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Kembaren, Arnold Salaba
"Pemerintah Daerah mempunyai kewenangan untuk membentuk peraturan daerah dalam rangka menjalankan otonomi daerah dan tugas pembantuan. Dalam membentuk suatu peraturan daerah, peraturan daerah tersebut tidak boleh bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum dan/atau peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. Apabila bertentangan dengan ketentuan yang berlaku, maka peraturan daerah tersebut dapat dibatalkan oleh pemerintah. Seringkali peraturan daerah yang telah diundangkan bertentangan dengan kepentingan umum dan pada akhirnya dibatalkan oleh pemerintah. keseragaman pemahaman dari konsep kepentingan umum, baik pusat maupun daerah, diperlukan agar peraturan daerah menjadi lebih efisien, efektif dan ditinjau dengan baik.

Local Government have authority to make local regulation in order to run local autonomy and co-administration. In the making of local regulation, the local regulation must not be contrary to public interest and/or the higher legislation. If contrary to applicable regulations, it can be canceled by the government. Often local regulations that have been enacted contrary to the public interest and ultimately canceled by the government. Uniformity of understanding of the concept of public interest, both national and local, regional regulation is necessary in order to become more efficient, effective and well reviewed.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lina Widiyastuti
Tesis ini membahas tentang politik hukum dalam proses pembentukan Qanun dan Peraturan Daerah Berbasis Keagamaan. Tesis ini menggunakan metode penulisan hukum normatif, penulis akan menggunakan dua bentuk metode, yakni penelitian studi pustaka (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Adapun pendekatan penelitian yang dilakukan dalam tulisan ini adalah pendekatan perspektif politik, hukum dan sosio-legal dengan menguji dan menganalisis arah kebijakan pembentukan hukum dalam proses legislasi di daerah. Proses pembentukan in casu Peraturan Daerah juga tidak dapat menafikan pengaruh politik. Hipotesa yang ingin dikaji dalam tesis ini adalah jika konfigurasi politik yang dianut demokratis maka dalam proses legislasinya akan memberi spektrum yang luas (public sphere) dan peranan optimal partisipasi kelompok sosial dan individu dalam masyarakat. Sebaliknya, jika konfigurasi politiknya bersifat otoriter, maka peranan dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam legislasi relatif kecil.

This thesis discusses political law of Local Regulation legislation process. This thesis applies the method of normative legal writing, the author will use two forms of the method, the library research and field research. The research approach taken in this paper is the approach of political, law and sosio-legal perspectives, which examined the relationship betwen politic and law, legal policy of law that would be applied in the aspect of local regulation legislation. The hypotheses are proposed in this thesis based on two focus : if the configuration of the political was democratic determination in the process of legislation will provide space and the role of optimal participation of social groups and individuals in society. Conversely, if the political configuration was an authoritarian, the role and public participation in legislation is relatively limited to a narrow policy spectrum."
Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yurista Yohasari
Urusan kehidupan beragama di Indonesia merupakan kewenangan pemerintah pusat sebagaimana dalam Pasal 10 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah. Tetapi faktanya banyak peraturan daerah yang mengatur kehidupan beragama, sehingga hal ini tentu menimbulkan masalah. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis mencoba mengupas permasalahan norma dalam peraturan daerah yang mengatur kehidupan beragama di Indonesia dan desain pengaturan kehidupan beragama yang ideal dalam sistem ketatanegaraan di Indonesia sesuai Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

Indonesian religious life is in under authority of the central government as in Article 10 paragraph (1) of Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government. In fact, many local regulations governing related to religious life, so that it would cause problems. In this paper, the author tries to analyze the problems in the regulatory norms of religious life in Indonesia and the design of an ideal religious life settings in the constitutional system in Indonesia based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suci Monawati Sukma
Dibentuknya DPD merupakan salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi hubungan antara pemerintah pusat dan daerah, yang fungsi dan kewenangannya telah diatur di dalam UUD NRI 1945. Namun pasca diberlakukannya Undang-Undang yang mengatur mengenai MPR, DPR, DPD, dan DPRD tahun 2018, Pada Pasal 249 ayat (1) huruf J DPD diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas Raperda dan Perda. Hal ini kemudian menjadi problematika ketika DPD sebagai lembaga legislatif, harus melakukan pengawasan terhadap produk hukum daerah, yang berlaku dalam lingkungan daerah. Penelitian ini dilakukan guna menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan mengenai kewenangan DPD dalam melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas Raperda dan Perda tepat atau tidak, serta bagaimana lingkup kewenangan dalam pemantauan dan evaluasi atas Raperda dan
Perda yang dilakukan oleh DPD. Ditinjau dari kedudukan dan kemampuannya, tidak tepat bila DPD diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas Raperda dan Perda. Meskipun demikian, DPD telah merumuskan ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai lingkup dan mekanisme pelaksanaan kewenangan tersebut. Lingkup dalam melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi yang dilakukan DPD adalah berbentuk rekomendasi. Rekomendasi ini selanjutnya akan disampaikan kepada DPR dan Presiden, bukan kepada daerah yang bersangkutan. Seharusnya dalam merumuskan suatu kebijakan, lembaga legislatif harus benarbenar memahami isi dan makna dari suatu produk hukum yang akan dibentuk, agar tidak menjadi masalah ketika produk hukum tersebut diterapkan. Selain itu, kewenangan DPD dalam melakukan pemantauan dan evaluasi atas Raperda dan Perda yang diatur dalam Pasal 249 ayat (1) huruf J ini dilakukan judicial review
karena kewenangan ini tidak tepat diberikan kepada DPD.

