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Dwi Rahmawaty
Latar Belakang: Persalinan merupakan suatu proses fisiologis, namun berkaitan
dengan nyeri dan rasa tidak nyaman. Selain itu induksi persalinan merupakan suatu
intervensi dari luar terhadap proses alami kehamilan sehingga menginisiasi terjadinya
kontraksi uterus dan dilatasi serviks Saat ini belum ada studi yang membandingkan
nyeri persalinan spontan dan nyeri induksi persalinan.
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan nyeri persalinan spontan dan nyeri induksi
persalinan pada kala I dengan his 2-3 kali dalam 10 menit dan lama his 20-40 detik,
kala I dengan his 4 kali dalam 10 menit dan lama his lebih dari 40 detik, kala IV dan
satu hari pasca persalinan.
Metode: Penelitian dengan desain kohort prospektif membandingkan 50 ibu
persalinan spontan dan 50 ibu yang menjalani induksi persalinan sesuai dengan
kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Sampel didapatkan dari RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan
RS jejaring lainnya periode Juli 2013- September 2013. Intensitas nyeri dinilai
dengan Visual Analogue Scale. pada persalinan spontan dan induksi persalinan .
Perbandingan data antara dua kelompok dianalisis dengan uji Mann-Whitney
Hasil : Didapatkan skor nyeri ibu dengan persalinan spontan dibandingkan induksi
persalinan pada kala I his 2-3x/10 menit lama his 20-30 detik (5,00 vs 6,00, nilai
tengah semu 38,36 vs 62,64, p <0,001), saat kala I his 4x/10 menit lama his lebih
dari 40 detik (10,00 vs 10,00, nilai tengah semu 45,50 vs 55,50, p= 0,013), kala IV
(1,00 vs 1,00, nilai tengah semu 44,53 vs 56,48, p 0,020). Sedangkan pada skor nyeri
ibu satu hari pasca persalinan didapatkan nilai median yang lebih tinggi pada skor
nyeri pasien dengan persalinan spomtan dan induksi persalinan (1,00 vs 0,00, nilai
tengah semu 46,00 vs 55,00, p=0,072) nilai p > 0,05 menunjukkan tak ada perbedaan
Kesimpulan : Persalinan induksi lebih nyeri dibandingkan persalinan spontan pada
kala I dengan his 2-3 kali dalam 10 menit dan lama his 20-40 detik, kala I his lebih
dari 4x /10 menit lama his lebih dari 40 detik dan kala IV. Pada penilaian satu hari
pasca persalinan, tidak ada perbedaan bermakna secara statistik pada ibu persalinan
spontan dengan induksi persalinan

Background:Childbirth is a physiological process, but associated with pain and
discomfort. In addition, the induced labor is an external stimulation for the natural
process of pregnancy as to initiate uterine contractions and cervical dilation.
Currently no studies comparing the pain between spontaneous labor and induced
labor .
Objectives:Knowing the difference in spontaneous labor pain and induced labor pain
during 2-3 times in 10 minutes of contractions within 10 minutes in the first stage was
20-40 seconds length of contractions,4 times of contractions in the first stage wich
was more than 40 seconds length of contraction,in the fourth stage of labor and one
day after the birth.
Methods: An analytical cohort study, with 50 women undergoing spontaneous labor
and compared with 50 women undergoing induced labor, accordance with the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Samples obtained from Cipto Mangunkusumo and
others networking hospital period July 2013 - September 2013. The Pain intensity in
spontaneous labor and induced labor was assessed by Visual Analogue Scale.
Comparison of data between the two groups were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney
Obtained pain scores by VAS compared to women with spontaneous labor
and induction of labor respectively, in the first stage with contraction 2-3 times in
10 minutes with 20-40 seconds length of contraction (5.00 vs 6.00, mean rank 38.36
vs. 62.64 , p <0.001) , in the first stage with contractions 4 time in 10 minutes more
than 40 seconds length of contraction (10.00 vs. 10.00,mean rank 45.50 vs 55.50, p =
0.013), fourth stage of labor (1.00 vs. 1.00 , mean rank 44.53 vs. 56.48, p 0.020).
