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Rinto Hariwijaya
Setiap perusahaan telekomunikasi wajib untuk memberikan kualitas layanan yang baik kepada pelanggan. Standar kualitas layanan ini direpresentasikan oleh Service Level Agreement (SLA). Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan SLA adalah dengan meminimalkan waktu downtime layanan. Waktu downtime ini disebut dengan Time to Repair (TTR) yang merupakan indikator kinerja dari Fault Management System (FMS). Semakin rendah nilai TTR, maka kinerja FMS pada PT. XYZ semakin baik. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai peningkatan kinerja FMS dengan melakukan evaluasi proses bisnis FMS, mengukur nilai probabilitas kegagalan sistem dengan perubahan komposisi komponen, serta mendapatkan proses bisnis yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja FMS. Proses bisnis FMS direpresentasikan ke dalam Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) penanganan gangguan pada jaringan fiber optik. Metode Markov Chain (MC) digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja proses bisnis FMS dari open ticket hingga closed ticket. Metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) digunakan untuk mengetahui probabilitas kegagalan sistem dari komposisi komponen-komponen dalam FMS. Tujuan metode FTA ini adalah untuk mendapatkan sistem yang memiliki probabilitas kegagalan yang minimum. Sistem yang baru tersebut kemudian diuji kembali kinerjanya dengan menggunakan metode MC. Dengan kedua metode tersebut didapatkan model proses bisnis yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja FMS di PT. XYZ hingga 92,64%.

Every telecom company is obliged to provide good quality services to customers. Service quality standards is represented by SLA (Service Level Agreement). One way to improve the SLA is to minimize service downtime. This downtime is called with TTR (Time to Repair) which is an FMS (Fault Management System) performance indicator. The lower TTR values, the better the FMS performance. This research will discuss the performance improvement by evaluating FMS business process, determine the components that lead to system failure, measure the value of a system failure probability with changes in the composition of its components, and obtain business process that can improve FMS performance. FMS business process is represented in SOP of fiber optic fault handling process. MC (Markov Chain) method is used to determine the level of FMS business process performance for each process from open ticket to closed ticket. FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) method is used to determine the probability of system failure for various components composition in the FMS. The purpose of this method is to get a system that has a minimum system failure probability. The new system is then re-tested for its performance using MC method. With both methods we can obtain business process models that can improve the performance of FMS PT. XYZ up to 92.64%."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Calista Rahma Dhia Atrasina
"Integrated Port Time adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh sebuah kapal dimulai dari kapal sampai ke area pelabuhan, melakukan bongkar muat, hingga kapal keluar dari area pelabuhan. Setiap pelabuhan memiliki masing-masing standar yang harus dipenuhi setiap bulannya yaitu Integrated Port Time (IPT) Baseline. Pada Pelabuhan operasional PT. XYZ, terdapat banyak pelabuhan yang memiliki IPT diatas IPT Baseline dikarenakan waktu yang dibutuhkan kapal untuk melaksanakan kegiatan bongkar muat memakan waktu yang cukup lama dan kinerja pelabuhan yang mengalami penurunan dari rata-rata Integrated Port Time tahun sebelumnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meninjau penyebab utama dari penyimpangan Integrated Port Time Pelabuhan operasional PT. XYZ. Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis untuk mengetahui akar permasalahan dari tingginya Integrated Port Time pada Pelabuhan operasional PT. XYZ yang memiliki IPT diatas IPT Baseline dimana peneliti mengambil salah satu pelabuhan yang memiliki Integrated Port Time tinggi dan memiliki waiting time terbanyak pada bulan Januari 2023 yaitu Pelabuhan BI. Dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa tingginya Integrated Port Time disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, yaitu faktor manusia, faktor teknis, faktor alam, maupun penjadwalan. Kurangnya kedisiplinan, kehandalan, dan ketelitian pekerja, kondisi alat-alat bantu yang kurang baik, penumpukan muatan yang diakibatkan karena keterlambatan pendistribusian muatan oleh distributor, dan cuaca buruk menjadi penyebab tingginya Integrated Port Time pada Pelabuhan BI. Usulan perbaikan untuk mengurangi Integrated Port Time yaitu dengan memperbaiki manajemen sumber daya manusia, melakukan pengecekan rutin terhadap alat-alat bantu, memberi peringatan terhadap distributor yang terlambat mengambil muatan pada tangki penyimpanan darat.

