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Mafida Ria Kartika
Latar Belakang: Rosela mempunyai efek anti-inflamasi yang mempercepat proses penyembuhan. Fibroblas berperan penting dalam proses penyembuhan. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi hasil proses penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut tikus berdasarkan ekspresi fibroblas secara imunohistokimia pascapaparan ekstrak etanol rosela 15%. Metode: Sampel ulser mukosa mulut tikus pascapaparan kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan diwarnai dengan antibodi TE-7(immunohistokimia). Parameter yang digunakan sel positif dan intensitas warna (pixel). Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan sel positif pada kelompok rosela 15% dihari ke-3 (skor 2) dengan intensitas warna menunjukan skor kuat (<125 pixel) pada hari ke-1, -3, -7, -14. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan ekspresi fibroblas pada proses penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut tikus pascapaparan ekstrak etanol rosella 15%.

Backgrounds:Roselle have an anti-inflammatory effect that can accelerate wound healing. Fibroblast play a critical role in wound healing process. Objectives: To evaluate the result of wound healing process towards rat oral mucous ulcer based on fibroblast expression in immunohistochemistry after exposure 15% ethanol roselle extract. Methods: rat oral mucous ulcer samples after exposure the control group and the treatment group that stained by TE-7 antibody (immunohistochemistry). Parameters that used are positive cells and color intensity (pixels). Results: There was an increase of positive cells in group 15% roselle on the 3rd day (score 2) with color intensity indicates high score (<125 pixels) from the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th days. Conclusions: Fibroblast expression increased in wound healing process of rat oral mucous ulcer after exposure 15% ethanol roselle extract"
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lenny S. Budi
Latar Belakang : Kelopak bunga Rosela dilaporkan memiliki efek antiinflamasi.
TE-7 adalah salah satu penanda fibroblas. Tujuan: Menganalisis ekspresi fibroblas
pada penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut tikus pascapaparan ekstrak etanol kelopak
bunga Rosela 7,5 % secara imunohistokimia. Metode: Blok parafin dari ulser
mukosa mulut tikus yang terdiri dari kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol
dipulas secara imunohistokimia tidak langsung menggunakan TE-7 sebagai antibodi
primer. Interpretasi ekspresi fibroblas berdasarkan skoring. Hasil : Pada hari ke-3,
kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan skor 2 dan kedua kelompok kontrol menunjukkan
skor 1. Kesimpulan: Setelah 3 hari paparan ekstrak etanol kelopak bunga Rosela
teridentifikasi 7,5% fibroblas terekspresi lebih baik daripada kelompok kontrol.

Background: Roselle’s calyces reported have anti inflammation. TE-7 is one of
fibroblasts marker. Objective: Analyzing fibroblasts expression on rat oral mucosa
ulcer healing after exposure 7.5% ethanol extract of Roselle calyces by
immunohistochemistry. Method: Paraffin blocks of rat oral mucosa ulcer consisting
of the treatment group and the control group stained indirect immunohistochemistry
method using TE-7 as the primary antibodi Result: On day 3, the treatment group
showed a score of 2 and the two control groups showed a score of 1. Conclusion:
After 3 days exposure to 7,5% ethanol extract of Roselle calyces, fibroblasts
expressed better than the control group."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Erdiani
"Pendahuluan: Rosela memiliki khasiat antiinflamasi. Ulser merupakan keadaan inflamasi dalam rongga mulut.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak etanol terstandar kelopak bunga rosela terhadap penyembuhan ulser.
Metode: Penelitian in vivo pada model ulser 12 tikus, dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Rosela diteteskan 2 kali sehari pada ulser, kemudian hari ke 3 dan 7 dikorbankan. Parameter yang diobservasi adalah kemerahan dan bengkak di sekitar jaringan ulser, diameter ulser, serta skor radang.
Hasil: Rosela 7.5% 7 hari dapat menghilangkan kemerahan, sedangkan 3.75% dan 7.5% menurunkan diameter ulser dan skor radang.
Kesimpulan: Aplikasi tetes ekstrak terstandar rosela efektif dalam mempercepat penyembuhan ulser.

