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Tenny Widya Kristiana
Tesis ini akan membahas tentang gerakan anti nuklir yang dilakukan masyarakat Jepang terkait penggunaan PLTN sebagai sumber energi Jepang setelah insiden Fukushima Daiichi. Penelitian akan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan dukungan data kuantitatif. Gerakan anti nuklir ada sejak 1954 dan semakin meluas setelah insiden Fukushima Daiichi pada 11 Maret 2011. Tuntutan inti gerakan anti nuklir yaitu dihentikannya penggunaan PLTN dan mengembangkan sumber energi lain karena nuklir dinilai berbahaya dan tidak aman. Tuntutan ini menjadi yang rumit karena penggoperasian PLTN terkait dengan kemanan energi Jepang, perekonomian Jepang (perdagangan ekspor impor) dan keamanan Negara terkait pengayaan uranium. Terlepas dari penolakan terhadap tenaga nuklir, ditemukan bahwa dukungan masyarakat terhadap pemerintahan yang pro nuklir tergolong tinggi karena adanya permasalah lain yang menjadi permasalah pokok Jepang dibandingkan isu tentang tenaga nuklir. Analisis dilakukan untuk menilai seberapa jauh peran gerakan anti nuklir dalam perumusan kebijakan energi Jepang pasca insiden Fukushima Daiichi.

This thesis will discuss the anti nuclear movement by Japanese related to the use of nuclear power plants as an energy source in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi incident. The study will use qualitative descriptive method, with the support of quantitative data. Anti-nuclear movement has been existence since 1954 and then widespread after the Fukushima Daiichi incident on March 11, 2011. The demands of anti-nuclear movement are Japan phase-out from nuclear power plants and developing other energy sources because nuclear is dangerous and unsafe. This demand to be something complicated because the use of nuclear power plants related to Japanese energy security, the Japanese economy (import- export trade) and national security-related uranium enrichment. Regardless of the rejection of nuclear power, it was found that public support for the pro-nuclear government is high because of the other problems that become the principal problems of Japan compared to the issue of nuclear power. The analysis was performed to assess how far the role of anti-nuclear movement in influencing the formulation of Japan's energy policy after the Fukushima Daiichi incident."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Keshia Safitri
Sumber energi terkait erat dengan keberlangsungan hidup orang banyak. Oleh sebab itu keamanan energi menjadi salah satu prioritas dalam kepentingan nasional tiap negara. Jepang sebagai negara maju tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan energinya secara mandiri. Meski pada awalnya energi nuklir diharapkan mampu menjawab isu keamanan energi Jepang namun sejak insiden Fukushima Daiichi, seluruh kegiatan yang menyangkut pengolahan energi nuklir harus dihentikan untuk sementara waktu. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energinya, Jepang menggunakan sumber energi fosil seperti minyak, gas, dan batubara. Indonesia sebagai negara yang kaya akan gas dan batubara menjadi negara yang dibidik oleh Jepang untuk membantu memenuhi kebutuhan energinya. Jepang dan Indonesia memiliki sejarah yang panjang. Selama ini Jepang telah mempertegas keamanan energinya dari Indonesia dengan menggunakan bantuan Official Development Assistance serta melalui Japan-Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement. Kini terjadi peningkatan permintaan gas dalam negeri di Indonesia sehingga pasokan ekspor gasnya terancam. Pemerintah Indonesia pun menciptakan kebijakan Domestic Market Obligation untuk melindungi konsumer dalam negeri. Jepang terus mengupayakan jaminan keamanan energinya di Indonesia dengan melancarkan berbagai pertemuan tahunan seputar isu energi serta melakukan investasi melalui proyek kerja sama, Metropolitan Priority Areas. Faktanya Indonesia masih belum mampu mengolah sumber daya mineralnya secara mandiri sehingga investasi dari perusahaan Jepang masih sangat diperlukan. Namun hadirnya investasi perusahaan Jepang dengan skala yang besar justru semakin memperkokoh posisi Jepang sebagai ‘sahabat’ Indonesia. Sehingga permintaan Jepang pada Pemerintah Indonesia akan ditanggapi dengan serius dan cepat.

