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Okita Miraningrum Nur Atsari
"Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 16 Tahun 2005 limbah akhir dari proses pengolahan air wajib diolah sebelum dibuang IPA Legong di bawah PDAM Tirta Kahuripan selama ini langsung membuang lumpurnya ke badan air Sungai Ciliwung tanpa pengolahan apapun Dalam penelitian ini ada empat alternatif yang dibuat dan pemilihan berdasarkan pertimbangan kebutuhan lahan volume dry cake pengoperasian dan biaya Alternatif yang terpilih adalah alternatif 1 terdiri dari 1 bak ekualisasi 1 gravity thickening 1 sludge conditioning tank 1 belt filter press 1 bak penampung lumpur dan 1 bak supernatan dengan menerapkan resirkulasi air cucian filter dan supernatan menjadi air baku sehingga lumpur yang diolah hanya berasal dari unit sedimentasi Debit lumpur dari instalasi konvensional sebesar 382 87 m3 hari sedangkan debit lumpur dari instalasi heksakoloidal sebesar 191 43 m3 hari Perkiraan kebutuhan lahan yang diperlukan adalah sebesar 420 m2.

Based on Government Regulation Number 16 Year 2005 waste produced from water treatment process must be treated before discharging Legong Water Treatment Plant under PDAM Tirta Kahuripan discharge the sludge directly into stream water Ciliwung without any treatment In this research there are four alternatives sludge treatment made and the choosing done based on land area dry cake volume operational and maintenance and financial criteria The choosen alternative is first alternative consists of 1 equalization tank 1 gravity thickener 1 sludge conditioner tank 1 belt filter press 1 dry cake tank and 1 supernatant tank by applying filter backwash waste recycle into raw water so the sludge that flows into treatment unit only comes from sedimentation unit Sludge generation from conventional installation is 382 87 m3 day and from hexacoloidal installation is 191 43 m3 day Land area needed for sludge treatment approximately is 420 m2
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Irhamillah
"Limbah residu lumpur dari pengolahan air wajib untuk diolah sebelum dibuang ke badan air sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 16 Tahun 2005. IPA Cipaku yang merupakan salah satu insatalasi pengolahan
air bagi PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor saat ini masih melakukan pembuangan lumpur sisa pengolahan pada badan air sungai Cisadane tanpa melalui pengolahan limbah apapun. Timbulan volume lumpur maksimum
sebesar 1471,49 m3/hari dan timbulan volume rata-rata sebesar 724,54 m3/hari. Timbulan massa lumpur maksimum sendiri adalah sebesar 1731,38 kg/hari dengan nilai rata-rata 1074,54 kg/hari. Pemilihan
pengolahan lumpur didasarkan pada karakteristik lumpur yang dihasilkan, luas lahan, dan timbulan dry cake dari dua alternatif desain. Dari hasil perhitungan dan pertimbangan didapatkan alternatif desain berupa 1 bak
penampung, 1 Chemical Conditioning Tank, 1 Recovery Basin, 1 Gravity Thickener, dan 1 Belt Filter Press. Luas lahan yang dibutuhkan sekitar 360m2.

Residual sludge waste from water treatment plant needs to be treated before being discharged into water bodies in accordance with Peraturan Pemerintah No. 16 Tahun 2005. IPA Cipaku as one of Water Treatment Plant under PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor still disposes process residual sludge to river Cisadane water bodies without going through any waste processing. The maximum sludge generation volume is 1471,49 m3/day and the average generation volume is 724,54 m3/day. The maximum mass of sludge generation alone is 1731,38 kg/day with an average mass generation value of 1074,54 kg/day. The selection of sludge treatment is based on the characteristics of the sludge produced, the land area, and the dry cake generation of two alternative designs.
