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Mochamad Hilal Nurdin
"Latar belakang. Hipertensi pulmonal merupakan salah satu komplikasi jangka panjang pada stenosis mitral, dan meningkatkan morbiditas serta mortalitas. Peningkatan resistensi vaskular paru terjadi pada fase reaktif hipertensi pulmonal akibat stenosis mitral. Pada hipertensi pulmonal terjadi gangguan keseimbangan sistem otonom, yang berpengaruh pada perubahan laju jantung saat uji latih. Laju jantung pemulihan dihitung dari selisih laju jantung maksimal saat uji latih dengan laju jantung menit pertama fase pemulihan dipengaruhi oleh reaktivasi sistem parasimpatis saat akhir latihan, dan merupakan prediktor mortalitas jangka panjang.
Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 20 pasien stenosis mitral bermakna dengan hipertensi pulmonal yang menjalani pembedahan katup mitral di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita dari bulan Agustus hingga November 2014. Dilakukan pengukuran resistensi vaskular paru sebelum operasi dan sebelum pasien dipulangkan. Laju jantung pemulihan diambil dari uji treadmil pada akhir program rehabilitasi kardiak fase 2. Dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mencari hubungan antara resistensi vaskular paru dengan laju jantung pemulihan saat latihan pasca operasi katup mitral.
Hasil. Laju jantung pemulihan yang diukur pada menit pertama fase pemulihan uji treadmill adalah 11,5 + 5,9 kali per menit, dan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pre dan paska operasi sebesar 1,55 + 2,1 WU. Laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama memiliki korelasi sedang dengan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru (r 0,537; p 0,015) . Analisa regresi linier laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama dengan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pre dan paska operasi mendapatkan nilai koefisien β 1,52 dengan IK 95% 0,338-2,706 dengan nilai p 0,015. Analisa bivariat menyimpulkan bahwa digoxin merupakan variabel perancu (p 0,048). Analisa regresi linier antara perubahanresistensi vaskular paru pasca operasidengan laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama(adjusted analysis sesuai variable perancu)menunjukkan nilai koefisien β 1,244 dengan IK 95% 0,032-2,457 dengan nilai p 0,045.
Kesimpulan. Perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pada pasien stenosis mitral dengan hipertensi pulmonal yang menjalani pembedahan berhubungan dengan laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama saat uji latih jantung.

Background. Pulmonary hypertension is one of the long-term complication of mitral stenosis, resulting increase of morbidity and mortality. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is increase in reactive phase of pulmonary hypertension due to mitral stenosis. There is impaired autonom regulation following pulmonary hypertension, affecting heart rate changes during exercise test. Heart rate recovery (HRR) is defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and 1 minute of recovery phase. It is affected by reactivation of parasympathetic system after cessation of exercise, and has been known as a long-term mortality predictor.
Method. A study of 20 patients with significant mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension who underwent mitral valve surgery in National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita was done from August to November 2014. PVR data from echocardiography was measured before surgery and before the patients were discharged. HRR data was taken from the treadmill test at the end of phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation program. Statistical analysis is done to explore the correlation between pulmonary vascular resistance and heart rate recovery after exercise test.
Result. Mean heart rate recovery after exercise test is 11,5 + 5,9 beat perminute, and changes of pulmonary vascular resistance after surgery is 1,55+2,1 WU. There was a correlation between change of PVR and heart rate recovery (r 0,537; p 0,015). Linear regression analysis of the change of PVR and heart rate recovery (unadjusted analysis) showed β coefficient 1,52 with 95% confidence interval 0,338-2,706 and p 0,015. Adjusted analysis to confounding variabel showed β coefficient 1,244 with 95% CI 0,032-2,457 and p 0,045.
Conclusion. Changes of pulmonary vascular resistance after mitral valve surgery in mitral stenosis pastient is positively correlated with heart rate recovery during exercise test.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ginanjar
"Latar Belakang : Peningkatan resistensi vaskular paru (RVP) pasien stenosis mitral (SM) disebabkan oleh proses reaktif hipertensi pulmoner (HP) sehingga mempengaruhi luaran klinis pascabedah katup mitral. Endotelin-1 (ET-1) sebagai mediator vasoaktif berperan penting pada HP reaktif. Belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan kadar ET-1 vena pulmoner (VP) dengan RVP.
Tujuan Penelitian : Menilai korelasi kadar ET-1 VP terhadap RVP sebelum dan sesudah pembedahan katup mitral pada pasien SM dengan HP.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada 28 pasien SM berat dengan HP sedang dan berat yang menjalani pembedahan katup mitral di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita dari bulan April hingga November 2014. Dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mencari korelasi antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP sebelum dan sesudah pembedahan katup mitral.
