ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perhatian investor terhadap
likuiditas dan volatilitas saham di ASEAN-5. Perhatian investor di proksikan
dengan menggunakan aplikasi Google Trends dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk
Google Search Volume (GSV). Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan
analisis regresi data panel dengan model Fixed Effect dan pemilihan panel option
Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) selama periode 2010 sampai dengan
2014. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa perhatian investor berpengaruh
secara signifikan terhadap likuiditas serta volatilitas saham di ASEAN-5. Pada
akhirnya penelitian ini mengantarkan kita pada sebuah konklusi dimana pencarian
informasi yang tinggi mampu menurunkan illikuiditas suatu saham dikarenakan
dapat mengurangi asimetri informasi yang terjadi antara informed investor dan
un-informed investor. Sehingga dengan meningkatnya likuiditas suatu saham
maka akan berimplikasi pada volatilitas saham yang diperdagangkan.
ABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to analyze the effect of investor attention on stock
liquidity and volatility in ASEAN-5. Investor attention exclusively provided by
Google Search Volume in the Google Trends application. This research uses panel
data regression analysis with Fixed Effect model and uses panel option Seemingly
Unrelated Regression (SUR) during the period from 2010 to 2014. The result of
this research shows that investor attention significantly influence stock liquidity
and volatility in ASEAN-5. Ultimately, these results lead us to a conclusion, that
the high search of online information can reduce stock illiquidity because investor
attention is one of the efforts to reduce the asymmetry information between
informed investor and un-informed investor. Therfore, the increasing of the
liquidity on a stock will affect the volatility of share trade.;The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of investor attention on stock
liquidity and volatility in ASEAN-5. Investor attention exclusively provided by
Google Search Volume in the Google Trends application. This research uses panel
data regression analysis with Fixed Effect model and uses panel option Seemingly
Unrelated Regression (SUR) during the period from 2010 to 2014. The result of
this research shows that investor attention significantly influence stock liquidity
and volatility in ASEAN-5. Ultimately, these results lead us to a conclusion, that
the high search of online information can reduce stock illiquidity because investor
attention is one of the efforts to reduce the asymmetry information between
informed investor and un-informed investor. Therfore, the increasing of the
liquidity on a stock will affect the volatility of share trade., The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of investor attention on stock
liquidity and volatility in ASEAN-5. Investor attention exclusively provided by
Google Search Volume in the Google Trends application. This research uses panel
data regression analysis with Fixed Effect model and uses panel option Seemingly
Unrelated Regression (SUR) during the period from 2010 to 2014. The result of
this research shows that investor attention significantly influence stock liquidity
and volatility in ASEAN-5. Ultimately, these results lead us to a conclusion, that
the high search of online information can reduce stock illiquidity because investor
attention is one of the efforts to reduce the asymmetry information between
informed investor and un-informed investor. Therfore, the increasing of the
liquidity on a stock will affect the volatility of share trade.]"