The calculations and considerations resulted an alternative design of a sludge treatment plant consisting of 1 holding tank , 1 Chemical Conditioning Tank, 1 Recovery Basin, 1 Gravity Thickener, and 1 Belt Filter Press. The land area required is approximately 360 m2."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Arsenic contaminated sludge can be substantially found from the treatmen of arsenic contaminated ground water. Lake of proper management and reuse of this sludge can create further environmental problem as there is probability of mixing with soil and water...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagalung, Winny Laura Christina
"Lumpur pada sludge drying bed Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Kalimulya Depok dimanfaatkan masyarakat sekitar sebagai penyubur tanah. Padahal, lumpur tersebut belum memenuhi kriteria untuk dijadikan penyubur tanah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan satu pengolahan untuk memperbaiki kualitas lumpur tersebut. Pengolahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengomposan yang mencampur lumpur dari sludge drying bed dan sampah organik pasar dengan menggunakan metode open windrow. Pengomposan merupakan proses eksotermik yang akan menghasilkan panas dan pengukuran suhu dilakukan selama proses pengomposan berlangsung. Dalam percobaan pengomposan ini, dua perlakuan pengadukan yang berbeda diberikan pada dua buah komposter. Kompos diaduk dengan frekuensi dua dan empat hari. Kualitas yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah Fecal coliform dan Salmonella sp.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengadukan empat hari mampu mencapai suhu hingga 66,40C, sedangkan kompos dengan pengadukan dua hari hanya mencapai suhu 65,20C. Hasil pengukuran jumlah Fecal coliform adalah 23 MPN/gr pada hari ke-15, sedangkan jumlah Salmonella sp adalah <2 MPN/4gr pada hari ke-30. Ketika suhu mencapai suhu termofilik (35-650C), maka jumlahkedua bakteri tersebut akan berkurang. Dengan demikian, pengomposan mampu menurunkan jumlah bakteri Fecal coliform dan Salmonella sp sehingga dapat memenuhi SNI 19-7030-2004 tentang Spesifikasi Kompos dari Sampah Organik Domestik. Namun, terjadi pertumbuhan kembali bakteri dan secara signifikan ditunjukkan dengan jumlah Fecal coliform yang meningkat pada hari ke-30 dan 40, yaitu mencapai 50 MPN/gr dan 300 MPN/gr. Titik maturasi kompos tidak hanya dilihat dari kualitas mikrobiologisnya, tetapi juga dari kestabilan suhu, reduksi volume, bau, warna, dan tekstur kompos. Secara umum, variasi frekuensi pengadukan dua dan empat hari sekali tidak menghasilkan perbedaan yang mencolok. Untuk percobaan pengomposan yang lebih efektif, maka pengadukan yang lebih disarankan adalah frekuensi pengadukan 4 hari.

Sludge that is coming from sludge drying bed in Kalimulya Waste Water Treatment Plant City of Depok was used as soil fertilizer by community nearby. In fact, these sludge do not meet with standard as soil fertilizer and requires other treatment to improve its quality. This research was conducted to treat this sludge by open windrow composting method. This sludge was mixed with organic waste from traditional market. Composting is an exothermic process that is produced heat. The temperature increased due to the heat was measured during process takes place. There are two different turning frequencies performed which are every two and four days. The compost quality parameters that is examined are Fecal coliform and Salmonella sp. SNI No. 19-7030-2004 - Specification of The Domestic Organic Waste Composting was used as a base for compost quality standard.
The result shows that four days turning frequency could reach highest temperature at approximately 66.40C. Meanwhile, two days frequency only could reach highest temperature approximately 65.20C. The average number of Fecal coliform at day 15 is approximately 23 MPN/gr and Salmonella sp at day 30 is not more than 2 MPN/4gr. Composting could reduce the number of both bacteria. However, bacterial regrowth occurred and significantly indicated by number of Fecal coliform that increased at day 30 and 40, those are 30 MPN/gand 300 MPN/g. The matured compost is not only seen from its microbial quality, but also temperature, volume reduction, odor, color, and texture stability. In general, the compost quality did not show significant difference between two and four days turning frequency. But, four days turning frequency is preffered for effectivity and keeping temperature high during composting.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edward Tanari
Limbah yang dalam persepsi manusia dipandang sebagai barang yang harus disingkirkan karena mengandung logam berat yang dapat membahayakan makhluk hidup, ternyata dalam beberapa hal masih dapat digunakan kembali (reuse) atau didaur-ulang (recycle). Dalam hal pemanfaatan limbah tersebut, beberapa penelitian terdahulu memberikan gambaran bahwa lumpur limbah sebagai hasil akhir dari suatu proses pengolahan limbah, dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman. Potensi tersebut perlu dimanfaatkan mengingat kuantitas jumlah limbah sebagai hasil sampingan dari suatu produk industri berkorelasi positif dengan kuantitas jumlah produk yang dihasilkan.