Hasil Penelitian : Terdapat korelasi antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah (r=0,49, p=0,008), sedangkan dengan RVP pascabedah tidak berkorelasi bermakna (r=0,204, p=0,32). Analisa regresi linear antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah setelah disesuaikan dengan variabel perancu hipertensi, diabetes melitus tipe 2, fibrilasi atrial, penggunaan penyakat beta dan diuretik didapatkan r=0,5 koefisien β 1,04 dengan interval kepercayaan (IK) 95% (0,401-1,691) p=0,003, sedangkan dengan RVP pascabedah setelah disesuaikan dengan variabel perancu hipertensi, penghambat ACE/ARB, penyakat beta, vasodilator, waktu cross clamp didapatkan r=-0,08 koefisien β -0,2 dengan IK 95 % (-0,99-0,5) p=0,5.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna dengan kekuatan sedang antara kadar ET-1 VP dengan RVP prabedah, Peningkatan kadar ET-1 VP sebesar 1 pg/ml, akan meningkatkan RVP prabedah sebasar 1,04 WU. Kadar ET-1 VP tidak memiliki korelasi bermakna terhadap RVP pascabedah.

Background : The increased of Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) in mitral stenosis (MS) patient occurs in reactive pulmonary hypertension, and it affects clinical outcome after mitral valve surgery. Endothelin-1 (ET-1) as vasoconstrictive agent have important role in reactive pulmonary hypertension so far there is no study that corelate pulmonary vein (PV) ET-1 with PVR in MS.
Objectives : To study the correlation of PV ET-1 level with PVR measured by echo before and after mitral valve surgery in patient MS with pulmonary hypertension.
Methods : Twenty eight MS patients with moderate and severe pulmonary hypertension who underwent mitral valve surgery at National Cardiovascular Centre Harapan Kita from April to November 2014. Statistical analysis was done to see the correlation of PV ET-1 level with PVR before and after mitral valve surgery. Blood sample was taken from VP in the operating room and analyzed with Quantikine® ELISA ET-1 Immunoassay. PVR was measured by PVR-AMS formula by echocardiography.
Result : There was a correlation between PV ET-1 and PVR pre surgery (r=0,49, p=0,008), whereas, there was no significant correlation with PVR post surgery (r=0,204, p=0,32). Linear regression analysis was performed, PV ET-1 and PVR pre surgery were adjusted to confounding variables hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibilation, use of beta blocker and diuretic; r=0,5 β coefisien level 1,04 with confidance interval (CI) 95 % (0,401-1,691), p=0,003. PVR post surgery was adjusted to confounding variables hypertension, dislipidemia, use of ACE-I/ARB, beta blocker, vasodilator, cross clamp time, r=-0,08 β coefisien level -0,2 with CI 95 % (-0,99-0,5), p=0,5.
Conclusion : There was a moderate positive correlation between PV ET-1 with PVR pre surgery, the increased of PV ET-1 level 1 pg/ml, would increase PVR level 1,04 WU. There was no significant correlation between PV ET-1 with PVR post surgery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bima Suryaatmaja
"Latar Belakang : Hipertensi pulmoner (HP) merupakan faktor independen kematian, kematian kardiovaskular, dan gagal jantung pada pengamatan 4 tahun pasien pascabedah katup mitral. Masalah pasien pascabedah thoraks adalah menurunnya fisiologi dan mekanik paru yang menyebabkan gangguan ventilasi perfusi dan hypoxia induced pulmonary vasoconstriction sehingga perbaikan HP pascabedah menjadi lambat.
Tujuan Penelitian : Menilai efek latihan pernapasan sebagai adjuvan latihan fisik yang terstruktur terhadap penurunan tekanan sistolik arteri pulmoner (TSAP) pada pasien pascabedah katup mitral dengan hipertensi pulmoner.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental acak tersamar ganda dan prospektif. Kelompok perlakuan diberikan latihan pernapasan 50% volume inspirasi maksimal (VIM) sebagai adjuvan latihan fisik atau plasebo pada kelompok kontrol selama rehabilitasi fase 2. Sampel diambil secara konsekutif dari populasi terjangkau pascaoperasi katup mitral yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Didapatkan 43 subyek yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok yakni 21 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 22 orang kelompok kontrol. TSAP dinilai dengan ekokardiografi sebelum dan sesudah program latihan.
