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Hervin Ramadhani
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Pada pasien SA fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri dapat normal bahkan supra normal untuk
jangka waktu yang lama walaupun proses remodeling ventrikel kiri sudah mulai terjadi..
Ekokardiografi speckle tracking dua dimensi (EST) mempunyai kelebihan untuk
digunakan dalam menilai penurunan fungsi kontraktilitas miokard subklinis, dimana
keadaan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi prognosis pasien SA. sST2 merupakan biomarker
yang relatif baru, dapat meningkat pada regangan otot jantung (myocardial stretch),
fibrosis, inflamasi, dan injuri miokard, apakah berhubungan dengan disfungsi dini
ventrikel kiri masih belum diketahui.
Tujuan. Mengetahui korelasi sST2 terhadap nilai GLS EST pada pasien SA berat dengan
FEVK normal
Metode. Merupakan studi potong lintang. Evaluasi dilakukan pada 29 pasien stenosis
aorta berat dengan fraksi ejeksi normal yang datang ke poliklinik RS Jantung Harapan
Kita periode Februari 2015 sampai November 2015. Dilakukan pengambilan figur
ekokardiografi untuk menilai severitas SA dan untuk perhitungan nilai global longitudinal
strain speckle tracking kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah di laboratorium
RS Jantung Harapan Kita untuk menilai sST2.
Hasil Penelitian. Dua puluh sembilan subjek ikut dalam penelitian ini dengan rerata usia
adalah 59.7±12.1 tahun. Fungsi intrinsik ventrikel kiri pasien SA berat pada penelitian ini
mengalami penurunan dengan nilai rerata GLS -11±4.5%. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukan
terdapat korelasi positif dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang yang bermakna (r=0.429,
p=0.02). Analisis multivariat tetap menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar sST2
dengan nilai GLS EST (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Kesimpulan. Terdapat korelasi sST2 dengan global longitudinal strain speckle tracking
pada pasien SA berat dengan fraksi ejeksi normal.ABSTRACT
Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Edhiningtyas Damaiati
"Latar belakang: Stenosis mitral (SM) berat gradien rendah didefinisikan dengan mitral valve area (MVA) <1.5 cm2 dan gradien transmitral <10 mmHg. Perubahan fungsi atrium kiri merupakan salah satu mekanisme yang mendasari SM berat gradien rendah, dimana dapat dianalisis dengan strain atrium kiri. Komisurotomi Mitral Transkateter Perkutan (KMTP) adalah pilihan utama pasien dengan SM berat tanpa kontraindikasi. Tujuan: Membandingkan perubahan nilai strain atrium kiri dengan Peak Atrial Longitudinal Strain (PALS) antara pasien SM berat gradien rendah dan tinggi pasca KMTP. Metode: Pasien SM berat yang berhasil dilakukan KMTP dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu gradien rendah dan gradien tinggi. Dengan menggunakan ekokardiografi speckle tracking, nilai PALS diukur pada 24-48 jam sebelum KMTP dan 7-14 hari setelah KMTP. Kemudian nilai PALS antara kedua kelompok dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Mann-Whitney. Hasil: Terdapat 32 pasien (46%) pada kelompok gradien rendah dan 39 pasien (54%) pada kelompok gradien tinggi. Subjek dengan SM berat gradien rendah cenderung lebih tua, memiliki irama jantung fibrilasi atrium, memiliki baseline MVA yang lebih besar, dan memiliki nilai net atrioventricular compliance (Cn) yang lebih tinggi. Nilai PALS rendah pada kedua kelompok dan mengalami perbaikan pasca KMTP [8%(2–23) vs. 11%(3–27), p<0.0001]. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara PALS sebelum KMTP, setelah KMTP, dan perbedaannya (delta) antara kedua kelompok. Analisis subgrup pasien dengan irama jantung sinus menunjukan perbedaan nilai PALS antara kelompok gradien rendah dan tinggi pre KMTP (15±4% vs. 11±5%, p=0.030) dan post KMTP (19±4% vs. 15±4%, p=0.019). Analisis multivariat menemukan bahwa irama jantung merupakan variabel independent terkuat dalam mempengaruhi nilai PALS. Kesimpulan: Fungsi reservoir atrium kiri, yang dinilai dengan PALS mengalami penurunan pada pasien SM berat dan meningkat pasca KMTP, tanpa dipengaruhi oleh baseline MVG.

