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Hanum Citra Nur Rahma
"[Resistensi obat antimalaria mendorong pengembangan obat antimalaria baru. Salah satu alternatif pengembangan obat antimalaria adalah mengombinasikan klorokuin dengan komponen lain, contohnya ekstrak akar pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia jack.). Berbagai penelitian in vitro maupun in vivo telah membuktikan potensi pasak bumi sebagai antimalaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian kombinasi ekstrak akar pasak bumi dan klorokuin secara injeksi subkutan pada mencit (Mus musculus) yang diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah pemberian ekstrak akar pasak bumi dengan dosis 10 mg/kgBB, 20 mg/kgBB, serta kombinasi ekstrak akar pasak bumi dengan dua dosis tersebut dan klorokuin. Berdasarkan Peters 4-days suppressive test, pertumbuhan parasitemia mencit yang diberikan kombinasi obat memiliki nilai yang mendekati kontrol positif (0,60%), yaitu 0,60% pada dosis kombinasi pasak bumi 10 mg/kgBB dan 0,50% pada dosis 20 mg/kgBB namun analisis statistik menunjukkan perbedaan tersebut tidak bermakna (p>0,05). Hasil penghitungan penghambatan pertumbuhan parasit menunjukkan kecenderungan yang sama. Penghambatan pertumbuhan parasit kontrol positif menunjukkan angka 97,9% sementara pemberian kombinasi obat menunjukkan angka 97,7% (dosis pasak bumi10 mg/kgBB) dan 98,2% (dosis pasak bumi 20 mg/kgBB). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara efek pemberian kombinasi ekstrak akar pasak bumi dan klorokuin secara injeksi subkutan dibandingkan dengan terapi klorokuin saja;Antimalarial drug resisstance demand us to develop new antimalarial drug. One of the alternative is combining chloroquine with new compund, for example pasak bumi root extract (Eurycoma longifolia jack). Many studies have shown the potency of pasak bumi root extract as a antimalarial drug. This study is aim to investigate the effect of combination of pasak bumi root extract and chloroquine which is administrated by subcoutaneous injection to Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. Mice were given pasak bumi root extract only with 10 mg/kgBW and 20 mg/kgBW dose , also combination therapy of pasak bumi root extract on same dose and choloquine. Based on Peters 4-days suppressive test, parasite growth in mice with combination therapy was nearing the postive control value (0.60%), 0.60% for 10 mg/kgBW dose and 0.50% for 20 mg/kgBW dose. However, the statistic analysis showed the difference was not significant (p>0.05). Growth inhibition counting showed the same trend. Positive control growth inhibiton value is 97.9% meanwhile the combination therapy group has 97.7% for 10 mg/kgBW dose and 98.2% for 20 mg/kgBW dose. The study suggests that there were no significat difference between the effect of subcutaneously administrated combination of pasak bumi extract root-chloroquine and chloroquine only therapy., Antimalarial drug resisstance demand us to develop new antimalarial drug. One of the alternative is combining chloroquine with new compund, for example pasak bumi root extract (Eurycoma longifolia jack). Many studies have shown the potency of pasak bumi root extract as a antimalarial drug. This study is aim to investigate the effect of combination of pasak bumi root extract and chloroquine which is administrated by subcoutaneous injection to Plasmodium berghei-infected mice. Mice were given pasak bumi root extract only with 10 mg/kgBW and 20 mg/kgBW dose , also combination therapy of pasak bumi root extract on same dose and choloquine. Based on Peters 4-days suppressive test, parasite growth in mice with combination therapy was nearing the postive control value (0.60%), 0.60% for 10 mg/kgBW dose and 0.50% for 20 mg/kgBW dose. However, the statistic analysis showed the difference was not significant (p>0.05). Growth inhibition counting showed the same trend. Positive control growth inhibiton value is 97.9% meanwhile the combination therapy group has 97.7% for 10 mg/kgBW dose and 98.2% for 20 mg/kgBW dose. The study suggests that there were no significat difference between the effect of subcutaneously administrated combination of pasak bumi extract root-chloroquine and chloroquine only therapy.]"
