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"Relief art style that can be interpreted as a redudancy to a certain style, at certain times and places can be used as an indication for the presence of outside influences that affect a work relief. In addition, by comparing the art style can be a relative dating to the building of the temple, in this case is a temple in Simanghambat, North Sumatera."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hak asasi atas akses air menjadi hak mendasar untuk dapat hidup bagi setiap
orang. Oleh karena itu, kebutuhan akan air sangat vital. Hal itu terkait air sebagai
unsur penting bagi keberlangsungan hidup setiap orang di dalam suatu
masyarakat. Maka dari itu, diperlukan suatu landasan pengaturan terkait kepastian
di dalam pemenuhan hak asasi atas akses air. Pengaturan tentang air di Indonesia
kembali pada Undang ? undang No. 11 Tahun 1974 tentang Pengairan yang
diberlakukan melalui Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi No. 85/PU-XII/2013.
Putusan tersebut membatalkan UU No. 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air
(LNRI 2004-32; TLNRI 4377). Pembatalan itu adalah terkait penafsiran berbeda
atas pelaksanaan hak atas air. Dengan demikian terjadi perubahan fungsi sosial air
yang lebih menekankan hak guna usaha atas air yang dijalankan oleh pihak
swasta dibandingkan dengan hak guna pakai air bagi masyarakat. Di samping itu,
adanya pergeseran peran pemerintah dalam menyediakan air bagi masyarakat.
Namun ke semua hal itu dalam kenyataannya belum dapat mengatasi persoalan
mendasar yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat terkait akses mereka atas air, khususnya
di Kota Kecamatan Natal, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Provinsi Sumatera Utara.
Akses masyarakat terhadap sarana dan prasarana air tetap saja terbatas. Begitu
pula pemberdayaan masyarakat terkait masyarakat terkait pengelolaan sumber
daya air. Pelaksanaan dari berbagai perencanaan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah juga
belum dapat mensejahterahkan masyarakat di Natal. Hal itu bahkan berpotensi
memunculkan konflik kepentingan dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya air di antara
masyarakat sekitar dan pelaku usaha. Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui
bagaimana persoalan pemenuhan hak akses air bagi masyarakat di Natal seperti
tidak meratanya distribusi air terakit saluran akses air dari sumber air yang ada
beberapa rumah masyarakat. Sarana dan prasarana sumber daya air masih minim
dalam memenuhi akses masyarakat atas air di Natal. Di samping itu
pemberdayaan masyarakat masih lemah di mana sebagian masyarakat di Natal
belum memiliki pemahaman apa yang menjadi haknya dalam akses terhadap air.
Terkait landasan pengaturan, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal masih belum memiliki
peraturan daerah yang mengatur terkait sektor sumber daya air. Upaya ? upaya
pemerintah daerah terkait kewajiban terhadap pelaksanaan atas perencanaan
pembangunan akses air masih belum dijalankan dengan baik. Selain itu, dikaji
bagaimana landasan pengaturan atau hukum dan upaya ? upaya pemerintah
daerah dalam memenuhi hak asasi atas akses air khususnya bagi masyarakat di
kota kecamatan Natal.

Rights of access of water into the fundamental right to be able to live for
everyone. Therefore, the need for water is vital. This is related to water as an
essential element for the survival of everyone in a community. Therefore, we need
a foundation of certainty in the regulations related to the fulfillment of rights of
access to water. The arrangement of the water in Indonesia returned to the Act No.
11/1974 on Irrigation imposed by the Constitutional Court Decision No. 85 / PUXII
/ 2013 that withdrawal the Act No. 7/2004 on Water Resources (LNRI 2004-
32; TLNRI 4377). Withdrawal because of different interpretations related to the
implementation right to water. Thus a change in the social function of water is
more emphasis on the right to cultivate the water run by the private water right
run by private than the right to use water for the community. In addition, the shift
in the role of government in providing water for the community. But to all of it in
fact it cannot to resolve the basic problems faced by the peoples related to their
access to water, especially in the Town District of Natal, Mandailing Natal, North
Sumatra Province. In other side, public infrastructures for support access to the
water remains limited. Similarly, there no community development related to
water resources management. Implementation of the various plans made by the
government is not yet able to prosper the community at Natal District City. It even
has the potential to create a conflict of interest in the utilization of water resources
between local peoples and private. This study research is intended to determine
how the issue of the fulfillment of rights to access for water in the peoples such as
the Town District of Natal uneven distribution of water connection via assembled
of water drains from water sources for peoples houses. Meanwhile, existing water
sources in Natal are shared by the community. Supporting elements in the form of
infrastructure of water resources is still minimal of access water for peoples in
Natal. In other side, the empowerment of people still weak where most peoples in
Natal did not have an understanding of what they are entitled for access to water.
