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Yuni Widiastuti
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa bagaimana program pelatihan pembelajaran sains bagi guru TK sebagai upaya meningkatkan kemampuan mengajarkan berpikir kritis pada siswa TK B. Pelatihan pembelajaran sains dikembangkan berdasarkan program Preschool Pathway to Science (PrePS) (Gelman et al., 2010). Menggunakan desain posttest only non-equivalent control group design, tujuh orang guru TK B di wilayah Serpong dilibatkan dalam
penelitian. Empat orang guru dari kelompok eksperimen diberikan pelatihan pembelajaran sains yang didalamnya terdapat penjelasan konsep berpikir kritis, anak usia dini, pembelajaran sains, dan peran guru dalam mengajarkan berpikir kritis siswa. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan kemampuan guru kelompok eksperimen dengan tiga orang guru dari kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan pelatihan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah mengikuti
program terlihat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kemampuan guru kelompok eksperimen dalam mengajarkan berpikir kritis pada siswa TK B dibanding dengan kelompok kontrol. Lebih lanjut peneliti juga menemukan bahwa terjadi perubahan konsep berpikir kritis, perkembangan anak usia dini dan pembelajaran sains pada guru yang mengikuti pelatihan;The study aimed at the effectivity of science learning training program to improve teacher’s ability in teaching critical thinking. Science learning training program were being constructed from preschool pathway to science (PrePS) program
(gelman et al., 2010). Using posttest only non-equivalent control group design, seven kindergarten teachers were asked to participate in the research. Four of them were grouping as experimental group, and received science learning training with critical thinking concept, early childhood, science learning and teacher’s role in teaching critical thinking were conducted to this group. Meanwhile three teachers were grouping in to control group which not received any training. The study found that teachers who joining the training program show significant differences in teaching critical thinking to kindergarten student compare to control group. Furthermore, the study also found that teacher’s knowledge to critical thinking concept, early childhood development, and science learning were increases.;The study aimed at the effectivity of science learning training program to improve
teacher’s ability in teaching critical thinking. Science learning training program
were being constructed from preschool pathway to science (PrePS) program
(gelman et al., 2010). Using posttest only non-equivalent control group design,
seven kindergarten teachers were asked to participate in the research. Four of
them were grouping as experimental group, and received science learning
training with critical thinking concept, early childhood, science learning and
teacher’s role in teaching critical thinking were conducted to this group.
Meanwhile three teachers were grouping in to control group which not received
any training. The study found that teachers who joining the training program
show significant differences in teaching critical thinking to kindergarten student
compare to control group. Furthermore, the study also found that teacher’s
knowledge to critical thinking concept, early childhood development, and science
learning were increases., The study aimed at the effectivity of science learning training program to improve
teacher’s ability in teaching critical thinking. Science learning training program
were being constructed from preschool pathway to science (PrePS) program
(gelman et al., 2010). Using posttest only non-equivalent control group design,
seven kindergarten teachers were asked to participate in the research. Four of
them were grouping as experimental group, and received science learning
training with critical thinking concept, early childhood, science learning and
teacher’s role in teaching critical thinking were conducted to this group.
Meanwhile three teachers were grouping in to control group which not received
any training. The study found that teachers who joining the training program
show significant differences in teaching critical thinking to kindergarten student
compare to control group. Furthermore, the study also found that teacher’s
knowledge to critical thinking concept, early childhood development, and science
learning were increases.]"
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Octar Inak
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study examined university students? attitudes towards and skill levels of
using social networking sites to promote public health information online. Data were collected
from the student participants who were health professionals from six different countries. The
participants were given surveys before and after their training. The surveys assessed: (1) their
comfort levels in using social networking sites, (2) their attitudes towards online health information
dissemination, and (3) their ability to create effective online health information sites. A Health
Sciences faculty member worked with an instructional designer and technologist to create a training
video and guidelines for designing effective online websites. Training materials were posted to the
online course area. Working in collaborative teams, the student participants developed online
health social networking sites that targeted global health education issues. Competence and skill
level of students were assessed using project-based learning criteria. Results of the study reveal:
(1) participants have a high comfort level in using social networking sites, (2) participants, in
general, have positive attitudes toward online health information, and (3) participants are highly
competent in creating online health information sites."
