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Schabas, William, 1950-
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012
345.0235 SCH u
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boas, Gideon
Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
345.052 BOA i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rohan, Colleen
"This examination of the role of the defense in international criminal proceedings highlights its contribution to the development of international criminal law and the fair administration of international criminal justice. Written by leading international practitioners and scholars, it combines the practice and theory of international criminal law in order to provide a first-hand perspective on the significant challenges involved in the administration of international criminal justice. The authors examine, among other issues, the role of the defense during the different stages of international criminal proceedings, the key aspects of defense work which seek to ensure the accused's right to a fair trial, professional ethics, the United Nations Residual Mechanism for International Tribunals, and post-conviction remedies and issues relating to those serving prison sentences."
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hikmatu Shalihah
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaruh dari Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014 terhadap penuntutan kejahatan seksual yang diadili di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional. Dalam penelitian ini juga akan dibahas secara kronologis terkait pengaturan dan penuntutan kejahatan seksual di pengadilan- pengadilan sebelum Mahkamah Pidana Internasional untuk melihat signifikansi dari setiap pengadilan dalam penuntutan kejahatan seksual. Kejahatan seksual pada International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and Tokyo (IMT dan IMTFE) pada masa Perang Dunia II belum dianggap sebagai kejahatan yang terpisah dan hanya sebagai bagian dari “mass atrocities”. Perkembangan dan pengaturan juga kejahatan seksual dapat dilihat pada pengadilan pidana internasional yang dibentuk oleh Dewan Keamanan PBB yaitu ICTY, ICTR dan SCSL. Dengan berkembangnya pengaturan kejahatan seksual dalam pengadilan-pengadilan ini maka keberhasilan Penuntut Umum dalam membuktikan kejahatan seksual telah menghasilkan landmark cases seperti putusan Prosecutor v. Tadic yang merupakan keberhasilan pertama oleh Penuntut Umum dalam membuktikan kejahatan seksual. Namun, tidak ada kejahatan seksual yang berhasil dituntut di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional sebelum diterbitkannya Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014. Kasus pertama yang berhasil membuktikan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan berupa kejahatan seksual adalah kasus Prosecutor v. Bemba setelah diterbitkan Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014. Maka dari itu, penulis bertujuan untuk menjelaskan faktor- faktor dari ketidakberhasilan penuntutan kejahatan seksual di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional melalui kasus-kasus dan pengaruh Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014 sebagai pedoman Penuntut Umum terhadap penuntutan kejahatan seksual di Mahkamah Pidana Internasional.

This thesis discusses the implementation of the Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes 2014 on the prosecution of sexual crimes tried at the International Criminal Court. This study will also discuss chronologically regarding the regulation and prosecution of sexual crimes in courts before the International Criminal Court to see the significance of each court in prosecuting sexual crimes. Sexual crimes at the International Military Tribunal of Nuremberg and Tokyo (IMT and IMTFE) during World War II were not considered separate crimes and only as part of "mass atrocities". The development and regulation of sexual crimes can be seen in the international criminal courts established by the UN Security Council, namely ICTY, ICTR and SCSL. With the development of the regulation of sexual crimes in these courts, the success of the Public Prosecutor in proving sexual crimes has resulted in landmark cases such as the decision of Prosecutor v. Tadic which is the first success by the Public Prosecutor in proving a sexual crime. However, no sexual crimes were successfully prosecuted in the International Criminal Court prior to the publication of the 2014 Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes. The first case that succeeded in proving crimes against humanity in the form of sexual crimes was the case of Prosecutor v. Bemba after the publication of the Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes 2014. Therefore, the author aims to explain the factors of the unsuccessful prosecution of sexual crimes at the International Criminal Court through cases and the influence of the 2014 Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender Based Crimes as the Public Prosecutor guide for the prosecution of sexual crimes at the International Criminal Court."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denissa Faradyta
"The primary purpose of this book is to set out the law governing the detention of persons detained under the tribunals? jurisdiction. The book provides a detailed account of this area of international criminal law. It sets out the applicable law, including the law?s underlying principles, and focuses on a number of specific procedural and substantive legal issues. As to procedural issues, it examines the available complaints and disciplinary procedures as well as procedures applicable to the designation of States for the enforcement of the tribunals? sentences. In respect of substantive law, it examines the detainees? right to contact with the outside world, including contact with their relatives, with their lawyers and with the media. "
The Hague, The Netherlands: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sellars, Kirsten
A legal and historical analysis of the first modern attempts to prosecute national leaders for embarking upon aggressive war"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ©2013
341.62 SEL c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Verseveld, Annemieke van
"This book investigates when 'mistake of law' should be a reason to exculpate the perpetrator of an international crime. It demonstrates that the issue of 'mistake of law' goes to the heart of individual criminal responsibility and therewith contributes to the development of a more systematic approach toward the structure of international offences. "
