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Evan Buwana
Sektor transportasi di Kota Kasongan saat ini menyumbangkan 53,33% dari total emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan. Pembangunan infrastruktur jalan yang terus berkembang justru berbanding terbalik dengan pengembangan transportasi sungai. Kondisi ini memperlihatkan strategi pengembangan sistem transportasi yang ada belum berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kriteria dan pilihan alternatif yang tepat dan tidak menimbulkan kerugian di masa yang akan datang bagi pengembangan sistem transportasi di Kota Kasongan. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat, akademisi, dan pemerintah sebagai pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan alternatif yang paling tepat adalah optimalisasi sistem transportasi yang terpadu antara transportasi darat dan sungai dengan tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan sebagai kriteria yang paling penting. Implementasi alternatif tersebut diwujudkan melalui program pengembangan lokasi transit di Kota Kasongan. Program ini memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman sebagai keuntungan sosial, memberikan aksesibilitas dan mobilitas yang lebih baik sebagai keuntungan ekonomi, dan memberikan keuntungan dari aspek lingkungan karena dapat mereduksi emisi CO2.

Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission., Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nimas Ayu Arumbinang
Kendaraan beroperasi di DKI Jakarta yang semakin didominasi oleh kendaraan pribadi menyebabkan pertumbuhan aktivitas kendaraan telah melampaui kapasitas jalan yang tersedia, padahal kapasitas lingkungan tersebut tidak boleh dilampaui untuk menjaga sistem lingkungan yang mendukungnya tetap berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini disusun untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sistem transportasi serta dampaknya pada lingkungan hidup, dengan membangun model sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan berdasarkan teori mengenai sustainable developement, sistem transportasi dan system dynamics. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, maka dapat dapat ditarik kesimpulan secara umum bahwa sistem transportasi yang ditandai oleh aktivitas dan emisi kendaraan bermotor tidak mampan di masa yang akan datang yang ditandai dari kapasitas jalan yang hampir mencapai batas maksimumnya. Skenario kebijakan yang dibangun di dalam penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa peningkatan peran transportasi publik sebesar 10% dapat menurunkan aktivitas kendaraan sebesar 7,14%.

Active vehicle operated in DKI Jakarta that has been dominated by private vehicle is causing vehicle activity growth exceeds available road capacity, which is vital for keeping the environment well functioned. This research was conducted for analyzing relationship beween economic growth and transportation system and its impact on environment particularly road capacity and emission; achieved by building transportation system model using system dynamics. Based on result of research, it is concluded that Jakarta’s current system transportation is not sustained which is indicated by vehicle activity and emission reached its environment capacity. This research proved that increasing in public transportation role by 10% decrease vehicle activity by 7,14%., Active vehicle operated in DKI Jakarta that has been dominated by private vehicle is causing vehicle activity growth exceeds available road capacity, which is vital for keeping the environment well functioned. This research was conducted for analyzing relationship beween economic growth and transportation system and its impact on environment particularly road capacity and emission; achieved by building transportation system model using system dynamics. Based on result of research, it is concluded that Jakarta’s current system transportation is not sustained which is indicated by vehicle activity and emission reached its environment capacity. This research proved that increasing in public transportation role by 10% decrease vehicle activity by 7,14%.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoel Priatama
"Kebijakan pembatasan akses kendaraan angkutan barang pada tahun 2011 memberikan dampak terhadap kinerja sistem Jalan Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak penerapan kebijakan ini pada sistem Jalan Tol Dalam Kota Jakarta sebelum dan setelah penerapan kebijakan serta menganalisis dampak yang terjadi tanpa penerapan kebijakan dengan menggunakan indikator transportasi berkelanjutan sebagai parameter penelitian. Hasil penilaian parameter waktu tempuh, jumlah konsumsi bahan bakar minyak, biaya konsumsi bahan bakar minyak, tingkat fatalitas, biaya korban kecelakaan, jumlah emisi CO2, biaya polusi karbon, dan tingkat kebisingan menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan ini berdampak positif terhadap kelancaran dan keselamatan lalu lintas namun tidak mendukung keberlanjutan transportasi kota secara keseluruhan. Selain itu, penerapan kebijakan ini memberikan dampak yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tanpa penerapan kebijakan ini.