Hasil Penelitian : Didapatkan nilai TSAP sesudah latihan pada kelompok kontrol lebih rendah secara signifikan (35 (29-39) mmHg vs 43 (40-51) mmHg;P<0.001) dan ∆TSAP kelompok perlakuan lebih besar secara signifikan (16 (12-30) mmHg vs 3.5 (2-4) mmHg;P<0.001) bila dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat penurunan TSAP yang lebih besar pada kelompok yang mendapatkan latihan pernapasan 50% VIM dibanding kelompok plasebo.

Background: Pulmonary hypertension is an independent factor for mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and heart failure in four years observation of patients underwent mitral valve operation. In patient with open chest surgery, lung physiology and mechanic function deteriorates. This leads to ventilation perfusion mismatch and hypoxia induced pulmonary vasoconstriction, causing problems in recovery post operatively.
Objectives: To study the effect of respiratory training as an adjuvant to structured physical exercise in the decrease of pulmonary artery systolic pressure in patient with pulmonary hypertension post mitral valve surgery.
Methods: a double blind randomized trial was done, dividing 2 groups of subjects. It company the effect of respiratory training of 50% of maximum inspiratory volume (MIV) as an adjuvant intervention to the current phase 2 rehabilitation program in intervention group vs control group. Sample was taken consecutively in patient underwent mitral valve operation and fulfilled inclusion criteria. 43 subjects were divided in 2 groups. 21 patients were given respiratory training and 22 patients were in the placebo group. Systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) was measured by echocardiography before and after intervention was performed.
Result: sPAP and ∆sPAP in the intervention group were significantly lower compare to the placebo group; (35 (29-39) mmHg vs 43 (40-51) mmHg; p<0.001) and (16 (12-30) mmHg vs 3.5 (2-4) mmHg; p<0.001).
Conclusion: The decrease of sPAP was found to be significantly higher in the intervention group than placebo.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Marthias
Latar belakang: Studi sebelumnya menyimpulkan bahwa mitral valve gradient (MVG) merupakan parameter selain area katup mitral (AKM) yang berhubungan dengan perbaikan gejala pasca komisurotomi mitral transkateter perkutan (KMTP). Oleh karena itu, studi diperlukan untuk menjelaskan hubungan MVG terhadap perbaikan gejala secara objektif, dalam bentuk kapasitas fungsional.
Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan MVG terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional pasca KMTP.
Bahan dan Metode: Studi quasi experimental dengan one group pre-post design terhadap 78 subjek. Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi dan treadmill Bruce termodifikasi dilakukan 1-2 hari sebelum dan 1-2 minggu setelah KMTP. Data sebelum dan setelah KMTP dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan variabel terhadap perbaikan kapasitas fungsional pasca KMTP. Perbaikan kapasitas fungsional didefinisikan sebagai perubahan lama latihan > 180 detik pasca KMTP.
Hasil: Rerata usia adalah 42 tahun, mayoritas perempuan (3,6:1) dengan rerata IMT 22,27 kg/m2. Sebesar 5,1% pasien merokok dengan komorbid stroke sebesar 14,1%. Sebelum KMTP, 53% memiliki irama sinus dengan mayoritas memiliki fungsi ventrikel kiri yang baik (rerata ejeksi fraksi 62%) dan fungsi ventrikal kanan yang baik (median tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) 20 mm). Sebesar 97% pasien datang dengan kelas NYHA II sebelum KMTP dan mengalami perbaikan signifikan kapasitas fungsional pasca KMTP berupa perbaikan median lama latihan (241(18-1080) ke 603(30-1900) detik, p < 0,001) dan perbaikan median nilai VO2max estimasi (18,8(10,2-51,4) ke 32,8(10,6-83,2) mlO2/kg/menit, p<0,001). Dari uji korelasi, didapatkan variabel usia (r -0,23, adjusted R2=4,1%), pre-MVG (r 0,23, adjusted R2=4,2%), Δ MVG (r 0,31, adjusted R2= 9,0%) , dan pre-TR Vmax (r 0,3, adjusted R2=1,3%) berkorelasi terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Perbaikan kapasitas fungsional segera pasca KMTP tidak berhubungan dengan AKM pasca KMTP ≥ 1,5 cm2 (p= 0,14) dan perubahan AKM ≥ 200% pasca KMTP (p= 0,18). Penurunan MVG > 50 % pasca KMTP (OR 2,89, IK 95% 1,06-7,92; p = 0,038) dan TR Vmax sebelum KMTP > 3,4 m/s (OR 3,42, IK 95% 1,19-9,83; p = 0,023) merupakan prediktor perbaikan kapasitas fungsional segera pasca KMTP.
Kesimpulan: Penurunan MVG lebih dari 50% pasca KMTP berhubungan dengan perbaikan kapasitas fungsional segera pasca KMTP.

