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Platform Jacket yang telah difabrikasi di darat akan dibawa/ ditransportasi ke site dengan menggunakan kapal tongkang (barge) untuk di-install di lapangan migas. Selama proses transportasi diperlukan suatu pengikatan struktur jacket ke deck barge agar struktur Jacket tetap stabil diatas barge. Sistem pengikatan yang disebut seafastening ini harus di desain kuat untuk menerima beban yang diakibatkan oleh pergerakan (motion) kapal, yakni tiga gerakan translasional (surge, sway, heave) dan tiga gerakan rotasional (pitch, roll dan yawn). Gerakangerakan ini menimbulkan percepatan pada barge yang berakibat timbulnya gaya tambahan pada struktur diatasnya dan hal ini mempengaruhi tegangan pada seafastening. Perangkat lunak Multi Operational Structural Computer System (MOSES) dipergunakan sebagai alat bantu untuk permodelan Barge dan Jacket, serta perhitungan karakteristik Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) yang diakibatkan oleh beban lingkungan.
Selanjutnya untuk menghitung tegangan yang terjadi pada seafastening, digunakan perangkat lunak Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) dengan pembebanan berupa beban mati, beban angin dan beban inersia yang diakibatkan oleh motion kapal tongkang/ Barge. Besarnya tegangan harus memenuhi kriteria Unity Check (UC).

Platform Jacket which fabricated in yard will be transported to the site with barge for installation. During the transport process, strong fastening system from jacket to deck barge is required so that the Jacket Structure remains stable on Barge. Fastening system that called seafastening must be in strong designs to accept the load caused by the movement of the barge, three translational motion (surge, sway, heave) and three rotational movement (pitch, roll and yawn). These movements cause the acceleration of the barge which result in the emergence additional force on the structure above, and this influences the stress at seafastening. Multi Operational Structural Engineering Simulator (MOSES) software is used as a tool for modeling of Barge and Jacket, as well as the calculation of the characteristics Response Amplitude Operator (RAO) caused by environmental.
Furthermore, to calculate the stress that occurs in seafastening, software Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) is used, with the loads on a construction during seafastening is dead load of the structure, wind load and innertia load caused by the motion of barge / Barge. The magnitude of the stress of seafastening must meet the criteria of Unity Check (UC).
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Partogi, Jordan Obed
"Salah satu hal yang menjadi hambatan utama dalam meningkatkan produksi minyak mentah di Indonesia ialah minimnya ketersediaan alat eksplorasi minyak yang dapat mengakomodasi beberapa titik kawasan berpotensi. Semi-submersible platform menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut dengan kemampuannya yang dapat berpindah-pindah tempat dibandingkan dengan fixed platform. Dalam perancangannya, diperlukan suatu pengujian stabilitas pada rancangan desain untuk mengetahui kelayakan platform agar dapat bekerja secara optimal.

One of the things that became an obstacle in increasing the production of crude oil in Indonesia is the lack of availability of oil exploration tool that can potentially accommodate some point region. Semi-submersible platform is a solution to overcome these problems with its ability to move where compared to fixed platforms. In the design process, it is needed to do a stability test to determine the feasibility of the platform in order to work optimally."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meningkatnya kebutuhan konsumsi minyak dan gas membuat Indonesia
ketergantungan akan transaksi impor minyak mentah terhadap Negara lain. Hal
tersebut disebabkan oleh menurunnya tingkat produksi minyak mentah dalam
negeri, sehingga kebutuhan bahan bakar minyak tidak dapat terpenuhi meskipun
beberapa wilayah di Indonesia memiliki potensi tersebut. Terdapat beberapa
wilayah yang berpotensi memiliki sumber cadangan minyak mentah, dimana salah
satunya berada di wilayah perairan Laut Arafuru. Namun, ketersediaan alat yang
sesuai, menjadi salah satu masalah yang perlu ditangani. Semi-submersible Oil
Rig Platform, merupakan jenis platform yang sesuai. Peneliti melakukan
perancangan desain dan menyesuaikan dengan lingkungan Laut Arafuru yang
berpotensi memiliki 24.36 MMSTB cadangan minyak mentah. Peneliti juga
melakukan analisis Loads and Responses , analisis Response Amplitude Operator
(RAO) serta melakukan analisis pemilihan Mooring Lines. Sehingga kapabilitas
Semi-submersible Platform sesuai dengan lingkungan Laut Arafuru dan
kebutuhan minyak mentah Indonesia dapat terpenuhi tanpa harus melakukan
transaksi impor ke negara lain.

