Ditemukan 2879 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"This article revisits the Bandung Conference and Third Worldism through an intellectual history of the Filipino diplomat and intellectual Carlos Romulo. By examining Romulo's work during, before, and after Bandung, it argues that Third Worldism must be understood in its original sense as a negation not only to Western imperialism but also of Soviet communism."
SEA 4:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Jhody Alwantio
"September 2015, peristiwa pembantaian massal yang dilakukan Jenderal Soeharto dan rezim Orde Baru di tahun 1965-1966 menjadi ?mimpi buruk? bangsa Indonesia yang ke-50 tahun. Warisan utama dari rezim Orde Baru sekaligus wacana dalam Detik.com yang paling dominan adalah wacana anti-komunisme yang menjadi wacana sentral di tengahtengah masyarakat. Melalui media massa Detik.com, wacana anti-komunisme disebarkan secara luas.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana framing pemberitaan yang dilakukan oleh Detik.com mengenai wacana anti-komunisme. Sejalan dengan upaya pemerintah maupun militer menghancurkan komunisme, Detik.com berusaha membangun sikap dan tindakan khalayak mengenai antikomunisme dengan mengambil sudut pandang dari pemerintah saja.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa framing yang dilakukan Detik.com terhadap berita anti-komunisme sangat berpihak pada kepentingan modal dan atas nama Pancasila, para pemegang kekuasaan memegang legitimasi dengan cara memaksa masyarakat berkesetiaan-tunggal kepada bangsanya melalui empat pilar bangsa Indonesia. Dalam kasus ini dapat dilihat bahwa ideologi menjadi inheren dalam kaitannya dengan kepentingan modal.
September 2015, the mass murder done by General Suharto and New Order regime in 1965-1966 becomes 'nightmare' to the society in Indonesia for 50th year. The main legacy of New Order Regime and the most dominant discourse in Detik.com is discourses of anti-communism who became the central discourse in the midst of the society. Through the mass media, the discourse of Detik.com anti-communism spread widely. This research aims to describe how Detik.com made framing the proclamation concerning the discourse of anti-communism. In line with the efforts of governments and the military to destroyed communism, Detik.com trying to build audiences about the attitudes and actions of anti-communism by taking the viewpoint only from the Government. The results showed that the framing by Detik.com towards anticommunism news greatly favors the capital and on behalf of Pancasila, the holder of the holding power of legitimacy by forcing the society to loyal to the nation through the four pillars of the nation of Indonesia. In this case it can be seen that the ideology being inherent in relation to the capital."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Romulo, Carlos P.
Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1956
327 ROM m
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bouscaren, Anthony Trawick
Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1958
321.91 Bou g
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Spencer, Cornelia
New York: John Day , 1953
923.259 91 SPE r
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Soto, Hernando de
Jakarta: Yayasan obor indonesia, 1992
330.985 SOT o
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns of third molar agenesis and incidence of agenesis of other permanent teeth in a Japanese orthodontic patient group. A total of 417 Japanese subjects (134 males and 283 females) with agenesis of one or more third molars were divided into four groups according to the agenesis pattern, and 874 other Japanese subjects (302 males and 572 females) without third molar agenesis were assigned to a control group. Panoramic radiographs and medical and dental records were used to examine for tooth agenesis. The Chi-square test and odds ratio were used to make statistical comparisons. The prevalence of third molar agenesis worked out at 32.3 % with no statistically significant gender difference. A high prevalence rate of agenesis of third molars, unilateral or bilateral, could be considered characteristic of the Japanese orthodontic population. Significant increases in occurrence of oligodontia, and unilateral or bilateral agenesis of other teeth, including maxillary lateral incisors and maxillary and mandibular second premolars, were observed in all or almost all of the third molar agenesis groups, compared with the controls. A significantly increased prevalence rate of mandibular lateral incisor agenesis was observed in almost all of the third molar agenesis groups. The Japanese patients with third molar agenesis had a significantly increased occurrence of oligodontia, and unilateral or bilateral agenesis of maxillary and mandibular lateral incisors and second premolars, except for bilateral agenesis of mandibular lateral incisors."
ODO 103:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: CV. Andira, 2000
418.006 PRO
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library
Eduard Lazarus Tjiadarma
ABSTRAKMenggunakan perspektif psikoanalisis Slavoj i ek yang menyatakan bahwa wacana mengenai hantu merupakan kembalinya sebuah hal yang direpresi karena mengkontradiksi ideologi dominan, penelitian ini menganalisis cara kerja ideologi dalam tayangan dengan genre infotainment horor yang berhubungan dengan wacana anti-komunisme di Indonesia. Tayangan yang dipilih merupakan dua episode program televisi Mister Tukul Jalan-Jalan mengenai hantu korban pembantaian yang dilakukan Partai Komunis Indonesia di Madiun serta pembantaian terhadap anggota Partai Komunis Indonesia di Kediri pada tahun 1965. Untuk menganalisis teks secara metodologis, penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka tiga aspek order of discourse yang dicetuskan Norman Fairclough berupa genre, Discourse, dan style.
ABSTRACTUsing Slavoj i ek rsquo s psychoanalysis perspective that postulates spectres as the return of an information that was repressed as it contradicts a dominant ideology, this research analyzes the mechanisms of ideology within television shows with the lsquo infotainment horror rsquo genre that contains anti communism discourse. The texts that were chosen are two episodes of a television program titled lsquo Mister Tukul Jalan Jalan rsquo about the spirits of victims who were murdered by Indonesia rsquo s Communist Party PKI at Madiun and the mass murder of PKI members at Kediri in 1965. To analyze the texts methodically, this research utilizes the three orders of discourse coined by Norman Fairclough, namely genre, Discourse, and style."
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UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Laguna: International Potato Center , 1982
635.21 POT
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library