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Munculnya fenomena resistensi dari berbagai obat malaria yang telah digunakan untuk melawan penyakit malaria merupakan suatu ancaman bagi dunia kesehatan untuk mencari terobosan baru dalam melawan penyakit malaria. Salah satunya dengan strategi pengobatan secara kombinasi. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) obat standar sebagai antimalaria. Ekstrak tanaman Akar Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) diketahui memiliki potensi antimalaria. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kombinasi ekstrak Akar Pasak Bumi (PB) dan ACT. Dengan menguji 2 dosis terdiri dari PB 60mg/kgBB tambah ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB tambah ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimental in vivo pada mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Berdasarkan hasil analisa peningkatan parasitemia hari ke-4 menggunakan SPSS menunjukkan hasil tidak bermakna (p>0.05) pada kedua kelompok uji ketika dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif (ACT). Hal ini ditunjang dengan presentase inhibisi kedua kelompok (68.4%;54.46%) lebih kecil daripada kontrol positif (70%). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kedua dosis kombinasi tidak bersifat sebagai antimalaria. Kombinasi dosis ekstrak akar pasak bumi 60 mg/kgBB dan ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB merupakan kelompok yang memiliki presentase daya hambat yang paling baik berdasarkan presentase daya hambat pada hari ke-4.;The emergence of the phenomenon of resistance from the malaria drug that has been used to combat malaria is a threat to the health of the world to search for new breakthroughs in the fight against malaria. One way by using combination treatment strategies. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) is a standard drug as anti-malaria. The extract of Pasak Bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia) had been known to have anti-malaria potency. This study aimed to test a combination of the extract of Pasak bumi root and ACT. By testing two doses consisting of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Design of this study using an experimental in vivo in a mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. Based on the analysis of the increase in parasitemia day 4 using SPSS shows the results are not significant in both groups combination compared with positive control (ACT). It is supported with a percentage of inhibition of the two groups (68.4%;54.46%) is smaller than the positive control(70%). It can be concluded that both of doses combination is not as anti-malaria. Doses combination of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB has the best percentage of inhibition parasitemia, The emergence of the phenomenon of resistance from the malaria drug that has been used to combat malaria is a threat to the health of the world to search for new breakthroughs in the fight against malaria. One way by using combination treatment strategies. ACT (Artemisinin Combination Therapy) is a standard drug as anti-malaria. The extract of Pasak Bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia) had been known to have anti-malaria potency. This study aimed to test a combination of the extract of Pasak bumi root and ACT. By testing two doses consisting of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB; PB 75 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB. Design of this study using an experimental in vivo in a mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. Based on the analysis of the increase in parasitemia day 4 using SPSS shows the results are not significant in both groups combination compared with positive control (ACT). It is supported with a percentage of inhibition of the two groups (68.4%;54.46%) is smaller than the positive control(70%). It can be concluded that both of doses combination is not as anti-malaria. Doses combination of PB 60 mg/kgBB and ACT 1.7 mg/kgBB has the best percentage of inhibition parasitemia]"
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Shafa Marwadhani
"[Malaria masih menjadi beban kesehatan bagi Indonesia, terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan resistensi parasit terhadap pengobatan saat ini. Untuk itu, diperlukan penemuan terapi baru dengan segera. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) adalah tanaman asli Kalimantan yang terbukti secara in vitro dan in vivo memiliki aktivitas antiplasmodium. Penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas kombinasi ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi dosis 10 mg/kgBB (PB10) dan 20 mg/kgBB (PB20) dengan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) dosis 1,7 mg/kgBB pada mencit Swiss yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Pemberian obat dilakukan secara subkutan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya, sehingga didapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dengan menggunakan metode 4-day suppressive test, didapatkan pertumbuhan densitas parasitemia dan persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan secara berturut-turut: kontrol positif 22,08% dan 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% dan 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% dan 92,22%. Pemberian kombinasi meningkatkan efektivitas secara signifikan terhadap PB tunggal, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ACT tunggal. Meskipun demikian, peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya efek sinergis dari kedua zat dan membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari semua perlakuan, PB20+ACT memiliki efek antimalaria yang paling baik.;Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity, Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity]"
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faiza Azzahroh
Malaria merupakan penyakit infeksi dengan prevalensi yang tinggi di Indonesia. Peningkatan resistensi terhadap pengobatan malaria telah ditemukan di beberapa negara untuk mengindikasikan bahwa penelitian dan pengembangan antimalaria baru sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan antimalaria alternatif, dengan memanfaatkan ekstrak tanaman herbal, yaitu Spirulina dan Pasak Bumi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menguji pemberian Spirulina secara tunggal dan kombinasi dengan ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi terhadap mencit Mus musculus yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Dosis Spirulina yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 300 mg/kgBB dan 500 mg/kgBB sedangkan dosis ekstrak Pasak Bumi yang digunakan adalah 60 mg/kgBB dan 75 mg/kgBB. Pada semua kelompok perlakuan terjadi peningkatan tingkat parasitemia pada hari ke-4 dengan persentase inhibisi parasitemia yang negatif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Spirulina dosis 300 mg/kgBB dan 500 mg/kgBB dan ekstrak akar pasak bumi dosis 60 mg/kgBB dan 75 mg/kgBB tidak memiliki efek antimalaria, Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak Spirulina tunggal dan kombinasi Spirulina dengan ekstrak Pasak Bumi pada dosis di atas tidak efektif sebagai antimalaria.

Malaria is an infectious disease with high prevalence in Indonesia. Increasing in resistance to malaria therapy has been observed in several countries to indicate that new antimalarial studies and development are needed. This study is aimed to find alternative antimalaria by using herbal plant extracts, namely Spirulina and Pasak Bumi. This study is an experimental study that tested the Spirulina administration singly and in combination with the extract of Pasak Bumi root to the mice Mus musculus infected with Plasmodium berghei. The dosage of Spirulina used in this study was 300 mg kgBW and 500 mg kgBW while the dosage of Pasak Bumi root extract was 60 mg kgBW and 75 mg kgBW. In all treatment groups, there was an increased level of parasitemia on day 4 with negative parasitemia inhibition percentage. It shows that Spirulina dose of 300 mg kgBW and 500 mg kg BW and Pasak Bumi root extract by dose 60 mg kgBB and 75 mg kgBW have no antimalarial effect. Thus, it can be concluded that administration of Spirulina singly and the combination of Spirulina and Pasak Bumi root extract are not effective as antimalaria."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farhan
Malaria merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia. Tantangan yang muncul dalam mengatasi malaria adalah munculnya resistensi pada klorokuin, salah satu obat antimalaria. Resistensi mendorong dilakukannya berbagai penelitian untuk menemukan senyawa antimalaria yang baru. Salah satu yang berpotensi adalah propolis, produk lebah madu, yang mengandung luteolin 7-O glucoside danchalcone. Luteolin 7-O glucoside menginhibisi biosintesis asam lemak tipe 2 parasit dan chalcone menghambat proses hemolisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari efektifitas kombinasi propolis dan klorokuin dibandingkan tingkat yang diberi terapi klorokuin, terapi tunggal propolis, dan terapi kombinasi pada parasitemia mencit Mus musculus terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Dosis propolis yang diuji adalah 30 mg/kgBB dan 60 mg/kgBB. Selisih tingkat parasitemia dari yang terkecil dan terbesar berturut-turut adalah pada kelompok perlakuan terapi tunggal klorokuin, terapi kombinasi dosis 60 mg/kgBB, terapi kombinasi dosis 60 mg/kgBB, terapi tunggal propolis dosis 30 mg/kgBB, dan terapi tunggal propolis dosis 60 mg/kgBB. Terapi tunggal 30 mg/kgBB propolis berhasil menginhibisi pertumbuhan parasit secara signifikan Namun terapi tunggal 60 mg/kgBB propolis memiliki efek tidak signifikan mempercepat pertumbuhan parasit. Walaupun demikian, terapi tunggal propolis masih belum sebanding dengan terapi tunggal klorokuin. Terapi kombinasi propolis tidak memberi perubahan yang signifikan pada efek antimalaria klorokuin. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan propolis dengan dosis 30 mg/kgBB dan 60 mg/kgBB tidak cocok untuk digunakan pada terapi kombinasi dengan klorokuin.