Background: Low gradient severe mitral stenosis (LGMS) is defined as mitral valve area (MVA) less than ≤ 1.5 cm2 and mitral valve gradient (MVG) < 10 mmHg. Functional changes in the left atrium (LA) are one of the mechanisms that follow LGMS, which can be assessed using strain analysis. Balloon Mitral Valvotomy (BMV) is the treatment of choice for suitable MS patients without contraindications. Objective: This study compared changes in Peak Atrial Longitudinal Strain (PALS) following BMV between low- and high-gradient severe MS patients. Methods: We included MS patients who underwent a successful BMV and divided into LGMS group and high-gradient mitral stenosis (HGMS) group. Using speckle tracking echocardiography, PALS was assessed 24–48 hours before and 7–14 days after BMV procedure. Then, the PALS values were compared between those two groups using Mann- Whitney. Results: There were 32 patients (46%) in the low-gradient MS group and 39 patients (54%) in the high-gradient MS group. Subjects with LGMS were older, had more atrial fibrillation, had a larger baseline MVA, and had higher net atrioventricular compliance (Cn). The PALS values were low in both groups and improved significantly following BMV [8%(2–23) vs. 11%(3– 27), p<0.0001]. There were no differences in PALS values before, after BMV, and its absolute changes between the groups. Subgroup analysis in subjects with sinus rhythm revealed PALS differences between low and high-gradient MS pre (15±4% vs. 11±5%, p=0.030) and post- BMV (19±4% vs. 15±4%, p=0.019). Multivariate analysis identified heart rhythm as the strongest independent variable for PALS values. Conclusion: Left atrial reservoir function, as assessed by PALS, was reduced in patients with severe MS and was increased following BMV, irrespective of their baseline MVG."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhistira Kurnia
"Latar Belakang: Kondisi MS akan menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan tekanan atrium kiri secara progresif dan menyebabkan remodelling serta dilatasi atrium kiri. Proses ini akan berakhir dengan penurunan komplians dari atrium kiri dan menyebabkan perubahan secara morfologis dan fungsional. Beberapa studi menunjukkan pengukuran Strain atrium kiri pada pasca tindakan balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) menunjukkan perbaikan yang bermakna. Namun belum ada yang menilai hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perbaikan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara perubahan Strain atrium kiri dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi dengan one group pre-post design. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pemeriksaan ekokardiografi dan data kapasitas fungsional pasien mitral stenosis yang dilakukan tindakan BMV pada Maret 2019 hingga April 2020. Dilakukan pengukuran strain atrium kiri dengan metode speckle tracking echocardiography. Data sebelum dan sesudah BMV dianalisis untuk mencari hubungan variabel terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional.
Hasil: Pasca tindakan BMV, terjadi perbaikan signifikan kapasitas fungsional yang ditandai dengan perbaikan median lama latihan (241 (18 – 1080) ke 606 (80 – 1900) detik, p <0.0001) dan perbaikan median nilai VO2max estimasi (18,8 (10,2 – 51,4) ke 33(12,6-83,2) mlO2/kg/menit, p <0.0001). Strain atrium kiri mengalami perubahan signifikan pasca tindakan BMV dari median 8(2-23)% ke 11(4-27)%. Dari uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa pre-MVG (r 0,23, adjusted R2 = 4,9%) berkorelasi terhadap perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Pada analisis bivariat dan multivariat didapatkan bahwa perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional. Nilai pra MVA >1 cm2 (OR 7,37, IK 95% 1,0-54,35; p = 0,05) pra MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6,6, IK 95% 1,71-25,5; p = 0,006) dan pra mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5,96, IK 95% 1,37-25,9; p = 0,017) berkorelasi terhadap perbaikan lama latihan pasca tindakan BMV.
Kesimpulan: Perubahan strain atrium kiri tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan kapasitas fungsional pada pasien MS pasca tindakan BMV.

Background: MS conditions will cause a progressive increase in left atrial pressure, remodelling and left atrial dilatation. This process will end with a decrease of left atrial compliance, causing morphological and functional changes. Several studies have shown that left atrial strain measurements after the BMV procedure showed significant improvement. However, no study has assessed the relationship between changes in left atrial strain and improvements in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the association between left atrial strain changes and functional capacity changes in MS patients after BMV procedures
Method: This is a one group pre-post design using retrospective data. This study used echocardiographic and functional capacity data of mitral stenosis patients who underwent BMV procedures from March 2019 to April 2020. Left atrial strain was measured using the speckle tracking echocardiography method. Data before and after BMV were analyzed to find the association of variables to changes in functional capacity.
Results: After the BMV procedure, there was a significant improvement in functional capacity as indicated by an improvement in the median length of exercise (241 (18 – 1080) to 606 (80 – 1900) seconds, p <0.0001) and an improvement in the median estimated VO2max value (18.8 (10.2). – 51.4) to 33(12.6-83.2) mlO2/kg/min, p < 0.0001). The left atrial strain underwent a significant change after the BMV procedure from a median of 8(2-23)% to 11(4-27)%. From the correlation test it was found that pre-MVG (r 0.23, adjusted R2 = 4.9%) correlated with changes in functional capacity. In bivariate and multivariate analysis, it was found that changes in left atrial strain were not associated with changes in functional capacity. Pre MVA value >1 cm2 (OR 7.37, CI 95% 1.0-54.35; p = 0.05) pre MVG > 10 mmHg (OR 6.6, CI 95% 1.71-25.5 ; p = 0.006) and pre mPAP < 25 mmHg (OR 5.96, CI 95% 1.37-25.9; p = 0.017) correlated with the improvement in duration of exercise after the BMV action.
Conclusion: Changes in left atrial strain are not associated with changes in functional capacity in MS patients after the BMV procedure.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vidya Gilang Rejeki
"Latar Belakang : Stenosis mitral (SM) merupakan suatu lesi obstruksi katup mitral yang memerlukan terapi definitif suatu tindakan mekanik. Di Indonesia, prevalensinya masih cukup tinggi dengan penyebab yang multifaktorial; di antaranya waktu tunggu untuk antrian dari penjadwalan intervensi di era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Kondisi pasien yang hadir terlambat dan waktu tunggu yang lama dapat memperburuk keadaan pasien. Pada SM, serangkaian neurohormonal teraktivasi. Penyekat enzim konversi angiotensin (EKA) dapat menghambat aktivasi renin-angiotensi-aldosteron (RAA), memperbaiki kondisi pasien selama menunggu jadwal operasi. Namun, pemberian penyekat EKA masih kontroversial.