Energy sources is closely related to the survival of many people. Therefore energy security became a priority in the national interests of every countries. Japan as a developed country is unable to meet its energy needs independently. Although nuclear energy initially expected to address the issue of energy security of Japan but since Fukushima Daiichi incident, all activities related to the processing of nuclear energy should be stopped for a while. To meet its energy needs, the Japanese are using fossil energy sources such as oil , gas , and coal. Indonesia is a country rich in gas and coal and is targeted by Japan to help meet its energy needs . Japan has emphasized the security of its energy from Indonesia using Official Development Assistance as well as through the Japan - Indonesia Economic Partnership Agreement. Curently there’s an increase in domestic gas demand in Indonesia and evidently threatening the supply of exported gas. The Indonesian government created the Domestic Market Obligation policies to protect domestic consumers. Japan continues to pursue energy security in Indonesia by launching various annual meetings around the issue of energy and investing through cooperation projects such as the Metropolitan Priority Areas. Fact is Indonesia still not able to process mineral resources independently and that the investment of Japanese companies is still very necessary . However, the presence of Japanese companies investing in large scale even further strengthen Japan's position as a 'friend ' of Indonesia. So the Japanese request to the Government of Indonesia will be taken seriously and quickly"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Milton Park: Routledge, 2016
899.222 FUK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berlin: EBVerlag, 2014
895.6 LIT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Arsita Waskitarini
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kebijakan luar negeri Jepang terhadap isu nuklir Korea Utara. Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah kebijakan luar negeri yang dijalankan Jepang dalam menghadapi isu nuklir Korea Utara untuk mencapai kepentingan strategis jangka pendek dan jangka panjangnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan. Kebijakan-kebijakan luar negeri Jepang terhadap Korea Utara dideskripsikan kemudian dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu mendeskripsikan data secara sistematis dan akurat sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi Jepang dalam menciptakan dan menjalankan kebijakan luar negeri terhadap Korea Utara, serta kepentingan nasional apa yang mendasari kebijakan luar negeri Jepang. Teori yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah teori diplomasi, kebijakan luar negeri, dan keamanan (security). Keamanan dilakukan karena adanya ancaman. Persepi akan ancaman menimbulkan perasaan tidak aman (insecurity). Menurut Daniel S Pap persepi dibangun dan komponen nilai, keyakinan, dan pengamatan.
Setelah dilakukan analisis metode deskriptif diketahui bahwa Jepang menjalankan diplomasi dialog, tekanan, dan diplomasi ekonomi terhadap isu nuklir Korea Utara. Diplomasi dialog dijalankan dengan dialog bilateral dan multilateral yang saling melengkapi, diplomasi tekanan dengan pemberian sanksi, dan diplomasi ekonomi dengan pemberian bantuan luar negeri kepada Korea Utara.
Motivasi Jepang dalam menjalankan kebijakan luar negeri tersebut adalah karena merasa keamanannya terancam, agar dapat melakukan dialog dengan Korea Utara mengcnai isu nuklir; yang merupakan kepentingan strategis jangka pendek, dan dapat mengusahakan normalisasi hubungannya dengan Korea Utara; yang merupakan kepentingan strategis jangka panjang.
Kepentingan nasional yang ingin dicapai Jepang adalah tercapainya resolusi isu penculikan dan terbebas dari ancaman nuklir. Implikasi kebijakan luar negeri yang dijalankan Jepang dinilai kurang efektif karena Jepang rnenuntut pembahasan isu penculikan dan Korea Utara tetap bertahan dengan sikap tidak konsisten serta tidak terpengaruh tekanan dari Jepang.

The focus in this thesis is Japan?s foreign policies toward North Korea nuclear issue. Problems discussed hereby are foreign policies applied by Japan in facing North Korea`s nuclear issue to gain both strategic short and long term interests. This research is in a qualitative form with descriptive design and library-study data-collecting technique. Japan's foreign policies toward North Korea are described and then analyzed with descriptive method; which describes data systematic and accurately to result in conclusion.