Background: Roselle has antiinflammatory effect. Ulcer is an inflammatory condition in oral.
Objective: Analyze effectiveness of roselle in healing an ulcer.
Methods: This research in vivo on ulcer model 12 rats, divided into control and treatment group. Roselle drops were applied twice a day on ulcer, then day 3 to 7 was sacrificed. Healing process was observed by looking redness and swelling, ulcer diameter, and inflammation score.
Results: Roselle 7.5% 7 days can eliminate redness, while 3.75 % and 7.5% reduced ulcer diameter and inflammation score.
Conclusion: Application drops of standardized ethanol extract of roselle are effective in ulcer healing."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lili Nur Indah Sari
"Latar Belakang: Rosela dilaporkan memiliki khasiat sebagai antiinflamasi.
Tujuan: mengetahui efektivitas rosela terhadap ulser mukosa mulut.
Metode: 12 tikus sprague-dawley dibagi dua; kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Triamcinolone diaplikasikan pada kelompok kontrol positif, kelompok perlakuan diberikan aplikasi tetes rosela 7.5% dan 15%, selama 3 atau 7 hari.
Hasil; Hilangnya kemerahan dan pengurangan diameter ulser pada rosela 7 hari (7.5% dan 15%), hilangnya bengkak pada rosela 7 hari (15%) dan penurunan skor radang pada rosela 3 hari (15%) dan 7 hari (7.5% dan 15%).
Kesimpulan: Efektivitas rosela setara Triamcinolone 0.1% pada kemerahan dan penurunan diameter ulser 7 hari.

Backgrounds: Roselle have effect as anti-inflammatory.
Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of roselle towards oral mucosa ulcer.
Methods: 12 sprague-dawley rats were divided into 2 groups; control and treatment. triamnicolone as positive control, treatment group was dropped by 7.5% and 15% roselle. Wound healing was observed in the third or seventh day.
Results; Redness disappearance and ulcer diameter decrease in seventh days (7.5% and 15%). Swelling disappearance in seventh days (15%). Inflammation score decrease in both third days (15%) and seventh days (7.5% and 15%).
Conclusions: roselle is effective for ulcer healing. the Effectiveness is equivalent to Triamcinolone 0.1% in redness disappearance and decreasing of ulcer diameter in seventh days."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Jayantini
"Pendahuluan : Rosela dilaporkan memiliki efek antiinflamasi.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak etanol terstandar kelopak bunga rosela oles terhadap penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut.
Metode: Penelitian ini in vivo pada 12 tikus S-D dengan ulser mukosa mulut. Kelompok penelitian adalah kontrol dan perlakuan. Ekstrak 7.5% dan 15% dioleskan dua kali sehari, pada hari ke-4 dan ke-8, tikus dikorbankan. Parameter yang diobservasi adalah diameter, kemerahan dan pembengkakan di jaringan sekitar ulser, serta skor radang.
Hasil: Pada kelompok perlakuan, diameter ulser dan skor radang menurun, tidak terdapat bengkak dan merah pada jaringan di sekitar ulser.
Kesimpulan: Ekstrak 7.5% efektif menyembuhkan ulser mukosa mulut.

Background: Roselle has anti-inflammatory effect.
Objective: Analyze effectiveness of standardized ethanol extract of Roselle topical towards oral mucous ulcer.
Method: In vivo study was created with ulcer on 12 rats. Research group divided into control and test group. Standardized roselle 7.5% and 15% were applied topically twice a day. On the 4th and 8th days, rat were sacrificed. Parameters are ulcer diameter, reddish color and swollen membrane, and inflammation score of ulcer.
Result: Test group indicated ulcer diameter and inflammation score were reduce, no swelling and redness observed.
Conclusion: Standardized roselle 7.5% is effective for ulcer healing of oral mucous."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grestyasanti Wimasan
"Latar Belakang: Rosela dilaporkan sebagai agen antiradang.
Tujuan: menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak etanol terstandar kelopak rosela terhadap penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut.
Metode: Dua belas tikus dibagi dalam kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Ekstrak 3.75% dan 7.5% dioleskan 2 kali sehari pada mukosa mulut. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 3 dan 7 hari. Kemerahan dan pembengkakan jaringan sekitar diamati secara visual. Diameter ulser diukur satu hari setelah dibuat dan sebelum dikorbankan. Spesimen dibuat, diamati secara mikroskopis, dan dilakukan skoring.
Hasil: Diameter ulser dan skor radang menurun. Kemerahan dan pembengkakan jaringan sekitar tidak terlihat lagi.
Simpulan: Ekstrak 7.5% efektif terhadap penyembuhan ulser mukosa mulut tikus.