Tujuan : Untuk menilai keamanan dan pengaruh pemberian penyekat EKA dosis kecil pada pasien SM tanpa hipotensi terhadap six minute walk test (6MWT) dan N-Terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP).
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental acak yang tersamar ganda. Sampel diambil secara konsekutif dan dilakukan randomisasi blok, untuk pemberian lisinopril 2,5 mg atau plasebo. Setiap subyek dilakukan ekokardiografi, 6MWT dan pemeriksaan laboratorium sebelum diberikan perlakuan. Evaluasi serupa dilakukan pada setiap subyek setelah 4 minggu.
Hasil Penelitian : Terdapat 37 subyek yang berhasil dilakukan analisis; 19 pasien pada kelompok perlakuan dan 18 pasien pada kelompok kontrol. Tidak didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada perubahan NT-proBNP dan 6MWT pada kedua kelompok (∆ NT proBNP 59 (-6747) - 2145) vs (-166) (-1495 - 1664) pg/mL; p = 0.443) dan (∆ 6 MWT 11.66 + 73 vs 21.37 + 47; p = 0.638). Tidak didapatkan pula perbedaan tekanan darah serta isi sekuncup yang bermakna antara kedua kelompok paska perlakukan, median isi sekuncup pada kelompok perlakuan 54 (34 - 74) vs 45 (34 - 94), p = 0.126.
Kesimpulan : Pemberian penyekat EKA dosis kecil pada pasien SM tanpa keadaan hipotensi aman, namun tidak meningkatkan pencapaian 6MWT dan tidak meurunkan kadar NT-proBNP.

Background : Mitral stenosis (MS) is an obstructive lesion in which the definitive therapy is mechanical intervention. The prevalence of MS in developed countries has been decreasing due to the development of mechanical intervention. In Indonesia the prevalence remains high especially in the era of national health coverage, there are too many patients queuing for mitral valve operation. By this situation, we want to know if the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor could reduce the burden of symptoms and other neurohormonal activation such as NT-proBNP in MS patients. There are many controversies to the use of ace inhibitor in MS patients, questioning the benefit and safety of ace inhibitor to these patients.
Objective : To study the safety and efficacy of low dose ACE inhibitor towards six minute walk test (6MWT) and N-Terminal pro B type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in Mitral Stenosis Patients without Hypotension.
Methods : This study is a double blind randomized control trial. Sample was taken consecutively, and randomized to be given lisinopril 2.5mg or placebo. Every patient was assigned for echocardiography evaluation, 6MWT, and laboratory examination before and after intervention.
Result : 37 patients were included in the analysis; 19 was in the intervention group, 18 patient was in the placebo group. No significant difference were found between the two groups in terms of NT-proBNP and 6MWT, (∆ NT proBNP 59 (-6747) - 2145) vs (166) (-1495 - 1664) pg/mL; p=0.443) dan (∆ 6 MWT 11.66 + 73 vs 21.37 + 47; p = 0.638). In terms of blood pressure and stroke volume, there was also no significant difference between the two groups after intervention, median for stroke volume in intervention group and control group were 54 (34 - 74) vs45 (34 - 94), p = 0.126.
Conclusion : Low dose ACE inhibitor is safe to be given in MS patient without hypotension, however, it did not increase functional capacity measured by 6MWT, neither improve NT-proBNP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Munawar
"Latar belakang. Stenosis mitralis (SM) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia, dan fibrilasi atrium merupakan penyakit penyerta yang akan meningkatkan emboli sistemik, stroke dan mortalitas pasien. Diduga umpan balik mekano elektris dan remodeling elektris mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam mekanisme terjadinya tibrilasi atrium (FA) pada penyakit katup jantung. Untuk menguji hipotesis bahwa telah tejadi remodeling elektris intrinsik pada pasien SM, dan remodeling tersebut bersifat reversibel, malta telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai perubahan elektrotisiologis sesudah tindakan komisurotomi mitral transvena perkutan (KMTP). Bahan dan cara kerja. Tigapuluh satu pas ien SM yang dilakukan KMTP, 20 dengan