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Riki Tenggara
"Latar belakang: Pasien dengan HBK yang mendapat terapi antivirus perlu mendapat pemantauan secara teratur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan derajat kekakuan hati dengan transient elastography (TE) dan APRI sebelum dan setelah menjalani terapi minimal 1 tahun pada pasien Hepatitis B kronik dan korelasi antara TE dan APRI.
Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi before-and-after treatment dengan melihat perubahan nilai derajat kekakuan hati dan APRI antara sebelum dan sesudah terapi. Pasien hepatitis B kronik yang pernah menjalani pemeriksaan TE dan APRI awal dan menjalani terapi antivirus setelah satu tahun dilakukan pemeriksaan TE ulang dan APRI ulang.
Hasil penelitian: Data dari 41 pasien ini didapatkan hasil median derajat kekakuan hati awal adalah 10,8 kPA dan setelah terapi satu tahun terdapat penurunan menjadi 5,9 kPa dan penurunan derajat kekakuan hati ini bermakna dengan p < 0,001. Median APRI awal adalah 1,13 dan setelah terapi antivirus terdapat penurunan menjadi 0,43 dan penurunan ini bermakna dengan p < 0,001.Dari nilai transient elastography dan APRI didapatkan koefisien korelasi pra-terapi dengan r =0,399 dan setelah terapi antivirus koefisien korelasi r = 0,731.
Simpulan: Derajat kekakuan hati yang diukur dengan transient elastography dan APRI turun secara bermakna setelah terapi antivirus satu tahun pada pasien hepatitis B kronik. Nilai Transient elastography dan APRI mempunyai korelasi moderat sebelum terapi dan korelasi yang kuat setelah terapi satu tahun.

Aim: This study was intended to know the changes of the liver stiffness by transient elastography (TE) and APRI before and after treament at least one year in HBV patients for monitoring the treatment result and correlation between TE and APRI.
Methods: Data were collected from 41 HBV patients with and by using before-and-after treatment method to assess the changes of the liver stiffness and APRI after one year of treatment.The patients were perfomed TE and APRI before and after one year of treatment. The patients were excluded if had infection of HCV or HIV, failure of the procedure, the worsening of hepatitis like acute excacerbation and HCC.
Results: The median liver stiffness measured by TE was significanly decreased from 10,8 kPA to 5,9 kPa after one year of antiviral treatment with p < 0,001. The median value of APRI before treatment was 1,13 and decreased significantly after treatment to 0.43 and with p < 0,001. The correlation between liver stiffness and APRI before treatment were moderate with r = 0,399 and after treatment the correlation were stronger with r = 0,731.
Conclusion: The liver stiffness that measured with transient elastography and APRI significantly decrease after one year of antiviral treatment in chronic HBV patients. There was a moderate correlation between TE and APRI before treatment and strong correlation after one year of treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Rachmawarni Bachtiar
"Latar Belakang: Fibrosis hati telah menjadi masalah kesehatan global dengan angka mortalitas 800 ribu kematian tahun 2004. Hepatitis kronis yang disebabkan oleh hepatitis C memerlukan perhatian khusus karena secara patogenesis sebelum berkembang menjadi hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) akan melalui fase fibrosis hati. Baku emas diagnosis fibrosis hati adalah melalui biopsi hati, tetapi terdapat banyak keterbatasan antara lain kesediaan fasilitas dan efek samping. Pemeriksaan non-invasif saat ini menjadi pilihan untuk deteksi fibrosis.
Tujuan: untuk mengetahui akurasi pemeriksaan non-invasif (FibroScan, skor APRI, dan FIB-4) dalam mendeteksi fibrosis hati. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji diagnostik dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari rekam medis pasien yang dilakukan biopsi hati di RSPUN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dari Januari 2008 hingga Desember 2014.