Integrated Port Time is the time needed by a ship starting from the ship arrival at the port area, loading and unloading, until the ship leaves the port area. Each port has its own standard that must be met every month, it is the Integrated Port Time (IPT) Baseline. At the operational port of PT. XYZ, there are many ports that have an IPT above the Baseline IPT because of the time needed for ships to carry out loading and unloading activities takes a long time and port performance has decreased from the previous year's average Integrated Port Time. This research was conducted to review the main causes of the deviation of the Integrated Port Time of the operational port of PT. XYZ. In this study, the authors used the Fault Tree Analysis method to find out the root causes of the high Integrated Port Time at the operational port of PT. XYZ which has an IPT above the IPT Baseline where researchers take one of the ports that has a high Integrated Port Time and has the most waiting time on January 2023, it is BI Port. From this research, it is known that the high Integrated Port Time is caused by several factors, those are human factors, technical factors, natural factors, and scheduling. Lack of discipline, reliability and accuracy of the workers, the condition of the equipment that is lacking, the accumulation of cargo caused by delays in the distribution by the distributors, and bad weather are the causes of the high Integrated Port Time at the Port of BI. Proposed improvements to reduce Integrated Port Time are by improving human resource management, routine checks on auxiliary equipment, giving warnings to distributors who are late picking up cargo from onshore storage tanks."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Anggraeni
"Defect yang terjadi berulang pada sebuah produk menandakan bahwa penyebab utama defect tersebut belum ditemukan, hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akar penyebab terjadinya defect pada proses perakitan PCB. Untuk mengetahui akar penyebab permasalahan tersebut, digunakanlah metode Fault Tree Analysis, didukung dengan metode Process Attribute Chart dan Defect Analysis Matrix untuk mengarahkan fokus penelitian.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab utama terjadinya defect berasal dari peralatan atau Jig yang digunakan serta pengaturan parameter mesin yang tidak sesuai. Metode Fault Tree Analysis dapat menunjukan prioritas perbaikan yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah defect serta meningkatkan kualitas produk.

Defects that occur repeatedly on a product indicates that the main cause of the defect has not been found, it can affect the quality of product. This study aims to determine the root cause of the defect in the assembly process of PCB. To find the root cause, Fault Tree Analysis method is used, supported by Process Atributte Chart and Defect Analysis Matrix methods to direct the focus of research.
Research shows that the main cause of the defect are from the tools that used in process and machine parameter settings are not appropriate. Fault Tree Analysis method can indicate the priority improvements made to reduce the number of defects and improve quality of product.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nathasya Gabriella
"Anaerobic digestion merupakan proses biologis secara anaerobik (tanpa oksigen) yang mengubah material organik menjadi biogas yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan sampah organik sekaligus menjadi alternatif sumber energi terbarukan dan berpotensi menjawab permasalahan energi di Indonesia. Kendala yang ditemukan pada pengaplikasian teknologi AD ditemukan pada bagian komponen, pemahaman pengguna dan campuran substrat. Oleh karena ini, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui evaluasi reaktor biogas berdasarkan nilai probabilitas dari faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan reaktor biogas dan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas unit reaktor biogas dengan metode fault tree analysis. Penelitian dilakukan dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner oleh para pengguna, wawancara dengan pengrajin reaktor dan pengambilan sampel biogas untuk diuji persentase komposisi kandungannya dari setiap sampel menggunakan metode GC-TCD (Gas Chromatography - Thermal Conductivity Detector) dengan total delapan responden. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan memberikan nilai antara 1 atau 0 untuk setiap parameter yang kemudian menjadi dasar perhitungan probabilitas kegagalan. Hasilnya, didapatkan probabilitas toren biogas untuk parameter kegagalan proses sebesar 0,724, kegagalan komponen sebesar 0,521 dan human error sebesar 0,641. Parameter yang paling sering menyebabkan kegagalan pada reaktor yaitu kandungan biogas, jumlah operator, dan kebocoran pada badan reaktor. Ditemukan juga kegagalan pada pemanfaatan slurry, slurry, sumber substrat, pemipaan, frekuensi perawatan reaktor, pemanfaatan biogas, start-up, dukungan lingkungan, frekuensi pekerjaan, dan kondisi pengguna. Selain itu, tidak ditemukan nilai kegagalan pada parameter kelengkapan reaktor, kondisi kompor, pre-treatment, dukungan TORBI, kesulitan pekerjaan dan motivasi pemasangan. Pemilihan bahan dasar pembuatan toren biogas dan jumlah teknisi yang ada perlu menjadi bahan evaluasi dan dikaji lebih lanjut untuk keberhasilan produk toren biogas.