Introduction: Previous studies had shown that mitral valve gradient (MVG) was other parameter than mitral valve area (MVA) which had correlation with symptom improvement post baloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV). However, further study is needed to illuminate the assocation of MVG with clinical improvement objectively, in term of functional capacity.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the association between MVG and functional capacity alteration after BMV.
Material and Methods: Quasi exsperimental study with one group pre-post design was applied in 78 subjects. Echocardiography and Modified Bruce Protocol assessment were done 1-2 days before and 1-2 weeks after BMV. Pre and post data were analized to obtain association of variables with functional capacity alteration immediately after BMV. Improvement of functional capacity was defined as alteration of exercise time more than 180 seconds after KMTP.
Results: The mean age was 42 y.o, female dominant (3,6:1), mean BMI was 22,27 kg/m2. Of 5,1% patient were smoker with most commonly observed comorbidities include stroke (14,1%). Majority 53% had sinus rhythm with dominant good left ventricular function (mean ejection fraction 62%) and good right ventricular function (median tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) 20 mm). Of 97% patients presented with NYHA class II before BMV with significant improvement of functional capacity after BMV such as median exercise time alteration (241(18-1080) to 603(30-1900) s, p < 0,001) and median estimate VO2 max value alteration (18,8(10,2-51,4) to 32,8(10,6-83,2) mlO2/kg/minute, p<0,001). From correlation test, age (r -0,23, adjusted R2=4,1%), pre-MVG (r 0,23, adjusted R2=4,2%), Δ MVG (r 0,31, adjusted R2= 9,0%), and pre-TR Vmax (r 0,3, adjusted R2=1,3%) were corelated with functional capacity alteration. Improvement of functional capacity did not significantly associate with post MVA>1,5 cm2 (p= 0,14) and AKM alteration after BMV ≥ 200% (p= 0,18). Reduction of MVG > 50 % after BMV (OR 2,89, 95% CI 1,06-7,92; p = 0,038) and TR Vmax before BMV > 3,4 m/s (OR 3,42, 95% CI 1,19-9,83; p = 0,023) were predictor of functional capacity improvement immediately after BMV.
Conclusions: Reduction of MVG more than 50% had association with immediate improvement of functional capacity post BMV."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan : Menilai korelasi antara kelentutan atrioventrikular (Cn) dengan tekanan sistolik arteri pulmonal dan besarnya penurunan tekanan arteri pulmonal segera setelah dilakukan komisurotomi mitral transvena perkutan (KMTP). Latar Belakang : Pada pasien stenosis mitral (SM) terjadinya peningkatan tekanan arteri pulmonal dan beratnya gambaran klinis tidak selalu berkaitan dengan area efektif katup mitral (MVA) serta perbedaan tekanan transmitral (MVG) karena beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelenturan atrioventrikular (Cn) juga mempengaruhi. Metode : Merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan pada 30 pasien SM berat yang menjalani KMTP di PJNHK dari bulan Januari 2008 s/d oktober 2010. Pasien dibagi 2 kelompok, yakni kelompok I dengan Cn ::; 4 ml/mmHg dan kelompok II dengan Cn > 4 ml/mmHg. Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi dengan Vivid 7 dilakukan sebelum KMTP dan dalam 24 sampai 72 jam setelah KMTP. Cn ditentukan dengan persamaan : Cn = 1,270 (MV A I E-wave downslope), dan tekanan sistolik arteri pulmonal (sPAP) =Tricuspid valve gradient (TVG) + 10 mmHg. Hasil : Dari 194 subjek yang menjalani KMTP didapatkan sampel 30 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Proporsi kasus SM pada penelitian ini lebih banyak pada perempuan yaitu 70% dan usia rata- rata 36 tahun. Perbandingan sPAP pada kedua kelompok, baik sebelum ( 66,8 ± 21,7 mmHg V s 71,5 ± 31,5 mmHg, P = 0,64) maupun setelah KMTP ( 49,3 ± 10,8 mmHg Vs 56,4 ± 19,9 mmHg, P = 0,31) tidak berbeda bermakna, demikian pula besamya penurunan sPAP setelah KMTP pada kedua kelompok tidak berbeda bermakna ( 17,7 ± 15 mmHg Vs 15,7 ± 15,8 mmHg, P = 0,60). Kesimpulan : Kelenturan atrioventrikular (Cn) tidak mempengaruhi tekanan arteri pulmonal dan besamya perubahan tekanan arteri pulmonal segera setelah KMTP.

