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Dian Lestari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan kebijakan Jabatan Fungsional Administrator Kesehatan di lingkungan Kantor Kementerian Kesehatan dengan menggunakan model analisis Edward III. Implementasi kebijakan berjalan baik bila pelaksanaanya telah sesuai dengan peraturannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam pada pelaksana kebijakan Jabatan Fungsional Adminkes di lingkungan Kantor Kemenkes. Informan dipilih berdasarkan purposive sampling.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan belum berjalan dengan baik terkait komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi. Faktor-faktor yang menghambat implementasinya adalah sosialisasi; penempatan dan kewenangan Adminkes dalam Unit Kerja; dukungan pimpinan; fasilitas; beban kerja Unit Pembina; koordinasi internal di Kemenkes; dan sistem pengarsipan.

This research aimed to analyze the implementation of Health Administrator Functional Position policy at Ministry of Health office using analytical model from Edward III. Implementation of the policy is assumed to be going well when in accordance with the regulations. This research used qualitative method using in-depth interviews to the executive staff implementing the above decrees at the Ministry of Health office.
The results showed that the policy implementation of Health Administrator as Functional Position at the Ministry of Health needs to be improved in terms of communications, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Factors that hinder the implementation is socialization; placement and Adminkes authority; leadership support; facilities; workload of Unit Supervisors; internal coordination in the Ministry of Health; and archiving systems.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lumban Raja, Edward
"Salah satu tujauan uji kompetensi adalah mewujudkan Sumber daya manusia kesehatan yang unggul, kompetitif serta mampu berdaya saing. Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta berkomitmen agar Pelaksanaan uji Kompetensi teknis jabatan fungsional dilaksanakan dengan konsisten dan berkelanjutan selaras dengan kebijakan yang sudah diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pelaksanaan Uji Komptensi teknis jabatan fungsional kesehatan di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi DKI Jakarta serta keselarasannya dengan kebijakan pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian menggunakan Model implementasi kebijakan George C. Edward III dengan menggunakan 4 variabel yang digunakan yaitu komunikasi, Sumberdaya, Disposisi dan Srtuktur Birokrasi. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam kepada informan dan menggunakan telaah dokumen. Informan penelitian adalah Kementerian Kesehatan, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jakarta dan para tim Penguji Uji Kompetensi dari berbagai rumpun jabatan Funsgional. Penelitian dilakukan bulan April hingga Mei-Juni 2022. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan pelaksanaan uji kompetensi teknis jabatan fungsional kesehatan sudah berjalan namun pada pelaksanaan kebijakan ditemukan beberapa ketidaksesuaian yaitu belum semua jenis jabatan fungsional kesehatan yang sudah melaksanakan uji kompetensi. Pada variabel Komunikasi khususnya pada sub variabel transmisi terlihat bahwa proses sosialisasi masih kurang sehingga berdampak pada kurangnya antusiasme dan pemahaman para pemangku jabatan fungsional terhadap pelaksanaan uji kompetensi. Pada variabel Sumber Daya yaitu pada sub variabel Sumber daya manusia dan fasilitas ditemukan bahwa masih sedikitnya jumlah para tim penguji uji kompetensi yang memiliki sertifikat uji komptensi dan dari segi fasilitas juga masih ditemukan kekurangan terkait tempat dilaksanakannya uji kompetensi dan sarana prasarana yang tersedia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan uji kompetensi belum selaras dengan amanah Undang-Undang yaitu belum semua tenaga kesehatan melaksanakan uji kompetensi.

