ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepemilikan keluarga terhadap
keputusan perusahaan non finansial dalam melakukan merger dan akuisisi.
Penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh kepemilikan keluarga terhadap cumulative
abnormal return, ketika perusahaan memutuskan untuk melakukan merger dan
akuisisi. Regresi logistik untuk 249 perusahaan dalam 6 tahun penelitian
menemukan bahwa perusahaan dengan kepemilikan keluarga secara signifikan
lebih pasif dalam melakukan kegiatan merger dan akuisisi. Secara umum, seiring
pertambahan persentase kepemilikan keluarga, efek entrenchment semakin
menguat. Walaupun begitu, pengaruh persentase kepemilikan dalam berbagai
rentang ditemukan berbeda, dikarenakan ada hubungan non linear antara
konsentrasi kepemilikan dengan keputusan merger dan akuisisi. Regresi OLS
menemukan bahwa walaupun sentimen pasar akan kegiatan merger dan akuisisi
secara umum positif, namun efeknya melemah seiring dengan pertambahan
persentase kepemilikan dalam perusahaan bidder keluarga.
ABSTRACT This research aims to examine the impact of family ownership to merger andacquisition decision. This research also aims to examine the difference of familyownership in terms of market sentiment using proxy stock cumulative abnormalreturn following merger and acquisition. Logistic regression for 249 firms in 6years discovers that family firms are significantly more passive towards mergerand acquisition decision, and this entrenchment effect is reinforced as the familypercentage increases. However, it is found that there is non linear relationshipbetween family percentage and its likelihood to merge and acquire. OLSregression finds that even when merger and acquisition decision generally createpositive value on abnormal return, this effect is weakened as family ownershippercentage increases in bidder firm.;This research aims to examine the impact of family ownership to merger andacquisition decision. This research also aims to examine the difference of familyownership in terms of market sentiment using proxy stock cumulative abnormalreturn following merger and acquisition. Logistic regression for 249 firms in 6years discovers that family firms are significantly more passive towards mergerand acquisition decision, and this entrenchment effect is reinforced as the familypercentage increases. However, it is found that there is non linear relationshipbetween family percentage and its likelihood to merge and acquire. OLSregression finds that even when merger and acquisition decision generally createpositive value on abnormal return, this effect is weakened as family ownershippercentage increases in bidder firm.;This research aims to examine the impact of family ownership to merger andacquisition decision. This research also aims to examine the difference of familyownership in terms of market sentiment using proxy stock cumulative abnormalreturn following merger and acquisition. Logistic regression for 249 firms in 6years discovers that family firms are significantly more passive towards mergerand acquisition decision, and this entrenchment effect is reinforced as the familypercentage increases. However, it is found that there is non linear relationshipbetween family percentage and its likelihood to merge and acquire. OLSregression finds that even when merger and acquisition decision generally createpositive value on abnormal return, this effect is weakened as family ownershippercentage increases in bidder firm.;This research aims to examine the impact of family ownership to merger andacquisition decision. This research also aims to examine the difference of familyownership in terms of market sentiment using proxy stock cumulative abnormalreturn following merger and acquisition. Logistic regression for 249 firms in 6years discovers that family firms are significantly more passive towards mergerand acquisition decision, and this entrenchment effect is reinforced as the familypercentage increases. However, it is found that there is non linear relationshipbetween family percentage and its likelihood to merge and acquire. OLSregression finds that even when merger and acquisition decision generally createpositive value on abnormal return, this effect is weakened as family ownershippercentage increases in bidder firm., This research aims to examine the impact of family ownership to merger andacquisition decision. This research also aims to examine the difference of familyownership in terms of market sentiment using proxy stock cumulative abnormalreturn following merger and acquisition. Logistic regression for 249 firms in 6years discovers that family firms are significantly more passive towards mergerand acquisition decision, and this entrenchment effect is reinforced as the familypercentage increases. However, it is found that there is non linear relationshipbetween family percentage and its likelihood to merge and acquire. OLSregression finds that even when merger and acquisition decision generally createpositive value on abnormal return, this effect is weakened as family ownershippercentage increases in bidder firm.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016