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Beatrix Oktaviani Sesario
Kejadian traumatik dapat menimbulkan berbagai dampak dalam hidup manusia yang mengalami salah satunya adalah adanya perkembangan pasca kejadian traumatik Post traumatic Growth Pasca kejadian traumatik individu juga melakukan berbagai cara untuk kembali pulih salah satunya dengan menggunakan religi sebagai proses coping Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat gambaran hubungan religious coping yang diukur menggunakan Brief RCOPE terhadap Post traumatic Growth yang diukur menggunakan PTGI Revised for Children and Adolescent Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 276 remaja berumur 13 19 tahun di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa positive religious coping memiliki korelasi positif dan signifikan dengan Post traumatic Growth r 0 460 p 0 01 dan negative religious coping juga memiliki korelasi positif dan signifikan dengan Post traumatic Growth r 0 232 p 0 01 Lebih lanjut penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa positive religious coping lebih banyak dilakukan dan memiliki pengaruh lebih besar terhadap Post traumatic Growth pada remaja di Indonesia dibandingkan negative religious coping

Traumatic events may engender various outcomes in the life of individuals facing such events not excluding post traumatic growth After traumatic events individuals do a lot of things in order to recover one of them using religion as a source of coping This study examined the effects of religious coping measured with Brief RCOPE on post traumatic growth measured with PTGI Revised for Children and Adolescent The results carried out among 276 adolescents aged 13 19 years old in Indonesia showed that there was a positive and significant correlation found between positive religious coping and post traumatic growth r 0 460 p 0 01 Positive and significant correlation was also found between negative religious coping and post traumatic growth r 0 232 p 0 01 Further this study showed that positive religious coping was used more and a stronger predictor of post traumatic growth on Indonesian adolescents than negative religious coping "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Raysara Natalie Omi
"Berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya ditemukan terdapat populasi signifikan orang dewasa awal yang mengalami jerawat sejak pubertas dan memiliki ideasi bunuh diri. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menginvestigasi hubungan antara ideasi bunuh diri Post-traumatic Growth (PTG) pada dewasa awal di Indonesia yang mengalami perubahan fisik karena kondisi kulit dengan jerawat persisten sejak remaja. Studi ini melibatkan 128 partisipan berusia 18–29 tahun dan menemukan bahwa dengan tingkat signifikansi 5% dapat dikatakan terdapat hubungan negatif, yakni sebesar 0,28, antara skor ideasi bunuh diri dan skor PTG. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan skor ideasi bunuh diri akan diikuti oleh pengurangan skor PTG.

Based on research, there is a significant population of emerging adults who experienced acne since their puberty. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the role of Post-traumatic Growth (PTG) in suicidal ideation among emerging adults in Indonesia who have experienced physical changes due to persistent acne since adolescence. This study involved 128 participants aged 18-29 years old and found that at a significance level of 5%, there was a negative correlation of 0.280 between suicidal ideation scores and PTG scores. Thus, the results of this study indicate that an increase in suicidal ideation scores will be followed by a reduction in PTG scores."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilla Fitryfany
"Kematian orang tua bukanlah hanya sebuah kejadian traumatis yang berkonotasi negatif, tetapi juga peristiwa yang dapat menghasilkan dampak positif yang disebut sebagai post-traumatic growth (PTG). Salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi pencapaian PTG yaitu kepribadian, secara spesifik faktor openness to experience dan extraversion dari Model Big-Five Personality. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara PTG dan kedua faktor kepribadian tersebut, dengan juga mempertimbangkan perbedaan tahap perkembangan anak saat peristiwa kematian orang tua terjadi. Sebanyak 80 partisipan (M = 21,56, SD = 2,57) emerging adulthood diuji menggunakan instrumen Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) dan Big Five Inventory (BFI). Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi menggunakan Pearson product moment, ditemukan bahwa PTG berhubungan secara positif dan signifikan dengan masing-masing openness to experience (r(80) = 0,28, p < 0,01, one-tailed) dan extraversion (r(80) = 0,60, p < 0,01, one-tailed). Sebagai data tambahan, hasil analisis komparatif menggunakan Independent sample t-test menunjukan tidak adanya perbedaan skor PTG pada masing-masing kelompok tahap perkembangan saat peristiwa kematian terjadi (t(78) = 0,26, p = 0,79, two tailed, d = 0,06). Implikasi terkait hasil temuan serta limitasi dan saran dari penelitian ini disediakan sebagai bahan acuan untuk penelitian selanjutnya di masa depan.