Malaria is a health problem in the world. The resistance encourages the of various studies to discover new antimalarial compounds. Propolis contained luteolin 7 O glucoside and chalcone which inhibits biosynthensis of parasite rsquo s type 2 fatty acids and hemolysis process. The research aimed to study efficacy of propolis and chroquine combination therapy against different therapy groups choroquine therapy, propolis single therapy, and combination therapy by parasitemia level of mice Mus musculus infected by Plasmodium berghei. The dose of propolis was 30 mg kgBW and 60 mg kgBW. The smallest to largest difference of parasitemia in order is chloroquine single therapy, propolis 60 mg kgBW combination theraphy, propolis 30 mg kgBW combination theraphy, propolis 60 mg kgBW single therapy, and propolis 30 mg kgBW single therapy. Propolis 30 mg kgBW single therapy significantly inhibit parasite growth. Meanwhile, propolis 60 mg kgBW single therapy insignificantly accelerating the growth of parasite. Nevertheless, combination of different dose propolis and chloroquine showed worse growth inhibition compared to chloroquine therapy insignificantly. Supplementary of propolis did not provide a significant change in the antimalarial effects of chloroquine. Propolis 30 mg kgBW and 60 mg kgBW is unsuitable for use in combination therapy with chloroquine."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farhan
"Malaria merupakan masalah kesehatan di dunia. Tantangan yang muncul di mengatasi malaria adalah munculnya resistensi terhadap klorokuin, salah satu obat antimalaria. Perlawanan telah mendorong berbagai penelitian untuk menemukan senyawa antimalaria baru. Salah satu potensinya adalah propolis, produk lebah madu, yang mengandung luteolin 7-O glukosida dan kalkon. Luteolin 7-O glukosida menghambat tipe 2. biosintesis asam lemak parasit dan chalcone menghambat proses hemolisis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mempelajari efektivitas kombinasi propolis dan klorokuin dibandingkan diobati dengan klorokuin, propolis saja, dan terapi kombinasi dalam parasitemia mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Dosis propolis yang diuji adalah 30 mg/kgBB dan 60 mg/kgBB. Perbedaan tingkat parasitemia yang terkecil dan terbesar masing-masing berada pada kelompok perlakuan terapeutik klorokuin saja, terapi kombinasi dengan dosis 60 mg/kg, terapi kombinasi dengan dosis 60 mg/kgBB, terapi tunggal propolis dengan dosis 30 mg/kgBB, dan terapi tunggal propolis dosis 60 mg/kg berat badan. Terapi tunggal propolis 30 mg/kgBB berhasil dihambat pertumbuhan parasit yang signifikan Namun terapi tunggal propolis 60 mg/kgBB memiliki pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap percepatan pertumbuhan parasit. Namun, terapi tunggal propolis masih belum sebanding dengan terapi tunggal klorokuin. Terapi kombinasi propolis tidak memberikan perubahan yang signifikan pada efek antimalaria klorokuin. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa propolis pada dosis 30 mg/kgBB dan 60 mg/kgBB tidak sesuai untuk digunakan pada terapi kombinasi dengan klorokuin.
