ABSTRAKHidrologi hutan rawa gambut merupakan faktor penting yang menjadi kunci keberadaan dan kelestarian gambut itu sendiri. Perubahan hidrologi pada gambut terutama yang diakibatkan oleh kanalisasi mengakibatkan adanya fluktuasi tinggi muka air tanah yang dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pelepasan CO2, kekeringan yang berakibat kebakaran dan banjir yang lebih cepat terjadi sehingga perlu adanya upaya mitigasi untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut. Pengolahan citra Landsat TM dan ETM serta SPOT 4 menggunakan teknik klasifikasi segmentasi
berbasis objek yang dipadukan dengan hasil pengukuran tinggi muka air dan elevasi permukaan tanah dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pola perubahan genangan air hutan rawa gambut di SubDAS Bakung, Kalimantan Tengah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pola perubahan genangan air sebagian besar terjadi di bagian hilir subDAS dengan faktor pengontrol berupa ketinggian dan lereng. Analisis multitemporal dari tahun 1998 – 2012 menjelaskan bahwa parameter curah hujan yang paling tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan genangan air adalah curah hujan dua bulanan sebelumnya dengan R sebesar 0,669. Adapun kerapatan aliran lebih berpengaruh terhadap genangan air di bagian hulu SubDAS Bakung.
ABSTRACTHydrology of peat swamp forest is an important factor that is a key to the existence and preservation of the peat. Therefore, with the change in the hydrology of peat mainly caused by canalization it may result in fluctuations in ground water level that can impact on increasing the release of CO2, resulting in drought and peat fires, and early flood so it is need mitigation effort to reduce the risk. Processing of Landsat TM and ETM and SPOT 4 imagery using object-based classification technique are performed to produce pattern of water body change of peat swamp forest in Bakung Sub-watershed, Central Kalimantan. According to analysis, water body change pattern mostly occur in downstream area with
controlled factor is topography. analysis conducted by multi-temporal in 1998 - 2012 found that rainfall parameters that influence the changes in water body is 2-monthly rainfall before observation time with R of 0.669. In addition, drainage density is more influence for occurring water body changes in the upstream area of Bakung Sub-watershed., Hydrology of peat swamp forest is an important factor that is a key to the
existence and preservation of the peat. Therefore, with the change in the
hydrology of peat mainly caused by canalization it may result in fluctuations in
ground water level that can impact on increasing the release of CO2, resulting in
drought and peat fires, and early flood so it is need mitigation effort to reduce the
risk. Processing of Landsat TM and ETM and SPOT 4 imagery using object-based
classification technique are performed to produce pattern of water body change of
peat swamp forest in Bakung Sub-watershed, Central Kalimantan. According to
analysis, water body change pattern mostly occur in downstream area with
controlled factor is topography. analysis conducted by multi-temporal in 1998 -
2012 found that rainfall parameters that influence the changes in water body is 2-
monthly rainfall before observation time with R of 0.669. In addition, drainage
density is more influence for occurring water body changes in the upstream area
of Bakung Sub-watershed.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Universitas Indonesia, 2013