One of the objectives of the competency test is to create superior, competitive and competitive health human resources. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office is committed that the implementation of the technical competency test for functional positions is carried out consistently and sustainably in line with the policies mandated by law. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the policy implementation of the technical competency test for health functional positions at the DKI Jakarta Provincial Health Office and its alignment with stakeholder policies. This research is a qualitative research with research design using George C. Edward III's policy implementation model using 4 variables, namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with informants and using document analysis. Research informants are the Ministry of Health, the Jakarta Provincial Health Office and the Competency Test Examiners team from various functional positions. The study was conducted from April to May-June 2022. The results showed that the implementation of the policy for implementing the technical competency test for health functional positions had been running, but in the implementation of the policy several discrepancies were found, namely not all types of health functional positions had carried out the competency test. In the Communication variable, especially in the transmission sub-variable, it can be seen that the socialization process is still lacking so that it has an impact on the lack of enthusiasm and understanding of functional office holders for the implementation of the competency test. In the Resources variable, namely in the Human Resources and facilities sub-variable, it was found that there were still a small number of competency test examiners who had competency test certificates and in terms of facilities, deficiencies were also found regarding the place where the competency test was carried out and the available infrastructure. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the competency test policy has not been in line with the mandate of the Act, namely not all health workers have carried out the competency test"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Muhammad Arifin
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang implementasi analisis jabatan dan kesesuaian berdasarkan bezetting dan formasi pada jabatan fungsional di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan post-positivis dan metode kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis jabatan pada jabatan fungsional di Kementerian tersebut belum di implementasikan dengan baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari aspek-aspek yang meliputi penggunaan data hasil analisis jabatan masih temporer, keterlibatan para pihak masih kurang, penentuan informan yang mewakili belum tepat, analisis pekerjaan aktual belum akurat, verifikasi dan validasi hasil analisis jabatan belum tepat, dan penyusunan deskripsi dan spesifikasi jabatan belum akurat. Selain itu kesesuaian berdasarkan bezetting dan formasi pada jabatan fungsional juga masih kurang, baik dari deskripsi dan spesifikasi jabatan maupun jumlah pemangkunya.

This research discusses the implementation of job analysis and appropriate based on bezetting and formation on functional positions in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The research was conducted using post-positivist approach and qualitative method.
The results of the research saw that the job analysis on functional position in the Ministry has not been implemented well, this can be seen from the usage of temporarily data result of job analysis, the lack of stakeholders involvement, the unproperly representative informant determination, the unaccurately analyze the job, the unproperly verification and validation of job analysis, and the unaccurately development of job description and job specification. The other result saw that there is the unppropriate both the job description-job specification and number of employee based on bezetting and formation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riyan Afrianto
"Setelah diterbitkannya Undang-Undang No.5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara, atau lebih dikenal dengan UU ASN, maka pengelolaan PNS haruslah sudah berlandaskan sistem merit. Begitu juga dengan proses pengisian jabatan struktural, mulai dari Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Utama yang paling tinggi sampai dengan Jabatan Pengawas harus berdasarkan sistem-sistem merit. Untuk posisi Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi secara tegas disebutkan dalam UU ASN, dapat dilakukan melalui open bidding/lelang jabatan, sedangkan untuk level Jabatan Administrator dan Jabatan Pengawas dilakukan dengan memperhatikan sistem merit. Walaupun sudah 4 tahun sejak terbitnya UU ASN, namun belum banyak instansi pusat maupun daerah yang menerapkan proses pengisian jabatan Administrator dan Jabatan Pengawas secara sistem merit. Kementerian ESDM dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun  terakhir yaitu 2015-2018 sudah 21 kali melakukan proses mutasi jabatan, dimana total pejabat yang mengalami mutasi ada 1.775 orang. Dari total 792 jabatan structural yang ada di Kementerian ESDM, terdapat 59 jabatan dimana latar belakang pendidikan pejabat yang mendudukinya tidak sesuai dengan kompetensi jabatan yang seharusnya Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan merit system dalam proses pengisian Jabatan Administrator dan Jabatan Pengawas di Kementerain ESDM.  Tipe penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tipe penelitian deskriptif analitis melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang berasal dari hasil wawancara mendalam terhadap informan penelitian dan data sekunder berupa arsip dan dokumentasi. Teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan purpossive sampling. Hasil penelitian menemukan pelaksanaan pengisian Jabatan Administrator dan Jabatan Pengawas di Kementerian ESDM secara umum belum sepenuhnya berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip merit system. Masih terdapat perbedaan prosedur antar Unit dalam menentukan calon peserta seleksi jabatan, belum adanya standar kompetensi jabatan menyebabkan pengukuran kompetensi peserta hanya bisa dilakukan sebagian, dan pelaksanaan rotasi jabatan belum berdasarkan pola karir.