The increasingly of oil and gas consumption , make Indonesia dependence
to crude oil import transaction with another country. That is caused by
decreasingly crude oil production which is the impact of this goes to necessity of
oil and gas consumption that can?t to be fulfilled. Although, some of territory of
Indonesia have a potential of it. There are some territories which are potentially
have crude oil resources. And, Arafuru Ocean area is one of them. But, readiness
of appropriate tools, is the one of problem that have to be fixed. Semi-submersible
Oil Rig Platform is the one of appropriate Platform. So, the researcher make a
preliminary design of platform by adjusting the platform that suits with the
environmental of Arafuru Ocean which is potentially have 24.36 MMSTB of
crude oil. Researcher also analyze the Loads and Responses the Response
Amplitude Operator (RAO) and analyzing Mooring Lines Type that have to be
choose. With the result of that, the capability of Semi-submersible Platform will
suit with the environmental of Arafuru Ocean and the necessity of crude oil will
be fulfill without doing import transaction with another country."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides a brief overview of passive, semi-active and active control schemes to deal with vibration of offshore platforms. It then comprehensively and systematically discusses the recent advances in active systems with optimal, sliding model, delayed feedback and network-based control. Intended for readers interested in vibration control and ocean engineering, it is particularly useful for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of system and control community, vibration control, ocean engineering, as well as electrical and electronic engineering."
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wira Herucakra
Produksi minyak dan gas di Indonesia telah dilakukan lebih dari tiga puluh
tahun, lebih dari 70% anjungan lepas pantai di Indonesia telah malampaui umur
desainnya dan akan terus meningkat jumlahnya seiring berjalannya waktu serta
biaya dekomisionig dan membangun platform baru yang relatif mahal. Platform
yang mengalami penuaan dan penurunan akibat korosi, kerusakan dan anomali
lainnya akan memunculkan masalah terhadap integritas struktur kecuali dikelola
dan dirawat dengan baik dengan program inspeksi, perawatan, perbaikan serta
metode analisis struktural yang baik. Program inspeksi bawah air rutin telah diatur
pemerintah dalam keputusan Ditjen Migas No. 21.K/38/DJM/1999, dan sejak
tahun 2013 pemerintah telah mengeluarkan persetujuan penerapan rencana
inspeksi bawah air berbasis risiko dalam surat edaran Ditjen Migas no
8433/18.01/DMT/2013 yang memberikan kesempatan kepada operator untuk
mengoptimalkan sumber daya untuk program peningkatan integritas struktural.
Salah satu faktor yang menentukan risiko suatu platform adalah kemungkinan
kegagalan yang selama ini dinilai dengan pendekatan semikuantitatif. Tulisan ini
akan membahas pendekatan kuantitatif terhadap penilaian kemungkinan
kegagalan anjungan lepas pantai berdasarkan tingkat robustness melalui analisa
kekuatan ultimit yang akan meningkatkan konfidensi dalam penilaian
kemungkinan kegagalan sesuai dengan karakter struktur, metocean, serta anomali
platform di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
metode semikuantitatif yang selama ini diterapkan dalam perencanaan inspeksi
berbasis risiko untuk menyusun kemungkinan kegagalan platform telah cukup
mengidentifikasi sejumlah faktor yang berpotensi memperngaruhi kemunduran
struktur, namun tidak cukup memberikan gambaran pengaruhnya terhadap tingkat
kemunduran platform. Pendekatan kuantitaif dapat memberikan gambaran
pengaruh anomali terhadap kemunduran platform yang lebih baik.

