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"Freight Transport Modelling is a unique new reference book that provides insight into the state-of-the-art of freight modelling. Focusing on models used to support public transport policy analysis, Freight Transport Modelling systematically introduces the latest freight transport modelling approaches and describes the main methods and techniques used to arrive at operational models.
As freight transport has grown exponentially in recent decades, policymakers now need to include freight flows in quantitative evaluations of transport systems. Whereas early freight modelling practice was inspired by passenger transport models, by now it has developed its separate stream of methods and techniques inspired by disciplines such as economic geography and supply chain management.
Besides summarizing the latest achievements in fundamental research, this book describes the state of practice and advises practitioners on how to cope with typical challenges such as limitations in data availability."
London: Elsevier, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halberto Sidiq
Belakangan ini transportasi barang perkotaan (Urban Freight Transport) memiliki berbagai macam masalah, termasuk kemacetan yang diakibatkannya. Sistem transportasi barang dituntut untuk menghasilkan biaya yang rendah. Pada dasarnya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, konsep Green Urban Freight adalah jawabannya. Konsep ini didesain bukan hanya untuk ramah lingkungan, tetapi juga berfungsi ekonomis. Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran pemangku kepentingan terhadap Green Urban Freight Transport(GUFT). Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui survey wawancara untuk berbagai tema terkait GUFT kepada pemangku kepentingan seperti residents di wilayah Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok dan Kelapa Gading. Pemangku kepentingan lainnya adalah freight carriers di Indonesia. Hasil dari paper ini adalah secara umum tingkat kesadaran dari residents lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat pengetahuannya, tetapi pada pemangku kepentingan freight carriers tingkat pengetahuannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat kesadarannya. Terdapat korelasi yang cukup signifikan antar berbagai tema GUFT dalam hal tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran. Hal ini memberikan makna bahwa tema-tema dalam GUFT sudah cukup diketahui dan disadari keterhubungannya.

These days, there are various problems regarding urban freight transportation, one of which is traffic congestion. The transportation system is expected to have a small cost. The solution to these problems is the Green Urban Freight Concept. This Concept is designed not only to be environmentally friendly, but also economical. This paper analyzes the level of knowledge and awareness of certain stakeholders regarding Green Urban Freight Transport, or GUFT. The method that is used to collect information is a survey that involves topics related to GUFT. The survey is spreaded to certain stake holders such as residents residing in Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok, and Kelapa Gading. Freight carrier companies are also accounted as stake holders that affect the urban freight transportation. The result of this paper is that, in general, the level of awareness of residents, residing in said locations, is higher than their level of knowledge regarding GUFT, Whereas in freight carrier companies, their level of knowledge is higher that their level of awareness regarding GUFT. There is significant correlation about the level of awareness and knowledge in various GUFT topics. This reveals that the topics in GUFT are well known and are correlated.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 2007
621.867 2 SOE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schramm, Hans-Joachim
"[In this book, the business of international freight forwarding is examined from both a theoretical and empirical point of view with a special emphasis on multimodal transport chains, including sea or air transport operations. In such contexts, the freight forwarder is always considered "The architect of transport", but this intermediary role seems to be largely neglected in research to date. Therefore, relevant concepts from economic theory and economic sociology are employed to produce both an intermediary and a network perspective of freight forwarding in order to provide a better understanding of this kind of transportation business. Furthermore, its intermediary role in such inherent network structures is explored by mapping relationship patterns in a stylized model framework applied to a questionnaire-based sample collected among freight forwarders engaged in such multimodal transport chains in Germany (especially from Hamburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven) as well as in Austria in 2003., In this book, the business of international freight forwarding is examined from both a theoretical and empirical point of view with a special emphasis on multimodal transport chains, including sea or air transport operations. In such contexts, the freight forwarder is always considered "The architect of transport", but this intermediary role seems to be largely neglected in research to date. Therefore, relevant concepts from economic theory and economic sociology are employed to produce both an intermediary and a network perspective of freight forwarding in order to provide a better understanding of this kind of transportation business. Furthermore, its intermediary role in such inherent network structures is explored by mapping relationship patterns in a stylized model framework applied to a questionnaire-based sample collected among freight forwarders engaged in such multimodal transport chains in Germany (especially from Hamburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven) as well as in Austria in 2003.]"
Berlin: [Springer, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afief Riyadi
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisa karakteristik perjalanan primer (point to point) dari truk angkutan barang di kawasan Tanjung Priok, dengan memilih angkutan yang menggunakan Terminal Angkutan Barang (TAB) Tanah Merdeka dan TAB Pulo Gebang sebagai tempat perhentian sementaranya. Analisa terhadap karakteristik ini ditujukan untuk mendapat gambaran tentang produktivitas angkutan barang serta menggunakannya sebagai bahan untuk memperbaiki logistik kota yang ada saat ini. Produktivitas perjalanan angkutan barang sangat terkait dengan kegiatan “bergerak” dan “diam”. Oleh karenanya, produktivitas digambarkan oleh indikator kecepatan untuk kondisi truk bergerak dan indikator waktu untuk kondisi truk dalam keadaan diam. Melalui Travel Diary Survey diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa persentase waktu diam truk ternyata lebih lama dibandingkan waktu bergeraknya (52.15% untuk TAB Pulo Gebang dan 52.21% untuk TAB Tanah Merdeka), dimana porsi terbesar waktu diam terjadi di area pabrik atau industri untuk melakukan bongkar muat. Upaya perbaikan dapat dilakukan dengan memperbaiki sistem penjadwalan bongkar muat di pabrik maupun pelabuhan serta pengurangan kemacetan, yang kesemuanya dapat mengurangi waktu siklus truk hingga 19,80% per perjalanan dari waktu eksisting.