After Law No.5 of 2014 about Civil State Apparatus Act published, or better known as the ASN Law, the management of civil servants must be based on a merit system. Likewise, the process of filling in structural positions, starting from the Main High Leadership Position to the highest up to Supervisory Position, must be based on merit systems. For the position of High Leadership Position explicitly stated in the ASN Law, it can be done through open bidding/auction positions, while for the level of Administrator Position and Supervisory Position is done by taking into account the merit system. Even though it has been 4 years since the publication of the ASN Law, yet not many central and regional agencies have implemented the process of filling in the positions of Administrator and Supervisory Position on a merit basis. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the last 4 years, namely 2015-2018, has 21 times carried out the transfer process, where there were 1,775 officials who had a mutation. Out of a total of 792 structural positions in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are 59 positions where the educational background of the occupying officials is not in accordance with the job competencies that should be used. The type of research used in this study is a type of analytical descriptive research through a qualitative approach. Data sources used in the form of primary data derived from the results of in-depth interviews with research informants and secondary data in the form of archives and documentation. The informant selection technique uses purposive sampling. The results of the study found that the implementation of filling in the Administrator and Supervisory Position in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in general was not fully based on the principles of merit system. There are still differences in procedures between Units in determining candidates for job selection, the absence of job competency standards causes the measurement of participant competency can only be done in part, and the implementation of job rotation has not been based on a career path."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Muhawarman
Komunikasi adalah faktor penting dalam keberhasilan implementasi
kebijakan dan program pemerintah. Untuk itu peneliti akan menganalisis
formulasi kebijakan komunikasi dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program
pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Beberapa temuan dari riset nasional seperti
Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012, dan Riset Kesehatan
Dasar 2013, diperkuat dengan sejumlah penelitian lainnya serta pemberitaan di
media yang menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kebijakan dan program kesehatan
yang belum berhasil mencapai target yang antara lain disebabkan tidak
berjalannya fungsi komunikasi secara optimal sehingga masyarakat belum bisa
memahami dan mendukung kebijakan dan program kesehatan pemerintah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif,
pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, focus group
discussion (FGD) dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan fakta
bahwa fungsi komunikasi yang dijalankan unit hubungan masyarakat di
Kementerian Kesehatan belum berjalan optimal oleh karena belum adanya
pedoman yang mengatur fungsi komunikasi secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif
dalam hal kelembagaan, kegiatan, tata laksana kerja dan sumber daya. Peneliti
menyarankan kepada sejumlah pihak terkait terutama Pusat Komunikasi Publik
Kementerian Kesehatan agar segera menyusun pedoman komunikasi atau
kehumasan yang dapat mengatur seluruh aspek komunikasi yang diperlukan
dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi selaku hubungan masyarakat,
selain itu juga memperkuat sumber daya agar lebih memadai. Peneliti juga
merekomendasikan kepada Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan
Kementerian PAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi agar menyiapkan berbagai upaya
untuk memperkuat posisi dan peranan hubungan masyarakat dalam pembangunan

Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s, Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Masyitha
"Komisi Yudisial sebagai lembaga pengawas dan penjaga etika hakim, memiliki peran penting dalam tegaknya kekuasaan kehakiman yang bersih. Lembaga ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam menjalankan tugas dan wewenangnya karena dengan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas harus menaungi ribuan hakim yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia sebagai obyek pengawasan Komisi Yudisial. Permasalahan yang diangkat adalah kompleksitas pembentukan jabatan fungsional penata kehakiman dan kesiapan Komisi Yudisial atas keberadaan dan pembentukan jabatan fungsional tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yuridis normatif, menggunakan terutama data sekunder menganalis Peraturan Menteri Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 84 Tahun 2020 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Penata Kehakiman dan peraturan-peraturan terkait, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian bahwa jabatan fungsional penata kehakiman adalah yang pertama dan satu-satunya yang berada di bawah pembinaan Komisi Yudisial, Pembentukan Jabatan ini kompleks karena menggabungkan tugas dan fungsi pencegahan, penegakan, serta seleksi Calon Hakim Agung dan Calon Hakim Ad Hoc di Mahkamah Agung yang tujuan pelaksanaannya sangat berbeda dan memiliki peraturan pelaksananya masing-masing yang belum terharmonisasi, serta masih adanya kendala dalam penempatan unit pembina. Adapun kesiapan Komisi Yudisial selaku instansi Pembina masih dalam tahap awal dan persiapan Komisi Yudisial terkendala dengan belum adanya pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan, belum adanya harmonisasi peraturan, dan jumlah persediaan pegawai yang belum memadai. Perlu adanya harmonisasi peraturan pelaksana, pengaturan perbantuan tugas dan perpindahan pegawai, pembentukan pusat pendidikan dan pelatihan, serta langkah-langkah lain yang diperlukan.