Mandailing Natal Regency still has no local regulations level related to water
resources sector. Efforts made by local government authorities, and obligations
related to the implementation of planning the construction of water access are still
not well executed in the field. In addition, it was studied how the legal foundation,
legal arrangements and efforts by Local Government of Mandailing Natal in fulfill
for rights of access to water especially for people in the Town District of Natal."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Simangambat temple was reported by Schnitger, a Dutch Schola, in 1935. At that time Simangambat was already became a brick ruins , some of sandstones were bare a very beautiful relief . In 2008 and 2009 a team from National research and development center for archeology and Medan archaelogical office tried torevealed all of things about Simangambat, its architecture, religious,art and style."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Taufik Ramadhan
"Konflik antara PT. SMM, masyarakat Kecamatan Naga Juang dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, berakar pada hubungan ekonomi yang menyangkut dengan pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan komoditi emas. Penelitian ini berupaya melihat relasi diantara ketiga stakeholder tersebut, melihat hal-hal yang menjadi sebab konflik, mengurai struktur dan dinamika konfik serta merumuskan strategi resolusi konflik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, dimensi sebab konflik disebabkan oleh dimensi ekonomi atas pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan komuditi emas, dimensi struktur dan dinamika sangat dipengaruhi oleh peran aktor yang mendorong peningkatan ketegangan dan eskalasi konfik. Resolusi konflik yang dirumuskan, yaitu strategi akomodatif. Strategi akomodatif adalah strategi yang mengakomodir kepentingan dan espektasi dari dua stakeholder kunci yaitu, Pemkab Madina dan masyarakat Kec. Naga Juang.

Conflict between PT. SMM, society of district Naga Juang and the government of Mandailing Natal regency, rooted in economic relations that concern to the management and utilization of gold?s commodity. This research attempt to see the relationship between the three stakeholders, see the things that are the cause of conflict, analyze the structure and dynamics of conflict and also formulate strategies of conflict resolution. The results showed, because the dimensions of the economic dimension of the conflict caused by the management and utilization of gold komoditi, the dimensions of the structure and dynamics is strongly influenced by the role of actors encourage the escalation of tensions and conflicts led. The formulation of conflict resolution was an accommodative strategic which is a strategy that accommodates the interests and expectations of two key stakeholders, namely, local government Madina and community district Naga Juang.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Zachrani
"Pondok Pesantren tradisional atau salafiyah merupakan Pondok Pesantren yang menggunakan kitab klasik sebagai metode utama dalam pembelajarannya. Artikel ini membahas tentang salah satu pondok pesantren di Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara yaitu Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah yang sampai saat ini masih mempertahankan ke salafiyahannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan dengan teknik wawancara dan studi pustaka dalam mengumpulan data. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori perubahan dari Samuel Koenig dan teori lima elemen dasar dari Zamakhsyari Dofier. Fokus pembahasan artikel ini terletak pada sistem pembelajaran di Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah dan orientasi para alumni Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah setelah mereka lulus. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah dibangun atas keinginan masyarakat yang di sampaikan kepada Syekh Musthafa Husein. Pondok Pesantren Mustahafawiyah memiliki kurikulum utama yaitu kurikulum yang diserap dari Madrasah Ash-shalatiyah Makkah dan kurikulum tambahan yaitu kurikulum muadalah. Orientasi para alumni Pondok Pesantren Musthafawiyah sangat beragam, yaitu menjadi guru, melibatkan diri dalam organisasi keagamaan, serta keluar dari daerah Purba Baru untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dan mencari pekerjaan.

Traditional or salafiyah Islamic boarding schools are Islamic boarding schools that use classic books as the main method of learning. This article discusses one of the Islamic boarding schools in Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra, namely the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School which until now still maintains its salafiyah. This study uses qualitative methods with interview techniques and literature in collecting data. The theory used is the theory of change from Samuel Koenig and the theory of the five basic elements from Zamakhsyari Dofier. The focus of this article's discussion lies on the learning system at the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School and the orientation of alumni of the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School after they graduate. The findings from this study are that the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School was built based on the wishes of the people which were conveyed to Syekh Mustafa Husein. The Mustahafawiyah Islamic Boarding School has a main curriculum, namely the curriculum absorbed from the Ash-Shalatiyah Madrasah Makkah and an additional curriculum, namely the MuJadi curriculum. The orientations of alumni of the Musthafawiyah Islamic Boarding School are very diverse, namely becoming teachers, involving themselves in religious organizations, and leaving the Old New area to continue their education and look for work."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendi Sumantri
"Sumber karbon utama di ekosistem hutan terdiri dari biomassa pohon, tumbuhan bawah, serasah, kayu mati dan bahan organik tanah. Karbon hutan yang tersimpan pada biomassa atas permukaan (BAP) atau aboveground biomass (AGB) merupakan sumber terbesar dan paling terkena dampak deforestasi dan degradasi hutan. Deforestasi dan degradasi hutan merupakan penyumbang kedua terbesar emisi karbon ke atmosfer yang menyebabkan perubahan iklim, setelah penggunaan bahan bakar fosil oleh industri dan transportasi.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji potensi BAP dan stok karbon berdasarkan tipe-tipe hutan, serta mengetahui pengaruh deforestasi terhadap perubahan stok karbon hutan di DAS Batang Natal dan sekitarnya, Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara. Pengukuran potensi biomassa pohon dilakukan dalam plot ukur berbentuk persegi panjang dengan ukuran 20 m x 125 m sebanyak 15 plot ukur. Sebanyak 8 plot dibuat di hutan lahan kering, 4 plot di hutan mangrove dan 3 plot di hutan rawa.