Di dalam upaya penanganan dan pengendalian limbah yang semakin lama semakin remit dan komplek, maka pemusatan industri dalam suatu lokasi dalam bentuk industrial estate, kawasan berikat, lahan peruntukan industri, perkampungan industri kecil, atau sentra industri merupakan langkah yang sangat strategis.
Berkaitan dengan upaya tersebut, maka keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh adalah bahaya adanya pencemaran lingkungan dapat diminimalisasi dan proses daur ulang (recycle) limbah yang masih mungkin dimanfaatkan kembali (reuse) untuk keperluan lain dapat dilakukan dengan efisien .
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut di atas, maka percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang diberi perlakuan pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri, menganalisis kandungan logam berat (Cr, Cd, Pb, dan Ni) yang diserap oleh tanaman selama fase pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatif, dan menentukan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk organik yang optimal bagi tanaman.
Percobaan ini dilakukan di rumah kaca (green house) dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 (lima) tingkatan dosis lumpur limbah industri ditambah kontrol (tanpa lumpur limbah industri), masing-masing ditambah tanah hingga mencapai total berat 5 kg. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 (tiga) kali sehingga total jumlah sampel 18 kantong (polybag). Adapun tanaman yang dicobakan adalah tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.) varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang peka terhadap pemupukan.
Hipotesis yang diuji pada penelitian ini adalah:
1. Penggunaan lumpur limbah industri sebagai pupuk pada tanaman berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung yang dicobakan.
2. Pemupukan dengan lumpur limbah industri pada berbagai dosis akan memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap semua parameter tumbuh fisiologis (tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang, berat kering daun, dan berat kering tongkol buah jagung) yang diteliti.
3. Terdapat perbedaan kandungan logam berat yang diserap oleh bagian tanaman (batang, daun, dan tongkol buah) jagung terhadap lumpur limbah yang diaplikasikan sebagai pupuk.
Adapun tingkat dosis campuran Lumpur limbah dan tanah yang digunakan adalah:
· LO = 5.000 gr tanah tanpa lumpur limbah (kontrol).
· L1 = 4.800 gr tanah + 200 gr lumpur limbah
· L2 = 4.600 gr tanah + 400 gr lumpur limbah
· L3 = 4.200 gr tanah + 800 gr lumpur limbah
· L4 = 3.400 gr tanah + 1.600 gr lumpur lirnbah.
· L5 =1.800 gr tanah +.3.200 gr lumpur limbah.
Data basil percobaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode statistik ANOVA (Analysis of Varians) dengan menggunakan SPSS for MS Window release 6.0 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Bela Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau Least Significant Difference (LSD). Sedang lumpur limbah industri yang digunakan serta jaringan organ tanaman dianalisis di laboratorium dengan menggunakan metode titrasi dan Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) untuk mengetahui kadar logam berat yang terlonggok
Bardasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan kesimpulan:
1. Lumpur limbah PT. Kawasan Industri jababeka Cikarang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk pada tanaman jagung. Hal itu dimungkinkan karena kandungan unsur hara mikro (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, dan Co) dalam lumpur limbah industri itu cukup tinggi dan dapat diserap oleh tanaman untuk pertumbuhan vegetatif dan generatifnya. Pemanfaatanlumpur limbah sebagai pupuk dapat menguntungkan secara fisiologis bagi tanaman. Di samping itu, juga dapat memberi keuntungan dan segi lingkungan di mana kemungkinan pencemaran tanah dan air akibat lumpur limbah industri dapat dikontrol dengan baik.