Freight vehicle access restriction policy in 2011 has had an impact on the performance of Jakarta Intra Urban Tollway system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the implementation of this policy in Jakarta Intra Urban Tollway system before and after the implementation of the policy and to analyze the impact that occurs without the implementation of the policy by using the sustainable transportation indicators as the research parameters. The assessment results of the parameters travel time, amount of fuel consumption, cost of fuel consumption, fatality rate, cost of accident victim, amount of CO2 emissions, cost of carbon pollution, and noise level indicate that this policy has a positive impact on traffic smoothness and safety but does not support overall urban sustainable transportation. In addition, implementation of this policy has a better impact than without the implementation of this policy."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Puspa Dewi
"Transportasi berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan kota dan mendukung aktivitas masyarakat serta perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial. Namun, peningkatan kebutuhan transportasi juga membawa dampak negatif seperti kurangnya efisiensi, peningkatan biaya dan waktu tempuh, tingkat kecelakaan yang meningkat, dan emisi gas rumah kaca. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, diperlukan konsep transportasi berkelanjutan yang sejalan dengan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Di Kota Bogor, permasalahan transportasi meliputi kurangnya integrasi antar moda, waktu tempuh yang lama, kapasitas angkutan yang terbatas, dan kurangnya sarana prasarana untuk pejalan kaki dan pengguna non-motor. Penelitian ini berhasil mengembangkan indikator transportasi berkelanjutan yang relevan untuk mengevaluasi atau menilai sistem transportasi di Kota Bogor. Melalui metode campuran dan uji validitas menggunakan depth interview, indikator yang dihasilkan penelitian ini meliputi aspek-aspek terkait konsep berkelanjutan, yaitu: aspek lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar pengambilan keputusan dan pengembangan kebijakan yang mendukung transportasi berkelanjutan dan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Kota Bogor.

Transportation plays a crucial role in urban growth by supporting community activities as well as economic and social development. However, the increasing demand for transportation also brings negative impacts such as inefficiency, rising costs and travel time, increasing accident rates, and greenhouse gas emissions. To address these issues, the concept of sustainable transportation aligned with sustainable development goals is necessary. In the case of Bogor City, transportation challenges include limited intermodal integration, long travel times, limited transportation capacity, and inadequate infrastructure for pedestrians and non-motorized users. This research successfully developed relevant indicators for evaluating the transportation system in Bogor City within the framework of sustainable transportation. Through a mixed-method approach and validation using depth interviews, the research generated indicators encompassing the environmental, social, and economic aspects related to sustainable concepts. The findings of this study can serve as a basis for decision-making and policy development that supports sustainable transportation and the overall goals of sustainable development in Bogor City."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novatama Artha Putra Romadhony
"Dengan perkembangan Kota Depok, dan tidak bertambahnya panjang jalan, kemacetan masih menjadi masalah yang harus diselesaikan Kota Depok. Layanan transportasi umum menjadi salah satu alternatif yang dapat ditawarkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, salah satunya adalah konsep Bus Semi Transit (BST). BST sendiri memiliki satu tiga alternatif trayek yang ditawarkan dari koridor-1, yaitu trayek 1-A, trayek 1-B dan trayek 1-C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan preferensi masyarakat untuk trayek-trayek koridor-1 BST Kota Depok, mendapatkan potensi permintaan layanan trayek-trayek koridor-1 BST Kota Depok serta menentukan trayek prioritas sesuai dengan demand masyarakat. Metode survei yang digunakan adalah Stated Preference dengan membuat beberapa kondisi hipotetikal terkait layanan BST Kota Depok. Metode dalam analisis data menggunakan pendekatan model logit biner, di mana pada suatu kelompok data akan diuji korelasi, kelayakan hingga validasi untuk melihat model mana yang terbaik dari setiap kelompok data tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga trayek yang ditawarkan, trayek B yang menjadi prioritas dikarenakan sesuai dengan probabilitas potensi permintaan layanan yaitu sebesar 94% untuk tarif layanan Rp. 5.000 serta probabilitas potensi permintaan layanan sebesar 86% jika ditawarkan dengan frekuensi moda setiap 5 menit.

