ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun program pencapaian transportasi barang
kota yang berkelanjutan untuk kota Depok. Penyusunan program menggunakan
optimasi pendekatan subjektif dengan analisis AHP yang dibantu piranti lunak
Expert Choice 11 serta optimasi pendekatan kombinatorial. Penyusunan dilakukan
program dihitung dengan mempertimbangkan dua aspek yaitu: aspek operasional
dan sustainable serta mempertimbangkan dua pendapat pemangku kepentingan
yaitu: Pemerintah Kota dan Swasta, yang disusun dalam hirarki AHP. Hasil
penelitian menunjukan urutan program prioritas I yaitu kendaraan ramah
lingkungan, pembatasan akses/zona dan terminal barang, program prioritas II
yaitu, konsolidasi pengiriman dan pengiriman malam hari dan program prioritas
III yaitu, Distribution Center dan pengaturan parkir.
ABSTRACTThis research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation, This research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation]"