2. Tanaman jagung yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah industri secara fisiologis menampakkan daun yang tegak dan keras. Batang tanaman kuat dan mempunyai ruas yang tinggi dan tegak. Kondisi seperti itu terjadi pada semua level dosis pemupukan yang dicobakan, kecuali pada tingkat dosis 3.200 gr lumpur limbah + 1.800 gr tanah (L5). Pada tingkat dosis dengan perlakuan LS, tanaman nampak kerdil dan kekar, ruas batang pendek-pendek sehingga daun berbentuk roset (bertumpuk-tumpuk).
3. Batas toleransi rnaksimal penggunaan lumpur limbah sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman dari tingkat dosis yang dicobakan adalah 1.600 gr lumpur limbah dalam 3.400 gr tanah. Pemberian lumpur limbah melebihi dosis tersebut akan berpengaruh negatif pada tanaman. Pengaruh negatif yang ditimbulkan adalah tanaman menjadi kerdil dan sistem perakarannya jelek (akar tanaman pendek dan tidak memiliki bulu-bulu akar).
4. Dari hasil percobaan didapatkan tingkat dosis lumpur limbah yang optimal dan toleran untuk pertumbuhan tanaman adalah 400 gr lumpur limbah + 4.600 gr tanah (L2) dart 800 gr lumpur limbah + 4.200 gr tanah (L3). Hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, berat kering batang dan berat kering daun yang nilai rata-ratanya relatif lebih tinggi dibanding perlakuan lainnya. Selain itu, sistem perakaran tanaman sangat baik.
5. Dibandingkan dengan potensinya, jagung jenis Hibrida varietas Pioner 5 (P5) yang dipupuk dengan lumpur limbah, menghasilkan organ tanaman (batang, daun dan tongkol buah) yang masih jauh dari potensi hasilnya. Hal itu dikarenakan tingkat kesesuaian tanah (media) untuk pertanaman tergolong sedang dan unsur hara makro yang dibutuhkan tanaman relatif masih sangat minim dari kebutuhan yang seharusnya.
Berdasarkan kesimpulan di atas, maka untuk aplikasi lumpur limbah agar mendapatkan hasil pertanaman Jagung yang optimal, sebaiknya media tumbuh diberi tambahan unsur NPK karena kandungan unsur NPK dalam lumpur limbah industri tergolong relatif kedl dibanding untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman.
Akibat adanya komplikasi ekologis yang sering menyertai peningkatan basil produksi pertanian yang dipupuk dengan Sari Kering Limbah (SKL) industri, maka pada setiap dampak positif dari peningkatan produksi jangan pula dilupakan kemungkinan timbulnya hal-hal negatif. Oleh karena itu, pada setiap proyek pembangunan hendaknya perencanaan dan pengelolaan limbah hars dipikirkan sematang-matangnya.
Agar keamanan dari penggunaan Lumpur limbah dari kemungldnan bahaya keracunan atau pelonggokan logam berat melalui rantai makana.n, maka disarankan agar aplikasi limbah sebagai pupuk dilakukan pada tanaman nonpangan.

Man's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.;The Impact Of Industrial Waste Sludge Aplication As Fertilizer On PlantMan's perception on waste is that the material must be removed since it contains heavy metals that can endanger living creatures. However, it turned out that on several occasions it can be reused or recycled. In utilizing waste, several earlier studies showed that sludge as final product of waste processing could be used as organic fertilizer of plants. Such a potential need to be utilized considering the quantity of waste as a by product of an industrial product correlates positively with the quantity of product that is produced.
In an effort towards waste management and control which became increasingly difficult and complicated, hence, centralizing industry in one location in the form of industrial estate, bounded zone, area allocation for industry, small scale industry settlements or industrial centres constitute a very strategical step.
The benefits obtained related to such efforts include minimalization of environmental pollution and recycling of wastes that can still be utilized or reused for other purposes, can still be carried out efficiently.
This experiment then, has as objectives, to observe the growth of maize fertilized by industrial waste sludge, to analyze the heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) contents absorbed by the plants during the vegetative and generative phases of growth and to decide the dosage of industrial waste sludge as optimal organic fertilizer for plants.
This experiment was carried out in a green house by using the Complete Random Design with 5 (five) different dosages of industrial waste sludge and additional control (without industrial waste sludge)_ Each specimen received additional soil so that a total weight of 5 kg. was achieved. Each were repeated 3 (three) times so that the total number of samples were 18 polybags. The plant used in the experiment is maize of the Pioner 5 (P5) variety that is sensitive towards fertilizers.
