to formulate a strategy to improve food security at Gunungkidul society. This study uses descriptive quantitative data analysis using the SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats). The best strategy to increase food security is ST strategy (Strength Threats), ST strategy uses all the strength to overcome all kinds of threats. SWOT analysis shows that it is necessary to formulate a new strategy,"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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