Production of oil and gas in Indonesia has been performed over thirty
years, more than 70% of offshore platforms in Indonesia has exceed of design life
and will continue increase in number over time since decommisioning cost and
build a new platform is relatively expensive. Agein and deteriorated offshore
platforms as a result of corrosion, damage and other anomalies would bring up the
issue of the structural integrity unless managed by inspection, maintenance, repair
program and good structural analysis methods. Routine underwater inspection
program has been regulated by the government on Keputusan Ditjen Migas No.
21.K/3/DJM/1999, since 2013 the government has issued approval of the
implementation risk-based underwater inspection planning on Surat Edaran Ditjen
Migas No. 8433/18.01/DMT/2013, which provides the opportunity for the
operator to optimize the resources to improve the structural integrity. One of the
factor that determine the risk of an offshore platform is the Likelihood of Failure
(LoF) that assessed by semiquantitative approach. This paper will discuss the
quantitative approach as a tools to assess the Likelihood of Failure of offshore
platforms based on the level of robustness through ultimate strength analysis that
will increase confidence to assess the Likeihood of Failure in accordance with the
character of the structure, metocean, as well as anomalies of offshore platforms in
the territorial waters of Indonesia. Result shown that the recent semiquantitative
approach to identifiy likelihood of failure is enough to capture some potential
factor affecting platform deterioration, however can not present level of platform
deterioration for each factor. Quantitative approach give better acknowledge about
the effect of anomaly to platform deterioration."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukhtarus Bahroinuddin
"Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah melakukan kajian tekno-ekonomi sistem purifikasi minyak
transformer untuk industri migas lepas pantai. Tantangan yang dihadapi adalah merancang
sebuah desain sistem purifikasi yang cocok untuk area operasi yang terbatas, tidak
mengganggu operasi (secara online), dan dilakukan tanpa keluar dari pipa / sistem
transformer sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku (closed loop). Metodologi yang digunakan
pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan studi literatur penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya,
penelusuran pasar, dan data kontrak yang berlaku di industri migas Indonesia. Kajian
diawali dengan melakukan review metode purifikasi yang dapat dilakukan secara online
dan closed loop terhadap lima (5) metode antara lain: sedimentasi alami, filtrasi, adsorpsi,
degassing & dehydration¸dan penambahan zat aditif. Metode-metode purifikasi yang
memenuhi syarat online dan closed loop (yaitu filtrasi, adsorpsi, dan degassing &
dehydration) kemudian dikombinasikan menjadi tiga (3) sistem purifikasi dan dievaluasi
kesesuaiannya terhadap kontaminan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sistem purifikasi
yang cocok untuk industri hulu migas lepas pantai Indonesia adalah kombinasi metode
filtrasi (pre-filter dan filter primer) – degassing & dehydration – filtrasi sekunder dengan
flow rate 10 liter per menit. Sistem yang paling sesuai adalah yang terdiri dari proses prefilter
dan filtrasi primer yang memiliki kemampuan penyaringan partikel hinnga 50 mikron
dan penurunan tekanan 0,01 MPa, dilanjutkan proses degassing & dehydration beroperasi
pada tekanan vakum -0,08 MPa gauge dan suhu 65 0C, dan diakhiri dengan filtrasi sekunder
dengan spesifikasi filter sama dengan filtrasi pertama. Investasi sistem purifikasi ini cukup
murah dan ekonomis dengan biaya kapital Rp107.305.658,50, nilai IRR 43,33%, NPV
Rp340.315.914,00, dan payback period selama 2,47 tahun.

