"Muslim diprediksi menjadi komunitas beragama terbesar didunia. Selain itu, Indonesia sebagai negara dengan populasi muslim terbanyak di dunia, menunjukkan potensi pasar yang besar. Meningkatnya masyarakat menengah di Indonesia mendorong pertumbuhan industri kecantikan di Indonesia, termasuk produk kecantikan hijau. Industri kecantikan menunjukkan tren pertumbuhan pada produk hijau, yaitu didorong oleh preferensi konsumen terhadap kealamian kandungan produk atau disebut produk kecantikan organik. Konsumsi produk hijau merupakan salah satu bentuk konsumsi ramah lingkungan atau beretika. Perilaku konsumsi beretika terbentuk untuk mendukung tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan secara global.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor penentu perilaku konsumsi beretika wanita muslim terhadap produk perawatan tubuh dan kecantikan untuk kemudian memberikan gambaran berupa karakteristik konsumen muslim di industri kecantikan. Pengambilan sampel penelitian sebanyak 234 sampel dan melakukan analisis pengolahan data menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling SEM.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Fair Trade Attitude berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumsi beretika wanita muslim. Namun, Environmentalism, Materialism, Extrinsic Religiousity Social, Extrinsic Religiousity Personal, Consumption Ethics, dan Intrinsic Religiousity bukan merupakan faktor penentu perilaku konsumsi etis wanita muslim terhadap produk perawatan tubuh dan kecantikan.
Muslim is predicted to be the largest religion community in the world. In the other hand, Indonesia is the country which has the the greatest muslim population in the world and shown as potential emerging market. The increasing middle income society in Indonesia indicates a changing consumption behavior to the more ethical consumption. Ethical Consumption Behavior is made to support the Sustainability Development Goals SDGs. Personal Care and Beauty Industry has exhibited a continuous growth, particularly in Indonesia. The trend of green beauty product has also been occurred by the growing consumers preferences towards natural ingredients or commonly called as organic product. This research is aimed to investigating the key factors of ethical consumption behavior on woman muslim towards personal care and beauty product and an understanding about the characteristics of the consumers. This research uses 234 samples and utilize Structural Equation Modeling SEM as its methodology in doing the analysis. The result shows us that Fair Trade Attitude have significant effect on muslim ethical consumption behavior, yet, Environmentalism, Extrinsic Religiousity Personal, Materialism, Consumption Ethics, Intrinsic Religiousity, Extrinsic Religiousity Social, do not have significant effect on muslim ethical consumption behavior towards personal care and beauty products. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018