Malaria is a health problem in the world. Challenges that appear in to overcome malaria is the emergence of resistance to chloroquine, one of the antimalarial drugs. The resistance has prompted various studies to find new antimalarial compounds. One of the potential is
propolis, a honey bee product, which contains luteolin 7-O glucoside and chalcone. Luteolin 7-O glucoside inhibits type 2 . Parasite fatty acid biosynthesis and chalcone inhibit hemolysis. The aim of this study was to study the effectiveness of the combination of propolis and chloroquine compared to treatment with chloroquine, propolis alone, and combination therapy in parasitaemia of mice (Mus musculus) infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of propolis tested were 30 mg/kgBW and 60 mg/kgBW. The smallest and largest differences in parasitaemia levels were in the chloroquine only therapeutic treatment group, combination therapy at a dose of 60 mg/kg, combination therapy at a dose of 60 mg/kgBW, propolis single therapy at a dose of 30 mg/kgBW, and propolis single therapy. dose of 60 mg/kg body weight. Propolis single therapy 30 mg/kgBW was successfully inhibited by significant parasite growth. However, propolis 60 mg/kgBW single therapy had no significant effect on the acceleration of parasite growth. Although However, propolis single therapy is still not comparable to chloroquine single therapy. Propolis combination therapy did not give a significant change in the antimalarial effect of chloroquine. Therefore, it can be concluded that propolis at doses of 30 mg/kgBW and 60 mg/kgBW is not suitable for use in combination therapy with chloroquine."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulinnuha Fitrianingrum
"[Resistensi yang terjadi pada beberapa obat antimalaria, seperti klorokuin, mendasari gencarnya dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menemukan terapi antimalaria alternatif, salah satunya dengan memanfaatkan potensi herbal dari alam Indonesia. Ekstrak tanaman yang terbukti pada penelitian in-vivo memiliki efek antimalaria adalah akar pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia jack). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental in-vivo yang menguji ekstrak akar pasak bumi dengan dosis 60 mg/kgbb, 75 mg/kgbb, dan 90 mg/kgbb terhadap mencit (Mus musculus) yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Peningkatan densitas parasitemia pada hari ke-4 terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb lebih tinggi dari kontrol negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb lebih rendah dari kontrol negatif namun perbedaannya tidak signifikan secara statistik. Ditinjau dari persentase inhibisi parasitemia, terapi dosis 60 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia negatif, sedangkan terapi dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki persentase inhibisi parasitemia < 50%. Ditinjau dari kadar hemoglobin, ketiga dosis perlakuan memiliki kadar hemoglobin yang fluktuatif dan cenderung menurun hingga pada kondisi anemia. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akar pasak bumi dosis 60 mg/kgbb tidak memiliki efek antimalaria, sedangkan dosis 75 mg/kgbb dan 90 mg/kgbb memiliki efek antimalaria namun kurang adekuat. Terapi dosis 90 mg/kgbb menunjukkan peningkatan densitas parasitemia hari ke-4 yang paling rendah dan persentase inhibisi parasitemia paling baik. Dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa terapi ekstrak akar pasak bumi kurang tepat digunakan sebagai terapi tunggal malaria;Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria, Resistance on malaria medication, for example klorokuin, underlie the study that aim to find alternative malaria treatment by using herbal potention from the nature of Indonesia. Herbal extract that had been proven in vivo experimental study that has antimalarial effect is Pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia jack). This study is in vivo experimental study that giving Pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw, 75 mg/kgbw, and 90 mg/kgbw to mice (Mus musculus) infected by Plasmodium berghei. The increase of parasitemia density in the 4th day of treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw is higher than negative control, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw are lower than negative control, but the difference is not significant in statistic analysis. Reviewed from parasitemia inhibition persentage, treatment by dose 60 mg/kgbw has negative parasitemia inhibition persentage, while treatment by dose 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have parasitemia inhibition persentage <50%. Reviewed from hemoglobin level, those treatment by three doses have fluctuative hemoglobin level and tend to be decreasing till reaching anemia. It shows that pasak bumi root extract by dose 60 mg/kgbw does not have antimalarial effect, while 75 mg/kgbw and 90 mg/kgbw have inadequate antimalarial effect. Treatment by dose 90 mg/kgbw shows the lowest increase of 4th day parasitemia density and the best parasitemia inhibition persentage. Thus, it could be concluded that pasak bumi root extract is not good enough to be used as single treatment of malaria]"
