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"How to sustain our world for future generations has perplexed us for centuries. We have reached a crossroads: we may choose the rocky path of responsibility or continue on the paved road of excess that promises hardship for our progeny. Independent efforts to resolve isolated issues are inadequate. Different from these efforts and from other books on the topic, this book uses systems thinking to understand the dominant forces that are shaping our hope for sustainability. It first describes a mental model, the bubble that holds our beliefs - that emerges from preponderant world views and explains current global trends. The model emphasizes economic growth and drives behavior toward short-term and self-motivated outcomes that thwart sustainability. The book then weaves statistical trends into a system diagram and shows how the economic, environmental, and societal contributors of sustainability interact. From this holistic perspective, it finds leverage points where actions can be most effective and combines eight areas of intervention into an integrated plan. By emphasizing both individual and collective actions, it addresses the conundrum of how to blend human nature with sustainability. Finally, it identifies primary three lessons we can learn by applying systems thinking to sustainability. Its metaphor-rich and accessible style makes the complex topic approachable and allows the reader to appreciate the intricate balance required to sustain life on earth."
San Diego: Academic Press, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Made Kharisma Agung Putra
"Penelitian ini bertujuan  menganalisis pengaruh antara ketidakpastian eksternal dalam hal ini perubahan iklim, ketidakpastian politik serta pandemi COVID-19 terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan perusahaan. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel terhadap 318 perusahaan di 17 negara anggota G20 pada rentang waktu dari tahun 2011 hingga 2020 dengan menggunakan metode robustness least square fixed effect. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa ketidakpastian eksternal berupa perubahan iklim memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan, lalu untuk ketidakpastian berupa pandemi COVID 19 memiliki pengaruh signifikan dan positif bagi kinerja keberlanjutan perusahaan. Di sisi lain, ketidakstablilan politik tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja keberlanjutan perusahaan.

This study aims to analyze the effect of external uncertainty, in this case climate change, political instability and the COVID-19 pandemic, on the company's sustainability performance. This using the robustness least square fixed effect method, this study took a sample of 318 companies in G20 countries from 2011 to 2020 results show that external uncertainty in the form of climate change effect on sustainability performance, while uncertainty in the form of the COVID-19 Pandemic has a positive effect on the company's sustainability performance. On other hand, political instability did not significantly affect the risk on the company's sustainability performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"How do economists reconcile their expertise with their failures to predict and manage the 2008 financial crisis? This book goes a long way toward an answer by using systems theory to reveal the complex interdependence of factors and forces behind the crisis. In her fully integrated view of the economy, how it works, and how the economic crisis burst, Karen Higgins combines human psychology, cultural values, and belief formation with descriptions of the ways banks and markets succeed and fail. In each chapter she introduces themes from financial crisis literature and brings a systems-theory treatment of them. Her methodology and visual presentations both develop the tools of systems theory and apply these tools to the financial crisis. Not just another volume about the crisis, this book challenges the status quo through its unique multidisciplinary approach."
Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2013
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tranquillo, Joe
"This book explores the interdisciplinary field of complex systems theory. By the end of the book, readers will be able to understand terminology that is used in complex systems and how they are related to one another; see the patterns of complex systems in practical examples; map current topics, in a variety of fields, to complexity theory; and be able to read more advanced literature in the field. The book begins with basic systems concepts and moves on to how these simple rules can lead to complex behavior. The author then introduces non-linear systems, followed by pattern formation, and networks and information flow in systems. Later chapters cover the thermodynamics of complex systems, dynamical patterns that arise in networks, and how game theory can serve as a framework for decision making. The text is interspersed with both philosophical and quantitative arguments, and each chapter ends with questions and prompts that help readers make more connections."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Business Innovations Center (BIC), 2016
331.25 INN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahyahudin Sodri
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model mobilitas perkotaan karbon rendah berkelanjutan sebagai bagian dari pembangunan kota berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini unik dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang berfokus pada keterkaitan antara faktor ekonomi, penduduk, perilaku perjalanan, konsumsi energi dan emisi CO2 secara sistematik dan integralistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan permodelan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu menganalisis karakteristik transportasi Kota Jakarta saat ini, menganalisis kausalitas antara variabel penelitian dengan Granger-causality dan permodelan mitigasi gas rumah kaca GRK di daerah perkotaan berbasis System Dynamics SD . Penelitian ini menghasilkan model yang dapat digunakan untuk menguji dampak kebijakan dan perencanaan penghematan energi serta penurunan emisi sektor transportasi melalui pergeseran moda angkutan pribadi ke transportasi massal. Lima skenario transportasi perkotaan karbon rendah telah diuji dengan model, yaitu skenario business as usual BAU , pembatasan usia kendaraan, peralihan moda ke transportasi umum mass rapid transit MRT dan light rapid transit LRT , elektrifikasi bus rapid transit BRT , dan skenario gabungan comprehensive policy . Berdasarkan skenario business as usual BAU , emisi CO2 yang diproyeksikan dari sektor transportasi pada tahun 2030 di kota megapolitan Jakarta mencapai 43,68 MtonCO2; kontributor utama adalah mobil pribadi yang menghasilkan emisi 25,99 MtonCO2, diikuti oleh motor 12,54 MtonCO2 dan bus 5,15 MtonCO2. Penurunan emisi CO2 pada tahun 2030 sebesar 30 hanya dapat dicapai dengan strategi intervensi komprehensif. Mendorong kebijakan yang berorientasi pada angkutan umum emisi rendah, membatasi pertumbuhan kepemilikan kendaraan pribadi, mengurangi jarak tempuh kendaraan adalah solusi yang mungkin untuk mengurangi emisi CO2.