This study is aimed to analyze the characteristic of primary trip (point to point) of freight trucks in Tanjung Priok area, particularly the ones who use Tanah Merdeka Freight Terminal and Pulo Gebang Freight terminal as their transit point. The analysis is intended to get the overview of truck productivity, and then use it for further improvement on city logistic system. Trip productivity is related to the activities of “moving” and “stay”. Hence, trip productivity is described by the speed indicator to represent the trucks on moving, and time indicator to represent the stay condition. The Travel Diary Survey shows that the portion of idle time is bigger than the one of movement time (52.15% and 52.21% are idle times for Pulo Gebang and Tanah Merdeka, respectively), where the biggest portion of the idle time occurred at the industry and factoy area for loading unloading acitivities. Improvement can be made by improving the scheduling system of load /unload in factory/industry and port area, and reducing the congestion. They are expected to reduce the truck cycle time up to 19.80% per trip.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Armadiantoro Adi
"The practice of overloading, which violates Law Number 22 of 2009, poses a persistent and substantial challenge in freight transportation. This issue greatly damages roads as axle load limits are exceeded. The undue concentration of excess weight on individual wheels accelerates the deterioration of road infrastructure and exacerbates air pollution levels. The Surabaya-Jombang primary arterial road section is of particular significance, serving as a crucial conduit for the movement of goods between the western region of East Java and Central Java Province. The primary goal of this study is two-fold: firstly, to delve into the categorisation and distinctive attributes of structural damage incurred by the pavement; secondly, to quantitatively assess the degree to which overloading influences the intended longevity of the road and the severity of air pollution. Through a comprehensive exploration of these dimensions, this research seeks to identify the specific vehicle types contributing to overloading patterns, unravel the interplay between traffic composition and overloading characteristics inherent to each vehicle category, and ascertain how these combined dynamics impact the road's planned lifespan and air pollution. The anticipated outcomes hold the potential to significantly inform the formulation of strategies aimed at curbing the prevalence of overloading within the study locale

