"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara intervensi program pemberdayaan perempuan tingkat netral dan tingkat positif dengan otonomi perempuan secara individual dan kolektif. Kerangka pikir yang melandasi penelitian ini adalah kerangka pemberdayaan perempuan menurut Longwe (1991).
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif berperspektif perempuan, dengan studi kasus program pemberdayaan di Bina Swadaya dan PPSW sebagai bahan kajian. Penelitian secara khusus dilakukan pada enam Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) yang terlibat dalam kegiatan program di dua lembaga tersebut. 71 perempuan anggota KSM berusia antara 20 sampai 50 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan Madrasah (setingkat SD) sampai Sarjana menjadi sumber informasi termasuk diantaranya 17 orang sebagai subyek penelitian wawancara mendalam, selain itu staf program di Bina Swadaya dan PPSW, serta beberapa orang lainnya seperti tokoh masyarakat, suami subyek penelitian, staf pemerintahan desa menjadi informan.
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan otonomi kolektif perempuan dalam program tingkat netral tidak diikuti dengan peningkatan otonomi individual perempuan, tetapi dalam program tingkat positif terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan pada otonomi kolektif dan otonomi individual perempuan. Keadaan tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa untuk mencapai otonomi individual dan otonomi kolektif perempuan, permasalahan perempuan hendaknya menjadi perhatian dalam implementasi program pemberdayaan juga merupakan kepentingan lembaga pelaksana program yang secara eksplisit tercermin dalam visi lembaga.
The Implication of the Empowerment Program for Autonomous Women: Case Study of Program at Neutral Level in Bina Swadaya and at Positive level in PPSWThis research makes attempt to identify a correlation between the intervention of the women's empowerment program at neutral and positive level with autonomy of women as individuals and members of community (collective). Longwe's Women's Empowerment is made use as a frame of thought in this research.
This study, using the qualitative method with women's perspectives, evaluates the empowerment program in Bina Swadaya and PPSW. A small research was previously conducted in six Self Help Groups (SHGs), which actively involved in the program conducted in the mentioned institutions. Seventy-one female members of SHGs with age ranging from 20 to 50 years old and education background ranging from Madrasah to (equal to elementary school) to higher education were chosen as resource persons. 17 of which were qualified for in-depth interviews. Several other persons from community representatives, spouses of research subject, and the staff of local administration were also involved in this project as informants.
The study concludes that the autonomy of women as members of community (collective) resulted from the program at neutral level does not correlate with the autonomy of women as individuals. However, there is a significant increasing of the autonomy of both as individual and members of community resulted from the program at positive level. Such findings demonstrate the need to include women's specific concern in the program."