Background: Roselle is reported as anti-inflammatory agent.
Objectives: To analyze standardized roselle calyces ethanol extract efficacy`s towards oral mucous ulcer.
Methods: Twelve rats were divided into 2 groups; control and experimental group. The 3.75% and 7.5% extract were applied topically twice a day in oral mucous. Animals were observed for 3 and 7 days. Redness and swelling were observed visually. Ulcer diameter was measured a day after creation and before sacrifice. Specimens were observed microscopically and scored.
Results: Ulcer diameter and inflammation score were decreased. No redness and swelling observed.
Conclusions: The 7.5% extract is effective for the ulcer."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alsusnida Alshi
Latar Belakang: Rosela dilaporkan memiliki efek antiinflamasi dan efektif dalam
penyembuhan ulser. Fibroblas memiliki peranan penting dalam penyembuhan
luka. Namun, mekanisme yang mengontrol pertumbuhan dan proliferasi fibroblas
masih kurang dipahami. Imunohistokimia TE-7 merupakan salah satu metode
yang dapat digunakan untuk mewarnai fibroblas pada jaringan blok parafin.
Tujuan: Untuk menganalisa peranan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia TE-7 pada
penyembuhan model ulser pascapaparan ekstrak etanol kelopak bunga rosela
teridentifikasi. Metode: 12 blok parafin dari model ulser dibagi menjadi 2
kelompok: kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan. Blok parafin selanjutnya di proses
dan dipulas dengan imunohistokimia TE-7. Pengamatan pada slide dan skoring.
Hasil: pada hari ke 1 dan 3 saline, TA dan rosela menunjukkan skor 1. Pada hari
ke 7 saline menunjukkan skor 2, TA menunjukkan skor 3 dan rosela menunjukkan
skor 1. Pada hari ke 14, salin dan rosela menunjukkan skor 1, TA menunjukkan
skor 2. Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan imunohistokimia TE-7 dapat digunakan untuk
mengidentifikasi fibroblas.

Background: Roselle had been reported as anti-inflammation agent and effective
in ulcer healing. Fibroblasts played an important role in wound healing. But, there
is a lack of understanding about mechanism that control the growth and
proliferation of fibroblast. Immunohistochemistry TE-7 is one of method could
be used to stain fibroblast in paraffin-embedded tissue sample. Objectives: To
analyzed the role of immunohistochemistry in wound healing of models ulcer
post-exposure of identified roselle calyx. Method: Twelve paraffin embedded
tissue of models ulcer were processing and staining with immunohistochemistry
TE-7. Microscopic slide were observed and scored. Result: On day 1st and 3rd,
saline, TA and roselle group showed scored 1. On day 7th, saline showed score 2;
TA showed score 3 and roselle showed score 1. On day 14th, saline and roselle
showed score 1; TA showed score 2. Conclusion: Immunohistochemical
examination antibody TE-7 could be used to identify fibroblast in wound healing
of model ulcers."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yan Lewis
"Ulser sering ditemukan di mukosa mulut. Rosella dilaporkan dapat mempercepat penyembuhan ulser.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas ekstrak etanol kelopak bunga rosella teridentifikasi 3.75%.
Metode: sebanyak 36 ekor tikus dibagi 3 kelompok paparan saline, triamcinolone acetonide, ekstrak rosella 3.75%. Tikus dikorbankan pada harike 2, 4, 8, dan 15. Spesimen difiksasi dan dilakukan skoring pada sediaan mikroskopik.
Hasil: Pemaparan saline menunjukkan skor radang 3; pemaparan triamcinolone acetonidepada dua ekor tikus menunjukkan skor radang 1, satu ekor tikus menunjukkan skor radang 2; pemaparan ekstrak rosella 3.75% menunjukkan skor radang 2.
Kesimpulan: Pemaparan ekstrak rosella 3.75% kurang efektif menyembuhkan ulser mukosa mulut.