Objectives : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the correlation beetwen Cn with systolic artery pulmonal and the magnitude of decreasing systolic pulmonary pressure after balloon mitral valvuloplasty. Background : In patients with mitral stenosis (MS), the increase in pulmonary arterial pressure and severity of the clinical symptom are not only related to the mitral valve area and mitral vave gradient, but also related to the atrioventricular compliance (Cn). Methods : This is a cross sectional study in Thirty patients with severe mitral stenosis underwent Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasthy (BMV) procedure in NCCHKfrom January 2008 until October 20 I I. The patients were divided into two group, group I with Cn ~ 4 ml/mmHg and group II with Cn > 4 ml/mmHg. Echocardiograpy was done before BMV and 24 unti/72 hours after BMVwith vivid 7. Cn was derivedfrom the equation that has been previously validated (ie, Cn = I270 x [MV area by PHT I mitral Ewave downslope] and systolic pulmonary artery pressure(sPAP) = Tricuspid valve gradient (TV G) + I 0 mmHg. Results : There were I94 patients underwent BMV, but only 30 patients meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The women proportion were 70% and average of ages were 36 years old. The systolic pulmonary artery pressure in both group were not difference before ( 66,8 ± 2I, 7 mmHg Vs 7I,5 ± 3I,5 mmHg, P = 0,64) and after BMV ( 49,3 ± I0,8 mmHg Vs 56,4 ± I9,9 mmHg, P = 0,3I) and also the magnitude of decreasing systolic pulmonary artery pressure after BMV not difference between the groups. Conclusion: In patients with severe mitral stenosis, atrioventricular compliance was not affected systolic pulmonary artery pressure before and after BMV nor the magnitude of systolic pulmonaty artery pressure after BMV."
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Kedokteran, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Yulianti
Latar belakang : Stenosis mitral (SM) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting di Indonesia. Pada SM terjadi peningkatan kadar P selectin karena disfungsi endotel dan aktivasi platelet. Komisurotomi mitral transvena perkutan (KMTP) merupakan tatalaksana baku untuk penderita SM yang dapat memperbaiki kemampuan aktivitas fisik yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi kadar P selectin. Belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan antara tingkat aktifitas fisik dengan kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada SM rematik.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang. Dari 56 subyek penelitian yang menjalani KMTP sejak bulan Mei 2013 sampai Februari 2014 di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita, didapatkan 35 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan . Data klinis dan data ekokardiografi sebelum dan 3 bulan pasca KMTP diambil dari catatan medis. Dilakukan wawancara 3 bulan pasca KMTP. Tingkat aktivitas fisik dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok 1 1-4 METs, kelompok 2 > 4 METs. Kadar P selectin diambil 3 bulan pasca KMTP. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada SM rematik
Hasil : Pasien yang akan menjalani KMTP memiliki rerata usia 40,00±11,58 tahun dengan proporsi perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki (74,3%) dan dengan proporsi irama sinus yang lebih tinggi daripada irama atrial (57,1%). Dari uji T didapatkan ada perbedaan bermakna rata-rata kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada tingkat aktivitas fisik 1-4 METs dan > 4 METs, dimana rerata kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP pada tingkat aktivitas fisik > 4 METs lebih rendah secara bermakna dibandingkan 1-4 METs (p=0,003). Setelah dilakukan analisa multivariat terlihat tingkat aktivitas fisik pasca KMTP tetap berpengaruh terhadap kadar P Selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP (p=0,001). Area Katup Mitral (AKM) pasca KMTP berpengaruh terhadap kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP (p=0,018), namun tingkat aktivitas fisik pasca KMTP lebih besar pengaruhnya dibandingkan AKM.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dengan kadar P selectin 3 bulan pasca KMTP dimana pada tingkat aktivitas yang lebih tinggi ( > 4 METs) kadar P selectin lebih rendah 10,489 ug/ml dibandingkan tingkatan aktivitas fisik 1-4 METs.

Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml);Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml), Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is an important health problem in Indonesia. P selectin level in MS increases due to endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation. Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) is one of the management for MS patients. Thus, the physical activity can improve and in turn affect the level of P selectin. There has been no study link the level of physical activity with the level of P Selectin 3 months after of PTMC.
Method: This is a cross sectional study with 56 subjects who underwent PTMC from May 2013 to February 2014 at the Hospital of National Heart Centre Harapan Kita. Then, 35 samples met the inclusion criteria. Clinical and echocardiography data before and 3 months after PTMC were taken from medical records. Interviews were conducted 3 months after PTMC. Physical activity levels were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (1-4 METs) and group 2 (> 4 METs). Sample for P selectin was taken 3 months after PTMC. Further statistical analysis was done to determine the relationship between physical activity level with level of P Selectin 3 months after PTMC in rheumatic MS.