370 JPP 44 (1-3) 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Muslim
"Library as a learning resource should apply the information in accordance and technological development. Application of information technologhy (IT) has changed library's work patterns and librarians systems at the library. librarians should be able to develop their competency in library management. The result of this study is E-Learning has been using the SCORM standard based on the results of the research can be used and have met accessibility. Design E-Learning Education and Training Center of the National Library using SCORM standards is an example that is suitable for the development of e-Learning Training Centre of the National Library. "
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor PO Box 199, 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elengolds, Linda J.
"Subject mater experts (SMEs) know their subject area, but often need a lesson on how to train. Help SMEs understand adult learning theories and how to design effective training."
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training & Development Press, American Society for Training & Development Press], 2001
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Knowles, Malcolm S.
New York: Routledge, 2015
374 KNO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Ria Sutjonong
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektivitas dari workshop yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri guru TK dalam kemampuan mengajar secara kreatif. Workshop ini dilakukan kepada 60 guru TK yang berasal dari beberapa kota di Indonesia secara daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan dasar teori empat sumber efikasi diri dari Bandura dan teori experiential learning dari Kolb. Pemilihan subjek menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Workshop dilakukan sebanyak 6 sesi dalam waktu 2 hari. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah before and after study design untuk membandingkan perolehan skor kelompok (tanpa grup kontrol) sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Teaching for Creativity Scales (Rubenstein et al., 2013) dengan mengambil salah satu dimensinya yaitu efikasi diri guru. Dari 60 peserta awal workshop, terdapat 38 data peserta yang dapat diolah menggunakan metode Repeated-Measures ANOVA. Penarikan kesimpulan penelitian ini dilihat dari nilai Sig Greenhouse-Geisser (0.000 < 0.05) dan perbedaan skor rata-rata kelompok yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai efikasi diri guru TK mengenai kemampuan mengajar kreatif setelah diberikan intervensi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa workshop yang dilakukan efektif untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri guru TK dalam kemampuannya mengajar secara kreatif.

This study aims to examine the effectiveness of a workshop designed to increase kindergarten teachers’ self-efficacy regarding their creative teaching abilities. The workshop was conducted online for 60 kindergarten teachers from several cities in Indonesia. This study uses the theoretical basis of the four sources of self-efficacy from Bandura dan Kolb’s experiential learning. Subjects were selected using the accidental sampling technique. This workshop was conducted in 6 sessions for 2 days. The research design used in this study is a before and after study design (without a control group) to compare the group scores before and after the intervention. The research instrument used is the Teaching for Creativity Scales (Rubenstein et al., 2013) by taking one of the dimensions, which is teacher self-efficacy. From the initial 60 participants, there were only 38 participants’ data that could be processed using the Repeated-Measures ANOVA method. The conclusion of this research is seen from the value of Sig Greenhouse-Geisser (0.000 < 0.05) and the difference in the group average score, which shows that there is a significant difference in the self-efficacy score of kindergarten teachers regarding their creative teaching ability after the intervention. Thus, it can be concluded that the workshop is effective to increase the self-efficacy of kindergarten teachers regarding their ability to do creative teaching"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titis Alit Triyani
Fenomena bullying di sekolah adalah salah satu yang kerap dihadapi oleh anak.
Maka dari itu, program pelatihan guru TK untuk mencegah bullying penting
dilakukan karena guru merupakan orang dewasa yang paling dekat dengan anak di
sekolah dan perilaku bullying terjadi di sekolah maka guru lah yang perlu
diintervensi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas
program pelatihan guru TK untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bullying
sebagai upaya mencegah bullying pada anak usia 4-6 tahun di sekolah. Pelatihan
dilakukan selama 3 hari dengan durasi 180 menit setiap harinya. Penelitian ini
menggunakan desain before-and-after (one group before and after design) dengan
guru sebagai partisipan. Alat ukur yang digunakan berupa lembar checlist bullying
dan lembar kuesioner terbuka yang diberikan saat pre-test dan post-test. Pelatihan
ini menggunakan beberapa metode, yaitu diskusi, role plays, ceramah, permainan
(games), demonstrasi. Dari hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan wilcoxon test
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan guru TK sebagai upaya
untuk mencegah bullying (Z= -2,850, p=0,004<0,05)

The phenomenon of bullying in schools is one of things that is often faced by
children. Therefore, the kindergarten teacher training program to prevent bullying
is important because teachers are the adults closest to the child at school and
bullying happens at school, the teachers who need intervention. The purpose of
this study was to determine the effectiveness of kindergarten teacher training
program to improve their knowledge about bullying as an effort to prevent
bullying in children aged 4-6 years in school. The training was conducted for 3
days with a duration of 180 minutes each day. This study uses a design beforeand-
after (one group before and after design) with teachers as participants.