The purpose of this research is to find out Japan's motivation in creating and applying foreign policies toward North Korea, and also other national interests which base those of Japan?s foreign policies. This research is based upon diplomacy, foreign policy and security theories. Security is applied because of existing threat, whilst the perception of threat causes insecurity feeling. According to Daniel S. Pap; perception is built from components of values, beliefs, and cognition.
After conducting the analysis with descriptive method, it is discovered that Japan has been running all three kinds of dialogue, pressure and economic diplomacies towards North Korea?s nuclear issue. Dialogue diplomacy is done with both completing bilateral and multilateral dialogues, pressure diplomacy is done by giving sanctions, and economic diplomacy is carried out with foreign aid grants to North Korea.
Japan's motivation in conducting such foreign policy is based on the nature of its alerted sectuity threat, as to be able to open the dialogue with North Korea about the nuclear issue; which was Japan?s strategic short term interest. Such motivation also provides a probable step to the effort of Japan-North Korea's relations non-nalization; which is Japan?s long term interest.
Japan's national interest in this scheme is to obtain a resolution of abduction issues and to be freed of nuclear threat. There is a nuisance of ineffectiveness in Japan?s foreign policy implications; because the country strongly demands to discuss thoroughly on abduction issues while North Korea remains in its inconsistency as if North Korea has never been afflicted by any pressure put by Japan.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulkifli Zain Komarudin
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai peran gerakan sosial anti-nuklir Jerman dalam mendorong lahirnya kebijakan energi terbarukan Jerman atau EEG tahun 2000. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus serta teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka dan anasisis data sekunder. Dengan menggunakan teori gerakan sosial J. Craig Jenkins, ditemukan bahwa gerakan anti-nuklir Jerman berperan signifikan dalam mendorong lahirnya kebijakan EEG tahun 2000. Mobilisasi sumber, institusionalisasi gerakan sosial dan struktur peluang politik menjadi tiga faktor penting yang membuat gerakan anti-nuklir berperan signifikan dalam proses transisi kebijakan tersebut.

This thesis discusses the role of the German anti nuclear social movement in driving the emergence of the 2000 Germany rsquo s renewable energy policy or EEG. The study was conducted by case study method and data collection technique in the form of literature study and secondary data analysis. Using J. Craig Jenkins 39 s social movement theory, it was found that the German anti nuclear movement played a significant role in driving the emergence of the 2000 EEG policy. The mobilization of resources, institutionalization of social movements and the structure of political opportunity became three important factors that lead the German anti nuclear movement to play a significant role in the policy transition process.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asystasia Sabathrin Cindananti
Penggunaan bahan-bahan tambang, material, dan teknologi nuklir adalah inalienable right dalam rangka penerapan Permanent Sovereignty pada konteks pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir. Convention on Nuclear Safety CNS tahun 1994 menjadi l rsquo;accord-cadre bagi pemanfaatan energi nuklir untuk pembangkitan tenaga listrik yang mengharuskan pemanfaatannya dijamin dengan hukum domestik yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana prinsip keselamatan di CNS dapat hidup dan mengatur aktivitas pemanfaatan tenaga nuklir untuk pembangkitan listrik domestik melalui kaidah-kaidah hukum positif dalam sebuah kerangka hukum nuklir municipal. Selama ini, sulit untuk menentukan ukuran pelanggaran kaidah hukum CNS karena tidak adanya elemen-elemen kontekstual yang disepakati oleh para sarjana hukum selain aspek teknis. Hal tersebut berusaha dijawab dengan memaparkan best practice pada hukum di beberapa negara, dan dengan pendekatan problem-based, salah satunya dalam hal kecelakaan. Dalam penelitian ini, kecelakaan PLTN Fukushima tahun 2011 lalu dianalisis secara mendalam dan hasilnya didapatkan bahwa terdapat ketaatan parsial Jepang dengan simpulan akhir tidak ada indikasi atas niat pelanggaran yang berakibat kelalaian. Namun lebih kepada kurangnya kesadaran pemerintah Jepang terhadap kultur keselamatan. Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pembuktian bahwa energi nuklir merupakan opsi yang sangat efesien dan terpercaya apabila keselamatannya terjamin. Selain itu, penelitian ini dapat pula menjadi rujukan untuk memperbaiki hukum dan kebijakan terkait yang masih dirasa kurang tepat, serta menyugestikan reformasi hukum keselamatan nuklir nasional agar sesuai dengan standar keselamatan nuklir internasional yang berlaku. Kata Kunci: Kedaulatan, Energi Nuklir, Hak Berdaulat Tenaga Nuklir, PSNR, Hak Aktivitas Berbahaya, Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Prinsip Keseimbangan Antar-Generasi, PLTN, Keselamatan nuklir, Hukum Keselamatan Nuklir Internasional, Convention on Nuclear Safety 1994, Kasus Fukushima 2011, Badan Pengawas Nuklir.