Hasil: Dari 120 orang yang menjalani biopsi hati, 56 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria seleksi. Akurasi APRI, FIB-4, dan FibroScan adalah sebagai berikut, AUC 0,692 (IK95%, 0,381-1,000), AUC 0,567 (IK95%, 0,253-0,882), dan AUC 0,712 (IK 95%, 0,398-1,000). Berdasarkan hasil analisis berjenjang, akurasi diagnostik kombinasi pemeriksaan APRI dan FibroScan, FibroScan dan FIB-4, APRI dan FIB-4, dan kombinasi ketiganya adalah sebagai berikut AUC 0,702 (IK95%, 0,375-1,000), AUC 0,798 (IK95%, 0,533-1,000), AUC 0,774 (IK95%, 0,513- 1,000), dan 0,798 (IK 95%, 0,533-1,000).
Kesimpulan: FibroScan memiliki akurasi terbaik dibandingkan APRI dan FIB4 dalam mendeteksi fibrosis hati. Akurasi dengan kombinasi APRI, FIB-4, dan FibroScan meningkat jika dibandingkan dengan pemeriksaan tunggal untuk mendeteksi fibrosis hati pada pasien hepatitis C.

Background: Liver fibrosis has become a global health problems with the 800 thousand mortality death in 2004. Chronic hepatitis caused by hepatitis c need special attention because before it develops into Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) going through the liver fibrosis. Gold standard of liver fibrosis is liver biopsy, but there are many limitations, such as facilities and side effects. Non-invasive diagnostic tools are the option for the detection fibrosis.
Aim: To know the accuracy of the noninvasive diagnostic tools (FibroScan, the APRI score, FIB-4 score) in detecting liver fibrosis . Methods: This is diagnostic research which used secondary data from medical patient doing liver biopsy conducted in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo in January 2008 to December 2014.
Results: There are 120 patients who underwent liver biopsy and 56 patients who fulfill selection criteria. The accuracy of APRI score, FIB-4, and FibroScan are AUC 0,692 (IK95%, 0,381-1,000), AUC 0,567 (IK95%, 0,253-0,882), and AUC 0,712 (IK95%, 0,398-1,000). Based on the multivariate analysis , accuracy of diagnostic combination FibroScan and APRI , FIB-4 and FibroScan , and FIB-4 and APRI, and combination of the three are as follows AUC 0,702 (IK95% , 0,375-1,000 ), AUC 0,798 (IK95%, 0,533-1,000), AUC 0,774 (IK95%, 0,513- 1,000), and 0,798 ( IK95% , 0,533-1,000 ).
Conclusion: FibroScan has the highest diagnostic accuracy compared with APRI and FIB4 in detecting liver fibrosis. Accuracy of combination APRI, FIB-4, and FibroScan increase compared with the single diagnostic tools for liver fibrosis detection in hepatitis C patient.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ignatius R. Tenggara
"Background: Hepatitis B is endemic in Indonesia and treatment response need to be monitored during and after antiviral therapy. Liver stiffness measurement and alanine aminotransferase to platelet ratio index (APRI) are noninvasive method to detect liver fibrosis available in Indonesia. However, little is known about their ability to evaluate treatment response in chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients in Indonesia. This study aimed to investigate liver stiffness changes by transient elastography (TE) and APRI before and after one year oral antiviral treatment in CHB patients and the correlation between TE and APRI.
Methods: this study was retrospective cohort on CHB patients in CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta who uderwent treatment between January 2012 and December 2014. Patients received oral antiviral treatment with newer nucleoside analogues (entecavir or telbivudine) for at least one year. TE and APRI were obtained before and after treatment. TE and APRI reductions were analyzed statistically with Spearmans test.
Results: a total of 41 patients were enrolled in this study. Median liver stiffness value was significantly reduced from 10.8 to 5.9 kPa after oral antiviral treatment (p<0.001, Wilcoxons test). Median APRI was also significantly reduced from 1.13 to 0.43 after treatment (p<0.001, Wilcoxons test). The correlation between liver stiffness and APRI before treatment was weak (r=0.40), but it was strong after treatment (r=0.73).
