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Cicik Pratiwi
"Salah satu usaha pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit adalah melalui kebijakan dimana perusahaan besar wajib membangun kebun untuk petani dalam bentuk Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR). Salah satu bentuk PIR yang telah ada adalah PIR Kredit Koperasi Primer kepada Anggotanya (PIR KKPA), yang merupakan bentuk kemitraan antara perusahaan dan petani plasma dalam melalui koperasi. Namun dilain pihak masih banyak petani yang melakukan usaha perkebunan kelapa sawit secara mandiri.
Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh partisipasi petani dalam program PIR KKPA terhadap tingkat pendapatan usaha tani. Selain itu pengaruh dari beberapa variable social ekonomi lain juga dianalisis antara lain variable produksi, biaya - biaya, partisipasi penyuluhan dan tingkat pendidikan. Dengan mengambil sample sebanyak 40 petani PIR KKPA dan 60 petani Mandiri di Kecamatan Tempilang, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa petani yang berpartisipasi pola PIR KKPA memiliki pendapatan yang lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak. Selain itu variable produksi, biaya pupuk dan partisipasi penyuluhan signifikan mempengaruhi pendapatan usaha tani kelapa sawit.

One of the government's effort in improving the welfare of oil palm farmers is through requiring large companies to establish plantations for farmers in the form of Nucleus Estate Smallholders (NES). One form of NES existing recently is the NES Primary Cooperative Credit to the Members ( NES PCCM ), which is a form of partnership between the company and farmers through the cehycle of cooperative. But there are still many farmers who operate the farm on their own.
This study aims to analyze the effect of farmers participation in the program NES program their farm income. Additionally it also analyzes the effect of several socio-economic variables such as production, cost, training participation and level of education. By taking a sample of 40 NES participant farmers and 60 nonparticipant or independent farmers in District Tempilang, the study found that farmers who participate in NES has a higher income than those who did not participate. Other variables, such us production, cost for fertilizer and training participation are also significant in affecting the income level of the oil palm farms ."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan utama pembangunan perkebunan dengan pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat (PIR) adalah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan petani anggotanya melalui pola intensifikasi yang ditransfer oleh perusahaan inti kepada petani plasma berupa teknologi baru, permodalan serta inovasi dalam manajemen, kelembagaan, pengolahan dan pemasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan pendapatan bersih usaha tani kelapa sawit petani Anggota Perusahaan Inti rakyat (PIR) atau petani plasma dengan petani swadaya yang memiliki karakteristik lahan dan rentang usia tanaman yang sama. Analisis komparasi juga dilakukan pada setiap unsur pendapatan usaha tani seperti produksi, harga, berbagai biaya, dan informasi kualitatif terkait perilaku petani swadaya dan plasma dalam pengelolaan kebunnya.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pendapatan usaha tani petani plasma lebih besar dari pendapatan usaha tani petani swadaya. Jika dilihat dari unsur-unsurnya, perbedaan juga terlihat pada biaya, produksi, dan harga jual. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa perilaku petani terkait pengelolaan kebun berhubungan dengan produksi, yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi tingkat pendapatan usaha tani yang dihasilkan.