The Judicial Commission as a supervisory institution and guard of judge ethics, has an important role in upholding a clean judicial power. This institution has limitations in carrying out its duties and authorities because with their limited human resources, they must oversee thousands of judges spread throughout Indonesia as the object of supervision of the Judicial Commission. The issues raised are the complexity of establishing the functional position of judicial administrator and the readiness of the Judicial Commission for the presence and establishment of the functional position. The research method used is normative juridical, using mainly secondary data to analyze PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 84 of 2020 concerning the Functional Position of the Judiciary and related regulations, with a qualitative approach. The results of the research that the functional position of the judiciary is the first and the only one functional position belonging to the Judicial Commission. The formation of this position is complex because it combines the duties and functions of preventing, enforcing, and selecting Candidates for Supreme Court Justices and Candidates for Ad Hoc Judges at the Supreme Court whose implementation objectives are very different and have their respective implementing regulations that have not been harmonized, and there are still obstacles in the placement of the supervisory unit. As for the readiness of the Judicial Commission as the founder agency, it is still in the early stages and the preparation of the Judicial Commission is constrained as it should be equipped with an education and training center, there is no harmonization of regulations, and the number of staff supplies is not adequate. Based on these matters, There is a need for harmonization of implementing regulations, arrangements for task assistance and employee transfer, establishment of education and training centers, as well as other necessary measures."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 11 Tahun 2017 tentang Manajemen PNS mengharuskan adanya pengelolaan PNS berdasarkan jabatan fungsional yang sudah ditentukan. Badan Litbang Kesehatan belum melakukan penataan SDM jabatan fungsional sesuai dengan peraturan tersebut. Sesuai perhitungan yang didasarkan pada indikator kinerja Badan Litbang Kesehatan dan rencana strategis pemerintah, terdapat kelebihan jumlah peneliti sehingga diperlukan penataan berupa perencanaan SDM untuk dialihkan ke jabatan fungsional lainnya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang perencanaan SDM Jabatan Fungsional di Badan Litbang Kesehatan dengan menggunakan dasar pemikiran bahwa perencanaan terbagi menjadi dua aspek yaitu analisis pekerjaan serta permintaan dan penawaran yang kemudian dibagi menjadi empat sub aspek yaitu spesifikasi SDM, klasifikasi, peramalan, dan penyesuaian jabfung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan post-positivisme. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara kepada beberapa informan dan studi dokumen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan SDM Jabatan fungsional di Badan Litbang Kesehatan disesuaikan denga pedoman LIPI, proses spesifikasi SDM, klasifikasi, peramalan, dan penyesuaian jabatan fungsional sudah didasarkan pada latar belakang pendidikan, kompetensi, dan kepakaran pegawai. Peramalan sudah dilakukan melalui beberapa cara yaitu: pengambilan pegawai dari jabatan fungsional umum, perekrutan pegawai ditahun berikutnya, peningkatan mutu pegawai melalui diklat dan seminar. Perencanaan SDM jabatan fungsional saat ini sudah memasuki tahap penyesuaian melalui jabatan fungsional peneliti dan jabatan fungsional lainnya seperti: statistisi, analis kebijakan, pranata komputer dan perekayasa. Kendala utama yang dialami dalam proses tersebut adalah perbedaan besarnya tunjangan fungsional peneliti dibandingkan dengan jabatan fungsional lainnya dan kurangnya sosialisasi tentang jabatan fungsional lainnya sebagai jabatan alternatif.

Government Regulation Number 11 Year 2017 on the Management of Civil Servants requires the management of civil servants based on functional positions that have been determined. National Institute of Health Research and Development NIHRD has not done the arrangement of HR functional position in accordance with the regulation. According to the calculation based on the performance indicators of NIHRD and the government strategic plan, there are excess number of researchers so that the necessary arrangement in the form of HR planning to be transferred to other functional positions. This study discusses the planning of HR Functional Position in NIHRD using the rationale that the planning is divided into two aspects, namely job analysis and demand and supply which is then divided into four sub aspects, namely HR specification, classification, forecasting, and functional position adjustment. The research method used is descriptive with post positivism approach. The data collection process used interviews with several informants and document studies.