The usage of nuclear ores, materials, and technologies is an inalianable right in respect with the application of the Permanent Sovereignty doctrine on the context of atomic energy utilization. The 1994 Convention on Nuclear Safety CNS is the l rsquo accord cadre for nuclear energy utilization, in casu nuclear power plants NPPs , which needs to be guaranteed by a satisfying domestic law. This research aims to explain how the CNS rsquo s safety principles shall prevail and rule the utilization of nuclear power activities for NPPs through positive laws in a municipal nuclear law. It has been strenuous attempt to measure the violations towards the CNS rsquo safety principles since there is no agreement amongst the legal scholars on contextual elements but the technical elements. To solve such problem, this research will explain the states rsquo legal best practice over the world, and by problem based solving, such as accident. This research further analyze on the 2011 Fukushima NPP accident, and it is proven that there is a partial compliance by Japan. It can be concluded that Japan has no intention to breach any law which later relevant with the imprudence . However, the omission was caused by lack of Japan government rsquo s concern on safety culture. This research may proper to be used as a scientific proof that nuclear energy is an efficient and reliable option if only the safety has been settled. Notwithstanding, this research also may be used as a reference to enhance the lack of high safety priority on the laws and policies, and to reform the national nuclear safety law in accordance to the international legal standards. Keywords Sovereignty, Nuclear Energy, Sovereign Right over Natural Resources, PSNR, Right to Conduct a Dangerous Activity, Sustainable Development, Intergenerational Equity Principle, NPP, Nuclear Safety, International Nuclear Safety Law, 1994 Convention on Nuclear Safety, 2011 Fukushima Case, Regulatory Bodies. "
[;;, , ]: 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tompkins, Andrew S.
"During the 1970s, hundreds of thousands across Western Europe protested against civil nuclear energy. Nowhere were they more visible than in France and Germany, two countries where environmentalism seems to have diverged greatly since. This book recovers the shared, transnational history of the early anti-nuclear movement, showing how low-level interactions among diverse activists led to far-reaching changes in both countries. Because nuclear energy was such a multivalent symbol, protest against it was simultaneously broad-based and highly fragmented. Concerned citizens in communities near planned facilities felt that nuclear technology represented an outside intervention that potentially threatened their health, material existence, and way of life. In the decade after 1968, their concerns coalesced with more overtly political criticisms of consumer society, the state, and militarism. Farmers, housewives, hippies, anarchists, and many more who defied simple categorization joined forces to oppose nuclear power, but the movement remained internally contradictory and outwardly unpredictable, not least with regard to violence at demonstrations. By analysing the transnational dimensions, diverse outcomes, and internal divisions of anti-nuclear protest, this book provides an encompassing and nuanced understanding of one of the largest new social movements in post-war Western Europe and situates it within a decade of upheaval and protest. Drawing extensively on oral history interviews as well as police, media, and activist sources, this book tells the story of the people behind protest, showing how individuals at the grassroots built up a movement that transcended national borders as well as political and social differences."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Berkeley: Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California , 1981
333.79 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samuels, Richard J.
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990
338.4 SAM b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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