This study aims to develop sustainable low carbon urban mobility models as part of sustainable urban development. This study is unique with a quantitative approach that focuses on the linkages between economic factors, population, travel behaviour, energy consumption and CO2 emissions systematically and comprehensively. This study uses a modelling approach through several stages, i.e. analysing the characteristics of Jakarta 39 s current transportation, analysing the causality between research variables with Granger causality test and GHG mitigation modelling in urban areas based on System Dynamics SD . This research results model that can be used to test the impact of policy and energy saving planning and the reduction of transport sector emissions through the shift of private transport mode to mass transportation. Five low carbon urban transport scenarios have been tested with models, namely business as usual BAU scenarios, vehicle age restrictions, modal transitions to mass rapid transit MRT and light rapid transit LRT public transport, bus rapid transit BRT electrification, and combined scenarios comprehensive policy . Under the business as usual BAU scenario, CO2 emissions from the transport sector by 2030 in the megapolitan city of Jakarta projected to 43.68 MtonCO2 Main contributor is private cars that produce 25.99 MtonCO2 emissions, followed by motorcyles 12.54 MtonCO2 and buses 5.15 MtonCO2. A 30 reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 can only be achieved with a comprehensive intervention strategy. Encouraging policies that are oriented towards low emissions public transport, limiting the growth of private vehicle ownership, reducing vehicle mileage is a possible solution for reducing CO2 emissions"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Rima Anggraini

Seiring dengan meningkatnya kesejahteraan ekonomi dan tingkat konsumsi, muncul berbagai masalah lingkungan hidup di berbagai negara, termasuk negara-negara Asia. Sementara itu, produk dan merek yang mengusung nilai keberlanjutan atau sustainability kesulitan untuk bertahan di pasar. Sayangnya, penelitian tentang sustainability di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efek faktor-faktor psikologis pada sustainable purchase behavior. Faktor-faktor psikologis tersebut antara lain, environmental concern, perceived knowledge about sustainability issues, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived marketplace influence, subjective norm, spirituality, attitude towards sustainable purchasing, drive for environmental responsibility, dan supportive behaviors for environmental organizations. Dengan menggunakan teknik self-administered survey yang disebar secara daring, penelitian ini mengambil sampel dari penduduk Pulau Jawa yang berusia 18-44 tahun. Setelah memperoleh 600 data sampel, data kemudian dianalisis dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam software Lisrel 8.8. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor penentu dari sustainable purchase behavior adalah perceived knowledge, subjective norm, dan supportive behavior for environmental organizations. Temuan ini dapat membantu pemasar dalam meyakinkan konsumen untuk membeli produk-produk sustainable.