Praktik kelebihan muatan, yang melanggar Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, merupakan tantangan yang terus-menerus dan substansial dalam transportasi angkutan barang. Masalah ini sangat merusak jalan karena batas muatan sumbu terlampaui. Konsentrasi beban berlebih yang tidak semestinya pada masing-masing roda mempercepat kerusakan infrastruktur jalan dan memperburuk tingkat polusi udara. Ruas jalan arteri primer Surabaya-Jombang memiliki arti penting karena merupakan jalur penting bagi pergerakan barang antara wilayah barat Jawa Timur dan Jawa Tengah. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini ada dua: pertama, untuk mendalami kategorisasi dan atribut khas kerusakan struktural yang terjadi pada perkerasan jalan; kedua, untuk menilai secara kuantitatif sejauh mana beban berlebih mempengaruhi umur jalan dan tingkat polusi udara. Melalui eksplorasi yang komprehensif terhadap dimensi-dimensi tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kendaraan tertentu yang berkontribusi terhadap pola muatan berlebih, mengurai interaksi antara komposisi lalu lintas dan karakteristik muatan berlebih yang melekat pada setiap kategori kendaraan, dan memastikan bagaimana dinamika gabungan ini mempengaruhi umur rencana jalan dan polusi udara. Hasil yang diharapkan berpotensi untuk secara signifikan menginformasikan perumusan strategi yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi prevalensi kelebihan muatan di wilayah studi."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ortuzar, Juan de Dios
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2001
388.01 ORT m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuki Piti Tola
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun program pencapaian transportasi barang
kota yang berkelanjutan untuk kota Depok. Penyusunan program menggunakan
optimasi pendekatan subjektif dengan analisis AHP yang dibantu piranti lunak
Expert Choice 11 serta optimasi pendekatan kombinatorial. Penyusunan dilakukan
program dihitung dengan mempertimbangkan dua aspek yaitu: aspek operasional
dan sustainable serta mempertimbangkan dua pendapat pemangku kepentingan
yaitu: Pemerintah Kota dan Swasta, yang disusun dalam hirarki AHP. Hasil
penelitian menunjukan urutan program prioritas I yaitu kendaraan ramah
lingkungan, pembatasan akses/zona dan terminal barang, program prioritas II
yaitu, konsolidasi pengiriman dan pengiriman malam hari dan program prioritas
III yaitu, Distribution Center dan pengaturan parkir.

This research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation, This research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ortuzar, Juan de Dios
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1994
388.01 ORT m (2);388.01 ORT m (2)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Ginevra Arota Hulu
"Sistem Integrasi Tarif merupakan suatu sistem pembayaran tarif dimana pengguna moda transportasi umum melakukan pembayaran hanya sekali, tetapi bisa menggunakan dua atau lebih moda transportasi umum. Untuk penelitian ini, moda transportasi yang ditinjau adalah TransJakarta dan MRT.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui preferensi yang mempengaruhi masyarakat terkait integrasi tarif, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku masyarakat terhadap integrasi tarif, serta preferensi tarif integrasi untuk masyarakat.
Metode pengambilan data untuk praktikum ini adalah Stated Preference Method. Survey dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu di pusat kota dan di pinggiran kota. Survey di pusat kota dilaksanakan di Halte Bendungan Hilir (Koridor 1 TransJakarta) sedangkan survey di Pinggiran Kota dilaksanakan di Stasiun Lebak Bulus.
Metode pengolahan data untuk praktikum ini menggunakan Discrete Choice Model. Dua variabel yang berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah harga dan waktu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah tarif yang dapat diterima masyarakat.

The Tariff Integration System is a tariff payment system where users of public transportation make payments only once, but can use two or more modes of public transportation. For this study, the modes of transportation reviewed are TransJakarta and MRT.
The purpose of this study is to find out the preferences that affect the community regarding tariff integration, to know the factors that can influence people's behavior towards tariff integration, as well as the preference for integration rates for community.
The data collection method for this study is Stated Preference Method. The survey was conducted in two places, namely in the downtown and in the suburbs. The survey in the downtown is held at the Bendungan Hilir Stop (TransJakarta Corridor 1) while the survey in the suburbs is carried out at Lebak Bulus Station.
Data processing methods for this study is Discrete Choice Model. The two influential variables in this study are price and time. The results of this study are the amount of tariffs that can be accepted by the community.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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