.....Death of (a) parent(s) is not only considered as a traumatic experience with negative connotations, but also something with a positive impact usually known as post-traumatic growth (PTG). One of the factors that can affect PTG is personality, specifically openness to experience and extraversion of the Big-Five Personality Model. This study aims to examine the relationship between PTG and the two personality factors, by also considering the different stages of the child’s development in which the death occurs. Eighty participants (M = 21.56, SD = 2.57) consisting of emerging adults were tested using Post Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) and Big Five Inventory (BFI) instruments. Result of correlation analysis using the Pearson product moment shows that PTG is positively and significantly correlated with openness to experience (r(80) = 0.28, p < 0.01, one-tailed) and extraversion (r(80) = 0.60, p < 0.01, one-tailed) respectively. As additional data, the result of comparative analysis using the Independent sample t-test shows no difference in PTG scores for each developmental stage (t(78) = 0.26, p = 0.79, two tailed , d = 0.06). Implications related to the findings as well as limitations and suggestions from this study are provided as reference material for further research in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Perdana Sopamena
"Didiagnosis dan menjalani treatment penyakit kanker merupakan pengalaman traumatis yang
dapat memicu acute stress. Namun, terdapat individu yang merespon dengan positif, atau
disebut Post Traumatic Growth, yang dipengaruhi dukungan sosial. Penelitian ini meneliti
hubungan PTG dan acute stress dengan moderator perceived social support. Pengumpulan
data dilakukan kepada 106 penyintas kanker dewasa, sebagian partisipan mengikuti support
group dan sebagian partisipan tidak mengikuti support group . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa PTG dan acute stress memiliki hubungan negatif yang signifikan (r = -0,33, p < 0,01),
dan perceived social support memperkuat hubungan negatif antara PTG dan acute stress.
Hasil dari penelitian dapat menjelaskan dan memperkaya literatur terkait PTG, acute stress,
perceived social support.

Being diagnosed and treated for cancer is a traumatic experience that can lead to acute stress.
However, there are individuals who can respond positively, known as Post Traumatic
Growth, which influenced by social support. This study designed to discuss the correlation
between PTG and acute stress, moderated by perceived social support. The data collection
was carried out to 106 adult cancer survivors, some participating in support group, while
some others not participating in support group. The results showed that PTG had a significant
negative effect (r = .33, p <.001) in predicting acute stress, and perceived social support is
moderating the correlation between PTG and acute stress. These results can be useful in
explaining and enriching the literature related to PTG, acute stress, and perceived social
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lies Dewi Nurmalia
Latar Belakang Biomarker dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi derajat keparahan trauma kepala Tujuan Mengetahui hubungan antara kadar S100B dengan derajat keparahan trauma kepala dan kelainan CT scan kepala Metode Penelitian Penelitian potong lintang di IGD RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati dan RS Permata Cibubur selama Juli Desember 2015 Subjek adalah anak usia 1 18 tahun yang mengalami trauma kepala dengan onset

Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p;Background Biomarker has ability to predict the severity of TBI and abnormal CT scan Objectives To determine the association between S100B level with the severity of pediatric TBI and intracranial injury Methods A cross sectional study at Emergency Department of RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo RSUP Fatmawati and Permata Cibubur Hospital on July December 2015 Subjects were 1 18 year old children with TBI onset within 24 hours before admission We measured SKG score serum S100B level and performed cranial CT scan if indicated Results Twenty subjects had mild TBI and 18 subjects had moderate TBI were included S100B levels were higher in children with moderate TBI as compared to children with mild TBI 0 173 0 054 0 812 g L vs 0 067 0 039 0 084 g L p"
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farid Yudoyono
Latar Belakang: Cedera otak traumatika akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian dan kecacatan utama pada kelompok usia produktif. Cedera otak sekunder dideskripsikan sebagai konsekuensi gangguan fisiologis, seperti iskemia, reperfusi, dan hipoksia pada area otak yang beresiko, beberapa saat setelah terjadinya cedera awal (cedera otak primer). Cedera otak sekunder sensitif terhadap terapi dan proses terjadinya dapat dicegah dan dimodifikasi. Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan data primer rekam medis. Data yang terdiri dari beberapa variabel yang dikumpulkan secara retrospektif dari catatan medis pasien. RS. Hasan Sadikin, Bandung Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 2011-2014. Jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 647 pasien. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat, dan analisis multivariate cox proportional hazard dengan model matematis yang