The hypothesis tested in this study were:
1. That industrial waste sludge has the chemical elements' composition that can be used as fertilizer to support the growth of plants. Has the waste sludge positive influence on the growth of maize?
2. Different dosages of industrial waste sludge resulted in different responses towards all parameters of physiological growth (height, total number of leaves, dry stem and leaves weigth, and dry corn stalk) under study.
3. The heavy metals' content that were absorbed by the different parts of the plant (stem, leaves, corn stalk) differ towards the waste sludge applied.
The dosages of waste sludge and soil mixtures used were as follows:
L0 = 5.000 gr soil without waste sludge(control)
L1 = 4.800 gr soil + 200 gr waste sludge.
L2 = 4.600 gr soil + 400 gr waste sludge.
L3 = 4.200 gr soil + 800 gr waste sludge
L4 = 3.400 gr soil +1 .600 gr waste sludge.
L5 = 1.800 gr soil + 3.200 gr waste sludge.
Data of the experiment was analysed by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with SFSS for MS Window release 6.0. It was then tested by the Least Significant Difference (LSD). Whereas the industrial waste sludge and plant organs' tissue were analized at the laboratory by using the titration method and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) to know the heavy metal concentration.
Based on the study results, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The Cikarang Jababeka industry Zone PT. waste sludge can be used as fertilizer on maize plants. Such was made possible because the fertilizer micro elements' content (Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Co) of the industrial waste sludge is sufficiently complete and can be absorbed by the plants for vegetative and generative growths. However, the maximal limit of the dosage level experimented on was 1.600 gr of waste sludge in 3.400 gr soil. The provision of waste sludge exceeding the said dosage will negatively influence the plants. The negative influence took the form of bad roots' system and stunted growth.
2. Maize plants fertilized by industrial waste sludge showed physiologically hard and upright leaves, strong stems with high and upright nodes. Such condition took place for all levels of dosages experimented on, except at 3.200 gr dosage of waste sludge + 1.800 gr of soil (L5). At this dosage level, the plant dwarfs rigidly, the nodes were short so that the leaves took the form of rosettes.
3. The experimental results showed that the optimal and tolerant dosage levels were 400 gr of waste sludge + 4.600 gr of soil (L2) and 800 gr of waste sludge + 4.200 gr of soil (L3). In these cases, the height of the plant, the number of leaves and dry weights of stems and leaves have an average higher value compared with other dosage levels. In addition, the root system was also very good.
4. Concentration of heavy metals in the waste sludge of waste processing result of Jababeka Industrial Zone FL is high enough. But if it is compared with the turn of heavy metals in compost fertilizer which is based on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard, the contens of heavy metal Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni axe still below the allowed tolerancy limit.
5. Compared to its potential, Hibrid maize of Pioneer variety (P5) fertilized by waste sludge, produced plant organs (stem, leaves and corn stalk) which are far from its potential. Such was caused by the level of media suitability for plants of intermediate group and macro fertilizer elements needed by the plants are still relatively very minimal than what is really needed.
Based on the above conclusions, therefore, to apply waste sludge in order to obtain optimal maize plants' production, the media should be given additional NPK elements. This is due to the minimal NPK contents in industrial waste sludge compared to the needs for growth and production of the plants in question.
For ecological complication often accompanies the increase of agriculture production result which is fertilized with industrial Waste Dry Essence, so do not forget the possibility of appearance of negative effects in every positive impact of production increase. Because of that in every development project the planning and processing of waste should be thought very seriously and widely.