The main purpose of plantation development through the scheme of Nucleus Estate Smallholders (NES) is to increase farmers' income through intensification process managed by plantation company to farmers in the form of technology transfer and proving access to capital as well as innovation in management, institutional, processing and marketing. This study aims to analyze and compare the net income of Nucleus Estate Smallholders (NES) participant and non participant farmers with the same land characteristic and age range of the plants. Comparative analysis is also implemented on each element of farm income such as production, price, cost, and qualitative information related to the behavior of farmers in operating and managing of their farm.
This study found that Nucleus Estate Smallholders (NES) participant farmers have higher income than the non participant farmers. The differences is also found on the cost, production, and sale price. This indicates that the different behavior of farmers in operating and managing their farm is related with the production level, which in turn will affect the level of farm income."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schalkwyk, Herman D. van
"This book assesses the institutional, technical and market constraints as well as opportunities for smallholders, notably, emerging farmers in disadvantaged areas such as the former homelands of South Africa. Emerging farmers are previously disadvantaged black people who started or will start their business with the support of special government programs. Public support programs have been developed as part of the Black Economic Empowerment strategy of the South African government. These programs aim to improve the performance of emerging farmers. This requires, first and foremost, upgrading the emerging farmers skills by providing access to knowledge about agricultural and entrepreneurial practices. To become or to remain good farmers they also need access to suitable agricultural land and sufficient water for irrigation and for feeding their cattle. Finally, for emerging farmers to be engaged in viable farming operations, various factors need to be in place such as marketing and service institutions to give credit for agricultural inputs and investments; input markets for farm machinery, farm implements, fertilizers and quality seeds; and accessible output markets for their end products. This book develops a policy framework and potential institutional responses to unlock the relevant markets for smallholders."
Netherlands: [;Wageningen Academic, Wageningen Academic], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octa Fredi
"Isu lingkungan khususnya deforestasi telah menjadi perhatian dunia termasuk Indonesia yang kemudian merespon dengan keluarnya kebijakan moratorium hutan dan gambut di tahun 2011. Kebijakan ini menimbulkan pro dan kontra terkait trade off antara lingkungan dan ekonomi khususnya pada studi kasus sektor kelapa sawit. Penyelamatan lingkungan melalui kebijakan moratorium harus dihadapkan dengan potensi dampak melambatnya kontribusi ekonomi dari kelapa sawit sebagai komditas andalan baik di level regional dan nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak kebijakan moratorium terhadap daerah sentra kelapa sawit, Riau. Analisis penelitian menggunakan metode sistem dinamik selama periode aktual 2008-2016 dan dilanjutkan dalam proyeksi hingga 2026 dengan membandingkan skenario kondisi moratorium, tanpa moratorium dan moratorium berjangka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kebijakan moratorium memberikan dampak positif terhadap perlambatan penurunan luas hutan namun di satu sisi juga memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perlambatan kontribusi ekonomi yang ditandai dengan perlambatan laju ekspansi lahan kelapa sawit, produksi kelapa sawit dan volume ekspor kelapa sawit yang kemudian berujung pada kontirbusi nilai ekspor kelapa sawit baik dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang.

Environmental issues, especially deforestation, have become the world's attention, including Indonesia, which then responded with the release of forest and peat moratorium policies in 2011. This policy raises the pros and cons of trade-offs between the environment and the economy especially on the case study of the palm oil sector. Saving the environment through moratorium policies should be faced with the potential impact of slowing economic contributions from oil palm as a reliable commodity both at regional and national levels. This study aims to analyze the impact of moratorium policy on the area of ​​oil palm center, Riau. The research analysis used dynamic system method during the actual period of 2008-2016 and continued in projection up to 2026 by comparing scenario of moratorium condition, without moratorium and futures moratorium. The results of the research indicate that the moratorium policy has a positive impact on the decline in forest area but on the one hand it also negatively impacts the slowdown of economic contribution which is marked by the slowing of the expansion rate of oil palm, palm oil production and export volume of palm oil which then lead to the contribution of value export of palm oil both in short and long term."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Ajar Bantung
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kelapa sawit adalah komoditas yang saat ini berkembang paling pesat di wilayah Kabupaten Bangka Barat Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Banyaknya aktivitas budidaya komoditas ini dalam skala besar yang dilakukan oleh pihak swasta telah berdampak pada perubahan tutupan lahan serta berpengaruh pada kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar perkebunan. Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini adalah menyusun rencana upaya pemanfaatan lahan pertanian yang berkelanjutan di wilayah Bangka Barat untuk masa mendatang terkait dengan dampak negatif aktivitas kelapa sawit swasta pada kondisi lingkungan dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat.
Metode penelitian secara umum menggunakan metode observasi lapangan, studi dokumen dan metode survei dengan teknik estimasi dan overlay. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder berupa data dan peta penggunaan lahan historis selama periode 1990-2011, peta HGU sawit swasta dan peta-peta dasar RTRW. Data primer dalam penelitan didapatkan dari hasil wawancara dan digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sebagai dampak adanya aktivitas kelapa sawit swasta.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konversi tutupan lahan menjadi lahan kelapa sawit swasta selama periode 1990-2011 di Kabupaten Bangka Barat dominan terjadi pada kelas perkebunan atau kebun seluas 15.492,2 ha, disusul kelas pertanian lahan kering campur semak dan kebun campur 7.978,6 ha dan kelas semak belukar seluas 6.513,4 ha. Dari sisi sosial ekonomi, aktivitas kelapa sawit swasta diketahui telah berpengaruh pada skala kepemilikan lahan oleh masyarakat, perubahan perilaku pola hidup masyarakat petani karet, dan hilangnya sistem kebun desa. Rencana pemanfaatan lahan sebagai hasil dan tujuan akhir penelitian dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan dampak aktivitas kelapa sawit swasta pada perubahan tutupan lahan serta kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat, di antaranya adalah melakukan aspek pertimbangan komoditas alternatif, penentuan luas dan lokasi masing-masing kombinasi dari komoditas alternatif dan mengikutsertakan beberapa nilai-nilai luhur sosial yang harus tetap terpelihara dalam aktivitas pertanian dan perkebunan di masa mendatang.