The result of the research indicates that the functional position HR planning in NIHRD is adjusted to LIPI guidelines, the process of HR specification, classification, forecasting, and functional position adjustment is based on educational background, competence, and employee expertise. Forecasting has been done through several ways the taking of employees from general functional positions, recruitment of employees in the next year, improving the quality of employees through training and seminars. Current HR functional position planning has entered the adjustment stage through functional positions of researchers and other functional positions such as statistics, policy analysts, computer institutions and engineers. The main constraint experienced in the process is the difference in the magnitude of the functional allowance of researchers compared with other functional positions and lack of socialization of other functional positions as alternative positions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Muhammad Azro Ramadhana
"Jaminan Kesehatan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan merupakan program jaminan sosial di bidang kesehatan yang diwajibkan menurut Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 2011 tentang Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial. Namun demikian pada pelaksanaannya terdapat permasalahan, salah satunya adalah perusahaan yang terlambat dalam mendaftarkan pekerja/buruhnya dalam program tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu diteliti lebih lanjut mengenai pengaturan penyelenggaraan program jaminan kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan serta penyelenggaraan program jaminan kesehatan internal perusahaan. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini berbentuk penelitian yuridis normatif, yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara studi kepustakaan dan dokumen yang dilengkapi dengan wawancara terhadap perusahaan terkait PT XYZ . Dokumen yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Data sekunder yang dimaksud akan dianalisa lebih lanjut dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam rangka menerapkan program jaminan Kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan, maka peserta khususnya pekerja/buruh beserta pemberi kerja secepatnya mengunjungi kantor BPJS Kesehatan setempat dan mendaftar dalam program jaminan kesehatan BPJS Kesehatan.

Health care security by Social Security Administrator for Health is a social security program in health care sector as required by law number 24 of 2011 about Social Security Administrator. However, in practice there are some problems, one of which is a company that is late in registering their workers at which health care securityprogram. Therefore,it is necessary to do a researchabout the regulation of Health Care Security by Social Security Administrator for Health and the implementation of internal health security program at PT XYZ. The research is a normative juridical research, which has descriptive analytical. The research was conducted byliterature research and document with interview to related company. Documents that used in this research are secondary data in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The secondary data will be further analyzed by qualitative approach. In order to implement the Health care security by Social Security Administrator for Health, the participants, especially the workers and employers immediately visit the local National Health Security office and register inhealthsecuritybyNational Health Security."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riastuti Kusuma Wardani
"Kebijakan JPKMM merupakan realisasi dari kebijakan PKPS BBM Bidkes tahun 2005. Pada implementasi di daerah banyak sekali ditemukan permasalahanpermasalahan. Salahsatunya di Kota Bogor yang belum mempunyai RSUD. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem peneliti melihat kesesuaian peran dan ketepatan keterlibatan SDM, kesesuaian dan ketepatan pendanaan, kesesuaian dan ketepatan sarana,kesesuaian dan ketepatan kebijakan yang berlaku di Kota Bogor, kesesuaian dan ketepatan penentuan kepersertaan, kesesuaian dan ketepatan PKS, kesesuaian dan ketepatan tata laksana JPKMM, kesesuaian dan ketepatan pengorganisasian, kesesuaian dan ketepatan Monev, serta yang terakhir adalah ketepatan dan kesesuaian pelaksanaan pelayanan maskin di RS. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam dari informan yai.tu eksekutif, legislatif, Dinas Kesehatan Kota, PT Askes eabang Bogor dan RS.