While the pain score on one day after the birth (1.00 vs 0.00 , mean rank 46.00 vs.
55.00 , p 0,072).
Conclusion: Induced labor more painful than spontaneous labor in the first stage
with contraction 2-3 times in 10 minutes with 20-40 seconds length of contraction, the
first stage with contractions 4 time in 10 minutes more than 40 seconds length of
contraction and at the fourth stage of labor. On one day after the birth assessment,
there was no statistically significant difference at spontaneous labor pain compared
with induced labor pain."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruth Widhiati Raharjo Putri
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendampingan terhadap tingkat nyeri persalinan.
Metode: Menggunakan desain uji klinis acak tidak tersamar dengan concealment dengan cara mengobservasi dan mengukur tingkat nyeri selama persalinan pada dua kelompok pasien, yaitu kelompok pasien dengan pendampingan dan kelompok pasien tanpa pendampingan; dengan jumlah pasien 36 orang tiap kelompok. Nyeri persalinan diukur dengan menggunakan metode Faces Pain Rating Scale. Analisa dilakukan dengan uji Mann-Whitney.
Hasil: Tingkat nyeri pada ibu yang tidak didampingi lebih tinggi daripada ibu yang didampingi, dimana yang merasakan sangat nyeri pada ibu yang tidak didampingi sebesar 50%, dengan rata-rata VAS 7.38±2.12, sedangkan pada ibu yang didampingi merasakan nyeri 44,4%, dengan rata-rata VAS 6.11±1.90.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara pendampingan dan tanpa pendampingan (p < 0,05 ).

Objective: This study aimed to assess assistence influence on labor pain level.
Methods: This study was a randomized clinical unmasked trial with concealment by measuring labor pain level in two patients group: with and without assistance during labor; each group consisted of 36 subjects. Pain intensity were measured using Faces Pain Rating Scale. Mann-Whitney analysis was done to assess significance of pain level between two groups.
Results:Majority of patient who were in non-assisted group had very painful score (50%) with mean of VAS 7.38±2.12, meanwhile most of assisted group complained painful score (44.44%), with mean of VAS 6.11±1.90.
Conclusion:There was significance of painful score between non-assisted and assisted subjects (p < 0.05).
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunika Anziana Aviary
Nyeri persalinan menjadi pemikiran tersendiri bagi ibu bersalin, terutama ibu primi. Nyeri berefek negatif jika tidak ditangani. Berbagai macam penanganan nyeri persalinan telah dikembangkan. Penelitian bentuk deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengalaman ibu primipara mengurangi nyeri saat persalinannya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling terhadap 43 responden ibu primipara di wilayah Puskesmas Cimanggis, Jagakarsa dan Pasar Rebo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 50% lebih responden melakukan peningkatan pengetahuan, napas dalam, memfokuskan pikiran pada pernapasan, relaksasi otot, effurage, dan perubahan posisi. Cara-cara meningkatkan keefektifan teknik pengurangan nyeri persalinan perlu dikembangkan lagi, sejalan dengan tingginya angka ibu yang sudah menerapkan teknik-teknik tersebut pada persalinannya.