For safety reasons and the possibility of poisioning or accumulation of heavy metals in the food chain, it is recommended that the application of waste sludge as fertilizer is carried out in non-food plants.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Rhenalda Ayu Patasik
"Lumpur merupakan hasil sampingan dari pengolahan air limbah yang berbentuk padat dan kaya akan bahan organik. Pada kondisi eksisting, lumpur STP Bandara Soekarno Hatta yang berasal dari unit sludge drying bed tidak diolah kembali. Padahal lumpur dapat diolah menjadi produk bermanfaat salah satunya kompos. Dilakukan metode bin composting dengan menggunakan lumpur dari STP Bandara Soekarno-Hatta sebagai bahan dasar, ditambah dengan daun kering sebagai bahan tambahan, dan larutan bioaktivator EM4 untuk mempercepat proses pengomposan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan rasio bahan baku kompos yang optimum dan menganalisis potensi aplikasi lumpur STP sebagai kompos. Dilakukan 6 variasi komposisi bahan kompos (lumpur:daun kering) dalam penelitian, yaitu 90% : 10% (V1), 80% : 20% (V2), 70% : 30% (V3), 60% : 40% (V4), 50% : 50% (V5), dan 40% : 60% (V6). Berdasarkan analisis unsur hara makro dan parameter fisik (pH, bau, dan warna), ditemukan bahwa rasio optimal yang paling sesuai dengan standar SNI 19-7030-2004 terdapat pada variasi V4. Pada variasi V4, kompos yang dihasilkan mengandung 22,53% karbon (C), 2,04% nitrogen (N), 11,04 rasio C/N, 1,81% fosfor (P), dan 0,35% kalium (K). Lumpur STP Bandara Soekarno Hatta memiliki potensi aplikasi sebagai kompos yang telah memenuhi standar baku mutu kompos.

Sludge is a solid byproduct of wastewater treatment rich in organic matter. In the current condition, the sludge from the Soekarno Hatta Airport Sewage Treatment Plant is not reprocessed. However, sludge can be processed into beneficial products, one of which is compost. Bin composting method was conducted using sludge from the Soekarno Hatta Airport STP as the main ingredient with dry leaves as an additional material, and EM4 to accelerate the composting process. This research aims to determine the optimum ratio of compost raw materials and analyze the potential application of STP sludge as compost. Six variations of compost material compositions (sludge:dry leaves) were conducted in the study, 90%:10% (V1), 80%:20% (V2), 70%:30% (V3), 60%:40% (V4), 50%:50% (V5), and 40%:60% (V6). Based on the analysis of macronutrient content and physical parameters (pH, odor, and color), it was found that the optimal ratio that best met the SNI 19-7030-2004 standard was present in variation V4. In variation V4, the resulting compost contained 22,53% carbon (C), 2,04% nitrogen (N), a C/N ratio of 11,04, 1,81% phosphorus (P), and 0,35% potassium (K). The sludge from Soekarno Hatta Airport STP has the potential to be applied as compost that meets the standard compost requirements."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Aryanti
Limbah lumpur yang dihasilkan dari Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Domestik dapat dimanfaatkan melalui pengomposan karena mengandung kandungan organik yang tinggi. Namun, kandungan logam berat pada limbah lumpur dapat menjadi penyebab utama timbulnya dampak negatif pada lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan parameter fisik-kimia, konsentrasi dan spesiasi kimia logam Cu dan Pb pada dua campuran kompos sebagai penilaian kelayakan kedua kompos untuk digunakan sebagai pupu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter suhu, pH, dan rasio C/N pada kedua kompos telah memenuhi kualitas kompos sesuai SNI 19-7030-2004. Konsentrasi logam Cu pada kompos 1 dan kompos 2 berturut-turut adalah 150 mg/kg dan 237 mg/kg, sedangkan konsentrasi logam Pb sebesar 224 mg/kg dan 183 mg/kg. Besar konsentrasi kedua logam pada kedua kompos menghasilkan faktor resiko ekologi yang masuk ke dalam kategori resiko rendah (Er < 40). Selain itu, proses pengomposan pada penelitian ini telah mengurangi efek toksisitas kedua logam. Pada akhir pengomposan, fraksi logam Cu pada kedua kompos dominan pada fraksi organic bound yaitu sebesar 63,50% untuk kompos 1 dan 56,20% untuk kompos 2. Sedangkan logam Pb dominan pada fraksi residual yaitu sebesar 62,10% pada kompos 1 dan 71,50% pada kompos 2. Kedua fraksi ini merupakan fraksi stabil sehingga keberadaan logam Cu dan Pb tidak memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan jika kedua kompos diaplikasikan ke tanah.

Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.;Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil., Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Delly Astria Darwin
Solid Seperation Chamber (SSC) merupakan unit pengolahan lumpur yang merupakan modifikasi dari Sludge Drying Bed (SDB). SSC dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk mengolah lumpur IPA dengan cara filtrasi melalui sand filter dan lapisan geotekstil, serta pengeringan dengan sinar matahari yang dilengkapi polycarbonate sebagai penutup. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas unit SSC dalam memisahkan kandungan air dan padatan lumpur, menurunkan kandungan pencemar, dan mengeringkan lumpur. Studi dilakukan menggunakan unit SSC skala laboratorium, dengan loading lumpur secara tunggal dan kontinu, dengan volume lumpur 70 liter/loading. Kandungan padatan dan kondisi iklim diukur secara berkala. Penurunan konsentrasi COD, TSS, dan kekeruhan juga diamati. Pada loading tunggal (single loading) dan loading seri (continuous loading) diperoleh lumpur dengan ketebalan 0.5 cm dan 21 cm. Unit SSC dapat mereduksi volume lumpur hingga 95.43%. Setelah pengeringan selama 15 hari, diperoleh lumpur dengan kandungan padatan 97.71% (lumpur dengan tebal 0.5 cm) dan 51.33% (lumpur dengan tebal 21 cm). Unit SSC dapat mereduksi kandungan COD hingga 98.05%, kekeruhan 99.65%, dan TSS 99.82%.

Solid Separation Chamber (SSC) is a sludge processing unit, which is a modification from Sludge Drying Bed (SDB). SSC can be used as an alternative to treat water works sludge by filtration process through sand filter and a layer of geotextile, and solar drying with polycarbonate as the cover. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of SSC unit in seperating water and solid content of sludge, reducing pollutant content, and drying sludge. This study was done using a laboratory scale SSC unit, with a single and continuous sludge loading, with a volume of 70 liter sludge/loading. Solid content and climate conditions was measured constantly. Reduction of COD, TSS, and turbidity content was also monitored. In the single loading and continous loading, sludge that was obtained has 0.5 cm and 21 cm of thickness. SSC unit can reduce sludge volume up to 95.43%. And after 15 days of drying, sludge solid content increases to 97.71% (0.5 cm thick sludge) 51.33% (21 cm thick sludge). SSC unit can reduce the content of COD up to 98.05%, turbidity up to 99.65%, and TSS up to 99.82%;"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Yusuf K K
"lndustri pengolahan minyak bumi saat ini mengalami kesulitan dalam hal penanganan limbah padat, yaitu sludge yang berasal dari crude oil, asphalt, tangki penyimpanan intermediat, oil separator dan tumpahan minyak tanah. Metode pembuangan sludge yang ada sekarang belum cukup baik untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan itu, Metode landfill dan landforming mempunyai masalah seperti kontaminasi air tanah dan tumpukan sludge yang terbuka berbahaya karena membantu hidrokarbon menguap ke udara bebas. Metode incineration membutuhkan biaya yang mahal, sedangkan metode bioconversion merupakan metode yang sederhana dan dapat berjalan dengan baik tergantung pada pemilihan mikro-organisme, formasi biosurfactant, aditif periode inkubasi dan temperatur yang tepat. Oleh karena itu perlu dikembangkan suatu penelitian yang dapat meningkatkan nilai guna dari sludge itu.
