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Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellwanger, Ulrich
"In this book, the author leads the reader, step by step and without any advanced mathematics, to a clear understanding of the foundations of modern elementary particle physics and cosmology. He also addresses current and controversial questions on topics such as string theory. The book contains gentle introductions to the theories of special and general relativity, and also classical and quantum field theory. The essential aspects of these concepts are understood with the help of simple calculations; for example, the force of gravity as a consequence of the curvature of the space-time.
Also treated are the Big Bang, dark matter and dark energy, as well as the presently known interactions of elementary particles: electrodynamics, the strong and the weak interactions including the Higgs boson. Finally, the book sketches as yet speculative theories, Grand Unification theories, supersymmetry, string theory and the idea of additional dimensions of space-time. Since no higher mathematical or physics expertise is required,"
Berlin : [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karlina Leksono Supelli
"Revolusi Copernicus pada pertengahan abad ke-16 menyingkapkan kenyataan bahwa Bumi bukan merupakan pusat alam semesta sebagaimana diyakini selama berabad-abad. Bumi adalah sebuah planet di antara planet-planet lain yang beredar megelilingi sebuah bintang normal, yaitu Matahari. Penemuan hukum--hukum gerak planet di dalam tata surya oleh Johannes Kepler {1571--1630) serta pengungkapan hukum universal gravitasi oleh Isaac Newton (1643-1727) memperkuat keyakinan baru bahwa tidak ada kekhususan pada Bumi, begitu pula pada planet-planet yang mengembara di langit. Baik Bumi maupun planet-planet merupakan bendabenda material yang dapat dipahami berdasarkan hukumhukum alam. Langit bukan lagi wilayah benda-benda spiritual yang tidak terjangkau akal budi manusia sebagaimana diyakini sejak Aristoteles, dan kosmos menjelma menjadi sebuah model matematika yang memperoleh keabsahannya melalui pengukuran dan pengamatan.
Betapapun revolusionernya pemikiran Copernicus, ia belum sepenuhnya meninggalkan alam pemikiran skolastik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari komentarnya terhadap posisi Matahari. Ia juga berpendapat bahwa Matahari bukan hanya pusat tata surya, tetapi pusat kosmos yang berhingga. Namun pandangan yang menyingkirkan Bumi sebagai pusat kegiatan Semesta berkembang dan mendasari hampir semua penyelidikan alam. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) menolak sepenuhnya rancangan kosmos antroposentrik dengan alasan bahwa manusia terlalu arogan bila beranggapan bahwa semesta tidak diciptakan untuk sesuatu yang lain di luar manusia.
Ditinjau dari sudut pandang yang sempit, revolusi Copernicus dapat dipahami sebagai semata-mata sebuah pergeseran paradigma di dalam perkembangan astronomi dan kosmologi. Namun dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas revolusi ini membawa serta dasar yang paling penting untuk pemikiran modern, yaitu pengenalan kritis bahwa kondisi semu dunia obyektif secara tidak sadar ditentukan oleh kondisi subyek."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sagan, Carl
Astronomer Carl Sagan's landmark 13 part science series takes you on an awe inspiring cosmic journey to the edge of the universe and back, aboard the spaceship of the imagination."
Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2017
523.1 SAG k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Toulmin, Stephen
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999
523.1 TOU f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murdin, Paul
"Discoveries in astronomy challenge our fundamental ideas about the universe. Where the astronomers of antiquity once spoke of fixed stars, we now speak of whirling galaxies and giant supernovae. Where we once thought Earth was the center of the universe, we now see it as a small planet among millions of other planetary systems, any number of which could also hold life. These dramatic shifts in our perspective hinge on thousands of individual discoveries: moments when it became clear to someone that some part of the universe, whether a planet or a supermassive black hole, was not as it once seemed. This book invites us to participate in these moments of revelation and wonder as scientists first experienced them. The author, an astronomer, here provides an ambitious and exciting overview of astronomy, conveying for newcomers and aficionados alike the most important discoveries of this science and introducing the many people who made them. Illustrated with more than 400 color images, the book outlines in seventy episodes what humankind has learned about the cosmos, and what scientists around the world are poised to learn in the coming decades. Arranged by types of discovery, it also provides an overarching narrative throughout that explains how the earliest ideas of the cosmos evolved into the cutting edge astronomy we know today. Along the way, he never forgets that science is a human endeavor, and that every discovery was the result of inspiration, hard work, or luck, usually all three. The first section explores discoveries made before the advent of the telescope, from stars and constellations to the position of our own sun. The second considers discoveries made within our own solar system, from the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter to the comets and asteroids at its distant frontier. The next section delves into discoveries of the dynamic universe, like gravitation, relativity, pulsars, and black holes. A fourth examines discoveries made within our own galaxy, from interstellar nebulae and supernovae to Cepheid variable stars and extrasolar planets. Next the author turns to discoveries made within the deepest recesses of the universe, like quasars, supermassive black holes, and gamma ray bursters. In the end, he unveils where astronomy still teeters on the edge of discovery, considering dark matter and alien life."
London : Thames &​ Hudson, 2009
R 520 MUR s
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Grazie ad avventurosi studi fu possibile dimostrare un secolo fa che parte della radiazione naturale che si osserva sulla Terra è di natura extraterrestre: era la scoperta dei cosiddetti “raggi cosmici”, particelle che arrivano da misteriosi acceleratori nell’universo, probabilmente buchi neri supermassicci e resti di supernova, a energie anche centinaia di milioni di volte di quelle a cui riusciamo a produrle con i più potenti acceleratori della Terra. A cent’anni dalle prime scoperte questo libro si propone, con l’aiuto di documenti scoperti recentemente, di raccontare la vera storia di questa appassionante avventura scientifica e le frontiere dell'esplorazione dei raggi cosmici."
Milan: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Scherer, Philipp O.J.
"While the first edition of this textbook was based on a one-year course in computational physics with a rather limited scope, its extent has been increased substantially in the third edition, offering the possibility to select from a broader range of computer experiments and to deepen the understanding of the important numerical methods. The computer experiments have always been a central part of my concepts for this book. Since Java applets, which are very convenient otherwise, have become more or less deprecated and their usage in a browser is no longer recommended for security issues, I decided to use standalone Java programs instead and to rewrite all of the old examples. These can also been edited and compiled with the “netbeans” environment and offer the same possibilities to generate a graphical user interface in short time."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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