ABSTRAKStudi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh kemiskinan dan faktor
sosial demografi lainnya terhadap keterlambatan usia masuk sekolah dasar
menggunakan data 6.068 anak SD kelas 1 dari Susenas tahun 2012. Hasil regresi
logistik biner menunjukkan bahwa kemiskinan memiliki pengaruh signifikan
terhadap keterlambatan usia masuk sekolah dasar. Ditemukan pula bahwa faktor
terkuat yang memengaruhi keterlambatan usia masuk sekolah dasar adalah
pendidikan ibu dan variabel jenis kelamin, urutan anak, dan komposisi jenis
kelamin saudara kandung tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keterlambatan
usia masuk sekolah dasar. Positifnya pengaruh kemiskinan terhadap
kecenderungan anak untuk terlambat usia masuk sekolah dasar mengindikasikan
bahwa keterbatasan angggaran pendidikan merupakan salah satu alasan orangtua
terlambat mendaftarkan anaknya di sekolah dasar.
ABSTRACTThis study examines the relationship between household poverty and the
likelihood of children?s late enrollment to elementary education. Entering school
at later age has a significant consequence on human capital accumulation. The
analysis uses logistic regression and examines 6.068 first grade students from the
2012 National Socio-economi Survey. The results shows that children from poor
households have higher likelihood to have late enrollment in elementary school.
This study also found that mother?s education has a strong effect while sex, birth
order, and sibling sex composition has no effect on children?s late enrollment. The
results imply that poverty limits the household?s ability to enroll their children in
school at standard age., This study examines the relationship between household poverty and the
likelihood of children’s late enrollment to elementary education. Entering school
at later age has a significant consequence on human capital accumulation. The
analysis uses logistic regression and examines 6.068 first grade students from the
2012 National Socio-economi Survey. The results shows that children from poor
households have higher likelihood to have late enrollment in elementary school.
This study also found that mother’s education has a strong effect while sex, birth
order, and sibling sex composition has no effect on children’s late enrollment. The
results imply that poverty limits the household’s ability to enroll their children in
school at standard age.]"