The focus of this research is to conduct techno-economic analysis for investment on
purification system of transformer oil in offshore oil and gas industry. The challenges of the
purification system are the design shall be appropriate for limited space area, no production
disruption (works online), and conducted without discharging from the pipe / transformer
system in accordance with regulations (closed loop). The methodology of this research is
conducting literature study and review to previous researches, market assessment, and
existing contract data which applied in oil & gas industri of Indonesia. The study begins
with a review to purification methods which can be conducted online and closed looply into
five (5) methods which are: natural sedimentation, filtration, adsorption, degassing &
dehydration¸ and the additives. Purification methods that meet the online and closed loop
requirements (which are filtration, adsorption, and degassing & dehydration) are then
combined into three (3) purification systems and evaluated for their contaminant suitability.
This research conclude that the most appropriate purification system is the combination of
filtration (pre-filter & primary filter) – degassing & dehydration – filtration methods with
flow rate 10 liters per minute. The most appropriate system is consisting of pre-filter and
primary filtration process which can filter the partikel up to 50 microns with drop pressure
0.01 MPa, followed by degassing & dehydration process which operated at pressure -0.08
MPa gauge and temperature 65 0C, and finalized by secondary filtration process with the
same specification with primary filter. The purification system investment is quite cheap
and economical with capital expenditure Rp107.305.658,50, IRR value 43,33%, NPV
Rp340.315.914,00, and payback period 2,47 years.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A method, called spectral response surface method, is proposed for the study of the ringing phenomenon of offshore structures. Newman?s results for diffraction force on a column were reformulated in terms of the frequency components of the ocean surface and their Hilbert transforms. Using a first-order reliability method together with a dynamic model for the structural response, it is straightforward to calculate the ocean surface history most likely to generate an extreme ringing response and the ringing response history. "
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridzky Fajar Ramdhani
Studi analisis ini merupakan suatu kegiatan untuk menganalisis dan menghitung kekuatan struktur bangunan dan besar beban ekternal dari lingkungan untuk menghindari terjadinya fatigue failure pada perencanaan dan perancangan Bangunan Offshore Aquaculture agar mendapatkan hasil yang optimal serta bangunan dapat bertahan dalam kurun waktu lifetime design. Guna mencapai tujuan yang dimaksud, harus dilakukan analisis terhadap pembebanan pada struktur Offshore Aquaculture sendiri, yaitu beban angin, beban arus, beban ombak dan gaya tegangan tali pada mooring yang diderita Offshore Aquaculture dalam keadaan kondisi di tempat operasional, sehingga dari nilai stress yang didapatkan dari hasil analisis secara numerik, akan didapatkan nilai Fatigue Life untuk keseluruhan struktur. Adapun hasil analisis ini menyatakan bahwa pada saat keadaan badai, gaya total yang bekerja pada struktur adalah 10508.16 kN, tegangan total mooring lines pada struktur yaitu 122.21 kN, dan kekuatan tegangan struktur yang didapatkan adalah sekitar 116.97 MPa. Hasil studi analisis ini sudah sesuai dengan standar sehingga mampu diterapkan di laut dalam Wilayah ZEE Pantai Barat Sumatra, Indonesia.

This analysis study is an activity to analyze and calculate the strength of the building structure and the environment external load to avoid fatigue failure in planning and designing the Offshore Aquaculture Building. The analysis is being conducted to obtain optimal results, so the building can survive its lifetime design period. To achieve the intended purpose, an analysis of the loading of the Offshore Aquaculture structure such as the wind load, current load, wave load, and total tension of mooring lines afflicted in Offshore Aquaculture. This analysis shall be performed in the operational location, so that as the value of maximum stress is obtained from numerical analysis, Fatigue Life for the whole structure could be calculated. The results of this analysis indicate that during storm conditions, the total force acting on the structure is 10508.16 kN, the total tension of mooring lines in the structure is 122.21 kN, and the structural strength of the structure is approximately 116.97 MPa. The results of this analysis study are all according to the standards, so that it can be applied in the deep sea ZEE region of West Shore of Sumatra, Indonesia."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ben C. Gerwick
Florida : CRC Press,, 2007
627.38 GER c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bani Rahmania
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai sejauh apa negara pantai dapat menerapakan yurisdiksinya terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai yang terpancang di landas kontinennya. Penelitian ini berbentuk yuridis-normatif dengan desain deskriptif analitis, yang bertujuan untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut mengenai konsep yurisdiksi negara pantai terhadap anjungan minyak lepas pantai secara komprehensif baik dalam the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea, dan hukum nasional negara pantai. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan dalam kasus Arctic Sunrise (Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), negara pantai dalam menerapkan yurisdiksi pada anjungan minyak lepas pantai di landas kontinennya, tidak dapat diberlakukan sepenuhnya karena sudah berbatasan dengan rezim hukum laut lain yaitu rezim hukum laut lepas.

The focus of this study is about the extent to which a coastal state may exercise its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms which fixed on its continental shelf. This normative juridical with analytical descriptive, is aim for the further understanding of the concept of jurisdiction of coastal states to offshore oil platforms comprehensively which regulated in the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, the 1982 United Convention on the Law of the Sea and the national law of the coastal State. Based on the analysis that has been done in the case of the Arctic Sunrise (the Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Russian Federation), a coastal state in the exercise of its jurisdiction to offshore oil platforms on the continental shelf, can not be fully enforced because it is bordered by the other legal regime of the sea, which is high sea."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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