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Malaria masih menjadi beban kesehatan bagi Indonesia, terlebih lagi dengan perkembangan resistensi parasit terhadap pengobatan saat ini. Untuk itu, diperlukan penemuan terapi baru dengan segera. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) adalah tanaman asli Kalimantan yang terbukti secara in vitro dan in vivo memiliki aktivitas antiplasmodium. Penelitian ini ingin menguji efektivitas kombinasi ekstrak akar Pasak Bumi dosis 10 mg/kgBB (PB10) dan 20 mg/kgBB (PB20) dengan Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) dosis 1,7 mg/kgBB pada mencit Swiss yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Pemberian obat dilakukan secara subkutan untuk meningkatkan bioavailabilitasnya, sehingga didapatkan hasil yang maksimal. Dengan menggunakan metode 4-day suppressive test, didapatkan pertumbuhan densitas parasitemia dan persentase inhibisi pertumbuhan secara berturut-turut: kontrol positif 22,08% dan 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% dan 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% dan 92,22%. Pemberian kombinasi meningkatkan efektivitas secara signifikan terhadap PB tunggal, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap ACT tunggal. Meskipun demikian, peningkatan tersebut mengindikasikan adanya efek sinergis dari kedua zat dan membutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. Dari semua perlakuan, PB20+ACT memiliki efek antimalaria yang paling baik.;Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity, Malaria is still considered as a burden disease for Indonesia, especially with the fast developing resistance of parasite against current medication. Hence, the invention of novel therapy is needed immediately. Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia), a native plant in Kalimantan, has been proven to have in vivo and in vitro antiplasmodial activity. This study aims to test the effect of combination of E.longifolia and Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) both given subcutaneously on parasitemia in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei. The doses of the extract tested in this experimental study were 10 (PB10) and 20 mg/kg BW (PB20). Using the 4-day suppressive test, the growth of parasite and growth inhibition percetage of each groups are as following: positive control 22,08% and 50,92%, PB10+ACT 5,22% and 88,4%, PB20+ACT 3,5% and 92,22%. The combination therapy showed significant increase in effectiveness compared to PB monotherapy but insignificant increase compared to ACT monotherapy. Despite the insignificance, this indicates synergistic effect of the two substances that needs further investigation. Among all groups, PB20+ACT showed the best antimalarial activity]"
[;Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia], 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ibnu Kahtan
Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia terutama negara tropis, karena angka kesakitan dan kematiannya yang tinggi. Gejala yang berat sampai kematian akibat malaria dipengaruhi respon imun setiap individu maupun ketepatan pengobatan malaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek respon imun (TNF-α) mencit terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei yang diberi ekstrak akar pasak bumi sebagai antimalaria. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimental in vivo dengan membagi 5 kelompok perlakuan yang berbeda (kontrol, Plasmodium berghei dan akuades, CMC, Plasmodium berghei dan CMC, Plasmodium berghei dan ekstrak akar pasak bumi). Pemeriksaan tingkat parasitemia menggunakan pemeriksaan darah tipis dan tebal. Hasil pemeriksaan TNF-α menggunakan teknik bead based multiplexing technique didapatkan nilai mean flourescence intensity (MFI) yang digunakan sebagai ukuran kadar TNF-α. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kemampuan ekstrak akar pasak bumi sebagai antimalarial, dengan nilai rerata growth inhibit sebesar 88,93%. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara tingkat parasitemia dengan TNF-α (Uji Spearman, r= - 0,838; p=0.002). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak akar pasak bumi dapat mengaktivasi TNF-α yang bekerja sebagai imunoproteksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak akar pasak bumi meningkatkan ekspresi TNF-α yang berhubungan dengan menurunnya tingkat parasitemia pada mencit yang diinfeksi plasmodium berghei.