irama sinus (IS) dan ll dengan FA persisten serta 10 pasien dengan jantung normal sebagai kelompok kelola dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Pemeriksaan hemodinamik dan elektrotisiologi dilakukan sebelum dan segera sesudah KMTP. Semua pasien FA, dilakukan kardioversi eksternal sinkron sebelum dilakukan KMTP. Sebelum pemeriksaan elektrofisiologis, diberikan propranolol iv, 0,2 mg/kgbb dan sulfas atropin 0,004 mg/kbb untuk mem-blok aktiiitas saraf autonom. Pemeriksaan elektrofisiologi meliputi pemeriksaan periode refrakter efektif (PRE) di 6 tempat di atrium, waktu koduksi (WK) di atrium kanan dan kiri dan pengukuran elektrogram atrium di I8 tempat atrium kanan dan kiri. Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan umur, dan jenis kelamin antara kelompok pasien SM dan kelompok kelola. PRE keselunlhan pada kelompok SM dan kelola yang diperoleh pada pacuan 600 milidetik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna Demikian pula pada pacuan 400 milidetik, tidak menunjukkan kemaknaan statistik Secara regional, PRE atrium lcanan dan kiri tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada kelompok pasien SM dan kelola. Tetapi kelompok pasien SM mempunyai dispersi PRE lebih lebar dibanding dengan kelompok kelola. WK atrium kanan dan kiri kelompok pasien SM menunj ukkan perlambatan yang bermaltna dibanding dengan kelompok kelola. Di sebagian besar tempat atrium kanan dan kiri, voltase elektrogram atrium juga menunjukkan penurunan yang sangat bermakna. Tidak ada perbedaan dalam durasi elektrogram pada kedua kelompok. Potensial ganda dan elektrogram yang terpecah-pecah tidak ditemukan pada kedua kelompok. Tidak Lerdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam variabel hemodinamik antara kelompok SM disertai IS dengan disertai FA, namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam variabel elektroflsiologi (re-modeling elektris) PRE rerata Secara keseluruhan yang diukur pada interval pacuan 600 milidetik pada kelompok FAjauh lebih pendek dibanding dengan kelompok IS yang secara statistik berbeda bermakna. Demikian pula bila diukur pzlda interval pacuan 400 milidetik. Secara regional, PRE atrium kanan dan kiri kelompok FA lebih pendek dibanding dengan kelompok IS dan perbedaannya seeara statistik bermakna. Sedang dispersi PRE pada kedua kelompok tersebut tidak menunjukkan kemaknaan statislik. WK di atrium kanan dan kiri pada kelompok FA lebih lambat dibandingkan dengan kelompok IS, dan perbedaannya secara statistik bermalma. Sebagian besar tempat di atrium tidak menunjukkan perbedaan voltase elektogram antara kelompok IS dan FA. Remodeling elektris ini bersifat reversibel setelah dilakukan KMTP. PRE rerata secara keseluruhan yang diukur pada interval pacuan 600 milidetik sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan KMTP ialah 240,51-_39,2 milidetik vs 248,2i36,l mi1idetik(p=0,003). Demikian pula pada pengukuran dengan interval 400 mi1idetik(da.ri 228,2i35,3 milidetik vs 238,l i319 milidetik, p=0,000). Reversibilitas hanya terjadi terutama pada sebagian besar PRE atrium dan WK di atrium kiri, sedang besamya vol tase elektrogram lidak demikian halnya. Remodeling elektris atrium tersebut bersifat intrinsik, tidak dipengaruhi oleh susunan saraf autonom. Di samping pembuktian hipotesis di atas ditemukan pula variabel prediktor terhadap kejadian FA pada penderita SM yakni diameter atrium kanan medial-lateral yang diukur dengan ekokardiograti 2 dimensi (rasio odds 1,128 dengan KI 95% berkisar antara 1,012 sampai l,466), serta PRE atrium kanan bawah (rasio odds 0,952 dengan KI 95% anlara 0,907 - l,000). Kesimpulannya pada pasien SM telah terjadi remodeling elekuis yang mengarah texjadinya FA. Bilamana telah terjadi FA, maka remodeling elelctris akan makin memburuk. Walaupun demikian remodeling elektris yang terjadi bersifat reversibel dengan mengurangi regangan dinding atrium melalui KMTR Remodeling elektris dan reversibilitasnya bersifat intrinsik, tidak dipengaruhi oleh saraf autonom. Oleh karena itu intervensi dini dengan KMTP perlu dilakukan pada setiap pasien SM dengan keluhan, atau bilamana clijumpai pembesaran dimensi atrium kanan mediallateral.

Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is one of the major health problems in developing countries. In addition, atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the MS complication and had a consequence of higher systemic embolic rate including stroke and mortality. Mechano-electrical feedback and electrical remodeling in patients with valvular heart disease might be play an important role in the mechanism of atrial fibrillation (AF). To test the hypothesis that there was an intrinsic electrical remodeling in MS and this remodeling might be reversible, we investigated electrophysiological changes after percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC). Material and methods. Eleven MS patients with persistentAF and 20 patients with sinus rhythm (SR) were undergoing PTMC included in this study. Ten patients who underwent electrophysiologic study or ablation involving left atrial study were as control group. Autonomic nervous system was blocked using propranolol 0.2 mg/kgbw and atropine 0.04 mgfkgbw. Atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was measured at 2 sites in the right and 4 sites in the left atrium. The conduction time (CT) was measured at the right and left atrium using decapolar catheter. Atrial electrogram was measured on its amplitude, duration and number of fragments of the electrogram at 18 sites of the atrium. Results. There were no statistically differences in age and sex among the MS group and the control group. No significant difference in the overall AERP between the MS group and control group, but the MS group had a higher AERP dispersion tha.n the control group. The MS group had a lower conduction time (CT) than the control group and its difference was statistically significant. Most of the sites in the MS group were smaller than the control group. The duration of electrogram of both groups were similar. No double potential and fractionated electrograms were found in both groups. There were no statistical difference in the hemodynamic variables between the MS patients with SR (SR group) and AF group. The AF group had shorter overall AERP than the IS group and the difference was statistically significant- In most sites of the atrium, the voltage of the an-ial electrogram was lower in the AF group compared with the IS group. There was no significant difference in CT between both groups. The voltage of the atrial electrogram in both groups were similar. The overal AERP and the AERP of most sites of the atrium was increased after PTMC. The CT in left atrium not the right was shortened after PTMC. And the voltage of atrial electrogram became higher after PTMC. In addition, beside the above hypothesis tested, there were 2 independent predictors for AF in patients with MS, i.e. the medial-lateral right atrial dimension (OR 1.128 and 95% Cl 1.012 - l.466) and AERP of the low right atrium (OR 0.952, 95% CI 0.907 - L000). Conclusion: Patients with MS have an electrical remodeling due to atrial stretch. Atrial remodeling also occurs when the patients are getting atrial fibrillation. But fortunately these electrophysiological changes will be reversible when PTMC is performed. The electrical remodeling and its reversibility is an intrinsic atrial property, not influenced by the autonomic nervous system. Earlier intervention should he performed to prevent AF for every symptomatic MS patient or asymptomatic with increased medial-lateral right atrial dimension."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Munawar
"Latar belakang. Stenosis mitralis (SM) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia, dan fibrilasi atrium merupakan penyakit penyerta yang akan meningkatkan emboli sistemik, stroke dan mortalitas pasien. Diduga umpan balik mekano elektris dan remodeling elektris mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam mekanisme terjadinya tibrilasi atrium (FA) pada penyakit katup jantung. Untuk menguji hipotesis bahwa telah tejadi remodeling elektris intrinsik pada pasien SM, dan remodeling tersebut bersifat reversibel, malta telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai perubahan elektrotisiologis sesudah tindakan komisurotomi mitral transvena perkutan (KMTP). Bahan dan cara kerja. Tigapuluh satu pas ien SM yang dilakukan KMTP, 20 dengan irama sinus (IS) dan ll dengan FA persisten serta 10 pasien dengan jantung normal sebagai kelompok kelola dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Pemeriksaan hemodinamik dan elektrotisiologi dilakukan sebelum dan segera sesudah KMTP. Semua pasien FA, dilakukan kardioversi eksternal sinkron sebelum dilakukan KMTP. Sebelum pemeriksaan elektrofisiologis, diberikan propranolol iv, 0,2 mg/kgbb dan sulfas atropin 0,004 mg/kbb untuk mem-blok aktiiitas saraf autonom. Pemeriksaan elektrofisiologi meliputi pemeriksaan periode refrakter efektif (PRE) di 6 tempat di atrium, waktu koduksi (WK) di atrium kanan dan kiri dan pengukuran elektrogram atrium di I8 tempat atrium kanan dan kiri. Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan umur, dan jenis kelamin antara kelompok pasien SM dan kelompok kelola. PRE keselunlhan pada kelompok SM dan kelola yang diperoleh pada pacuan 600 milidetik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna Demikian pula pada pacuan 400 milidetik, tidak menunjukkan kemaknaan statistik Secara regional, PRE atrium lcanan dan kiri tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada kelompok pasien SM dan kelola. Tetapi kelompok pasien SM mempunyai dispersi PRE lebih lebar dibanding dengan kelompok kelola. WK atrium kanan dan kiri kelompok pasien SM menunj ukkan perlambatan yang bermaltna dibanding dengan kelompok kelola. Di sebagian besar tempat atrium kanan dan kiri, voltase elektrogram atrium juga menunjukkan penurunan yang sangat bermakna. Tidak ada perbedaan dalam durasi elektrogram pada kedua kelompok. Potensial ganda dan elektrogram yang terpecah-pecah tidak ditemukan pada kedua kelompok. Tidak Lerdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam variabel hemodinamik antara kelompok SM disertai IS dengan disertai FA, namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna dalam variabel elektroflsiologi (re-modeling elektris) PRE rerata Secara keseluruhan yang diukur pada interval pacuan 600 milidetik pada kelompok FAjauh lebih pendek dibanding dengan kelompok IS yang secara statistik berbeda bermakna. Demikian pula bila diukur pzlda interval pacuan 400 milidetik. Secara regional, PRE atrium kanan dan kiri kelompok FA lebih pendek dibanding dengan kelompok IS dan perbedaannya seeara statistik bermakna. Sedang dispersi PRE pada kedua kelompok tersebut tidak menunjukkan kemaknaan statislik. WK di atrium kanan dan kiri pada kelompok FA1ebih lambat dibandingkan dengan kelompok IS, dan perbedaannya secara statistik bermalma. Sebagian besar tempat di atrium tidak menunjukkan perbedaan voltase elektogram antara kelompok IS dan FA. Remodeling elektris ini bersifat reversibel setelah dilakukan KMTP. PRE rerata secara keseluruhan yang diukur pada interval pacuan 600 milidetik sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan KMTP ialah 240,51-_39,2 milidetik vs 248,2i36,l mi1idetik(p=0,003)_ Demikian pula pada pengukuran dengan interval 400 mi1idetik(da.ri 228,2i35,3 milidetik vs 238,l i319 milidetik, p=0,000). Reversibilitas hanya terjadi terutama pada sebagian besar PRE atrium dan WK di atrium kiri, sedang besamya vol tase elektrogram lidak demikian halnya. Remodel ing elektris atrium tersebut bersifat intrinsik, tidak dipengaruhi oleh susunan saraf autonom. Di samping pembuktian hipotesis di atas ditemukan pula variabel prediktor terhadap kejadian FA pada penderita SM yakni diameter atrium kanan medial-lateral yang diukur dengan ekokardiograti 2 dimensi (rasio odds 1,128 dengan KI 95% berkisar antara 1,012 sampai l,466), serta PRE atrium kanan bawah (rasio odds 0,952 dengan KI 95% anlara 0,907 - l,000). Kesimpulannya pada pasien SM telah teijadi remodeling elekuis yang mengarah texjadinya FA. Bilamana telah terjadi FA, maka remodeling elelctris akan makin memburuk. Walaupun demikian remodeling elektris yang terjadi bersifat reversibel dengan mengurangi regangan dinding atrium melalui KMTR Remodeling elektris dan reversibilitasnya bersifat intrinsik, tidak dipengaruhi oleh saraf autonom. Oleh karena itu intervensi dini dengan KMTP perlu dilakukan pada setiap pasien SM dengan keluhan, atau bilamana clijumpai pembesaran dimensi atrium kanan mediallateral.