Depok city development is not accompanied by an increase in the length of the road, congestion is still a problem that must be resolved by Depok City. Public transportation services are an alternative that can be offered to solve this problem, one of which is the Bus Semi Transit (BST) concept. BST itself has three alternative routes offered from corridor-1, namely route 1-A, route 1-B and route 1-C. This study aims to obtain community preferences for Depok City BST corridor-1 routes, obtain potential demand for services for Depok City BST corridor-1 routes and determine priority routes according to community requests. The survey method used is Stated Preference by making several hypothetical conditions related to Depok City BST services. The method in data analysis uses a binary logit model approach, in which a group of data will be tested for correlation, feasibility test, and validation test to see which model is the best from each data group. The results show that of the three routes offered, route B is the priority because it is in accordance with the probability of potential service requests, which is 94% for the rate of Rp. 5,000 and the probability of a potential service request of 86% if it is offered with a mode frequency of every 5 minutes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Haryati Denisa
ldquo;Studi Pembangunan Infrastruktur CNG Mother Station di Universitas Indonesia untuk Sektor Transportasi Umum di Wilayah Universitas Indonesia dan Kota Depok. rdquo; Saat ini di Kota Depok baru tersedia satu stasiun pengisian bahan bakar gas yang beroperasi, yaitu di Jalan Margonda dengan kapasitas 1 MMSCFD Juta Standar Kaki Kubik Per Hari atau lebih kurang 30.000 setara liter premium. Berdasarkan perhitungan ESDM pada tahun 2016, jumlah SPBG yang ada di Depok saat ini masih kurang dan setidaknya memerlukan 3 infrastruktur SPBG tambahan. Pada tahun 2008, UI memiliki otonomi yang lebih luas dibandingkan dengan PTN sebagai Satuan Kerja Pemerintah maupun PTN dengan Pola Keuangan BLU Badan Layanan Umum . Sehingga UI bermaksud ingin memanfaatkan lahan di area kampus sebagai lokasi pembangunan infrastruktur SPBG yang rencananya akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2017. Studi kelayakan investasi pembangunan infrastruktur SPBG UI dipengaruhi oleh ketetapan: aspek potensi supply demand dan aspek teknis yang penentuannya menitikberatkan konsep kampus hijau bagi wilayah UI, Kota Depok. Sehingga studi ini juga menguji perbandingan besarnya kontribusi lingkungan terhadap dampak emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan oleh transportasi umum di wilayah UI pada saat sebelum dan sesudah pembangunan infrastruktur SPBG UI. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, diproyeksikan jumlah pertambahan per jenis kendaraan umum pada skenario 1 dengan persamaan regresi linier y = -5195 3x, dan prediksi total kenaikan sebesar 3 per tahun. Penentuan lokasi dan alat-teknologi melalui metode AHP Analisis Hirarki Proses secara berturutan diperoleh, sbb: Lokasi terpilih lokasi B 0,44 ; Alat yang digunakan Turbin Gas Meter 0,34 , Regenerative Desiccant Dryers 0,5 , Reciprocating Compressor 0,45 , Gas Storage Tube 0,39 , dan Nanobox Dispenser 0,37 dengan sistem pengisian SPBG UI sistem fast fill. Analisa kelayakan menunjukkan bahwa skenario 1 merupakan skenario ynag dinyatakan layak dengan NPV sebesar Rp 4.566.819.808-. Dan melalui analisis sensitivitas diketahui bahwa terdapat perubahan nilai NPV saat terjadi penurunan prosentase demand yang menyebabkan investasi dinyatakan tidak layak dan menarik bagi investor.