Result: Patients who will undergo PTMC have the mean age of 40.00 ± 11.58 years with a higher proportion of women than men (74.3%) and the proportion of sinus rhythm is higher than atrial rhythm (57.1%) . T-test analysis result showed significant difference in the average levels of P selectin 3 months after PTMC on the level of physical activity 1-4 METs and > 4 METs. The average P selectin levels on the level of physical activity in group with > 4 METs was significantly lower compared with group 1-4 METs (p = 0.003). After multivariate analysis, the physical activity level still has an effect on the P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC (p = 0.001). The Mitral Valve Area (MVA) after PTMC also has an effect on P selectin levels (p = 0.018). However, the level of physical activity after PTMC has a greater effect than MVA.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between the level of physical activity with P selectin levels 3 months after PTMC.Group with higher activity level (> 4 METs) have lower level of P selectin (with the mean difference levels of P Selectin 10,489 ug/ml)]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Novianto
"Latar belakang: Operasi maze untuk mengkoreksi fibrilasi atrium atrial fibrillation, AF bersamaan dengan operasi katup mitral sudah cukup diketahui manfaatnya, akan tetapi keberhasilan operasi maze pada kasus reumatik masih diragukan. Beberapa penelitian tidak menyarankan operasi maze pada kasus reumatik, sedangkan etiologi reumatik merupakan penyebab tersering penyakit jantung katup di Indonesia. Kami mencoba melakukan penelitian untuk melihat pengaruh etiologi reumatik terhadap keberhasilan operasi maze di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita, Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian kohort restrospektif dengan mengambil data 55 pasien yang menjalani operasi katup mitral dan maze pada Januari 2012 sampai Januari 2017 secara consecutive sampling. Etiologi penyakit katup mitral dikelompokkan menjadi reumatik 33 sampel dan degeneratif 22 sampel. Kemudian dicatat irama pada 7 hari, 1 bulan, dan 3 bulan pascaoperasi, serta faktor perancu dan karakteristik dasar sampel.
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna angka bebas AF pada kedua grup p>0,05 . Perbedaan bermakna ditemukan antara rerata umur dan jenis kelamin pada kedua grup etiologi. Tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada variabel lain.
Simpulan: Keberhasilan operasi maze sebanding pada kedua etiologi penyakit katup mitral, sehingga dapat diterapkan pada kedua jenis etiologi.

Backgrounds: The benefits of maze surgery to correct atrial fibrillation AF concomittant with mitral valve surgery is well known, but the outcome of maze surgery in rheumatic cases remains in doubt. Some studies do not recommend maze surgery in rheumatic cases, whereas rheumatic etiology is the most common etiology of valvular heart diseases in Indonesia. We are trying to do a research to see the relationship of rheumatic etiology on the outcome of maze surgery at Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita, Indonesia.
Methods: This is a restrospective cohort study. We collected from medical records of 55 patients underwent mitral and maze valve surgery from January 2012 to January 2017 by consecutive sampling. The etiology of mitral valve disease are grouped into 33 rheumatic samples and 22 degenerative samples. Then we recorded the heart rhythm on 7 days, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively, as well as confounding factors and basic characteristics of the sample.
Results: There was no significant difference in the freedom of AF in both groups p 0.05 . Significant differences were found between mean age and sex in both etiologic groups. There was no significant difference in other variables.
Conclusions: The outcome maze surgery is comparable in both the etiology of mitral valve disease, thus it can be applied equally to both etiologies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfiansyah Lesmana
Keputusan untuk melakukan tindakan operasi reparasi dan replace katup mitral pada stenosis mitral masih diperdebatkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari hubungan
antara Wilkin?s score dengan keputusan operasi reparasi dan replace katup mitral
pada stenosis mitral, serta mencari titik potong nilai Wilkins? score pada operasi
reparasi dan replace katup mitral
Penelitian adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional secara
retrospektif mencakup seluruh pasien dari RS Harapan Kita Jakarta yang dilakukan
operasi stenosis mitral pada Januari 2010 ? September 2015 oleh satu orang dokter
bedah Jantung. Hubungan Wilkins? score dengan keputusan operasi serta nilai titik
potong Wilkins? score pada operasi reparasi dan replace menjadi luaran yang akan
Seratus dua puluh lima subjek dengan usia rata-rata kelompok reparasi 36,78 ± 9,37
tahun dan replace 44,49 ± 9,29 tahun. Didapatkan nilai mean Wilkins? score pada
kelompok reparasi 6,5 (4-12) dan kelompok replace 8 (4-14) dengan nilai signifikansi
p<0,001. Dengan area under curve 0,786 dan p<0,001, dapat dinilai titik potong
Wilkins? score berada pada nilai 7. Dengan memerhatikan variabel lain yang
menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan pada analisis bivariat yaitu usia,
regurgitasi mitral dan Euro score, dilakukan analisis multivariate dengan uji regresi
logistic didapatkan area under curve 0,946 dan p<0,001, dapat dinilai titik potong
Wilkins? score berada pada 5. Kesimpulan
Wilkins? score berhubungan dalam pengambilan keputusan tindakan operasi reparasi
dan replace katup pada subjek dengan stenosis mitral, dengan titik poin pada putusan
operasi reparasi dan replace yaitu Wilkins? score 7. Jika Wilkins? score
mempertimbangkan faktor usia, regurgitasi mitral dan Euro score titik poin pada
putusan operasi reparasi dan replace yaitu Wilkins? score 5.