Palm oil is a commodity which currently grew with the most rapid rate at the region of West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The many activities of cultivation of this commodity on a large scale by the private sector have an impact on land cover changes and on socio-economic conditions of communities around the plantation. The general objective of this research is to develop a plan of sustainable agricultural land use in West Bangka Regency for the foreseeable future related to the negative impact of private palm oil activities on environmental and socio-economic conditions of society.
Research methods in general using field observation method, document study and survey methods by estimation and overlay techniques. The study uses secondary data which are historical land use maps for the period 1990-2011, private oil concession maps and basic map of Spatial Planning. Primary data in the study obtained from the interviews which are used to describe the socio-economic conditions of society as a result of the presence of private oil palm activity.
The results showed that conversion of land cover into oil palm private land during 1990-2011 in the West Bangka Regency occured dominantly on plantation or garden class 15.492,2 ha, followed by dryland farming class mixed shrub and mixed plantations 7.978,6 ha and class shrub 6.513,4 ha. In terms of socio-economic, private palm oil activities is known to have an effect on the scale of land ownership by the community, changes in lifestyle behaviors on rubber farming community, and the loss of rural farm system. Land use plans as a result and ultimate goal of this research made by considering the impact of private palm oil activity on land cover change and socio-economic conditions of society, in between was doing consideration aspect of alternative commodities, determining the extent and location of each combination of alternative commodities and include several noble social values that should be maintained in agricultural and plantation activities in the future."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Handayani
"Beberapa tahun terakhir, petani kelapa sawit Di Desa Toman yang menggantungkan hidupnya di sektor pertanian kelapa sawit berada pada posisi yang rentan. Di tengah kondisi kerentanan tersebut, mereka harus menghadapi proses peremajaan kelapa sawit yang membuat mereka kehilangan mata pencaharian dan sumber pendapatan utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi adaptasi petani kelapa sawit dalam mempertahankan mata pencahariannya selama masa peremajaan kelapa sawit dengan menganalisa aktivitas, faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam melakukan strategi adaptasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan yang terdiri dari pemerintah desa, KUD Makmur, dan petani kelapa sawit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi adaptasi pada petani kelapa sawit dilakukan melalui aktivitas produksi dan aktivitas konsumsi. Aktivitas produksi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti nelayan, buruh pabrik dan buruh tani, berternak, bertani sayuran, dan membuka usaha kecil-kecilan, sedangkan aktivitas konsumsi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti meminimalisir pengeluaran dan meminjam uang dengan memanfaatkan jaringan sosial. Kemudian adanya faktor- faktor pada petani kelapa sawit dalam melakukan strategi adaptasi yaitu faktor pendukung internal (istri, anak, dan keluarga lainnya), faktor pendukung eksternal (tetangga, pemerintah desa, KUD Makmur, dan PT. PI, serta faktor penghambat (masalah finansial dan minimnya pengetahuan petani kelapa sawit). Hasil penelitian ini juga menyarankan kepada pihak pemerintah desa, petani kelapa sawit, dan KUD Makmur untuk lebih memperhatikan petani kelapa sawit dengan meminimalisir faktor penghambat pada petani kelapa sawit selama masa peremajaan kelapa sawit