Total area hutan yang disurvei mencapai 3,75 ha. Pohon dengan Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 2 cm diidentifikasi dan diukur diameternya. Penghitungan biomassa dilakukan melalui persamaan alometrik yang sudah ada untuk hutan tropis. Analisis deforestasi dilakukan melalui pendekatan penginderaan jauh. Data citra satelit Landsat tahun 2000 dan 2011 dianalisis dengan metode klasifikasi terbimbing (supervised classification) Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC). Analisis perubahan biomassa dan stok karbon dilakukan melalui Stock-Difference Method. Perubahan biomassa dan stok karbon total untuk setiap tipe hutan dilakukan melalui perkalian Mg ha-1 dengan luas hutan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata biomassa pohon hutan lahan kering 364,99 ± 39,32 Mg ha-1, hutan rawa memiliki rerata biomassa pohon 643,95 ± 177,71 Mg ha-1, dan rerata biomassa pohon hutan mangrove 387,37 ± 31,10 Mg ha-1. Pada tahun 2000, DAS Batang Natal dan sekitarnya memiliki total luas tutupan hutan mencapai 93.396, dan tahun 2011 menurun dengan luas 67.961 ha. Dengan demikian, selama periode 2000-2011, luas tutupan hutan yang hilang mencapai 25.435 ha dengan rerata deforestasi 6,26% tahun-1 atau setara dengan 2.312 ha tahun-1. Rerata deforestasi hutan lahan kering mencapai 1,78% tahun-1 dengan emisi karbon sekitar 756.710 Mg CO2e tahun-1. Hutan rawa memiliki rerata deforestasi 4,48% tahun-1 dengan emisi 747.115 Mg CO2e tahun-1.

The main source of biomass and carbon in the forest ecosystem are coming from trees, litter, dead wood and soil organic matter. Forest carbon stored in the above ground biomass (AGB) is the largest source; however it is also the most affected by deforestation and forest degradation. Deforestation and forest degradation is the second largest contributor of carbon emissions into the atmosphere which caused the climate change issue, after the use of fossil fuels by industry and transportation.
This research was conducted with the aim to assess the potential of AGB and carbon stocks based on forest tipology, as well as to determine the impact of deforestation on change of forest carbon stock in Batang Natal watershed and the surrounding area, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra. Biomass of trees measurement performed through 15 rectangular sample plots with 20 m x 125 m in size. A total of 8 plots were established in the dryland forest, 4 plots in the mangrove forest and 3 plots in the swamp forest.
The total sampled area was around 3.75 ha. All trees with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) ≥ 2 cm were recorded and measured. In the absence of destructive sampling measurements, biomass calculated using the existing allometric equations for the tropical forest. Analysis of the deforestation was carried out using remote sensing approach. Two-dates image pair for 2000 and 2011 were classified using a supervised maximum likelihood classifier (MLC). Analysis of biomass and carbon stock changes was carried out using stock-difference method. The difference in carbon stocks is multiplied by the area of each forest type to obtain the total carbon emissions.