Background: Mitral stenosis (MS) is one of the major health problems in developing countries. In addition, atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the MS complication and had a consequence of higher systemic embolic rate including stroke and mortality. Mechano-electrical feedback and electrical remodeling in patients with valvular heart disease might be play an important role in the mechanism of atrial fibrillation (AF). To test the hypothesis that there was an intrinsic elec-trical remodeling in MS and this remodeling might be reversible, we investigated electrophysiological changes after percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC). Material and methods. Eleven MS patients with persistentAF and 20 patients with sinus rhythm (SR) were undergoing PTMC included in this study. Ten patients who underwent electrophysiologic study or ablation involving left atrial study were as control group. Autonomic nervous system was blocked using propranolol 0.2 mg/kgbw and atropine 0.04 mgfkgbw. Atrial effective refractory period (AERP) was measured at 2 sites in the right and 4 sites in the left atrium. The conduction time (CT) was measured at the right and left atrium using decapolar catheter. Atrial electrogram was measured on its amplitude, duration and number of fragments of the electrogram at 18 sites of the atrium. Results. There were no statistically differences in age and sex among the MS group and the control group. No significant difference in the overall AERP between the MS group and control group, but the MS group had a higher AERP dispersion tha.n the control group . The MS group had a lower conduction time (CT) than the control group and its difference was statistically significant. Most of the sites in the MS group were smaller than the control group. The duration of electrogram of both groups were similar. No double potential and fractionated electrograms were found in both groups. There were no statistical difference in the hemodynamic variables between the MS patients with SR (SR group) and AF group. The AF group had shorter overall AERP than the IS group and the difference was statistically significant- In most sites of the atrium, the voltage of the an-ial electrogram was lower in the AF group compared with the IS group. There was no significant difference in CT between both groups. The voltage of the atrial electrogram in both groups were similar. The overal AERP and the AERP of most sites of the atrium was increased after PTMC. The CT in left atrium not the right was shortened after PTMC. And the voltage of atrial electrogram became higher after PTMC. In addition, beside the above hypothesis tested, there were 2 independent predictors for AF in patients with MS, i.e. the medial-lateral right atrial dimension (OR 1.128 and 95% Cl 1.012 - l.466) and AERP of the low right atrium (OR 0.952, 95% CI 0.907 - L000). Conclusion: Patients with MS have an electrical remodeling due to atrial stretch. Atrial remodeling also occurs when the patients are getting atrial fibrillation. But fortunately these electrophysiological changes will be reversible when PTMC is performed. The electrical remodeling and its reversibility is an intrinsic atrial property, not influenced by the autonomic nervous system. Earlier intervention should he performed to prevent AF for every symptomatic MS patient or asymptomatic with increased medial-lateral right atrial dimension.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penggantian katup aorta dengan katup mekanik memerlukan biaya mahal, meningkatkan risiko endokarditis dan tromboemboli, serta memerlukan antikoagulan seumur hidup. Perikardium autolog merupakan alternatif untuk penggantian katup aorta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan luaran penggantian katup aorta antara katup mekanik dan perikardium autolog dengan teknik strip tunggal perikardium. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis terandomisasi di Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (PJT-RSCM). Subjek dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok berdasarkan jenis katup yang diterima, yaitu katup mekanik (kelompok mekanik) dan strip perikardium (kelompok strip). Luaran left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), 6 minute walking test (6MWT), dan kadar soluble suppression of tumorigenicity-2 (sST-2) diperiksa preoperasi, 3 bulan, dan 6 bulan pascabedah. Terdapat 34 subjek yang ikut serta dari Juli 2016-Februari 2022, 17 subjek pada masing-masing kelompok. Tidak terdapat beda kejadian LVRR pada kedua kelompok, yaitu 26,7% pada kelompok mekanik dan 29,4% pada kelompok strip (p = 0,703). Pada pemeriksaan jarak 6 minute walking test (6MWT) tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna jarak 6MWT antara kelompok strip perikardium dan kelompok mekanik pada 6 bulan pascabedah, yaitu 431,93 (SB 93,41) m vs. 404,28 (SB 79,25) m, p = 0,427 pascabedah. Kadar sST-2 kelompok mekanik 16,12 (SB 5,92) pg/mL secara bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok strip 11,52 (SB 6,96) pg/mL, p = 0,023) pada 6 bulan pascabedah. Disimpulkan teknik strip tunggal perikardium memiliki luaran yang sebanding dengan katup mekanik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif penggantian katup aorta.