selanjutnya akan dibuat model skoring. Analisis roctab digunakan untuk menentukan nilai cut-off setiap variabel numerik. Hasil: Variabel perdarahan otak, tingkat kesadaran, dan edema serebri merupakan
faktor resiko outcome, sedangkan variabel peningkatan tekanan intrakranial, kadar elektrolit natrium dan klorida, serta terapi diuretik merupakan faktor resiko untuk terjadinya outcome kematian pada pasien ensefalitis anak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat skoring didapatkan urutan faktor prognostik yang dominan menyebabkan kematian, yaitu Variabel usia memilik HR sebesar 1,00, natrium
mempunyai HR 0,8, Perdarahan otak pada CT Scan kepala mempunyai HR sebesar 1,73, edema serebri mempunyai HR 2,53, hipoksia mempunyai HR sebesar 2,13, farktur maksillofascial mempunyai HR sebesar 0,6, hipotensi memiliki HR 0,7 dan pembedahan/trepanasi mempunyai HR 0,388 Berdasarkan analisis tersebut maka natrium, GCS, hipotensi, pembedahan dan MFS fraktur merupakan faktor proteksi outcome sedangkan usia, perdarahan otak pada CT Scan, edema serebri, hipoksia merupakan faktor resiko terjadinya outcome
kematian pada pasien cedera kepala berat. Dari hasil mulitvariat yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya apabila skor -69 s/d -47 mengalami resiko rendah untuk mengalami kematian, skor -46 s/d -20 mengalami resiko sedang untuk terjadinya kematian dan skor >-19 akan mengalami resiko tinggi terjadinya kematian. Kesimpulan: Model skoring prognosis yang telah terbentuk ini mampu memprediksi sebesar 84,75 % faktor faktor yang berhubungan dengan prognosis cedera otak traumatika berat. Apabila ada 100 pasien cedera kepala berat dengan adanya semua variabel maka 76 pasien akan meninggal dan bila 100 pasien
cedera kepala berat tanpa adanya semua variabel maka 25 pasien akan meninggal.

Background: Severe traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accidents is still one of the major causes of death and disability in the productive age group. Secondary brain injury is described as a physiological disorders, such as ischemia, reperfusion, and hypoxia in brain areas at risk, some time after the initial injury (primary brain injury). Secondary brain injury is sensitive to therapy it can be preventable and modifiable.
Methods: This cohort study with primary data medical records. The data consists of multiple variables collected retrospectively from patient medical records at Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected in 2011-2014. The number of samples was 647 patients. Analysis was conducted on univariate, bivariate, and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis with a mathematical model which would then be created scoring models. Roctab analysis
is used to determine the cut-off value of any numeric variable.
Results: Variable brain hemorrhage, level of consciousness and cerebral edema is a risk factor outcomes, while variable increased intracranial pressure, electrolyte levels of sodium and chloride, as well as diuretic therapy is a risk factor for the occurrence of mortality outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Based on the results of the multivariate analysis of prognostic factors scoring sequence obtained the dominant cause of death, the age variable having an HR of 1.00, sodium has HR 0.8, brain hemorrhage on CT scan head has a HR of 1.73, had a cerebral edema HR 2,53, hypoxia has a HR of 2.13, fracture maxillofascial have HR of 0.6 and hypotension have HR 0.7, surgery / trepanation HR 0.388, based on the analysis of the sodium, GCS, hypotension, MFS fracture, surgery and outcome protection factor whereas age, brain hemorrhage on a CT scan, cerebral edema, hypoxia is a risk factor for mortality outcomes in patients with severe head injury. From the results multivariate analysis has score of -69 s/d -47
experiencing low risk to experience death, a score of -46 s / d -20 experiencing moderate risk for the occurrence of death and a score of > -19 will experience a high risk of death. Conclusions: This Prognostic model scoring has capable to predict 84.75% factors related to the prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury. If there were 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the presence of all variables and 76 patients will die and when 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the absence of all variables that 25 patients will die., Background: Severe traumatic brain injury caused by traffic accidents is still one
of the major causes of death and disability in the productive age group. Secondary
brain injury is described as a physiological disorders, such as ischemia,
reperfusion, and hypoxia in brain areas at risk, some time after the initial injury
(primary brain injury). Secondary brain injury is sensitive to therapy it can be
preventable and modifiable.