Hasil yang didapati dari penelitian ini adalah: 1. SDM pelaksana kebijakan JPKMM pada PPK RS sudah sesuai dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan dengan standar pelayanan, namun belum tepat karena belum sesuai kesepakatan dan keberatan dari SDM RS karena kompensasi yang kecil dan jumlah yang dilayani auk-up banyak, 2. pendanaan sudah sesuai dengan kebijakan dimana selisih tarif dibebankan kepada APBD kota, namun belum tepat karena belum bisa meneukupi kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat miskin, 3. dari segi sarana, PPK RS yang menyelenggarakan JPKMM sudah tepat dan sesuai dari segi kebijakan, kebijakan yang berlaku untuk penyelenggaraan JPKMM sudah sesuai namun belum tepat karena kota Bogor sudah mempunyai kebijakan sendiri untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan didaerahnya, 5. dari segi penentuan kepesertaan sudah sesuai dengan kebijakan namun belum tepat karena belum adanya SK penetapan maskin juga banyaknya penggunaan SKTM yang ternyata bukan maskin, 6. dari segi perjanjian kerjasama (PKS) sudah sesuai namun belum tepat karena ada beberapa provider yang melanggar dengan meresepkan obat-obatan diluar DPHO, 7. dari segi tata laksana belum tepat dan sesuai karena pasien tidak mematuhi persyaratan untuk bisa mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang dijamin oleh pemerintah, pasien dikenakan iur biaya, anak jalanan tidak tercover, 8.dari segi pengorganisasian sudah sesuai pelaksanannya namun belum tepat karena terdapat 2 tim yang menangani hal yang sama dengan sasaran yang sama, 9. Pemantauan dan Exaluasi belum sesuai dan belum tepat karena masih bersifat menunggu bola bukan menjemput bola artinya hanya menunggu laporan-laporan saja. Selain itu evaluasi dengan menggunakan standar pencapaian yang sudah ditetapkan Depkes belum tersosialisasi serta belum dilaksanakan, 10. Pelayanan kesehatan pada PPK RS terhadap maskin dilihat dari kesesuaiannya maka belum sesuai dengan kebijakannya karena pasien ada yang dikenakan iur biaya pelayanan dan that, pelayanan kesehatan pada PPK RS terhadap maskin juga belum tepat karena pasien yang dirawat diruang berkelas menggunakan SKTM untuk mendapatkan keringanan biaya.
Kesimpulan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah belum sesuai dan tepat input serta proses dari implementasi kebijakan JPKMM di Kota Bogor pada PPK RS. Saran dan rekomendasi kebijakan yang peneliti coba berikan berdasarkan basil temuan peneliti antara lain ; bagi Dinas Kesehatan yaitu sosialisasi kebijakan, pembuatan kebijakan pembiayaan bertingkat, membuat kebijakan strategis daerah sejalan dengan kebijakan pusat, kebijakan pemberdayaan masyarakat perlu dilanjutkan, koordinasi dan kerjasama lintas sektor untuk menanggulangi anjal, rnekanisnie money yang perlu melibatkan berbagai pihak, pengefektifan ambulance dan peningkatan fungsi Puskesmas. Bagi RS yaitu RS perlu andil dalam sosialisasi baik intern maupun ektem RS, membuat kebijakan internal RS untuk pembiayaan bertingkat dan ikut dalam money pelaksanaan program. Bagi PT Askes yaitu melakukan pengkajian ulang terhadap tarif dengan kondisi Kota Bogor dan sosialisasi sampai ketingkat penerima.

Poverty Health Insurance policy have been a realization of PKPS BBM for health sektor in 2005. A lot problem arise during implementation of this policy in counties, for example is Bogor, this county' has different characteristics than others one of them is RSUD inexistence. This issue intrigued me to continue with examination. Systematical approach is being used here to find out role suitability and correct of human resource involvement, appropiation and correct funding, means suitability, policy suitability and exactness, appropriate and correct listing, appropiate and correct cooperative MOU, appropiation and correctness of JPPMM implementation, appropiate and correct organizing, appropiate and correct monitoring and evaluation. Qualitative methode is used for the examination since depth information quality is needed executive, legislative, Health institution county, PT ASKES and hospital are soueces of the information.
Result of the exeamnnation are; 1. The accuracy of human resource involved in this program was right, but not correct cause services different with MOU, 2. Funding accuracy of this program in Kota Bogor was suits with the policy, where price difference was put into APBD, but it was not adequate enough to cover all poor people, 3. For means side, PPK RS which operates JPKMM already suits and appropriate, 4. On the policy side, Kota Bogor has agood policy to operate JPKMM, but they also has their own policy in poverty prevention, 5. From the listing methode, Kota Bogor has an appropiate methode that suits the policy but not yet correct, since there has not been any SK Walikota for determining poor people, and also alot of people who used SKTM which actually not poor, 6. From the MOU side, PT Askes with RS has MOU making process that suits policy, but not yet effective, since many provider neglects the MOU when giving prescription with unlisted drugs, 7.From the procedural implementation side, it is not accurate and effective yet, since there are SKTM holder who actually not meet the qualification, and traps not covered within this program, 8. From the organizational side, it is already suitable with the implementation, but not yet effective since there are 2 teams wich has same theme and object, 9. Monitoring and evaluation is not yet effective and accurate, site there are no pro active movement, only waiting for reports. Ministrary of Health, evaluation standard not yet been socialized and applied, ICI. PPK RS for poor people not appropriate yet with the policy, since there are patients who have to pay for service and drugs, there also people who hospitalized in higher room standard, using SKTM to reduce bills.
