ABSTRAK Zaman yang serba modern dan cepat mengubah cara masyarakat dalam
beraktivitas tidak terkecuali dalam aktivitas belanja. Perkembangan teknologi internet
dan mobile applications yang terdapat pada telepon pintar membuat aktivitas belanja
menjadi mudah dengan metode belanja secara online atau biasa disebut e-commerce.
Berbagai kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh e-commerce membuat pergeseran gaya
hidup berbelanja semakin terlihat terutama untuk produk fashion. Penelitian ini
memiliki tujuan menganalisis pengaruh functionalperformance/usefulness, hedonic
performance/enjoyment, product risk, dan internet usage terhadap online purchase
intensity kelompok early adopters dan late adopters. Sampel yang terlibat di dalam
penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang pernah berbelanja secara online minimal satu
kali dalam 6 (enam) bulan terakhir. Data diolah dengan menggunakan metode
structural equation modelling. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa functional
performance/usefulness dan internet usage memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan
terhadap online purchase intensity. Namun, pada hedonic performance/enjoyment dan
product risk tidak terbukti bahwa kedua variabel tersebut memiliki pengaruh positif
terhadap online purchase intensity.
ABSTRACT Modern era and fast paced changing the way of people activity including
shopping activity. Development of internet technology and mobile applications
contained on the smart phone make the shopping activity becomes easier with online
shopping methods or so called e-commerce. Various facilities offered by the ecommerce
make shopping lifestyle shift increasingly visible mainly for fashion
products. This research has the purpose to analyze the effect of functional
performance / usefulness, hedonic performance / enjoyment, product risk, and
internet usage towards online purchase intensity on early adopters and late adopters.
Samples were involved in this study is a consumers that have ever shopped online at
least once in 6 (six) months. The data is processed by using structural equation
modelling. This study proves that functional performance/usefulness and internet
usage has a significant positive effect on online purchase intensity. However, the
hedonic performance/enjoyment and product risk is not evident that these two
variables have a positive effect on online purchase intensity."