Aortic valve replacement with mechanical valves are quite expensive, increased the risk of adverse events such as endocarditis and thromboembolism, and requires patients to take anticoagulants for the rest of their life. Autologous pericardium is an alternative for aortic valve replacement. This study aims to compare outcomes of aortic valve replacement using mechanical valve and prosthetic valve with single-strip pericardium technique. This was a randomized clinical trial conducted at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (PJT-RSCM). Eligible subjects were randomized to either receive mechanical valve (mechanical group) or single-strip pericardium (single-strip group). Outcome assessments of left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), 6 minute walking test (6MWT), and soluble suppression of tumorogenicity-2 (sST-2) were carried out at preoperation, 3 months, and 6 months postoperation. There were 34 subjects recruited from July 2016 to February 2022, 17 subjects in each groups. There was no difference in postoperative LVRR incidence between both groups, 26.7% in mechanical group vs. 29.4% in single strip group (p = 0.703). There was no significant difference of 6MWT between the mechanical and pericardial strip at six months post-operation, 404.28 (SD 79.25) m vs. 431.93 (SD 93.41) m, p = 0.427. The sST-2 level is significantly higher in mechanical group 16.12 (SD 5.92) pg/mL compared to single strip group 11.52 (SD 6.96) pg/mL, p = 0.023 at six months post-operation. We concluded that single strip pericardium technique showed comparable outcomes to mechanical valve and is considered a feasible alternative for aortic valve replacement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayushi Eka Putra
"Introduksi: Belum banyak studi yang meneliti parameter laboratorium sederhana sebagai prediktor trombus di atrium kiri pada subset stenosis mitral rematik. Selain itu, saat ini masih sangat sedikit studi yang menjelaskan patomekanisme trombus atrium kiri yang berkaitan dengan komponen hemorheologi pada pasien dengan mitral stenosis rematik. Tujuan: menilai hubungan parameter hemorheologi dari laboratorium sederhana Red Cell Distribution Width, Mean Platelet Volume, hematokrit, dan jumlah trombosit dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri pada stenosis mitral rematik. Metode: Dilakukan studi potong lintang analitik LAMIA Study dengan pengumpulan data terhadap pasien stenosis rematik yang signifikan dimulai dari tanggal 1 Januari 2018 hingga 31 Juli 2021. Evaluasi trombus ditegakkan dari ekokardiografi transtorasik atau transesofagus. Pemeriksaan lab diperiksa dalam waktu 10 hari sebelum evaluasi ekokardiografi. Subjek dengan regurgitasi mitral yang signifikan akan dieksklusi. Hasil: Dari 318 subjek dengan stenosis mitral rematik signifikan yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian, didapatkan sebanyak 102 pasien (32%) memiliki trombus di atrium kiri. Dari seluruh pasien, diketahui subjek dengan ritme atrial fibrilasi sebanyak 63.8% dan ritme sinus 36.2%. Hematokrit ≥ 45.15 % (OR 2.98; IK 95% 1.27 - 6.98, p = 0.012), Irama atrial fibrilasi (OR 2.39; IK 95% 1.10-5.20, p = 0.028), fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri ≥ 56.68 % (OR 0.42; IK 95% 0.23 - 0.77, p = 0.005), dan TAPSE ≥ 18.10 mm (OR 0.44; IK 95% 0.230 - 0.83, p = 0.011) berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri dari hasil analisis multivariat. Kesimpulan: Peningkatan hematokrit berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kejadian trombus atrium kiri, sedangkan nilai RDW dan jumlah platelet tidak berhubungan dengan kejadian trombus di atrium kiri pada stenosis mitral rematik. Kata kunci: LAMIA study, hematologi sederhana, trombus atrium kiri, stenosis mitral rematik

Introduction: Only few studies have investigated simple laboratory parameters as predictors of left atrial thrombus in subset of rheumatic mitral stenosis. In addition, there are currently very few studies describing the pathomechanism of left atrial thrombus related to the hemorheological component in patients with rheumatic mitral stenosis. Objective: A study was conducted to assess the causal relationship of hemorheological parameters from a simple laboratory Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), hematocrit, and platelet count with the incidence of left atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical, LAMIA Study, was conducted with data collection on patients with significant rheumatic stenosis starting from 1 January 2018 to 31 July 2021. Thrombus evaluation was established by transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography. Lab tests were performed within 10 days prior to the echocardiographic evaluation. Subjects with significant mitral regurgitation will be excluded. Results: Of the 318 subjects with significant rheumatic mitral stenosis included in the study, 102 patients (32%) had a thrombus in the left atrium. Of all the patients, it was known that subjects with atrial fibrillation rhythm as much as 63.8% and sinus rhythm 36.2%. Atrial fibrillation rhythm (OR 2.39; 95% CI 1.10-5.20, p = 0.028), left ventricular ejection fraction ≥56.68 % (OR 0.42; 95% CI 0.23 - 0.77, p = 0.005), TAPSE ≥18.10 mm (OR 0.44; 95% CI 0.230 - 0.83, p = 0.011), and hematocrit ≥45.15% (OR 2.98; 95% CI 1.27 - 6.98, p = 0.012). Conclusion: Increased hematocrit was significantly associated with the incidence of left atrial thrombus, whereas RDW and platelet count were not associated with the incidence of left atrial thrombus in rheumatic mitral stenosis. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Hilal Nurdin
"Latar belakang. Hipertensi pulmonal merupakan salah satu komplikasi jangka panjang pada stenosis mitral, dan meningkatkan morbiditas serta mortalitas. Peningkatan resistensi vaskular paru terjadi pada fase reaktif hipertensi pulmonal akibat stenosis mitral. Pada hipertensi pulmonal terjadi gangguan keseimbangan sistem otonom, yang berpengaruh pada perubahan laju jantung saat uji latih. Laju jantung pemulihan dihitung dari selisih laju jantung maksimal saat uji latih dengan laju jantung menit pertama fase pemulihan dipengaruhi oleh reaktivasi sistem parasimpatis saat akhir latihan, dan merupakan prediktor mortalitas jangka panjang.