Malaria is still the main health problem in the world, mainly in tropical countries since its incidence of illness and death is high. The severe symptoms, which may lead to death, are affected not only by the immune response of each individual but also by the efficacy in the malaria treatment. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of immune response (TNF-α) of the Plasmodium berghei infected mice which was treated with the pasak bumi root extract as antimalaria. This was in vivo experimental study in which the experimental animals were divided into five different groups (control, Plasmodium berghei and aquades, CMC, Plasmodium berghei and CMC, Plasmodium berghei and pasak bumi root extract). The level of parasitemia were determineted by using thin and thick blood staining. The bead based multiplexing technique was used in the TNF-α examination in order to obtain mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) which was later used as TNF-α standard. The results of this research showed the potential of the pasak bumi root extract as antimalaria with the mean percentage of growth inhibition was 88.93%. The correlation analysis showed a meaningful relation between the parasitemia level and TNF-α (Spearman test, r= - 0,838; p=0.002). This means that the pasak bumi root extract could activate TNF-α which acts as immune protector. In conclucion, the pasak bumi root extract could enhance the TNF-α expression as shown by the decline of the parasitemia level in the Plasmodium berghei infected mouse
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luntungan, Eldy
"Latar belakang. Malaria masih menjadi masalah kesehatan. Malaria disebabkan oleh parasit genus Plasmodium. Respon imun ternyata mempunyai kontribusi terhadap infeksi malaria, antara lain sitokin proinflamasi dan antiinflamasi yang berperanan pada beratnya infeksi malaria. Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) merupakan obat tradisional sebagai antimalaria, dan imunomodulator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh ekstrak metanol akar pasak bumi sebagai antimalaria yang berpengaruh pada kadar sitokin proinflamasi dan antiinflamasi pada mencit yang terinfeksi P. berghei Metode. 5 mencit yang diinfeksi dengan P. berghei diberi ekstrak metanol akar pasak bumi dengan dosis 60 mg/kgBB. Antimalaria ditunjukkan dari apusan tipis dan apusan tebal. Sitokin proinflamasi dan antiinflamasi diperiksa dengan bead based multiplexing technique.
Hasil. Aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak akar pasak bumi mempunyai daya hambat terhadap parasit sebesar 88,78% (p=0,007) dan rata-rata pertumbuhan parasit yaitu 0,03% (p=0,001). Efek Imunomodulator, dinilai terhadap rata-rata MFI TNF-α, IFN-γ dan IL-10 kelompok yang diterapi ekstrak akar pasak bumi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol secara berturut-turut ± 14,5 : ± 6,2; ±9,2 : ±25,38; ±29,6 : ±14,75.Terdapat korelasi positif penghambatan pertumbuhan parasit dengan nilai TNF-α (r = 0,612, p = 0,06), Korelasi negatif Penghambatan pertumbuhan parasit dengan nilai IFN-γ (r = -0,092, p = 0,814), Korelasi positif penghambatan pertumbuhan parasit dengan nilai IL-10 (r = 0,276, p = 441). Terdapat korelasi negatif antara nilai TNF-α dengan IFN-γ (r = - 0,699, p = 0,036), korelasi positif antara nilai TNF-α dengan IL=10 (r = 0,350, p = 0,355) Kesimpulan ekstrak akar pasak bumi mempunyai efektivitas sebagai antimalaria, dengan mempengaruhi peningkatan sitokin TNF-α dan IL-10, tetapi tidak pada IFN-γ

Background. Malaria is still a health issues. Malaria is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium. An immune response actually has contribution against infection malaria, among others proinflamation and antiinflamation cytokine play an important role. Extract of pasak bumi root is a drug traditional as antimalarial. Pasak bumi root is also immunomodulator. The aim of this research is to analyze of an extract of methanol of Pasak bumi root as antimalarial against the level of a proinflamation and antiinflamation cytokines on mice is infected by P. berghei Methods. 5 mouse are infected by P. berghei, are given extract of pasak bumi root with dose 60 mg/kg BB. Antimalaria is shown by apusan tipis and apusan tebal. Proinflamasi and antiinflamasi is examined by bead based multiplexing technique.
Result. Antimalarials activity has its obstruent against parasitic about 88,78% (p = 0,007) and The average growth of the parasitic 0,03% (p = 0,001). Effect of immunomodulator, mean of MFI TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-10 on a group that is in therapy is compared on an group that are not in therapy respectively ± 14,5 : ± 6,2; ±9,2 : ±25,38; ±29,6 : ±14,75. There is a positive correlation between Growth inhibitor of parasitic and TNF-α. (r = 0,612, p = 0,06). There is a negative correlation between growth inhibitor of parasitic and IFN-γ (r = -0,092, p = 0,814) and there is a positive correlation between growth inhibitor of parasitic and IL-10 (r = 0,276, p = 0,441). There is a negative correlation between score of TNF-α and IFN-γ (r = -0,699, p = 0,036) between TNF-α. and IL-10 (r = 0,350, p = 0,355). Conclusions. An extract of Pasak bumi root a have an antimalarial the effectiveness and influence to TNF-α and IL-10 but not on IFN- γ"
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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