In recent years, the economic sustainability of oil palm farmers In the Toman village who have depended on the oil palm agriculture sector is in vulnerable state because of their low income. In addition to that difficult situation, the farmers have to face another issue which is replanting oil palm that took place simultaneously. This research aims to describe the adaptation strategy by the oil palm farmers during the oil palm’s replanting program to maintain their livelihood, by analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the adaption strategy. This research conducted by qualitative approach and applies descriptive research. The data collection conducted through observation and in-depth interview with informants who were composed of the local government, the local cooperative (KUDMakmur), and the oil palm farmers. The result shows that two form of oil palm farmers’s adaptation strategy persist during replanting program to sustain their livelihood which are; first, production activities and second, consumption activities. Production and income activities done by oil palm farmers such as working as fishermen, factory workers and farm laborers, livestock raising, vegetable farming, and opening small businesses; while consumption activities done by oil palm farmers such as reducing expenses and borrowing money by utilizing their social networks. Furthermore, there are contributing factors of oil palm farmers’s adaptation strategy, namely, livelihood asset. The results of this research also suggest the local government, oil palm farmers, and local cooperative (KUD Makmur) to give more attention by minimizing inhibiting factors for oil palm farmers during the replanting program"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Handayani
"Beberapa tahun terakhir, petani kelapa sawit Di Desa Toman yang menggantungkan hidupnya di sektor pertanian kelapa sawit berada pada posisi yang rentan. Di tengah kondisi kerentanan tersebut, mereka harus menghadapi proses peremajaan kelapa sawit yang membuat mereka kehilangan mata pencaharian dan sumber pendapatan utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan strategi adaptasi petani kelapa sawit dalam mempertahankan mata pencahariannya selama masa peremajaan kelapa sawit dengan menganalisa aktivitas, faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam melakukan strategi adaptasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sedangkan pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan  informan yang terdiri dari pemerintah desa, KUD Makmur, dan petani kelapa sawit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi adaptasi pada petani kelapa sawit dilakukan melalui aktivitas produksi dan aktivitas konsumsi. Aktivitas produksi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti nelayan, buruh pabrik dan buruh tani, berternak, bertani sayuran, dan membuka usaha kecil-kecilan, sedangkan aktivitas konsumsi yang dilakukan petani kelapa sawit seperti meminimalisir pengeluaran dan meminjam uang dengan memanfaatkan jaringan sosial. Kemudian adanya aset penghidupan yang juga sangat penting bagi petani kelapa sawit dalam mendukung aktivitas yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini juga menyarankan kepada pihak pemerintah desa, petani kelapa sawit, dan KUD Makmur untuk lebih memperhatikan petani kelapa sawit dengan meminimalisir akibat dari peremajaan kelapa sawit yang dilakukan.

In recent years, the economic sustainability of oil palm farmers in the Toman village who have depended on the oil palm agriculture sector is in vulnerable state because of their low income. In addition to that difficult situation, the farmers have to face another issue which is replanting oil palm that took place simultaneously. This research aims to describe the adaptation strategy by the oil palm farmers during the oil palms replanting program to maintain their livelihood, by analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the adaption strategy. This research conducted by qualitative approach and applies descriptive research. The data collection conducted through observation and in-depth interview with  informants who were composed of the local government, the local cooperative (KUD Makmur), and the oil palm farmers. The result shows that two form of oil palm farmerss adaptation strategy persist during replanting program to sustain their livelihood which are first, production activities and second, consumption activities. Production and income activities done by oil palm farmers such as working as fishermen, factory workers and farm laborers, livestock raising, vegetable farming, and opening small businesses while consumption activities done by oil palm farmers such as reducing expenses and borrowing money by utilizing their social networks. Furthermore, there are contributing factors of oil palm farmerss adaptation strategy, namely, livelihood asset. The results of this research also suggest the local government, oil palm farmers, and local cooperative (KUD Makmur) to give more attention by minimizing inhibiting factors for oil palm farmers during the replanting program."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azka Shabrina
"Sebagai salah satu tindakan preventif atas penyebaran penyakit pada produk agrikultur, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) mengeluarkan suatu kerangka kerja untuk mengelola risiko biologis di berbagai negara, yang disebut Biosecurity. Salah satu tujuan biosecurity ialah meningkatkan keberlanjutan produksi. Sementara itu di Indonesia, para peternak rakyat terus menghadapi risiko kerugian akibat faktor-faktor internal maupun eksternal.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa setelah 22 bulan, penerapan kerangka kerja biosecurity mampu meningkatkan produktivitas serta pertumbuhan sehingga berkontribusi positif terhadap laba operasi.

As one of the actions to prevent the transmission of disease among agricultural products, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) issued a framework to manage biological risks in various countries, entitled Biosecurity. One of its purpose is to improve the continuity of production. Meanwhile in Indonesia, individual farmers are constantly faced with the risk of being at loss caused from both internal and external factors.
This research found that after 22 months of practice, the application of biosecurity framework had rendered an increase in productivity and growth, which in turn resulted in a positive contribution to the operating profit.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Minkema, D.
Jakarta: Bharatara, 1993
636.082 MIN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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