Anaerobic digestion is an anaerobic biological process (without oxygen) that converts organic matter into biogas which can solve the problem of organic waste as well as become an alternative source of renewable energy and may be the answer for energy problems in Indonesia. Constraints found in the application of AD technology were found in the component part, user comprehension and substrate mixture. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the biogas reactor factor based on the probability value of the factors that cause the failure of the biogas reactor and provide recommendations as an effort to improve the quality of the biogas reactor unit with the fault tree analysis method. The research was conducted with research instruments in the form of questionnaires by users, interviews with reactor producer and taking biogas samples to test the content of each sample with GC-TCD (Gas Chromatography – Thermal Conductivity Detector) method with a total of eight respondents. Data processing is done by assigning a value between 1 or 0 for each parameter which then becomes the basis for estimating the probability of failure. As a result, the probability of biogas reactor for process failure parameters is 0.724, component failure is 0.521 and human error is 0.641. The parameters that most often cause failure in the reactor are biogas content, number of operators, and leak in the reactor chamber. There were also failures in slurry utilization, slurry, substrate source, piping, reactor maintenance frequency, biogas utilization, start-up, environmental support, frequency of work, and user conditions. In addition, no failure was found in the parameters of reactor failure, stove condition, pre-treatment, TORBI support, work difficulty and installation motivation. The selection of basic materials for biogas production and the number of technicians that need to be evaluated and studied further for the success of biogas products."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Astuti
"Employees as human resources play an important role in pacify and expand a production process. They carry out a necessary working activity that in some cases are exposed by the risk of dangerous situation. Occupation accident in an industry, especially in a manufacturing company constitute as undesired evidence. Labor protection principle in occupational accident not only evaluate a potential risk of danger but also find out the cause of emergence. This thesis emphasizes on the cause factors of accident that might suddenly happen in preceding to the working activity. This study would be explored in the production unit of Bridgestone Tire Indonesia. It uses the Fault Tree Analysis Method with a qualitative research. The result of this research shows that the occupation accident occurring in that company has various types following Heinrich theories that the cause of accident are due to fail of carefulness during working activities and unsafe working conditions. To pay attention on the statistics of accident, based on the yearly report, the evidence has increased about 72,7% from 1999 to 2001, at the time patrol safety clothes, the figure fluctuate. That research only focus on flow think or flow chart for unsafe acts and unsafe conditions with secundair data result in fact with field in Fault tree analysis. From the data field result unsafe condition caused of operation machine, materiil conditions and environment condition. Accupation accident from operation machine caused of operation didn't follow on