Conclusion: the liver stiffness measured with transient elastography and APRI significantly decreased after one year of antiviral treatment in chronic HBV patients. There was a significant correlation between TE and APRI after one year of treatment."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2017
616 UI-IJIM 49:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budiman Sudjatmika S.
"Latar Belakang dan Tujuan : Penelitian sebelumnya di Hepatologi RSCM menyatakan petanda serum infeksi VHB tidak sepenuhnya menggambarkan aktivitas intrahepatik karena tidak terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara cccDNA dan pgRNA dengan petanda infeksi serum VHB. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan kelanjutan pemeriksaan petanda serum yang berkorelasi kuat dengan aktivitas virus intrahepatik, sehingga pemeriksaan HBsAg kuantitatif serum diharapkan dapat menjadi pemeriksaan alternatif yang mencerminkan aktifitas virus intrahepatik.
Metode Penelitian : Metode yang digunakan adalah retrospektif kohort dengan jumlah sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 26 sampel. Data pendukung lainnya merupakan data sekunder dari penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan di Divisi Hepatologi RSCM, Jakarta. Pemeriksaan jumlah partikel HBsAg intrahepatik dilakukan terhadap hasil biopsi sebelum dan sesudah terapi. Pengambilan data jumlah partikel HBsAg intrahepatik dimulai dari bulan November 2012 hingga November 2013.
Hasil Penelitian : Dari 26 pasien yang dilibatkan dalam studi ini; 17 pasien (67,4%) di antaranya adalah perempuan. Rerata usia adalah 40 + 11,4 tahun dengan rentang antara 23 sampai 70 tahun. Hasil terapi menunjukkan tidak ada penurunan jumlah partikel HBsAg intrahepatik. Namun, ada penurunan terhadap kadar HBsAg kuantitatif serum sesudah pemberian antivirus oral.
Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat korelasi antara jumlah partikel HBsAg intrahepatik dan kadar HBsAg kuantitatif serum. Terapi nukleosida analog tidak dapat menurunkan jumlah partikel HBsAg Intrahepatik.

Background and Aims : Previous research on serum markers of HBV infection conducted at Hepatology Division of RSCM did not fully describe intrahepatic activities because there was no strong correlation of cccDNA and pgRNA with serum markers of HBV infection. Therefore, more research was necessary to prove whether there is a correlation between continuous examination of serum markers and intrahepatic viral activity, so that the examination of quantitative serum HBsAg can be scientifically established as an alternative examination that reflects the activity of intrahepatic virus.
Methods : This study applied retrospective cohort method using samples taken from as much as 26 patients. To support this study, secondary data were obtained from previous studies conducted at Hepatology Division of RSCM, Jakarta. Examination of the number of intrahepatic HBsAg particles was carried out on biopsy samples, before and after therapy. Data retrieval was conducted from November 2012 to November 2013.
Results : Of the 26 patients participating in this study, 17 (67,4%) were women. Their mean age was 40 + 11.4 years ranging from 23 to 70 years. The results of the therapy showed that there was no decrease in the number of intrahepatic HBsAg particles. However, there was a decline in the quantitative serum HBsAg level after the administration of oral antiviral medication.
Conclusion : There is no correlation between the number of intrahepatic HBsAg particles and quantitative serum HBsAg level. In other words, nucleoside analog therapy does not reduce the amount of intrahepatic HBsAg particles.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"With a focus on practical patient related issues, Autoimmune hepatitis : a guide for practicing clinicians serves as a useful practical, and much needed, resource for all those physicians presented with managing patients diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, both acutely and over the long term. It provides a basis for clinicians to understand the etiology of the disease, as well as special circumstances where management dilemmas often arise. Emphasis is given to providing management advice of immediate use to clinicians, something not presently offered by other larger general texts. The chapters are written by those with an expertise and training in this field and include the most up to date information. The book will be of great value to Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, and Internists at all levels who see patients presenting with autoimmune hepatitis."