The establishment of DPD is solution to solve problems of central and regional
governments, whose functions and authorities have been regulated in the
Constitution of Indonesia Republic of 1945. However, after the enactment of the
Law regulating the MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD in 2018, Article 249 section (1)
letter J DPD is given the authority to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the
Raperda and Perda. This then becomes a problem when the DPD, as a legislative
institution, must supervise regional legal products, which apply in the regional
environment. This research was conducted to find answers to problems regarding
the DPD's authority to monitor and evaluate the draft regional regulation and
regional regulation whether it is appropriate or not, as well as how the scope of
authority in monitoring and evaluating the draft regional regulations and
regional regulation conducted by the DPD. Judging from its position and
capacity, it would not be right for the DPD to be given the authority to monitor
and evaluate the Raperda and Perda. Nonetheless, the DPD has formulated
provisions regulating the scope and mechanisms for exercising this authority. The
scope of monitoring and evaluation carried out by the DPD is in the form of
recommendations. These recommendations will then be submitted to the DPR and
the President, not to the regions concerned. In formulating a policy, the
legislative institution should really understand the content and meaning of a legal
product to be formed, so that it does not become a problem when the legal
product is applied. In addition, the DPD's authority to monitor and evaluate the
draft regional regulations and regional regulation as stipulated in Article 249
section (1) letter J is subject to a judicial review because this authority is not
properly assigned to the DPD."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Sekjen Departemen Dalam Negeri, 1975
352 MAR h (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simplexius Asa
"Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menilai fungsionalisasi hukum pidana dalam mengatasi persoalan penanggulangan HIV & AIDS dalam Peraturan Daerah (PERDA) tentang Penanggulangan HIV & AIDS. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengidentifikasi perbuatan pidana dan subyek hukum pidana; menganalisis kesesuaian antara perilaku berisiko yang dikriminalisasi dengan teori kriminalisasi; serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penegakan PERDA dalam masyarakat, sesuai perspektif hukum pidana. Penelitian ini adalah normative legal research dengan pendekatan deskriptive-analitic. Hasilnya penelitian memberi kesimpulan: (1) Perilaku yang dikriminalisasi adalah perbuatan yang dapat secara langsung menyebabkan seseorang tertular HIV dan AIDS, seperti: hubungan seks tanpa kondom; penyuntikan NAPZA dengan jarum suntik tidak steril secara bersama-sama dan berganti jarum; tidak menerapkan universal precaution; dengan sengaja mendistribusikan darah atau organ/jaringan tubuh yang sudah terinfeksi HIV kepada orang lain. Perilaku yang dapat menghambat upaya penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS, seperti: tidak menyelenggarakan pemberian informasi/penyuluhan tentang pencegahan dan HIV dan NAPZA; tidak memeriksakan kesehatan tenaga kerja yang berada dibawah pengawasannya; tidak merahasiakan status HIV seseorang; memberikan pelayanan kesehatan secara diskriminatif; telah membuka status HIV seseorang tetapi tidak melakukan tindakan medis apapun untuk meningkatkan ketahanan dan kualitas hidup ODHA. Subyek tindak pidana terdiri atas setiap orang; kelompok masyarakat secara komunal; petugas kesehatan; petugas laboratorium; paramedis dan dokter serta pejabat pemerintah; badan hukum privat dan atau badan hukum publik. (2) Perumusan perbuatan pidana telah sesuai dengan teori kriminalisasi, antara lain: perlindungan terhadap kepentingan umum; efisiensi dan efektivitas terutama cost and benefit principles; azas kemanfaatan yang lebih besar serta aspek legal morality. Kriminalisasi terhadap perbuatan pidana tertentu tidak diformulasi secara jelas dan pasti sesuai azas lex certa dan lex stricta sehingga dapat menimbulkan multi-interpretasi di kalangan penegak hukum dan masyarakat. (3) Kriminalisasi dan pembentukan norma hukum pidana belum memperhatikan aspek substance of law, structure of law dan culture of law sehingga sulit ditegakkan.

