ABSTRAKUrbanisasi menyebabkan peningkatan pembangunan sarana fisik dan transportasi. Peningkatan pembangunan menyebabkan kepadatan kota sehingga menimbulkan stres penduduk kota. Peningkatan pembangunan juga mengurangi luas ruang terbuka hijau (RTH). Salah satu manfaat RTH adalah mengurangi stres. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat stres pengunjung taman, alasan mengunjungi taman, aktivitas yang dilakukan di taman, hubungan frekuensi mengunjungi taman dengan stres pengunjung, dan hubungan lama waktu berkunjung dengan stres pengunjung, Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi melalui kuesioner di Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, dan Taman Suropati. Nilai stres menggunakan skor Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Dari 228 responden, rata-rata skor PSS=17,46. Sebesar 53,5% pengunjung menyatakan kenyamanan sebagai alasan mengunjungi taman dan sebesar 41,75% pengunjung melakukan aktivitas bersantai saat di taman. Frekuensi berkunjung tidak berhubungan dengan stres pengunjung (p value=0,358). Lama waktu mengunjungi taman kota berhubungan dengan stres pengunjung (p value=0,023). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi informasi untuk pemerintah dan masyarakat mengenai pemanfaatan dan pemeliharaan taman kota.
ABSTRACTUrbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks.;Urbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks., Urbanization led to increased development of physical infrastructure and transportation. It causing the density so it appears stressful city’s residents. Those development also cause reduction of the open green space (OGS). One benefit of OGS is to reduce stress. This study was conducted to find out the stress level, the reason for visiting the OGS, activities performed in the city park, the relationship of visit frequency with the stress level of visitors, and the relationship of the length of time visiting with the stress level. The study was conducted by gathering information through a questionnaires in Taman Menteng, Taman Situ Lembang, and Taman Suropati. The stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). From 228 respondents, PSS average score=17,46. Amounted to 53.5% of the visitors stated convenience as the reason to visit the city park and 41,75% are found to simply relax in the city park. Frequency of visit is not related to the stress level of visitors (p value = 0,358). The length of time to visit the city park visitor related to the stress level (p value = 0,023). This research is expected to be information to the Governments and the public regarding the use and maintenance of city parks.]"