Study on The Development of CNG Mother Station Infrastructure at University of Indonesia for Public Transportation Purposes in University of Indonesia and Kota DepokKota Depok now has one CNG station that is located on Jalan Margonda with capacity of 1 MMSCF million Standard cubic feet Per day or equivalent 30,000 lsp liters of premium . Based on the calculation of Kementerian ESDM, 2016, the number of existing CNG station at Depok currently still lacking and need to be built at least 3 SPBG more. In 2008, UI has a broader autonomy compared to Government Work Units as PTN or State University which has financial patterns BLU unit for public service . So that UI is prolonged to make a property use in the campus area according with Masterplan that will be implemented the UI CNG station in 2017. Feasibility study of investment infrastructure development CNG station is affected by the ordinance of supply demand and the technical aspects of that predestination concerns the concept of a green campus for the area of UI, Depok. So this study also tested the comparison of the magnitude of the contribution of the environment against the impact of CO2 emissions generated by transport on the area of UI at the time before and after the construction of the infrastructure of UI CNG station. Based on the foregoing, the projected amount of transportation units was increasing by years on the scenario through linear regression equation methods model equations of the line y 5195 3 x, and rising forecasting is about 3 per year. The determination of the location and the tools of technology through AHP method Analytical Hierarchy Process for successive obtained, such as selected locations that is location B 0.44 Tools used purposed Gas turbine meters 0.34 , Regenerative Desiccant Dryers 0.5 , Reciprocating Compressor 0.45 , Gas Storage Tube 0.39 , and Nanobox Dispenser 0.37 for the upcoming technology with the charging system is fast fill. Feasibility analysis prove that the best case scenario is only best scenario that declared feasible with the NPV of Rp Rp 4.566.819.808 . And through the analysis of the sensitivity it is known that there are changes to the value of NPV and IRR when the price drops demand that cause the investment was declared not viable and attractive to investors. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananda Pasha
"Provinsi DKI Jakarta sebagai pusat perekonomian Indonesia memiliki jumlah perjalanan yang tinggi yang didominasi oleh moda kendaraan pribadi. Disisi lain, tingginya perjalanan tersebut merupakan bagian dari sektor dengan kontribusi terbesar pada tingginya emisi karbon yang dihasilkan pula pada DKI Jakarta. Dalam sekian banyak rencana terkait penyelesaian masalah tersebut, terdapat rencana elektrifikasi armada bus Transjakarta untuk mengurangi emisi yang dihasilkan oleh layanan transportasi Transjakarta. Namun, rencana tersebut membutuhkan biaya investasi yang besar, sementara kondisi keuangan Transjakarta saat ini menunjukkan ketergantungan pada pembiayaan eksternal dalam kegiatan investasi karena besarnya peran subsidi dalam membiayai kegiatan operasionalnya. Dari situasi tersebut, mekanisme kredit karbon dapat menjadi solusi dalam memperoleh alternatif pembiayaan berdasarkan jumlah emisi karbon yang berhasil diturunkan dibandingkan dengan kondisi baseline. Simulasi dengan pendekatan sistem dinamis diperlukan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang variabel eksogen dan perkiraan kontribusi subsidi kredit karbon sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan investasi. Tiga jenis skenario disimulasikan bersama dengan dua alternatif kebijakan, yaitu penggunaan mekanisme kredit itu sendiri dan desain target rasio Battery Electric Bus berdasarkan Rencana Aksi Daerah Penurunan Emisi GRK DKI Jakarta. Setelah simulasi, kontribusi subsidi kredit karbon sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan investasi tambahan berkisar antara 2,75% hingga 4,51% berdasarkan skenario relatif ‘terbaik’ dan ‘terburuk’ dalam studi ini.