This research is designed to assess utilization of criminal law to contend HIV and AIDS problem in Local Regulation regarding HIV and AIDS care. In the perspective of criminal law, the purposes of the research are to identify the criminal offence and subject of wrongdoers; to analyze the conformity between criminalized risk behavior and theory of criminalization; and to analyze the influential factors in the implementation of the local regulation in the community. The research is a normative legal research with descriptive analytical approach. The research resulted the following concluding points: (1) the criminalized behaviors are actions that can directly cause HIV and AIDS transmission to a person such as: sexual intercourse without using condoms; narcotic substance injection through sharing of non-sterilized needles within the circle of injecting drug users; failure to apply universal precaution principle; and intentionally distributing infected organ or blood transfusion to other people. Other criminalized behaviors can impede the effort to eradicate HIV and AIDS program such as failure to conduct information dissemination on HIV and AIDS and other dangerous substances; failure to carry out medical examination of employees by supervisors; failure to keep the confidentiality of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA); provide a discriminative heath services, disclosure of the status of an HIV infected person without subsequent medical intervention to ensure improvement of the quality of life of PLWHA. The potential criminal wrongdoers consist of: individual, community groups, health officer, laboratory officer, medical officer, medical doctor, government officer, private and/or public corporation. (2) In general, formulations of criminal offences are confirmed by criminalization theories, among others: public interest protections, efficiency and effectiveness in particular cost and benefit principles, principle of maximum utilities and principle of legal morality. Criminalization against specific offences is unclearly and uncertainly formulated as clear as principle of lex certa and lex stricta, thus it can cause such multi-interpretation in the circle of law enforcement officers. (3) Criminalization and formulation of the norm of criminal law is not grounded on the aspects of substance of law, structure of law and culture of law as yet causing difficulties in the enforcement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fadil Moestar. author
"Skripsi ini membahas regulasi Holding Company di Indonesia. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui, konsep dari Holding Company adalah konsep yang umum di berbagai Negara tetapi hal tersebut berbeda di Indonesia, bahwa konsep ini tidaklah umum. Pada kenyataanya, Indonesia mempunyai peraturan perundangundangan yang mengatur tentang Holding Company. berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulis mencoba untuk mengajukan pokok permasalahan, yang dimana adalah sebagai berikut :1. Bagaimanakah pengaturan Holding Company yang tersebar di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia? 2. Bagaimanakah urgensi dari harmonisasi dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia? Dibagian terakhir dari skripsi ini, penulis mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pengaturan Holding Company di Indonesia tidak konsisten.