Measuring instruments used in the form of bullying checklist sheets and sheets of
an open questionnaire given at the pre-test and post-test. The training uses several
methods, namely discussions, role plays, lectures, games, demonstration. From
the statistical test by using the Wilcoxon test showed that there is an increased
knowledge of kindergarten teachers in an effort to prevent bullying (Z= -2,850,
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuristika Dwi Astrini
Konflik antar saudara kandung merupakan hal yang sering terjadi pada rentang usia dini. Sebagai individu yang memiliki tanggung jawab dalam kepengasuhan anak, seorang ibu diharapkan dapat ikut membantu menyelesaikan konflik antar saudara kandung dengan strategi yang positif. Pada kenyataannya, strategi yang digunakan ibu masih bersifat negatif, sehingga tidak memberikan kesempatan pada anak untuk mengembangkan keterampilan dalam menyelesaikan sebuah konflik. Terdapat sebuah strategi yang lebih positif yang dapat digunakam oleh ibu untuk menangani konflik antar saudara kandung. Strategi ini dinamakan dengan mediasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pelatihan mediasi konflik yang diberikan kepada ibu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan (pengetahuan dan keterampilan) untuk menangani konflik antar saudara kandung pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain one group pretest ? posttest design. Alat ukur yang digunakan terdiri dari kuesioner untuk mengukur pengetahuan ibu mengenai konflik dan mediasi serta behavioral rating scale untuk mengukur keterampilan ibu dalam menangani konflik.
Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan teknik paired sample t-test menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada kemampuan ibu dalam menangani konflik antar saudara kandung, dengan taraf signifikansi p < 0,05. Hasil follow up yang dilakukan setelah pelatihan menunjukkan perubahan strategi ibu dalam menangani konflik antar saudara kandung menjadi lebih positif.

Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.;Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest ? posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive., Sibling conflict is common in early chilhood. As an individual who has responsibility in parenting process, a mother is expected to be able to help the child in resolving conflicts between siblings in s a positive strategy. However, the strategies used by mother are still negative,and this condition does not give children the chances to develop their skils in resolving conflicts. There is a more positive strategy that can be used by mother in dealing with sibling conflicts. This strategy called mediation.
This research aimed to analyzed the effect of conflict mediation training to improve mothers ability (knowledge dan skills) in dealing with sibling conflict in early childhood. One group pretest – posttest design were choosen in this research. Mother knowledge about conflict and mediation were assessed using a questionnaire, meanwhile ability in dealing with sibling conflict were assessed by a behavioral rating scale.
The result using paired sample t-test analysis shows a signficant different in mother ability to resolving siblings conflict (p < 0.05). A follow-up assessment also report mothers strategy in dealing with sibling conflict that become more positive.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Firti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh dari employee engagement, melalui kepuasan kerja, terhadap komitmen untuk perubahan di Kementerian BUMN. Penelitian bertujuan untuk dapat merancang intervensi yang tepat dalam meningkatkan komitmen untuk perubahan pada karyawan di Kementerian BUMN yang sedang menghadapi perubahan berupa Reformasi Birokrasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara employee engagement, melalui kepuasan kerja, terhadap komitmen terhadap perubahan (r = 0.361; r2 = 0.130 p = 0.01, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.05). Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa employee engagement tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan secara langsung terhadap komitmen untuk perubahan, tetapi harus melalui kepuasan kerja.
Intervensi yang dirancang adalah intervensi sumber daya manusia berupa program training berpikir positif serta rancangan program jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan employee engagement dan kepuasan kerja sehingga pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan komitmen terhadap perubahan.

This study was conducted to see the effect of employee engagement, through job satisfaction, to the commitment to change at the Kementerian BUMN. Research aims to be able to design appropriate interventions in improving employee?s commitment to changes in the Kementerian BUMN, which are facing a change in the form of Reformasi Birokrasi.
The result shows that there is a significant positive effect between employee engagement, through job satisfaction, to the commitment to change (r = 0.361; r 2 = 0.130 p = 0:01, L.o.S significant at 0.05). These results indicate that employee engagement does not have significant influence directly to the commitment to change, but it must be through job satisfaction.
Interventions designed is intervention of human resources in the form of positive thinking training program and a draft long-term program to improve employee engagement and job satisfaction which in turn may increase the commitment to change.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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