DKI Jakarta as the epicentrum of the Indonesian economy has a high number of trips which are dominated by private vehicles. On the other hand, the magnitude of the trips is a part of the most contributing sector to the carbon emissions produced in DKI Jakarta. Of the many plans to solve these problems, there is a plan to electrify the Transjakarta bus fleet to reduce emissions generated by Transjakarta transportation services. Meanwhile, the plan requires a large investment cost, while the current Transjakarta’s financial condition indicates a dependency on external financing in investment activities due to the large role of subsidy in financing its current operational activities. From that situation, the carbon credit mechanism may fit to be a solution in obtaining alternative financing based on the amount of carbon emissions that have been successfully reduced compared to the baseline condition. Simulation with a dynamic systems approach is needed to gain knowledge about exogenous variables and the possible contribution of carbon credit subsidies as part of investment needs. Three types of scenarios are simulated together with two alternative policies, namely the use of the credit mechanism itself and the design of the BEB ratio target based on the DKI Jakarta RAD. After simulation, the contribution of carbon credit subsidies as part of additional investment needs ranges from 2.75% to 4.51% based on the relative 'best' and 'worst' scenarios in this study."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farisatul Amanah
Peningkatan produksi gas karbon dioksida dari sektor transportasi
meningkatkan potensi pemanasan global. Penelitian ini bertujuan
mengembangkan pola skenario ideal penambahan ruang terbuka hijau (RTH)
publik dan penggantian bahan bakar solar menjadi biodiesel untuk mereduksi
karbon dioksida dari kegiatan transportasi di Kota Bogor. Pemodelan sistem
dinamis menggunakan Powersim dikembangkan untuk mensimulasikan empat
skenario. Skenario pertama adalah kondisi business as usual, sedangkan tiga
skenario lainnya berupa kombinasi laju penambahan RTH publik dan
penggantian solar menjadi biodiesel.
Kombinasi penambahan luas RTH publik hingga 20% dan penggantian
bahan bakar solar menjadi biodiesel sebesar 30% pada tahun 2031 (Skenario 2)
dapat mengurangi emisi karbon dioksida hingga 48,52% di tahun 2022.
Keberadaan RTH publik berperan penting dan lebih efektif dalam mengurangi
emisi karbon dioksida dibandingkan opsi penggantian bahan bakar. Namun
demikian, pengembangan bahan bakar biodiesel sangat mendesak untuk diperluas
sebagai solusi kelangkaan bahan bakar saat ini.

The increasing levels of carbon dioxide from transportation sector affects
global warming potency. This research aims to develop ideal scenario which
combines public green open space expansion and biodiesel substitution as vehicle
fuel in order to reduce carbon dioxide from transportation sector in Bogor City.
Dynamic system modeling using Powersim was developed to simulate four
scenarios. The first scenario is a business as usual condition, while the other three
scenarios are combination of the rate of public green open space expansion and
biodiesel substitution rate.
This research presents projections of four scenarios with different public
green open space expansion and biodiesel substitution rate. Combination of public
green open space expansion up to 20% and biodiesel substitution up to 30% in
2031 (Scenario 2) can reduce carbon dioxide about 48.52% in 2022. Public green
open space plays significant role has more important rule and more effective in
reducing to reduce carbon dioxide emission than fuel biodiesel substitution.