Along with economic growth and increased consumption, environmental problems are arising, especially in Asian countries. At the same time, sustainable products and brands are struggling to gain attention from the market. Unfortunately, sustainability studies are scarce in Indonesia. This research aims to investigate the influence of psychological factors on Indonesian consumers’ sustainable purchase behavior. The psychological factors include environmental concern, perceived knowledge about sustainability issues, perceived consumer effectiveness, perceived marketplace influence, subjective norm, spirituality, attitude towards sustainable purchasing, drive for environmental responsibility, and supportive behaviors for environmental organizations. Using a self-administered online survey, this research took Java Island consumers aged 18-44 as the respondents. The data of 600 young consumers were obtained and analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling technique in Lisrel 8.8 software. The findings demonstrate that perceived knowledge, subjective norm, and supportive behavior for environmental organizations are the significant predictors of sustainable purchase behavior. The result is useful to marketers in persuading consumers to buy sustainable products.

Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harvina Vera
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat pengungkapan keberlanjutan pada PT ITDC berdasarkan SEOJK 16. Penelitan ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan teknik analisis isi, penelitian ini menganalisis pengungkapan informasi keberlanjutan PT ITDC berdasarkan laporan tahunan yang diterbitkan oleh ITDC untuk periode 2021 dengan menggunakan pedoman penyusunan laporan keberlanjutan SEOJK 16. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar informasi yang diungkapkan oleh perusahaan dalam laporan tahunannya sudah cukup sesuai dengan SEOJK 16 dengan persentase pengungkapan sebesar 77%.

This study aims to evaluate the level of sustainability disclosure of PT ITDC based on SEOJK 16. This study is a descriptive qualitative research with case study approach. By using secondary data and content analysis technique, this study analyzed the disclosure of sustainability information of PT ITDC based on the published annual report for the year 2021 using the sustainability reporting guidance of SEOJK 16. The result shows that the level of sustainability disclosure of the company’s annual report based on SEOJK 16 considered appropriate enough with 77% disclosure percentage."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Yasmine Choirunnisa Bustomi
"Artikel ini meneliti bagaimana corporate sustainability (CS) dari perusahaan multinasional yang berasal dari negara berkembang (EMNE) mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan mereka, dengan internasionalisasi sebagai moderator. Internasionalisasi mengekspos EMNE ke beragam tekanan global dan pemangku kepentingan, yang memotivasi mereka untuk terlibat dalam CS. Saya mengusulkan bahwa tindakan EMNE pergi ke luar negeri adalah untuk memperkuat legitimasinya di pasar global, dan ini dilakukan dengan meningkatkan CS dan kinerja perusahaan mereka. Artikel ini menggunakan studi cross-sectional pada periode tahun 2019. Data sampel diperoleh dari indeks MSCI Emerging Markets Index USD yang berjumlah 550 EMNE. Hasilnya menunjukkan efek negatif yang signifikan dari CS dan kinerja perusahaan. Selain itu, efek moderasi dari internasionalisasi tidak didukung dengan bukti yang cukup.

This article examines how corporate sustainability (CS) of emerging market multinationals (EMNEs) affects their firm performance, with internationalization as the moderator. Internationalization expose EMNEs to a wide array of global pressures and stakeholders, which motivate them to engage in CS. I proposed that the very act of EMNEs going abroad is for strengthening its legitimacy in the global market, and this was done by enhancing their CS and firm performance. This article used a cross-sectional study in the period of year 2019. The sample data was obtained from MSCI Emerging Markets Index USD index, totaling a number of 550 EMNEs. The results suggested a significant negative effect of CS and firm performance. Moreover, the moderating effect of internationalization is not supported with enough evidence."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Sukma Kurniawan
"This study aims to identify the ability of non-business organizations to implement the concept of sustainability accounting and to measure the organization’s sustainability performance. The object of this study is higher education institutions (public universities). This study used a qualitative paradigm with data collection techniques and using the document analysis method. The data used is the university’s sustainability report and relevant documents. The methods used to analyze sustainability performance is the GASU method and the STARS System. The results of this study found that public university organizations can apply the concept of sustainability accounting and have a very high capability to implement the concept of sustainability accounting. This study also identified the challenges in the implementation process of sustainability accounting in public sector organizations, particularly in higher education institutions."
Jakarta: Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengembangan, 2020
332 JTKAKN 6:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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