The summary for this research is that in Kota Bogor, the process and implementation of JPKMM policy in PPK RS was not suitable and correct on input. Recommended for Djpas Kesehatan Kota are socialization of policy, make a level funding policy, make sjnergization policy, continue poverty prevention policies in ogor city, coorccirgtion with other sector for anak jalanan, mechanism of monj wing and evaluation for involved other sector, ambulance effectiveness, and effectiveness puskesmas fungtion. Recommended for hospital are doing socialization in internal and eksternal hospital, make internal policy for level funding and partisipatif for monitoring and evaluating program. For PT Askes are analisys funding policy adjustment depend on county coundition and doing socialization through people who accept program.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariestya Anggraeni
"Otonomi daerah yang memberikan kewenangan kepada pemerintah daerah untuk mengatur daerahnya sendiri, memberikan warna tersendiri pada dinamika penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Salah satu yang menjadi sorotan adalah masuknya kesehatan ke dalam kelompok urusan pemerintahan yang bersifat konkuren. Seolah berupaya menjawab tantangan tersebut, Undang-Undang 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah dalam Lampirannya menyatakan bahwa salah satu kewenangan pemerintah pusat adalah menetapkan stadar kompetensi teknis dan sertifikasi pelaksana urusan pemerintahan bidang kesehatan yang salah satunya adalah Kepala Dinas Kesehatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengkaji gambaran implementasi amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 khususnya terkait penyusunan standar kompetensi teknis Kepala Dinas Kesehatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan melalui Pusat Pelatihan SDMK. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan informan terpilih. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penyusunan standar kompetensi teknis Kepala Dinas telah dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Pelatihan SDMK namun belum maksimal karena belum menghasilkan rumusan baku yang disahkan dalam bentuk Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan meskipun telah menghabiskan waktu yang relatif lebih lama dari yang sewajarnya. Kendala utama yang dihadapi adalah kurangnya pemahaman dan kemampuan para pelaksana kebijakan dalam menyusun standar kompetensi teknis yang efektif.  Selain itu, bervariasinya struktur Dinas Kesehatan di berbagai daerah serta sulitnya koordinasi dengan Dinas Kesehatan dan unit-unit program di lingkungan Kementerian Kesehatan juga menjadi kendala. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan adanya penguatan kapasitas pelaksana penyusunan standar kompetensi teknis Kepala Dinas Kesehatan. Selain itu, Kementerian Kesehatan juga perlu berani mengambil ketegasan dalam memutuskan hasil konsensus sehingga dapat segera menerbitkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan yang mengatur standar kompetensi teknis Kepala Dinas Kesehatan.

Regional autonomy which gives authority to local governments to regulate their own regions, gives its own color to the dynamics of governance. One of the highlights is the entry of health into concurrent government affairs groups. As if trying to answer this challenge, Law 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government in its Attachment states that one of the central government's authorities is to establish the level of technical competence and certification of implementing government affairs in the health sector, one of which is the Head of the Health Office. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to examine the description of the implementation of the mandate of Law Number 23 Year 2014 specifically related to the preparation of the technical competency standards of the Head of the Health Office organized by the Ministry of Health through the HRH Training Center. Data collection is done through in-depth interviews with selected informants. The results show that the formulation of the technical competency standards of the Head of the Service has been carried out by the HRH Training Center but has not been maximized because it has not produced a standard formula that has been ratified in the form of a Minister of Health Regulation even though it has spent relatively longer than normal. The main obstacle faced is the lack of understanding and ability of policy implementers in developing effective technical competency standards. In addition, the varied structure of the Health Office in various regions and the difficulty in coordinating with the Health Office and program units within the Ministry of Health are also obstacles. The results of this study recommend that there be capacity building for implementing compilation of technical competency standards of the Head of the Health Office. In addition, the Ministry of Health also needs to be brave enough to take firmness in deciding the results of consensus so that it can immediately issue a Regulation of the Minister of Health that regulates the technical competency standards of the Head of the Health Office."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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