Labor pain become a special thought for the mother's own birth, particularly for primiparous. Pain has negative effects if it is untreated well. Because of that, various ways have been developed to manage labor pain. The purpose of this descriptive research is determine the primiparous experience reduced pain during labor. The study was conducted with a purposive sampling of respondents 43 primiparous in the area of Cimanggis, Jagakarsa and Pasar Rebo Health Center. The result of the research can be concluded that more than 50% of respondents do the enhancement of knowledge, a deep breath, focus mind onbreathingg, muscle relaxation, effuarage, and position changes. The ways to improve the effectiveness of labor pain reduction techniques are necessary to be developed again, aligned with the high number of mothers who have applied these techniques in labor. , Labor pain become a special thought for the mother's own birth, particularly for primiparous. Pain has negative effects if it is untreated well. Because of that, various ways have been developed to manage labor pain. The purpose of this descriptive research is determine the primiparous experience reduced pain during labor. The study was conducted with a purposive sampling of respondents 43 primiparous in the area of Cimanggis, Jagakarsa and Pasar Rebo Health Center. The result of the research can be concluded that more than 50% of respondents do the enhancement of knowledge, a deep breath, focus mind onbreathingg, muscle relaxation, effuarage, and position changes. The ways to improve the effectiveness of labor pain reduction techniques are necessary to be developed again, aligned with the high number of mothers who have applied these techniques in labor. ]"
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Permatasari
"Latar belakang dan tujuanNyeri biasanya dianggap sebagai suatu fenomena patologis. Tetapi nyeri yang berhubungan dengan persalinan mempunyai makna berbeda pada wanita dan sangat bergantung pada pengalaman nyeri serta konstribusi ibu pada pengendalian nyeri tersebut. Ketika seorang wanita merasa bahwa suatu persalinan, terdiri dari lsquo;nyeri dan kerja keras rsquo;, dan rasa nyeri yang lama dan tak tertahankan dapat mengganggu ibu serta bayi, maka saat itulah diperlukan intervensi pengendalian rasa nyeri pada persalinan. Telah banyak metode yang dipergunakan dalam penanggulangan nyeri pada persalinan salah satunya adalah akupunktur. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat efek terapi akupunktur terhadap pengurangan nyeri ibu bersalin normalMetodePenelitian ini memakai metode Randomized Clinical Trial With Control. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 50 wanita bersalin normal. Terdiri dari 25 orang kelompok kasus dan 25 orang kelompok kontrol. Kedua kelompok mendapat perlakuan sama sesuai protokol kebidanan wanita akan melahirkan. Pada kelompok kasus diberikan terapi akupunktur pada saat kala 1 aktif atau dimana rasa nyeri mulai mengganggu, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol tidak. Dilakukan penilaian terhadap NAS nyeri persalinan, dihitung jumlah dan lama his. Lama kala 2 dan membandingkan APGAR Score bayiHasilTerapi akupunktur mempunyai efek terhadap pengurangan nyeri persalinan dengan dilihat pada kelompok kasus secara bermakna.

Back Ground and PurposePain is usually regarded as a pathological phenomenon. But the pain associated with childbirth have different meanings in women and relies heavily on the experience of pain as well as the mother 39 s contribution is on controlling the pain. When a woman feels that a labor, consists of 39 pain and hard work 39 , and the prolonged pain and unbearable can interfere with the mother and the baby, that 39 s when the necessary interventions for controlling pain in childbirth. Many methods have been used in pain relief in childbirth one is acupuncture. This study aimed to look at the effect of acupuncture therapy against a reduction of the normal maternity mother pain researchMethodThis method of wear of Randomized Clinical Trial With Control. Research. This research was conducted against 50 women maternity normally. Consists of 25 people groups of case and control groups of 25 people. Both groups received the same treatment protocol accordingly obstetrics women will give birth. In the case group was given acupuncture therapy at the time of the fase 1 active or where the pain starts to interrupt, whereas in the control group did not. Conducted assessment of the NAS calculated the amount of labor pain, and long and intensity of the uterus contraction . Long fase 2 and compare the APGAR Score baby.Results of acupuncture Therapy has an effect against the reduction of labor pain with views on this group of cases significantly p 0.05 Acupuncture Therapy Conclusion have the effect of a reduction of labor pain. Strengthen uterus contraction, speed up fase 2 and has no side effects on the mother and baby. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nila Marwiyah
Nyeri dan kecemasan merupakan hal yang normal ketika ibu menghadapi
persalinan, namun jika mengalami nyeri dan kecemasan yang berlebihan akan
menimbulkan komplikasi selama proses persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh paket Touching, Massage, Acupressure (T.M.A) oleh
keluarga terhadap nyeri persalinan dan proses persalinan. Penelitian ini
merupakan operasional research. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 94 ibu hamil yang
dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 47 orang sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 47
kelompok kontrol yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling.
Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner FPRS, FAS, lembar observasi proses
persalinan dan wawancara. Hasil wawancara keluarga mengatakan bahwa
pengetahuan keluarga bertambah dan adanya manfaat setelah penerapan paket
T.M.A. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan Chi Square menunjukan bahwa
ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada proses persalinan (power, p=0,028);
passanger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048; psikologis p=0,000)
dan nyeri persalinan (p=0,003) antara kedua kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hal
ini menunjukan bahwa pendampingan keluarga dengan menggunakan paket
T.M.A berpengaruh terhadap proses persalinan dan nyeri persalinan. Paket T.M.A
diharapkan menjadi intervensi non farmakologis dalam keperawatan untuk
menurunkan nyeri dan kecemasan pada ibu bersalin.

Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal.;Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal., Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Winarti
Persalinan merupakan peristiwa yang sangat penting bagi seorang ibu, namun tidak sedikit ibu yang mengalami persalinan yang tidak memuaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara intensitas nyeri persalinan dengan kepuasan terhadap pengalaman persalinan ibu. Penelitian cross-sectional ini menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling dengan 260 responden di Hermina Hospital Group. Alat ukur yang digunakan antara lain The Satisfaction with Childbirth Experience SWCBE , Numeric Pain Intensity Scale NPIS dan kuesioner pengetahuan tentang proses persalinan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total rerata kepuasan pengalaman persalinan ibu adalah 119,6 dengan standar deviasi 10,6 total rerata 1 SD = 130,2 Hanya terdapat 38 responden 14,6 yang memiliki skore > 130,2. Rerata skala intensitas nyeri persalinan ibu adalah 7,13. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas nyeri persalinan dengan kepuasan ibu terhadap pengalaman persalinannya r= 0,213 , faktor lain yang memengaruhi kepuasan pengalaman persalinan ibu adalah lama kala 1 persalinan r = -0,142 . Jenis persalinan, pengetahuan tentang proses persalinan dan status paritas tidak memengaruhi kepuasan pengalaman persalinan ibu. Nyeri persalinan dan penangananya merupakan faktor yang sangat berperan terhadap kepuasan pengalaman persalinan ibu, untuk itu penanganan nyeri persalinan merupakan hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam penilaian kualitas pelayanan dikamar bersalin.
Childbirth is a very important event for a mother, but not a few women who experience dissatisfaction during their labor. The aim of this study is to identify the correlation between the intensity of labor pain and the satisfaction with childbirth experience. The cross sectional study applied a consecutive sampling technique to select 260 parturian in Hermina Hospital Group as respondents. The measurement tool consist of The Satisfaction with Childbirth Experience SWCBE , Numeric Pain Intensity Scale NPIS and questionaries of Chilbirth process knowledge. The result show that the average total of satisfaction of childbirth experience is 119,6 with deviation standard of 10,6 average total 1SD 130,2 . Only 38 respondents 14,6 have score 130,2. Average intensity scale of labor pain is 7,13. There is significant correlation between intensity of labor pain and the satisfaction with childbirth experience r 0,213 , Another factor affecting the satisfaction with childbirth experience is length labor r 0,142 . Mode of delivery, knowledge of childbirth process and parity status do not affect the satisfaction with childbirth experience. Labor pain and its management is a very important factor to a childbirth experience, Therefore, pain management is important in evaluating quality maternity care."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nila Marwiyah
Nyeri dan kecemasan merupakan hal yang normal ketika ibu menghadapi
persalinan, namun jika mengalami nyeri dan kecemasan yang berlebihan akan
menimbulkan komplikasi selama proses persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui pengaruh paket Touching, Massage, Acupressure (T.M.A) oleh
keluarga terhadap nyeri persalinan dan proses persalinan. Penelitian ini
merupakan operasional research. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 94 ibu hamil yang
dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 47 orang sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 47
kelompok kontrol yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling.
Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner FPRS, FAS, lembar observasi proses
persalinan dan wawancara. Hasil wawancara keluarga mengatakan bahwa
pengetahuan keluarga bertambah dan adanya manfaat setelah penerapan paket
T.M.A. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan Chi Square menunjukan bahwa
ada perbedaan yang bermakna pada proses persalinan (power, p=0,028);
passanger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048; psikologis p=0,000)
dan nyeri persalinan (p=0,003) antara kedua kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Hal
ini menunjukan bahwa pendampingan keluarga dengan menggunakan paket
T.M.A berpengaruh terhadap proses persalinan dan nyeri persalinan. Paket T.M.A
diharapkan menjadi intervensi non farmakologis dalam keperawatan untuk
menurunkan nyeri dan kecemasan pada ibu bersalin.

Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal.;Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal.;Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
maternal., Pain and anxiety is normal when a mother facing labor. Excessive pain and
anxiety will cause complications during childbirth. This research aimed to know
the effect of touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) by the family to the
pain of labor and delivery process. This research operasional research. The
sample were 94 pregnant women that divided into two groups: 47 as intervention
group and 47 control group that taken with consecutive sampling technique.
Collection data using questionnaires FPRS, FAS and observation sheet delivery
process. The results obtained in the interview, participant said that family
knowledge has increased and they feel the benefit of the TMA package. The
quantitatif result showed there was a significant difference in labor process
(power, p=0,028); passenger p=0,006; passageway p=0,048; position p=0,048;
psychological response p=0,000) and pain (p=0,003) between the intervention and
control groups. This shows that the family what used TMA package influence on
labor process and pain. Touching package, Massage, Acupressure (TMA) is
expected as an intervention non farmakologis in decreased pain and anxiety
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imami Nur Rachmawati
"Persalinan merupakan hal penting bagi ibu dan juga tenaga kesehatan dalam konteks kesehatan maternal. Keperawatan sangat memperhatikan keluhan nyeri selama persalinan dengan mengembangkan berbagai metode mengurangi nyeri tetapi belum banyak diterapkan di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi konsep penerapan manajemen nyeri persalinan di Indonesia, khususnya di daerah perkotaan melalui rancangan constructivist grounded theory. Sebanyak 36 orang yaitu 17 ibu dan 19 tenaga kesehatan (dokter dan bidan) yang dipilih melalui theoretical sampling dari Rumah Sakit dan Klinik di Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, dan Tangerang berpartisipasi. Data yang diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen dianalisis dengan pengodean awal, pengodean berfokus, pengodean berporos, dan pengodean teoretis.
Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa manajemen nyeri persalinan merupakan suatu proses dan terjadi divergensi dalam penerapannya, yaitu pendekatan partisipatif, pendekatan medis dan pendekatan koersif. Kondisi ini terjadi karena pengaruh individu (ibu bersalin dan tenaga kesehatan), institusi profesi, sistem sosio-struktural, sistem kultural, perlindungan pasien dan kontingensi. Pendekatan koersif merupakan pendekatan yang mayoritas diterapkan di Indonesia. Model ini dapat dibandingkan dengan teori manajemen nyeri akut dan teori bureaucratic caring. Hasil ini merekomendasikan pentingnya peran perawat dalam persalinan, karena perawat mampu memberikan pelayanan yang komprehensif berdasarkan filosofi caring. Sistem institusi pelayanan juga perlu mendukung tenaga kesehatan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perempuan dan keluarganya dalam persalinan.

Childbirth is an important moment for the mother as well as care providers in the context of maternal health. Nursing is very concerned about pain during labor through the development of various methods of alleviating the pain that has not been widely applied in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the concept of labor pain management practices in Indonesia, particularly in urban areas through constructivist grounded theory. A total number of 36 people consisting of 17 mothers and 19 care providers participated in this study. They were selected through theoretical sampling from Hospitals and Clinics in Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi and Tangerang Data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. The data was analyzed with initial coding, focused coding, axial coding, and theoretical coding.