Ulcers are often found in oral mucosa. Roselle has been reported to accelerate wound healing.
Objectives: To analyze the effectiveness of identified ethanol extract of roselle calyx 3.75%.
Methods: A total of 36 rats were divided into 3 groups of application, saline, triamcinolone acetonide, and roselle extract 3.75%. Rats were sacrificed on 2nd, 4th, 8th, and 15th days. Specimens were made and microscopic slide were scored.
Results: Saline application showed inflammation score 3. Triamcinolone acetonide application showed inflammation score 1. Roselle extract application showed inflammation score 2.
Conclusion: Application of roselle extract 3.75% less effective to accelerate wound healing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Daniel Putra
"Rosella berkhasiat anti-inflamasi dan anti-bakteri.
Tujuan : Mengetahui kondisi makroskopis, mikroskopis ulser mukosa yang diaplikasikan
ekstrak rosella.
Metode : Tiga puluh enam tikus sprague-dawley dibagi, Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1% sebagai kontrol positif, saline 0.9% sebagai kontrol negatif, ekstrak rosella 7.5% sebagai kelompok perlakuan, selama 1, 3, 7, 14 hari.
Hasil : pada perlakuan 7 hari, selisih diameter awal dan akhir kelompok ekstrak rosella 7.5% lebih besar dibandingkan TA dan saline, skor radang ulser kelompok ektrak rosella 7.5% lebih rendah dibandingkan TA dan saline.
Kesimpulan : Aplikasi ekstrak rosella 7.5% efektif mempercepat penyembuhan ulser pada perlakuan 7 hari.

Roselle have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacteria effect.
Objectives : To determine macroscopic, microscopic condition of ulcers after application of roselle extract.
Methods : thirty six sprague-dawley rats were divided, TA 0.1% as positive control, saline 0.9% as negative control, roselle extract 7.5% as treatment group. healing was observed in the first, third, seventh, and fourteenth day.
Result : In 7 days, the diameter differences of ulcers applied with roselle extract 7.5% is bigger and inflammation score of ulcers is lower than TA and saline.
Conclusion : application of roselle extract 7.5% is effective in accelerating healing in 7 days.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maftuhatun Fista Amalia
"Keloid merupakan jaringan tumor jinak yang tumbuh akibat proses penyembuhan luka menyimpang. Keloid dapat menimbulkan masalah kosmetik maupun gangguan fungsi tubuh, terutama bila keloid timbul pada daerah persendian. Patogenesisnya belum sepenuhnya diketahui, namun fibroblas teraktivasi terlibat dalam dekomposisi kolagen berlebih pada matriks ekstraseluler. Di sisi lain, fibroblas mensintesis sitoglobin. Ekspresi sitoglobin berlebih dapat menekan proliferasi fibroblas. Berbagai terapi keloid hingga saat ini belum optimal karena masih sering terjadi rekurensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengaruh ekstrak etanol gambir (EG) terhadap viabilitas fibroblas keloid serta ekspresi sitoglobin, elastin dan desmosin. Penelitian dilakukan dengan isolasi dan kultur primer fibroblas keloid serta dianalisis nilai IC50 EG nya, serta ekspresi sitoglobin, elastin dan desmosin. Didapatkan hasil bahwa EG dapat menurunkan viabilitas fibroblas keloid dan signifikan meningkatkan ekspresi sitoglobin, elastin dan desmosin. Dengan demikian, EG berpotensi sebagai antikeloid.

Keloids are benign tumor that grow as a result of aberrant wound healing processes. Keloid can cause cosmetic problems and impaired body function, especially if they occur on joint area. The pathogenesis isn’t fully understood, but activated fibroblasts are involved in the decomposition of excess collagen in the extracellular matrix. In contrast, fibroblasts synthesize cytoglobin. Various keloid therapies until now haven’t been optimal due to numerous recurrences. This study aims to explore the effect of ethanolic extract of gambir (EG) on the viability of keloid fibroblasts and the expression of cytoglobin, elastin, and desmosine. The experiment done by isolation and primary culture of keloid fibroblasts and analyzed its IC50 EG value, and cytoglobin, elastin, and desmosine. The result showed that EG can decrease in keloid fibroblast viability and the expression of cytoglobin, elastin, and desmosine. Thus, EG has potential as an anti-keloid."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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