Decision on the repair and replacement of mitral valve surgery in mitral stenosis
patients is still being debated. The aim for this research is to find the relationship
between Wilkins? score and the decision between repair and replacing mitral valve in
mitral stenosis cases, and to find the cut off point for Wilkins?score in the mitral
valve repair and replacement procedure
The research is an analytic descriptive study with restrospective cross sectional
design. This research covered all patients of Harapan Kita Hospital for Heart and
Blood vessels that had mitral stenosis operations from January of 2010 until
September 2015 that is conducted by one of the surgeon in that hospital. The
relationship between Wilkin?s score and the decision to operate and the cut of point
of the Wilkins? score on the repair and replacement decision is the outcome that we
are going to study in this research.
One hundred and twenty five subjects with the mean age of repair 36,78 ± 9,37 years
old and replacement age of 44,49 ± 9,29 years old. We found that the mean of
Wilkins? score in the reparation group is 6,5 (4-12) and in the replacement group is 8
(4-14) with the significance value is p <0,001. With area under the curve of 0,786 and
p<0,001 we can see that the the cut off point for Wilkins? score is 7. By seeing other
variables to show the significance between all bivariates variable such as age, mitral
regurgitation and Euro score, we conducted multivariate analysis of regression test
we found area under the curve 0,946 with p<0,001. We can assess that the cut off
point of Wilkins? score is 5 Conclusion
Wilkins score is related with decision making of valve repair and replacment
procedure in patients with mitral stenosis with poin between decision is 7. If Wilkins
score consider other factors such as age, the presence of mitral regurgitation and Euro
Score the point that determine the decision to repair and replace mitral valve is
Wilkins? score 5."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prafithrie Avialita Shanti
Latar Belakang. Stenosis Mitral (SM) tinggi prevalensinya di negara berkembang karena erat terkait
dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung demam rematik (PJR). Pasien SM sedang-berat terdapat
peningkatan regio turbulensi dan shear stress mengakibatkan kerusakan endotel pembuluh darah
sehingga meningkatkan resiko tromboemboli. P-selectin merupakan molekul adhesi berperan dalam
proses inflamasi dan sebagai faktor protrombotik yang diekspresikan secara cepat. Indeks volume
atrium kiri (IVAK) merupakan parameter superior untuk mengukur fungsi atrium kiri dengan
Metode. Penelitian potong lintang melibatkan 20 pasien SM sedang-berat dengan MVA <1.5 cm2
yang menjalani Komisuratomi Mitral Transvena Perkutan (KMTP) yang diambil secara konsekutif
pada bulan Mei 2013 sampai Oktober 2013 di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Jakarta. Pasien
diambil sampel darah pra dan pasca KMTP untuk diperiksa kadar P-Selectin. Kemudian hasilnya
dianalisa secara statistik.
Hasil. Dalam studi ini, tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan ekspresi kadar P-selectin pra
dan pasca KMTP. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai pra KMTP β= -0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045)
p=0.16 dan pasca KMTP β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91. Setelah dilakukan regresi
linier dengan penyesuaian (adjusted) terhadap variabel perancu yakni usia, jenis kelamin, dan atrial
fibrilasi tetap tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan kadar P-selectin dengan nilai pra KMTP
β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 dan pasca KMTP β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152)
Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP. Nilai IVAK yang sudah
jelek tidak berhubungan dengan kadar P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP pada pasien SM.

Background. The prevalence of Mitral stenosis (MS) remains significant in developing
countries related to prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).In moderate-severe MS
patients enormous increase in turbulent region and shear stress causing dysfunction of
vascular endothelial, as consequence it increase the risk of thromboembolic complication. Pselectin
is an adhesion molecule that play role in inflammation process, it express rapidly in
minutes. Left Atrial Volume Index (LAVI) is superior parameter compare with other
echocardiography two dimension method to assess left atrial function.