The results showed that average of tree biomass for dryland forest is 364.99 ± 39.32 Mg ha-1, the swamp forest has an average of around 643.95 ± 177.71 Mg ha-1, and for mangrove forests is 387.37 ± 31.10 Mg ha-1. In 2000, the total forest cover of study area reached to 93396 ha, while in 2011 the forest cover decreased to 67961 ha. Thus, during the period 2000-2011, forest cover with total 25435 ha have been converted with rate of 6.26% year-1 or equivalent to 2312 ha year-1. The deforestation rate in the dryland forest reached 1.78% year-1 with carbon emissions estimated at 756710 Mg CO2e year-1. The swamp forest deforestation rate was approximately at 4.48% year-1, equivalent to 747115 Mg CO2e year-1 of carbon emissions.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rizhkal
"Pertambangan emas di kabupaten Mandailing Natal sudah ada sejak 2008. Tetapi semakin marak pada tahun 2010 di kecamatan Hutabargot dan di kecamatan Nagajuang pada November 2011. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kadar merkuri pada rambut pada pekerja tambang terpajan merkuri dan karakteristik individu pekerja(usia, lama tinggal, status gizi dan konsumsi ikan) dengan gangguan keseimbangan tubuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional. Data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dari kuesioner dan sekunder dari hasil uji laboratorium rambut. Sampel penelitian ini disesuaikan dengan sampel dari data sekunder yang menggunakan rumus Lemeshow sehingga didapatkan sampel 60 orang.
Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara variabel independent (merkuri dalam rambut) dan variabel konfounding terhadap variabel dependent (gangguan keseimbangan tubuh). Walaupun hasil penelitian tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan jika dilihat dari nilai OR variabel merkuri dalam rambut masih tergolong tinggi yaitu 6,0 dan setelah dikontol variabel karakteristik individu OR merkuri dalam rambut turun menjadi 4,92.

Gold mining in Mandailing Natal regency has been around since 2008. But it became more prevalent in 2010 in Hutabargot sub-district and in Nagajuang sub-district in November 2011. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between mercury levels in hair in mercury exposed workers and individual characteristics of workers (age, length of stay, nutritional status and consumption of fish) with body balance disorders. This study uses a cross sectional method. The data used are primary data from questionnaires and secondary from the results of hair laboratory tests. The research sample was adjusted to the sample from secondary data using the Lemeshow formula so that sample of 60 people was obtained.
The results of this study found that there was no significant relationship between independent variables (mercury in hair) and confounding variables on the dependent variable (body balance disorder). Although the results of the study did not show a significant relationship when viewed from the OR variable value of mercury in the hair was still relatively high at 6.0 and after being contracted the individual characteristic variable OR mercury in the hair dropped to 4.92."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ritonga, Bastian
"Pertambangan emas secara tradisional di Kecamatan Huta Bargot, Mandailing Natal, Sumatera Utara telah dilakukan + 12 tahun terakhir. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara karakteristik lingkungan (kadar merkuri air) dan karakteristik responden (umur, lama tinggal, lama kerja, lama berkerja/hari) dengan kadar merkuri rambut pekerja tambang emas tradisional di kecamatan Huta Bargot. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di 6 desa yaitu Desa bangun sejati, Desa Binanga, Desa Hutabargot setia, Desa Hutarimbaru, Desa Kumpulan setia dan Desa Huta Bargot Nauli pada bulan Maret 2019 dengan desain cross sectional terhadap 60 orang pekerja tambang emas tradisional. Untuk memilih sampel terpilih digunakan metode quate sampling dengan jumlah sampel tiap desa sebanyak 10 orang Sampel dari tiap desa dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Kadar merkuri rambut pekerja masih dalam ambang baku mutu dengan rata-rata kadar merkuri 0,2117 µg/g. Dari 6 sampel air sungai yang diperiksa, 3 sampel air berada di atas baku mutu (> 0,001 mg/L ). Dari hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan lama tinggal dengan kadar merkuri rambut. Hasil analisis multivariat diperoleh hubungan antara lama tinggal dengan kadar merkuri pada rambut (nilai p = 0,034)dengan OR=10,737 yang artinya pekerja tambang emas yang lama tinggal > 20 tahun memiliki peluang memiliki kadar merkuri rambut > 0,24 µg/g dibandingkan pekerja tambang yang lama tinggal < 20 tahun.

Traditional gold mining in Huta Bargot Subdistrict, Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra has been carried out  the last 12 years. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the mercury levels of traditional gold mine workers in the Huta Bargot sub-district. The research was carried out in 6 villages, bangun sejati, Binanga, Hutabargot setia, Hutarimbaru, Kumpulan setia and Huta Bargot Nauli Village in March 2019 with a cross sectional design for 60 traditional gold mining workers. To select the selected sample, the quate sampling method was used with a total sample of 10 villages. Samples from each village were selected using the purposive sampling method. Workers' mercury levels are still within the threshold of quality standards with an average mercury level of 0.2117 µg / g. 3 of 6 water samples were above the quality standard (> 0.001 mg / L). From the results of bivariate analysis shows the length of stay with hair mercury levels. The results of multivariate analysis found a relationship between length of stay with mercury levels in hair (p value = 0,034) with OR = 10.737, which means gold miners who live> 20 years have the opportunity to have a hair mercury level of > 0.24 µg / g compared to miners <20 years."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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