"Annotation. New public management is a topical phrase to describe how management techniques from the private sector are now being applied to public services. This book provides a completely up-to-date overview of the main theoretical models of public sector management, and examines the key changes that have occurred as more and more public services are contracted out to private organisations, as the public sector itself grapples with 'internal markets'. Drawing on economics, organisational theory and poliltics, Jan-Erik Lane presents new public management from an analytical perspective. This book uses game theory and empirical studies in order to assess the pros and cons of new public management.
Introduction: the challenge of 2000
Pt. I. Where we stand. 1. Basic approaches in the twentieth century. 2. Practical relevance of public sector management
Pt. II. From where we come. 3. The bureau: too much X-inefficiency. 4. The public enterprise: not socially useful. 5. Redistribution: the efficiency - equity trade-off. 6. Welfare states or welfare societies?
Pt. III. Where we are heading. 7. From long-term to short-term contracting. 8. Contractualism in the public sector: the basic approach. 9. Variety of roles of government in contracting regimes. 10. Public policy, contracting and the CEOs. 11. The contracting state: no risk for organisational failures? Conclusion: the relevance and limit of contractualism in public governance."