Methods: This cohort study with primary data medical records. The data consists
of multiple variables collected retrospectively from patient medical records at
Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung West Java, Indonesia. Data were collected in
2011-2014. The number of samples was 647 patients. Analysis was conducted on
univariate, bivariate, and multivariate Cox proportional hazards analysis with a
mathematical model which would then be created scoring models. Roctab analysis
is used to determine the cut-off value of any numeric variable.
Results: Variable brain hemorrhage, level of consciousness and cerebral edema is
a risk factor outcomes, while variable increased intracranial pressure, electrolyte
levels of sodium and chloride, as well as diuretic therapy is a risk factor for the
occurrence of mortality outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
Based on the results of the multivariate analysis of prognostic factors scoring
sequence obtained the dominant cause of death, the age variable having an HR of
1.00, sodium has HR 0.8, brain hemorrhage on CT scan head has a HR of 1.73,
had a cerebral edema HR 2,53, hypoxia has a HR of 2.13, fracture maxillofascial have HR of 0.6 and hypotension have HR 0.7, surgery / trepanation HR 0.388,
based on the analysis of the sodium, GCS, hypotension, MFS fracture, surgery
and outcome protection factor whereas age, brain hemorrhage on a CT scan,
cerebral edema, hypoxia is a risk factor for mortality outcomes in patients with
severe head injury. From the results multivariate analysis has score of -69 s/d -47
experiencing low risk to experience death, a score of -46 s / d -20 experiencing
moderate risk for the occurrence of death and a score of > -19 will experience a
high risk of death.
Conclusions: This Prognostic model scoring has capable to predict 84.75%
factors related to the prognosis of severe traumatic brain injury. If there were 100
patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the presence of all variables and 76
patients will die and when 100 patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the
absence of all variables that 25 patients will die]"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schiraldi, Glenn R.
New York : McGraw-Hill , 2009
616.85 SCH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmanto Mendatu
Yogyakarta: Panduan, 2010
616.852 1 ACH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diella Gracia Martauli
"[Post-traumatic Growth merupakan perubahan positif akibat pergumulan seseorang dalam menghadapi kehidupan setelah mengalami trauma. Perkembangan tersebut meliputi area personal strength, new possibilities, relating to others, appreciation of life, serta spiritual change yang merupakan persepsi individu mengenai diri dan dunianya dalam ranah-ranah tersebut. Optimisme merupakan trait yang mengarahkan individu untuk memandang kehidupannya dari sisi positif. Optimisme merupakan prediktor Post-traumatic Growth. 276 partisipan yang berusia 13-19, diukur menggunakan Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Revised for Children and Adolescents dan Life Orientation Test-Revised. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa tingkat optimisme dan Post-traumatic Growth yang remaja cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini juga menemukan korelasi positif antara optimisme dan Post-traumatic Growth (r=0.310, p<0.01). Sehingga, semakin optimis remaja, semakin tinggi pula pertumbuhan paska traumatik yang dirasakan

Post-traumatic Growth is a result of positive changes in a someone's struggle to cope with his life after the trauma. The development includes an area of personal strength, new possibilities, relating to others, appreciation of life, and spiritual change which is the individual's perception of themselves and their world in those domains. Optimism is a trait that directs people to look at their future from a positive side. Optimism is a predictor of Post-traumatic Growth. The 276 participants aged 13-19, were measured using Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Revised for Children and Adolescents and Life Orientation Test-Revised. This study showed a high score of optimism and Post-traumatic Growth. The study also found a positive correlation between optimism and Post-traumatic Growth (r = 0310, p <0.01). Thus, the more optimistic teenager, the higher post-traumatic growth are felt.;Post-traumatic Growth is a result of positive changes in a someone's struggle to cope with his life after the trauma. The development includes an area of personal strength, new possibilities, relating to others, appreciation of life, and spiritual change which is the individual's perception of themselves and their world in those domains. Optimism is a trait that directs people to look