Penelitian ini coba mengembangkan aplikasi sludge sebagai bahan lapisan penghalang pada logam untuk pengendalian korosi Sludge dlcampur dengan resin, aspal Iilin, talk dan xylene. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu preparasi permukaan dengan ukuran amplas yang berbeda (#100 & #l50) serta komposisi sludge yang berbeda (100 120 & 140 gr). SMI! yang diamati adalah ketahanan korosi, adhesi kelahanan panas dan kekasaran permukaan darl bahan lapisan penghalang melalui uji celup garam, korosi armosferik, adhesi, pin hole dan kekasaran permukaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sampel yang dipreparasi dengan amplas ukuran #100 memiliki nilai kekasaran permukaan yang lebih linggi dibandinglran ukuran #1 50. Sifat ketahanan korosi yang paling bailc ditunjukkan oleh lromposisi Al, sedangkan komposisi A5 menunjukkan hasil paling buruk. Produk pembanding lapisan penghalang berbasis coalter menunjukkan sifat ketahanan korosl dibawah komposisi Al, A4 dan A3, namun masih lebih baik dari komposisi A fi A2 dan A5. Hal sebaliknya terjadi untuk syal ketahanan panas, dimana komposisi Al menunjukkan hasil yang paling buruk. Karakteristik ketahanan panas yang paling baik ditunjukkan oleh komposisi Ai Mi adhesi antara komposisi Al dan produk pembanding menunjukkan bahwa lapisan penghalang organik berbasis coaltar memiliki daya lekat yang lebih balk dibandingkan dengan lapisan penghalang organik berbasis sludge yang diwakili oleh Al."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwica Wulandari
Industri pulp dan kertas merupakan industri dengan tingkat pencemaran yang tinggi terkait kuantitas limbah lumpur yang dihasilkan (0,1 m3/ton produk). Untuk stabilisasi limbah lumpur tersebut bersamaan dengan produksi biogas, metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode digestasi anaerobik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti produksi biogas dari limbah lumpur kertas dengan pemeriksaan kandungan chemical oxygen demands (COD), padatan volatil, volatile fatty acid (VFA) selama proses digestasi anaerobik berlangsung dengan menggunakan dua reaktor anaerobik skala laboratorium dengan volume 15 L pada kondisi mesopilik (30°C). Reaktor pertama menggunakan lumpur kertas sebagai susbtrat tunggal sedangkan reaktor kedua menggunakan campuran kotoran sapi sebagai ko-substrat untuk mencapai nilai C/N yang optimum serta mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ko-susbtrat pada proses produksi biogas. Proses dilakukan pada kondisi batch dengan kandungan total padatan 20% untuk kedua reaktor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi produksi biogas dari proses digestasi anaerobik untuk lumpur kertas sebesar 31 ml biogas/ g VS selama 28 hari sedangkan campuran lumpur kertas dan kotoran sapi memperlihatkan hasil potensi produksi biogas 470 ml biogas/gVS selama 45 hari. Potensi gas metan dari limbah lumpur kertas sebesar 15 ml CH4/g VS dengan konsentrasi maksimum gas metan sebesar 58 % sedangkan untuk campuran limbah lumpur kertas dan kotoran sapi 380 ml CH4/g VS dengan konsentrasi gas metan maksimum sebesar 84% dan konsentrasi rata-rata gas metan selama proses adalah 50%. Konstanta hidrolisis proses digestasi anaerobik lumpur kertas dan campuran lumpur kotoran sapi adalah 0,18 dan 0,22.

Pulp and paper industry is one of the most polluted in the world because the large quantities of paper sludge (0,1 m3/ton product). Anaerobic digestion process is a potential succesful treatment to stabilize sludge in and produce biogas to be renewable energy. The aims of this study were to investigate the biogas production dan digestate potential of paper sludge based on biogas production while monitoring chemical oxygen (COD),volatile solids, volatile fatty acid (VFA) of sludge digestion. In pilot-scale experiments, paper sludge decomposed under meshophilic condition (30C). Anaerobic digestion monitoring process conducted using 2 lab-scale reactor ( 15 L) under mesophilic digestion. Paper Sludgee was used to feed first reactor (R1) meanwhile second reactor (R2) contains paper sludge and cow manure. Pilot test were performed in batch conditions with 20% total solid content of the input material. pH meter and termometer were installed in reactor for daily monitoring and impeller (80rpm) for continuous mixing. The results shown biogas production by anaerobic digestion process of paper sludge and cow manure higher (470 ml biogas/ gVS) for 28 days than paper sludge as single substrate (31 ml biogas/g VS for 45 days). Methane potential from paper sludge attained to 15 ml CH4/g VS and 380 ml CH4/g VS with maximum concentration 58% and 84%, meanwhile average methane concentration for both substrates reached to 50%. Hydrolysis constants (khyd) were higher for paper sludge than for either of the mixing of paper sludge and cow manure : 0,18 > 0,03. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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