Methods. Study was designed as cross-sectional study involving 20 MS moderate-severe
patients with MVA< 1.5 cm2 who performed successful Percutaneous transvenous Balloon
Mitral Valvulotomy (PBMV). Samples were taken consecutively from May 2013 to October
2013 at the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta. Blood samples of Pselectin
were collected pre and post PBMV. The result was statistically analyzed by using
echocardiography data of LAVI prior PBMV to describe any association between expression
of P-selectin and atrial function.
Result. In our study, we found no association between LAVI and expression of P-selectin
level pre and post PBMV MS patient. This data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -
0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045) p=0.16 and post PBMV β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91
After we performed linear regression with adjusted confounding variable including sex, age,
and atrial fibrillation, still we found no association between LAVI and P-selectin level. This
data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 and
post PBMV β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152) p=0.61.
Conclusion. We found there is no difference in P-selectin level pre and post PBMV. There is
no association between poor LAVI value and expression of P-selectin pre and post PBMV in
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhistira Kurnia
"Latar Belakang: Kondisi MS akan menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan tekanan atrium kiri secara progresif dan menyebabkan remodelling serta dilatasi atrium kiri. Proses ini akan berakhir dengan penurunan komplians dari atrium kiri dan menyebabkan perubahan secara morfologis dan fungsional. Beberapa studi menunjukkan pengukuran Strain atrium kiri pada pasca tindakan balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) menunjukkan perbaikan yang bermakna. Namun belum ada yang menilai hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perbaikan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi dengan one group pre-post design. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pemeriksaan ekokardiografi dan data kapasitas fungsional pasien mitral stenosis yang dilakukan tindakan BMV pada Maret 2019 hingga April 2020. Dilakukan pengukuran strain atrium kiri dengan metode speckle tracking echocardiography. Data sebelum dan sesudah BMV dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan variabel terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional.
Hasil: Pasca tindakan BMV, terjadi perbaikan signifikan kapasitas fungsional yang ditandai dengan perbaikan median lama latihan (241 (18 – 1080) ke 606 (80 – 1900) detik, p <0.0001) dan perbaikan median nilai VO2max estimasi (18,8 (10,2 – 51,4) ke 33(12,6-83,2) mlO2/kg/menit, p <0.0001). Strain atrium kiri mengalami perubahan signifikan pasca tindakan BMV dari median 8(2-23)% ke 11(4-27)%. Dari uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa pre-MVG (r 0,23, adjusted R2 = 4,9%) berkorelasi terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Pada analisis bivariat dan multivariat didapatkan bahwa perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Nilai pra MVA >1 cm2 (OR 7,37, IK 95% 1,0-54,35; p = 0,05) pra MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6,6, IK 95% 1,71-25,5; p = 0,006) dan pra mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5,96, IK 95% 1,37-25,9; p = 0,017) berkorelasi terhadap perbaikan lama latihan pasca tindakan BMV.
Kesimpulan: Perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.

Background: MS conditions will cause a progressive increase in left atrial pressure, remodelling and left atrial dilatation. This process will end with a decrease of left atrial compliance, causing morphological and functional changes. Several studies have shown that left atrial strain measurements after the BMV procedure showed significant improvement. However, no study has assessed the relationship between changes in left atrial strain and improvements in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the association between left atrial strain changes and functional capacity changes in MS patients after BMV procedures
Method: This is a one group pre-post design using retrospective data. This study used echocardiographic and functional capacity data of mitral stenosis patients who underwent BMV procedures from March 2019 to April 2020. Left atrial strain was measured using the speckle tracking echocardiography method. Data before and after BMV were analyzed to find the association of variables to changes in functional capacity.
Results: After the BMV procedure, there was a significant improvement in functional capacity as indicated by an improvement in the median length of exercise (241 (18 – 1080) to 606 (80 – 1900) seconds, p <0.0001) and an improvement in the median estimated VO2max value (18.8 (10.2). – 51.4) to 33(12.6-83.2) mlO2/kg/min, p < 0.0001). The left atrial strain underwent a significant change after the BMV procedure from a median of 8(2-23)% to 11(4-27)%. From the correlation test it was found that pre-MVG (r 0.23, adjusted R2 = 4.9%) correlated with changes in functional capacity. In bivariate and multivariate analysis, it was found that changes in left atrial strain were not associated with changes in functional capacity. Pre MVA value >1 cm2 (OR 7.37, CI 95% 1.0-54.35; p = 0.05) pre MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6.6, CI 95% 1.71-25.5 ; p = 0.006) and pre mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5.96, CI 95% 1.37-25.9; p = 0.017) correlated with the improvement in duration of exercise after the BMV action.
Conclusion: Changes in left atrial strain are not associated with changes in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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