This thesis is discusses about the regulations of Holding Company in Indonesia. As we know it, the concept of Holding Company is common concept in many country but in Indonesia, this concept is not common. In fact, Indonesia has a regulations that regulated the Holding Company. Based on that problems, the writer tried to submit the reseacrh questions, which are : 1. How is the regulation of Holding Company that distributed in legislation that applies in Indonesia? 2. How is the urgency of harmonisation regulation of holding company in Indonesia?. In a last part this thesis, the writer get the conclusion that the regulation of holding company is not consistent."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amil Mardha
[Place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Pengembangan Energi Nuklir, 2009
JPEN 11:2(2009)(1-2)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Otok Kuswandaru
"The consequence of the implementation of the Law Number 22 Year 1999 on the Local Government is to apply the fiscal decentralization in giving an adequate fund for the autonomous local government in order to finance its authority. One of evidences of the implementation of the fiscal decentralization is the birth of the Law Number 34 Year 2000, which is the modification of the Law Number 18 Year 1997, on Local Taxes and Tariffs, furthermore, to support this Law, Government Regulation Number 65 Year 2001 on Local Tax was also launched. In addition to the authority that is written in the Law Number 34, This Government Regulation Number 65 year 2001 authorizes local government to tax.
In applying the Law and Government Regulation on Local Tax and Tariff, central government has an important role to ensure that the implementation of the local's authority in taxing does not have negative effect to the local and national economic growth. Without ignoring the fairness aspect and local community burden, this somehow" overlapping taxing between Central and Local Government should be done through Controlling. The Central control on the Local Regulation on local tax is administrated by the State Minister and Finance Minister. This control is written in the Law Number 3412000, Government Regulation Number 6512000, Government Regulation 20/2001 on Supervising and Controlling the Local Government Arrangement, and the Presidential Decree Number 7412001 on the Local Government Arrangement Management Control.
In the implementation, the local regulation on the local tax is considered troublesome because is contradict the article 2 : 4 Law Number 34/2000 and also it disobey the Law and Regulation that orders the Local Government has to submit its Local Regulation on tax to the Home Affairs Minister and the Finance Minister in the latest of 15 (fifteen) days since it is declared. Some points that could be stressed from this problem are: Firstly, How is the role of the Home Affairs Minister and the Finance Minister in the implementation of tax decentralization that is given to the Local Government as written in article 2 : 4 Law 34/2000? Secondly, how is the control of the both ministers in the implementation of the tax decentralization in the Local Government?
Reviewing these problems, in the general the theory of Central-Local can be discussed 3 approaches as follows: local-government centered approach, service centered approach, and the mix democratic-administrative value approach. In the implementation of the fiscal decentralization, theories that be could used in the Central-Local relationship in financial aspect are partnership model and agency model. Fiscal decentralization is based on 2 perspectives, bottom-up and top-down. To review the role and control of Home Affairs Minister and Finance Minister, there are 4 central roles in the Central-Local relationship which affect the controlling, they are : promote role, preventive role, punitive role, and reformative role. The review on the controlling is also using theory that relates the base of controlling in the local autonomy, the condition that needed to avoid the control transforms to limiting Local Government autonomy, and the major bases of the controlling mechanism.
This research is using a qualitative approach explaining the social trend or social reality, stressing in the role and control of Home Affairs Minister and Finance Minister on Local Tax Regulation. The discussion is described descriptively that focused in 2 major fields. The first is the illustration of the role of the Home Affairs Minister and Finance Minister in the implementation of tax decentralization which is conducted by the local governments, and the second is the illustration of the implementation of control conducted by both Ministers.
Based on the research that has been done, there are some conclusions that can be taken. (1) The fiscal decentralization in Indonesia is using the partnership model and the bottom up which is based on local-government centered approach. (2) Troubled Local tax regulation is the negative product of the local-government centered approach. (3) Both Home Affairs and Finance Ministers are tend to imply promotive and preventive role, however, they are ignoring the proportional balance in implying punitive and reformative tole. (4) The effect of the both Ministers' role is the less effective control from both Ministers that caused conflict between both institutions in. (5) The coordination between both Ministers have not settled yet.
Refer to those conclusion, advices that can be given in this thesis are as follow: (1) The Partnership Model and the bottom-up should also balance the democratization, efficiency, and administratively economical local government. (2) the local-government centered approach has to be changed with approach that combine the democratic and administrative value. (3) Home Affairs Minister and Finance Minister should imply the balance and proportional promotive, preventive, punitive, and reformative role. (4) There is a need of a clear line separating between the Home Affairs Minister and Finance Minister's authority. (5) The need of clear control coordination should be followed by the modification of the Law 34/2000, Government Regulation 65/2001, and Government Regulation 20/2001.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Aryani
Dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 65 tahun 2006 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 36 Tahun 2005 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pelaksanaan Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum belum diatur tentang ganti kerugian tanam tumbuh. Peraturan Presiden tersebut hanya mengatur bahwa nilai jual tanaman ditaksir oleh perangkat daerah yang bertanggung jawab di bidang pertanian.
Tulisan ini membahas tentang dasar pemberian ganti kerugian tanam tumbuh bagi pemegang hak atas tanah di Kabupaten Bangka Barat dan asas keadilan yang tercermin dari pengaturan pemberian ganti rugi tanam tumbuh tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder dari hasil wawancara guna menunjang penulisan. Analisa dilakukan terhadap Peraturan Bupati Bangka Barat Nomor 14 Tahun 2012 tentang Pedoman Tarif Ganti Kerugian Tanam Tumbuh Untuk Kepentingan Umum. Peraturan tersebut dibuat agar ada kepastian hukum bagi ganti rugi tanam tumbuh di Bangka Barat.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan sebaiknya peraturan ini dituangkan dalam bentuk Perda sehingga memiliki kekuatan hukum yang lebih mengikat dan ada peraturan yang baku tentang penetapan ganti kerugian tanam tumbuh ini dalam bentuk peraturan Menteri Pertanian sebagai dasar pijakan bagi Kabupaten/Kota di seluruh Indonesia.

In the Presidential Regulation No. 65 of 2006 on Amendment of Presidential Decree Number 36 Year 2005 on Land Procurement for Implementation of Development for Public Interest has not been set on the restitution of crops. The Presidential Decree merely provides that the sale value of the plants was estimated by the area in charge of agriculture.
This paper discusses the basis for compensation for destroyed crops for holders of land rights in West Bangka Regency and the principles of justice are reflected in setting compensation for destroyed crops such. This study uses the method of literature by collecting secondary data from interviews to support the writing. Analysis conducted on the Regent of West Bangka Regulation No. 14 Year 2012 on Guidelines for Plant Growth Rates Compensation for Public Interest. The regulation was made in order to provide legal certainty for compensation for destroyed crops in the West Pacific.
The research result suggests this regulation should be poured in the form of regulation so that it has a more binding legal force and no standard rules regarding the determination of compensation for destroyed crops is in the form of regulation of the Minister of Agriculture as the foundation for the districts / cities throughout Indonesia.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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