This study revealed that pain management during labor is a process and a divergence occurs in its application, namely participatory approach, medical approach and coercive approach. This condition can occur because of the influence of maternal individual, care provider individual, professional institutions, socio-structural system, cultural system, the protection of patients, and contingency. Coercive approach is the majority approach applied in Indonesia. This model could be compared to the theory of acute pain management, bureaucratic caring theory, and organization culture theory.These results recommend the importance of the involvement of the nurse?s role in the labor care, because the nurse is able to provide comprehensive care based on the philosophy of caring. The health care institution system also needs to support care provider in meeting the needs of women and families in childbirth."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Dinar Mustika
"Masalah utama pada periode intranatal yang terjadi pada ibu yang melahirkan ialah nyeri. Tingkat nyeri persalinan pada kala I yang tidak teratasi dapat berdampak pada psikologis ibu, salah satunya yaitu kecemasan. Selanjutnya, kecemasan sendiri menjadi faktor risiko terjadinya fetal distress dan dapat membahayakan janin. Karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis intervensi keperawatan back massage untuk mengontrol nyeri persalinan pada kala I, yaitu pada fase laten dan fase aktif. Back massage dapat meningkatkan aliran darah serta merangsang pengeluaran epinefrin sehingga dapat menurunkan nyeri. Karya tulis ilmiah ini menggunakan metode studi kasus. Hasil evaluasi intervensi back massage menunjukkan bahwa nyeri persalinan dapat terkontrol setelah diberikan intervensi keperawatan back massage. Oleh karena itu, karya tulis ini merekomendasikan intervensi back massage sebagai salah satu intervensi yang dapat diimplementasikan pada kala I persalinan guna menurunkan nyeri pada ibu yang melahirkan.

The main problem in the intranatal period that occurs in mothers who give birth is pain. The level of labor pain at the first time that is not resolved can have an impact on the psychological mother, one of which is anxiety. Furthermore, anxiety itself is a risk factor for fetal distress and can endanger the fetus. This scientific paper aims to analyze nursing back massage interventions to control labor pain at the first time, namely in the latent phase and active phase. Back massage can increase blood flow and stimulate the release of epinephrine so that it can reduce pain. This scientific paper uses a case study method. The results of the back massage intervention evaluation showed that labor pain can be controlled after being given back massage nursing intervention. Therefore, this paper recommends back massage intervention as one of the interventions that can be implemented in the first stage of labor in order to reduce pain in mothers who give birth."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Etty Komariah Sambas
"Perubahan fisiologis dan psikologis selama proses melahirkan dapat menimbulkan nyeri pada ibu. Apabila tidak dilakukan upaya yang optimal untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan akan dapat menyebabkan pengaruh buruk pada fisik dan psikologisnya. Perilaku suportif adalah upaya yang dapat dilakukan perawat-bidan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan dan kesejahteraan ibu untuk mengurangi nyeri persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengarah perilaku suportif perawat-bidan terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan pada ibu intra partum kala 1. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan rancangan post test only. Sampel dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi sebanyak 64 orang yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu 32 orang sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 32 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan skala nyeri berdasarkan visual analogue scale. Analisis data menggunakan univariat dan bivariat yaitu Chi square dan Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan bermakna intensitas nyeri antara kelompok intervensi dengan kelompok kontrol (p= 0,000, a= 5 %) Intensitas nyeri pada kelompok intervensi lebih rendah (mean rank 19,53) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (mean rank 45,47). Karena kedua kelompok sampel tersebut setara maka perbedaan ini dianggap sebagai pengaruh intervensi yang diberikan. Karakteristik responden yang berpengaruh pada intensitas nyeri persalinan adalah usia (p=0,024) dan paritas (p= 0,008) pada kelompok intervensi, sedangkan karakteristik lain tidak berpengaruh. Hal ini berarti bahwa perilaku suportive bermakna pada ibu yang berusia lebih dari 27 tahun dan multipara.

Physiological and psychological changes during labor could cause labor pain to mother. I f there's no optimal support to reduce labor pain bad effects result both physiologically and psychologically. Supportive behavior means to enhance mother's comfort and wellbeing so can reduce labor pain. The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of supportive behavior toward labor pain in first stage intra partum mother. The quasi experiment was used in this study with post test only design. Sixty-four samples were selected according to inclusion criteria?s and were divided into two groups, 32 as intervention group and 32 as control group. Data collection used questioner and visual analogue scale. Data analysis used univariat and bivariat namely Chi square and Mann-Whitney. The study found that labor pain was significant difference on both sample groups (p= 0,000, a= 5 %). Pain intensity in intervention group (mean rank 19,53) was less than control group (mean rank 45,47). Because of homogeneity between both sample groups therefore the difference was assumed as intervention result. The characteristics of respondents that had impact to labor pain were age (p=0,024) and parity (p= 0,008) in intervention group. It means that supportive behavior more significant to reduce labor pain in age more than 27 years and for multipara."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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