Nevertheless, biodiesel development substitution urges to be expanded developed
as potential solution in order to solve fossil fuel scarcity."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusuf Latief
"The infrastructure of the transportation system plays an important and strategic part in the development of a country and serves to support economic progress by enabling the mobility of citizens and the distribution of goods from one region to another. However, communities have unequal access to the system and there are gaps in the regional infrastructure in Indonesia, leading to the requirement for a mapping of all 33 provincial capitals. In this study, we reviewed provisions for road, sea, air, and rail travel. The mapping result is expected to determine the pattern and the prioritization needed for future infrastructure development. A literature review was performed to establish assessment indicators for the mapping. The weighting of each indicator was based on a survey of stakeholders in transportation sectors, which was then analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. After weighting was completed, the infrastructure of each provincial capital was assessed to determine ratings from the highest to the lowest rank. Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, and Semarang obtained the highest rankings, while Manokwari, Serang, Mamuju, Ternate, and Palangkaraya were at the bottom. This result shows that provincial capitals in western Indonesia had better assessment results than those in the east. Therefore, improvements to the transportation infrastructure of the latter cities should be prioritized."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pulina Nityakanti Pramesi
"Pengembangan transportasi umum yang berkelanjutan penting dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan, terutama di wilayah perkotaan. Di berbagai belahan dunia, perkembangan transportasi publik yang berkelanjutan mulai menjadi perhatian. Sayangnya, pembangunan di Kota Depok belum mendapat perhatian yang serius, terutama dari pemerintah daerah sebagai pengambil kebijakan. Studi ini membahas ketidakmampuan Pemkot Depok dalam menjalankan proses politik yang berpihak pada lingkungan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat membuat pengelolaan transportasi berbasis jalan di Kota Depok tidak berjalan baik. Proyek BRT dan JRC diambil sebagai studi kasus, karena menjadi salah satu upaya Pemkot Depok mengatasi masalah transportasi publik berkelanjutan berbasis jalan di wilayahnya. Riset ini bertujuan menilai kondisi transportasi publik berkelanjutan berbasis jalan di Kota Depok, mengevaluasi proses politik lingkungan implementasi konsep Green City dalam proyek BRT dan JRC di Kota Depok, dan mengevaluasi stretegi dalam kebijakan BRT dan JRC menurut konsep Green City di Kota Depok. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, berupa analisis deskriptif studi kebijakan dan analisis deskriptif studi tematik. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa Kota Depok saat ini sudah memiliki angkot, BRT, dan JRC sebagai moda transportasi publik berbasis jalan, tetapi ketiganya belum memenuhi indikator sebagai transportasi publik berkelanjutan berbasis jalan. Proses politik perumusan proyek BRT dan JRC juga belum terjadi sesuai dengan konsep Green City dan politik lingkungan, yaitu melakukan promosi penggunaan transportasi berkelanjutan berbasis jalan. Kebijakan BRT dan JRC yang dilakukan Pemkot Depok sebagai strategi dalam mewujudkan transportasi publik berkelanjutan berbasis jalan belum dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat Kota Depok. Pemkot Depok gagal dalam melakukan kolaborasi dalam merumuskan kebijakan transportasi berkelanjutan berbasis jalan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan strategi kebijakan sesuai dengan tahapan menjalin partnership agar masalah dapat dipetakan dengan lebih fokus dan kebijakan transportasi berkelanjutan berbasis jalan dapat tepat sasaran.

The development of sustainable public transportation is important to overcome environmental problems. In various parts of the world, the development of sustainable public transportation has begun to become a concern. Unfortunately, the development in Depok City has not received serious attention, especially from the government as a policy maker. This study discusses the inability of the Depok City Government to carry out a political process that is in favor of the environment and people's welfare, which has resulted in the management of road-based transportation in Depok City not working well. The BRT and JRC projects were taken as case study, because they are one of the Depok City Government's efforts to address the problem of road-based sustainable public transportation in the region. This research aims to assess the condition of road-based sustainable public transportation in Depok City, evaluate the environmental political process of implementing the Green City concept in the BRT and JRC projects in Depok City, and evaluate strategies in BRT and JRC policies according to the Green City concept in Depok City. The method used is a qualitative method, in the form of descriptive learning policy analysis and thematic descriptive learning analysis. The results of the study show that the City of Depok currently has public transportation, BRT, and JRC as road-based public transportation modes, but these three do not meet the indicators of road-based sustainable public transportation. The political process of formulating BRT and JRC projects has also not been carried out in accordance with the concept of Green City and environmental politics, namely promoting the use of road-based sustainable transportation. The benefits of the BRT and JRC policies implemented by the Depok City Government as a strategy in realizing road-based public transportation have not been felt by the people of Depok City. The Depok City Government failed to collaborate in formulating a road-based sustainable transportation policy. Therefore, strategic policies are needed that are in accordance with the stages of building partnerships so that problems can be mapped with more focus and road-based sustainable transportation policies can be right on target."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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