procedures, abnorm condition and didn't connect. Abnorm conditions may be caused of requirement function unprotect, trouble machine or lable in machine can't understand becaused Kanji letters. On trouble may be caused of didn't function of emergency stop, rope emergency can't caught, trouble operator to find manual stop or less of requirement gived. Environment conditions may be floor not smooth, unbalance cleaning service, not keep on Healhty or narrow office in work, in unsafe acts caused of operator working unfollowed with standard and machine abnorm condition. Operator working unfollowed with standard caused of neglected on working, work without safety clothes, work in machine oparation, work withough requirement protect, and hurry working, work unsafe body position, work trouble, unsafe requirement. Work without safety clothe s caused of safety clothes broken, unwilling safety clothes, safety clothes unrelative give, working with safety clothes unpleasant or safety clothes not enough stock. In hurry working caused of in hurry finish or in hurry order target. Trouble working caused of don't know risk or low educated. Hopefully this thesis could contribute to decrease the figure of accident in the manufacturing companies.Bibliography : 35 ( 1980-2000)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hilmi Zaky Aulia
"Serat optik ialah media transmisi telekomunikasi yang mempunyai bandwidth serta bit rate yang besar sehingga sanggup penuhi kebutuhan layanan data dikala ini dengan kehandalan serta efisiensi yang besar. Aplikasi serat optik terus menjadi luas serta sudah mencakup jaringan dasar laut, jaringan terestrial, jaringan lingkup metropolitan serta regional, maupun jaringan berskala kecil. Sistem komunikasi serat optik mempunyai 2 fakor yang mempengaruhi mutu unjuk kerja jaringannya ialah aspek internal serta aspek eksternal. Aspek internal dan eksternal tersebut bisa merendahkan mutu unjuk kerja dari serat optik yang digunakan dan bisa memunculkan redaman dan rugi-rugi transmisi yang lain. Selaku upaya buat mencegah penuruan mutu sesuatu jaringan secara tiba- tiba serta signifikan, butuh dicoba kegiatan maintenance secara berkala semacam pengukuran mutu layanan jaringan kabel serat optik yang terjadwal. Aktivitas maintenance tersebut bisa menolong memastikan keputusan kenaikan kapasitas jaringan. Salah satu parameter mutu layanan yang kerap dicoba pengukuran merupakan redaman transmisi serta energi sinyal yang diterima (power receive). Riset ini mengkaji tentang meningkatkan kapasitas bandwidth milik PT PLN Icon Plus regional Sumatera Bagian Tengah pada saat terjadi anomali jaringan, yaitu koneksi internet lambat pada link Panam – Rayon Panam, serta hasilnya akan digunakan untuk implementasi Advanced Metering Infratructure (AMI). Sampel yang diambil dari salah satu pelanggan menunjukkan hasil pengukuran kecepatan internetnya sebesar 4-5 Mbps saja, sedangkan layanan yang diambil adalah 10 Mbps. Hasil pengecekkan pada sisi up-link ke OLT Rayon panam ditemukan output data sudah mendekati kapasitasnya, yaitu sebesar 940.919.000 bits/sec atau 0.9 Gb/sec. Meningkatkan kapasitas bandwidth  dilakukan dengan pemindahan port OLT pada sisi up-link  dari port gigabit ethernet ke port tengigabit ethernet, lalu mengganti SFP tipe SR dengan SFP ER serta penambahan attenuator serat optic sehingga didapat hasil speed test di sisi pelanggan telah kembali sepertinya semula, 10 Mbps. Serta hasil implementasi  AMI menunjukkan OpEx yang timbul sekitar Rp. 1.250.000,-. Sedangkan CapEx sebesar Rp. 1.468.000,-.

