Ditemukan 32143 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Riesenfeld, Stefan A.
Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1942
639.2 STE p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Symmons, Clive R.
London: Martinus Nijhoff, 1979
341.448 SYM m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Harefa, Kasman Yori
ABSTRAK Tindak pidana Perompakan merupakan kejahatan transnasional (lintas negara) penanggulangan dan pemberantasannya memerlukan kerjasama Bilateral ataupun Multilateral, Republik Indonesia dengan Republik Sosialis Viet Nam telah memiliki perjanjian Bantuan Timbal Balik dalam Masalah Pidana telah di sahkan dengan Undang-Undang RI Nomor 13 tahun 2015, upaya Central Authority (Polri dan Kejaksaan Agung RI) dalam membantu penegakan hukum yang di lakukan TNI AL terhadap para pelaku perompakan MT Orkim Harmony berbendera dengan menggunakan sarana Mutual Legal Assistance ke Pemerintah Republik Sosial Viet Nam dapat terlaksana dan efektif dalam penerapannya karena adanya hubungan hubungan baik antar negara, walaupun TNI AL bukan sebagai Pejabat atau Lembaga yang dapat mengajukan permohonan Mutual Legal Assistance.
ABSTRACTOf criminal acts of piracy is to combat transnational crimes need corporate to eradication reduction and a bilateral or multilateral scheme, the Republic of Indonesia with Socialist Republik of Viet Nam have such agreement on Treaty on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters between the of Indonesia number 13 year 2015, an effort to central authority (Polri and Kejaksaan Agung Republic of Indonesia) in helping law enforcement in doing the TNI AL againts piratical players MT Orkim Harmony the flag state Malaysia through other means mutual legal assistance can be done and effective in its application due to a good relationship between the state, although the TNI AL is not as an officer or a institution that can submit a request for mutual legal assistance."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Aristyo Rizka Darmawan
"Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia memiliki garis pantai yang sangat panjang dan berbatasan dengan sepuluh negara. Hal tersebut menyebabkan delimitasi batas maritim merupakan hal yang penting bagi Indonesia. Namun demikian proses delimitasi batas maritim seringkali membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama hingga ber tahun-tahun. Permasalahan yang sering timbul ketika proses negosiasi delimitasi batas maritim sedang berlangsung adalah apabila terjadi pelanggaran kenentuan hukum nasional dari kedua negara, sehingga sering menimbulkan ketidak pastian hukum terkait siapa yang memiliki kewenangan untuk menegakkan ketentuan hukum nasional di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan diantara kedua negara. Ketidak pastian tersebut sering berakibat pada saling tangkap terhadap pelanggaran yang terjadi di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan oleh kedua negara yang bersengketa. Terkait hal tersebut UNCLOS hanya memberikan kewajiban kepada kedua negara untuk membentuk pengaturan sementara di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan untuk mencegah terjadinya konflik. Skripsi ini lebih lanjut akan menganalisa mengenai regulasi nasional dan Internasional serta praktek negara-negara terkait penegakan hukum di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan. Adapun penegakan hukum di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan dapat dibagi menjadi tiga bentuk yaitu penegakan hukum secara preventif, Kuratif dan Represif. Berdasarkan praktek negara dan hukum internasional tindakan represif oleh negara di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan dapat menimbulkan konflik dan memperlambat penyelesaian delimitasi batas maritim antara kedua negara. Sehingga dapat disarankan bahwa di perairan perbatasan yang belum ditentukan negara hanya dapat melakukan penegakan hukum secara preventif dan juga kuratif.
Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world has a very long coastline and is bordered by ten countries. This makes delimitation of the maritime boundary is genuinely important for Indonesia. Nevertheless, the process of maritime boundary delimitation often takes a very long time. The problem that often arises when the maritime boundary delimitation negotiation process is underway is if there is a violation of the provisions of the national law of both countries, which often leads to legal uncertainty over who has the authority to enforce national law provisions in the unresolved maritime boundary between the two countries. Such uncertainty often results in interception of violations occurring in undefined border waters by the two disputing countries. In this regard, UNCLOS only provides obligations to both countries to establish provisional arrangements in undefined border waters to prevent conflicts. This thesis will further analyze the national and international regulations as well as the practice of law enforcement related countries in undefined border waters. The law enforcement in unspecified border waters can be divided into three forms preventive law enforcement, curative and repressive. Based on country practice and international law, repressive action by the state in undefined border waters can lead to conflict and slow the completion of the delimitation of the maritime boundary between the two countries. So it can be suggested that in the undefined border waters country can only do law enforcement in a preventive and also curative."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Nations Unies, 1980
341.448 UNI n
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramazani, R.K.
Alphen aan den Rijn: Sijthoff adn Noordhoff, 1979
341.448 RAM l (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1982
341.44 GES
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, 2013
347.3 OCE
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Serdy, Andrew
"Are international fisheries heading away from open access to a global commons towards a regime of property rights? The distributional implications of denying access to newcomers and re-entrants that used the resource in the past are fraught. Should the winners in this process compensate the losers and, if so, how? Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, in whose gift participatory rights increasingly lie, are perceptibly shifting their attention to this approach, which has hitherto been little analysed; this book provides a review of the practice of these bodies and the States that are their members. The recently favoured response of governments, combating 'IUU' - illegal, unregulated and unreported - fishing, is shown to rest on a flawed concept, and the solution might lie less in law than in legal policy: compulsory dispute settlement to moderate their claims and an expansion of the possibilities of trading of quotas to make solving the global overcapacity issue easier"--Page 4 of cover."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016
338.372 SER n
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Leonard, Leonard L. (Leonard Larry), 1916-
New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1971
343.076 92 LEO i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library