at their future from a positive side. Optimism is a predictor of Post-traumatic Growth. The 276 participants aged 13-19, were measured using Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Revised for Children and Adolescents and Life Orientation Test-Revised. This study showed a high score of optimism and Post-traumatic Growth. The study also found a positive correlation between optimism and Post-traumatic Growth (r = 0310, p <0.01). Thus, the more optimistic teenager, the higher post-traumatic growth are felt.;Post-traumatic Growth is a result of positive changes in a someone's struggle to cope with his life after the trauma. The development includes an area of personal strength, new possibilities, relating to others, appreciation of life, and spiritual change which is the individual's perception of themselves and their world in those domains. Optimism is a trait that directs people to look at their future from a positive side. Optimism is a predictor of Post-traumatic Growth. The 276 participants aged 13-19, were measured using Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Revised for Children and Adolescents and Life Orientation Test-Revised. This study showed a high score of optimism and Post-traumatic Growth. The study also found a positive correlation between optimism and Post-traumatic Growth (r = 0310, p <0.01). Thus, the more optimistic teenager, the higher post-traumatic growth are felt., Post-traumatic Growth is a result of positive changes in a someone's struggle to cope with his life after the trauma. The development includes an area of personal strength, new possibilities, relating to others, appreciation of life, and spiritual change which is the individual's perception of themselves and their world in those domains. Optimism is a trait that directs people to look at their future from a positive side. Optimism is a predictor of Post-traumatic Growth. The 276 participants aged 13-19, were measured using Post-traumatic Growth Inventory-Revised for Children and Adolescents and Life Orientation Test-Revised. This study showed a high score of optimism and Post-traumatic Growth. The study also found a positive correlation between optimism and Post-traumatic Growth (r = 0310, p <0.01). Thus, the more optimistic teenager, the higher post-traumatic growth are felt.]"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Psikologi , 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kamila Puspita
"Traumatic Brain Injury merupakan penyebab kematian utama dan morbiditas pada pasien dengan trauma kepala. Dikarenakan Traumatic Brain Injury mempunyai angka prevalensi yang sangat tinggi dan mortalitas yang tinggi, maka perlu suatu alat bantu berupa cedera bagian luar (cedera scalp) untuk ketahui kemungkinan adanya traumatic brain injury yang di sebabkan oleh sebab mati pada mayat tersebut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional analitik. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder yang diambil dari laporan pemeriksaan mayat pada Departemen Forensik RS Cipto Mangunkusumo yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi bejumlah 100 sampel. Data yang diambil berupa umur, jenis kelamin, cedera scalp, fraktur tulang tengkorak, perdarahan epidural, perdarahan subdural, perdarahan serebral didata dari hasil pemeriksaan luar dan pemeriksaan dalam.
Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara cedera scalp dengan traumatic brain injury dengan nilai p sebesar 0,09. Hal ini menguatkan teorinya bahwa hanya gold standard yang bisa mendiagnosis adanya traumatic brain injury, yaitu pemeriksaan dalam pada otopsi.

Traumatic Brain Injury is the leading cause of death and morbidity in the world. Due to a very high prevelance rate of traumatic brain injury, a diagnostic tool that is able to quickly identify the presence of traumatic brain injury is needed. Injuries to the scalp can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the presence of Traumatic Brain Injury.
This study uses an analytical cross sectional study design. The sample in this research wassecondary data taken from autopsy reports to the Department of Forensic Cipto Mangunkusumo that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which was 100 samples. Data taken the form of age, gender, scalp injury, brain bone fracture, epidural hemorrhage, subdural hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage recorded from external examination results and examination.
From this study it was found that there was no significant correlation between scalp injury with traumatic brain injury with p value of 0.09. It supported the theory that only internal autopsy can diagnose the presence of traumatic brain injury.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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