New York: Springer Science , 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felix Firyanto Widjaja
"Latar Belakang: Hubungan antara hepatitis C dan penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) sudah semakin jelas. Sirosis hati dan kadar virus pada hepatitis C dikatakan berhubungan dengan PGK, namun hal ini masih menjadi kontroversi.
Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi PGK serta hubungannya dengan sirosis hati dan kadar virus pada pasien hepatitis C.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong-lintang yang dilakukan pada Agustus 2018 sampai Januari 2019 di Poliklinik Hepatologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta, Indonesia. Subjek dipilih secara konsekutif pasien dengan antiHCV positif dan ditanyakan kesediannya. Subjek dengan HIV, hepatitis B, riwayat hemodialisis, dan batu ginjal dieksklusi. Data diambil melalui anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, elastrografi transien, pemeriksaan darah dan urin. Pasien didiagnosis PGK bila terdapat kelainan laju filtrasi glomerolus at au albuminuria atau hematuria persisten selama tiga bulan. Analisis statistik menggunakan kai kuadrat untuk data kategorik dan menggunakan regresi logistik untuk mengendalikan variabel perancu.
Hasil: Dari total 185 subjek yang mengikuti penelitian ini didapatkan prevalensi PGK sebesar 23,2% dengan 95% IK 17,12-29,28% pada subjek dengan hepatitis C. Sirosis hati berhubungan dengan terjadinya PGK pada hepatitis C dengan crude OR 2,786 (1,276-6,081) dan adjusted OR 2,436 (1,057-5,614) setelah mcngendalikan diabetes melitus, usia, dan jenis kelamin. Tidak didapatkan hubungan antara kadar virus dengan PGK (p=0,632).
Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara sirosis hati dengan PGK dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara kadar virus dengan PGK pada pasien dengan hepatitis C."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shiffman, Mitchell L., editor
"Chronic hepatitis C virus : lessons from the past, promise for the future documents the monumental advances that have been made in our understanding of chronic HCV during the past decade. The first section reviews the natural history of chronic HCV, how this virus can affect other organs in addition to the liver, and whether treating chronic HCV alters the natural history of this disease. Section 2 reviews the advances that have been made in the treatment of chronic HCV during the past decade with interferon based therapy. Separate chapters on response guided therapy and how to manage the adverse events associated with these medications provide the physician with the concepts required to more effectively treat chronic HCV now and in the future. As the genetics of virologic response have recently been elucidated, a chapter is devoted to helping the clinician understand how genes that modulate disease processes and their treatment are identified and utilized in clinical care. Section 3 deals with the future of HCV treatment and specific inhibitors of HCV. Specific chapters explain how targets for drugs are identified and how drugs are then developed and tested; how mutations of HCV develop and how anti-viral agents will affect this process; the most up to date data regarding the treatment of chronic HCV with peginterferon, ribavirin and anti-viral agents; and the potential to treat chronic HCV with just oral anti-viral agents and without peginterferon and ribavirin in the future. The final section of this book covers issues related to liver transplantation in patients with chronic HCV. Separate chapters review the natural history of chronic HCV in liver transplant recipients and the impact of utilizing HCV positive donors. The volume concludes with chapters that cover the treatment of chronic HCV both prior to and after liver transplantation with potent anti-viral agents. Chronic hepatitis C virus : lessons from the past, promise for the future is a valuable resource for all physicians caring for patients with chronic HCV."
New York: Springer Science, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Soewignjo Soemohardjo
Jakarta : EGC, 1999
616.362 3 SOE h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Nowadays studies have shown that liver fibrosis is a reversible process. Theraupetic target on Hepatic Stellate Cell (HSC) through inhibition of fibrotic signaling transduction is one of the way to treat liver fibrosis (e.g. pentoxifylline)..."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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