Optical fiber is a telecommunications transmission medium that has a large bandwidth and bit rate so that it can meet the needs of today's data services with great reliability and efficiency. Optical fiber applications continue to be broad and have included seabed networks, terrestrial networks, metropolitan and regional scope networks, and small-scale networks. Optical fiber communication systems have 2 factors that affect the quality of network performance, namely internal aspects and external aspects. These internal and external aspects can degrade the performance quality of the optical fiber used and can cause attenuation and other transmission losses. As an effort to prevent sudden and significant deterioration in the quality of a network, it is necessary to try regular maintenance activities such as scheduled fiber optic cable network service quality measurements. These maintenance activities can help ensure network capacity increase decisions. One of the quality of service parameters that is often measured is transmission attenuation and received signal energy (received power). This research examines increasing the bandwidth capacity of PT PLN Icon Plus in the Central Sumatra region during network anomalies, namely slow internet connections on the Panam - Rayon Panam link, and the results will be used for the implementation of Advanced Metering Infratructure (AMI). The sample taken from one of the customers shows the measurement results of the internet speed of 4-5 Mbps only, while the service taken is 10 Mbps. The results of checking on the up-link side to OLT Rayon panam found that the data output was close to its capacity, which was 940,919,000 bits/sec or 0.9 Gb/sec. Increasing bandwidth capacity is done by moving the OLT port on the up-link side from the gigabit ethernet port to the tengigabit ethernet port, then replacing the SR type SFP with SFP ER and adding fiber optic attenuators so that the speed test results on the customer side have returned to its original appearance, 10 Mbps. And the results of AMI implementation show that the OpEx arising is around Rp. 1,250,000, -. While CapEx amounted to Rp. 1,468,000, -."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikri Harish
"Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan sebuah evaluasi dari jaringan serat optik di sebuah institusi perguruan tinggi yang berlokasi di Depok dan metode peningkatannya. Jaringan serat optik tersebut merupakan sebuah jaringan serat optik yang secara keseluruhan terletak di bawah tanah yang dirancang berdasarkan topologi star yang berpusat pada gedung Pusat Ilmu Komputer dari institusi tersebut. Jaringan serat optik ini termasuk kedalam tipe active optical network (AON) yang mengandalkan peralatan elektronik aktif untuk melakukan operasi switching yang dilakukan di layer 3 dari model OSI Layer. Jaringan serat optik ini terdiri dari gabungan antara single-mode fiber dan multi-mode fiber yang digunakan secara berkesinambungan dengan menggunakan cahaya dengan panjang gelombang 850 nm untuk multi-mode dan 1350 nm untuk single-mode. Kapasitas total dari jaringan serat optik ini untuk saat ini adalah 2.6 Gbps dengan 1.6 Gbps untuk penggunaan internet internasional dan 1 Gbps untuk penggunaan internet domestik. Kapasitas internet internasional tersebut dibagi lagi menjadi dua, 0.8 Gbps diarahkan menuju Telkom dan 0.8 Gbps sisanya menuju Indosat. Jaringan tersebut juga tersambung dengan area kampus Salemba yang letaknya terpisah melalui Metro Ethernet Indosat dengan kecepatan 270 mbps. Pada penelitian ini, dikemukakan sebuah ide bahwa sambungan tersebut dapat dikembangkan lagi menuju institusi perguruan tinggi lainnya untuk meningkatkan kesinambungan antara perguruan-perguruan tinggi di Indonesia.

