ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Metilasi menyebabkan perubahan ekspresi gen IL-8 yang berperan dalam kemotaksis neutrofil pada periodontitis. Tujuan: mengetahui distribusi status metilasi gen IL-8 pada periodontitis, dan perbedaan distribusi status metilasi IL-8 pada periodontitis dengan normal.
Metode: modifikasi bisulfit dengan MS-PCR digunakan untuk menganalisis 65 subjek kontrol dan 35 subjek periodontitis.
Hasil: 3 sampel (3%) berstatus fully methylated, 97 sampel (97%)
berstatus partially methylated, dan tidak terdapat status fully unmethylated.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara status metilasi gen IL-8 pada penderita periodontitis dan individu normal (p=>0.05).
ABSTRACTBackground: methylation results in modification of IL-8 gene expression which acts as chemotaxis factor of neutrophil in periodontitis.
Objectives: describe the distribution of methylation status of IL-8 gene in periodontitis and to observe the difference of methylation status distribution of IL-8 in periodontitis and healthy individuals.
Methods: bisulfite modification and MS-PCR were used to analyze
65 controls and 35 periodontitis subjects.
Result: for all subjects, 3 samples (3%) were fully methylated, 97 (97%) partially methylated, and none fully unmethylated.
Conclusion: no significant difference was found in the methylation
status of IL-8 between periodontitis patients and healthy individuals (p=>0.05)."