The Hague, Netherlands : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""By offering both a comprehensive update and new material reflecting the continuing development of the subject, this continues to be the leading textbook on international criminal law. Its experienced author team draws on its combined expertise as teachers, scholars and practitioners to offer an authoritative survey of the field. The third edition contains new material on the theory of international criminal law, the practice of international criminal tribunals, the developing case law on principles of liability and procedures and new practice on immunities. It offers valuable supporting online materials such as case studies, worked examples and study guides. Retaining its comprehensive coverage, clarity and critical analysis, it remains essential reading for all in the field"--
"The international criminal courts and tribunals which deal with perpetrators of atrocities are an established part of the effort to bring an end to impunity for international crimes. This leading textbook gives an authoritative account of international criminal law, and focuses on what the student needs to know - the crimes that are dealt with by international courts and tribunals as well as the procedures that govern the investigation and prosecution of those crimes. The reader is guided through controversies with an accessible, yet sophisticated, approach. The four authors have rich experience as lawyers in this field, as teachers of the subject, and as negotiators at the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The book covers new developments in the case law and the practice and is essential reading for students and teachers of international criminal law and international relations. It is supplemented by a package of online resources (www.cambridge.org/​law/​cryer), which offers convenient access to primary sources, excerpts for supplementary reading, problems and questions for reflection and discussion, and materials for exercises and simulations. Robert Cryer is Professor of International and Criminal Law at the University of Birmingham. Hn Friman is is an Associate Judge of Appeals in Sweden and Deputy Director of the Division of Criminal Law at the Swedish Ministry of Justice. He is Visiting Professor at University College London. Darryl Robinson is a professor at Queen's University, Faculty of Law, Kingston, Canada. Elizabeth Wilmshurst is a senior fellow in international law at Chatham House and Visiting Professor at University College London"--"
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016
345 INT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Suciati
Keberadaan Pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia menjadi sebuah harapan baru bagi para korban dan keluarganya yang tengah menanti keadilan atas kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang terjadi di masa lalu. Akan tetapi, sejauh ini pengadilan ini dinilai kurang memberikan kepuasan atau bahkan gagal dalam memenuhi tututan keadilan. Di sisi lain, munculnya hybrid courts dalam tatanan hukum pidana internasional diharapkan mampu mengakhiri praktek impunitas dan menjadi alternatif baru ketika negara dianggap tidak mau atau tidak mampu unwilling or unable menyelesaikan kasus-kasus kejahatan internasional yang terjadi di wilayahnya. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai komparasi mekanisme pendirian pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia dan hybrid courts didirikan, yang mana sama-sama merupakan pengadilan ad hoc untuk kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM masa lalu. Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan sumber data sekunder berupa studi kepustakaan melalui buku-buku dan jurnal ilmiah, serta menggunakan sumber bahan hukum primer berupa peraturan perundang-undangan dan instrumen-instrumen hukum internasional. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pendirian Pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia, terdapat unsur campur tangan DPR sebagai lembaga politik yang banyak memunculkan perdebatan tentang kewenangan DPR yang seolah-olah turut menentukan ada atau tidaknya pelanggaran HAM dalam suatu kasus. Di sisi lain, hybrid courts memiliki model-model tertentu dalam pendiriannya yang tak lepas dari campur tangan organisasi internasional. Akan tetapi, bagaimanapun model maupun mekanisme dalam pembentukan suatu pengadilan untuk kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM, diperlukanlah kehendak dan kerjasama dari negara yang bersangkutan. Bagi Indonesia pun, segala kekurangan dalam mekanisme pendirian Pengadilan HAM ad hoc tersebut bukanlah suatu penghalang dan seharusnya menjadi dorongan kuat bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk mengembangkan mekanisme dan memperbaiki loopholes dalam instrumen hukum yang telah ada, sehingga Indonesia mampu menjadi negara berdaulat yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan penegakan HAM dalam negerinya.

The existence of ad hoc human rights court in Indonesia granted a new expectation for the victims and the families who are still hoping for justice upon gross violation of human rights happened in the past. So far, the court is considered to give less satisfactory or even it is considered failed in fulfilling the demands of justice. On the other hand, hybrid courts emerged in the order of transitional justice with a high expectation to eradicate impunity and such a new alternative when a state is considered to be unwilling or unable to bring the perpetrator of international crimes to justice. This thesis analyzes the comparison on the establishment of an ad hoc human rights court in Indonesia and hybrid courts. The research conducted in this thesis is using a juridical normative approach with secondary data in the form of literature study books and journals , and primary legal materials in the form national regulations and international legal instruments. The results of the analysis showed that in the process of establishing an ad hoc Human Rights Court in Indonesia, there is an element of interference from the House of Representatives DPR as a political institution that raises the debate about the authority of the House of Representatives DPR which seems to contribute in determining whether or not human rights violations committed in a case. On the other hand, hybrid courts have certain models in its establishment that cannot be separated from the interference of international organizations. However, regardless of the model or mechanism in the establishment of a court for cases of human rights violations, the will and cooperation of the concerned state are extremely required. For Indonesia, any shortcomings in the mechanism of the establishment of the ad hoc Human Rights Court shall not be a barrier and must be a strong impetus for decisions makers to develop mechanisms and fix the loopholes in the existing legal instruments, thus Indonesia can become a sovereign state that can solve its own enforcement human rights issues."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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