Metode. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 20 pasien stenosis mitral bermakna dengan hipertensi pulmonal yang menjalani pembedahan katup mitral di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita dari bulan Agustus hingga November 2014. Dilakukan pengukuran resistensi vaskular paru sebelum operasi dan sebelum pasien dipulangkan. Laju jantung pemulihan diambil dari uji treadmil pada akhir program rehabilitasi kardiak fase 2. Dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mencari hubungan antara resistensi vaskular paru dengan laju jantung pemulihan saat latihan pasca operasi katup mitral.
Hasil. Laju jantung pemulihan yang diukur pada menit pertama fase pemulihan uji treadmill adalah 11,5 + 5,9 kali per menit, dan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pre dan paska operasi sebesar 1,55 + 2,1 WU. Laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama memiliki korelasi sedang dengan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru (r 0,537; p 0,015) . Analisa regresi linier laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama dengan perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pre dan paska operasi mendapatkan nilai koefisien β 1,52 dengan IK 95% 0,338-2,706 dengan nilai p 0,015. Analisa bivariat menyimpulkan bahwa digoxin merupakan variabel perancu (p 0,048). Analisa regresi linier antara perubahanresistensi vaskular paru pasca operasidengan laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama(adjusted analysis sesuai variable perancu)menunjukkan nilai koefisien β 1,244 dengan IK 95% 0,032-2,457 dengan nilai p 0,045.
Kesimpulan. Perubahan resistensi vaskular paru pada pasien stenosis mitral dengan hipertensi pulmonal yang menjalani pembedahan berhubungan dengan laju jantung pemulihan menit pertama saat uji latih jantung.

Background. Pulmonary hypertension is one of the long-term complication of mitral stenosis, resulting increase of morbidity and mortality. Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is increase in reactive phase of pulmonary hypertension due to mitral stenosis. There is impaired autonom regulation following pulmonary hypertension, affecting heart rate changes during exercise test. Heart rate recovery (HRR) is defined as the difference between heart rate at peak exercise and 1 minute of recovery phase. It is affected by reactivation of parasympathetic system after cessation of exercise, and has been known as a long-term mortality predictor.
Method. A study of 20 patients with significant mitral stenosis with pulmonary hypertension who underwent mitral valve surgery in National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita was done from August to November 2014. PVR data from echocardiography was measured before surgery and before the patients were discharged. HRR data was taken from the treadmill test at the end of phase 2 cardiac rehabilitation program. Statistical analysis is done to explore the correlation between pulmonary vascular resistance and heart rate recovery after exercise test.
Result. Mean heart rate recovery after exercise test is 11,5 + 5,9 beat perminute, and changes of pulmonary vascular resistance after surgery is 1,55+2,1 WU. There was a correlation between change of PVR and heart rate recovery (r 0,537; p 0,015). Linear regression analysis of the change of PVR and heart rate recovery (unadjusted analysis) showed β coefficient 1,52 with 95% confidence interval 0,338-2,706 and p 0,015. Adjusted analysis to confounding variabel showed β coefficient 1,244 with 95% CI 0,032-2,457 and p 0,045.
Conclusion. Changes of pulmonary vascular resistance after mitral valve surgery in mitral stenosis pastient is positively correlated with heart rate recovery during exercise test.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The success of the first edition of Percutaneous treatment of left side cardiac valves has convinced us of the need to update this book in order to keep pace with the continuing rapid and dynamic evolution in the discipline. Once again, this practical guide is designed to provide the reader with complete state of the art information on the techniques and approaches to percutaneous treatment of left side cardiac valve disease. Numerous images will help the reader to understand in detail the steps of each procedure. The potential complications and expected or potential morbidity from each procedure are discussed in depth, and the best ways to manage them are carefully explained. The book is also intended as a reference covering the up-to-date knowledge contained in the literature on the application of transcatheter techniques to cardiac valves."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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