This paper presents an evaluation of a fiber optic network of a higher education institution that is located in Depok and its improvement methods. The fiber optic network in question is a wholly underground network with designs based on the star topology centered in said institution’s Center for Computer Science. The fiber optic network is an active optical network (AON) which relies on a set of electrically powered switches to perform switching or routing operations which is conducted in the layer 3 of the OSI Layer model. The fiber optic network utilizes a combination of both single-mode fiber and multi-mode fiber concurrently with the 850 nm wavelength reserved for the multi-mode fiber and 1350 nm wavelength for the single-mode fiber. The current total capacity of the network is 2.6 Gbps with 1.6 Gbps allocated for international connections and the remaining 1 Gbps for domestic internet connections. The 1.6 Gbps bandwidth for international connection is further divided into two halves, 0.8 Gbps is routed through Telkom and the other half is routed through Indosat. This network is also connected to an off-site campus located at Salemba through Indosat's Metro Ethernet network with a data rate of 270 mbps. This paper presents the idea of expanding this connection to include other higher education institution to increase the degree of connectivity between educational institutions in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Aditya Hamka
"Kapal merupakan sarana transportasi yang paling efektif dalam pendistribusian barang antarpulau. Melalui jalur laut, ribuan ton barang dikemas dalam petikemas, ditumpuk dalam satu kapal, dan dikirim ke tujuan pengiriman. Salah satu aktivitas yang sering dilakukan terkait petikemas adalah bongkar muat khususnya kegiatan stevedoring. Stevedoring memiliki tujuan untuk memindahkan dan menyusun petikemas dari dermaga ke atas kapal atau sebaliknya. Pihak pelabuhan menyadari bahwa aktivitas stevedoring sangat berbahaya dan memiliki risiko yang tinggi bagi para pekerjanya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang Safety Risk Assessment guna meminimalisir angka kecelakaan kerja pada kegiatan stevedoring. Dengan menggunakan metode Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), peneliti mengidentifikasi jenis, penyebab, dan dampak serta pengendalian dari kemungkinan risiko berdasarkan rangkaian aktivitasnya. Melalui metode tersebut, peneliti mendapatkan hasil berupa risk matrix dan risk level, yang kemudian diteruskan dengan mencari root cause dari suatu kecelakaan yang memiliki tingkat risiko 5 tertinggi dengan menggunakan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).

Ship is the most effective transportation in the distribution of commodities between islands. Thousand tons of commodities packed in the container, stacked in a ship, and sent to the destination of delivery through the sea. One critical activity related to the container is loading and unloading activities, named stevedoring. Stevedoring is a series of activities to move and arrange container from the wharf to the ship and vice versa. The container terminal side realized that these activities are very dangerous and have a high risk for the workers.
This research aims to design a Safety Risk Assessment in order to minimize the number of work accidents on stevedoring. By using Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA), researcher identified the types, causes, effects, and also control of any possible risks based on each activity on stevedoring. From this method, researcher get the result in the form of risk matrix and risk level that will be continued to be used in finding the root cause of accident which has the five highest of risk level by using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Zahara Wati
"Universitas Indonesia menggunakan serat optik sebagai media transmisi dalam membangun Jaringan Universitas Indonesia Terpadu (JUITA). Serat optik mempunyai kapasitas transmisi yang besar, oleh karena itu jaringan serat optik diimplementasikan di JUITA. Guna meningkatkan layanan informasi yang cepat dan handal, Universitas Indonesia melakukan perluasan JUITA meliputi jalur trasnmisi serat optik dari Fakultas Teknik ke gedung CDC UI, Fakultas Teknik ke gedung proyek Rumah Sakit dan juga dari Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan ke gedung PKM.
Perencanaan perluasan JUITA ini disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Universitas Indonesia seperti: BER 10-10, kecepatan data 100 Mbps, panjang gelombang yang digunakan 1550 nm. Peralatan optik yang dipilih adalah serat optik singlemode jenis loose tube, detektor cahaya PIN photodioda, sumber optik laser dioda, dan konektor ST. Dari analisis power link budget didapat jarak maksimum tanpa menggunakan penguat optik sejauh 491,9 km, sedangkan dari analisis rise time budget didapat kecepatan maksimum sebesar 896 Mbps.

University of Indonesia was using fiber optic as transmission media of the University of Indonesia Network Integrated (JUITA). Fiber optic has high capacity transfer; therefore fiber optic network was implemented in the JUITA. University of Indonesia has developed JUITA to increase information services that more fast and high qualified that include transmition link from Engineering Faculty to CDC UI building, Engineering Faculty to hospital project building and FIK to PKM building.
Development of JUITA was adapted with University of Indonesia requirement likes: BER of 10-10, data rate of 100 Mbps, 1550 nm wavelength. Optical devices that used ware singlemode fiber optic loose tube type, PIN photodiode, laser diode and ST connector. The power link budget analysis was given maksimum length of fiber optic that can be used without optical amplifier 491.9 km. The rise time budget analysis was given data rate maximum of 896 Mbps.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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