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Siska Arina Puspa Dewi
Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai perkembangan Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, dan Transgender di
wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Permasalahan yang berkembang dimasyarakat bahwa salah satu badan
PBB yakni United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) akan mengucurkan dana untuk
mendukung dan membesarkan komunitas Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, dan Transgender (LGBT) di
Indonesia. Dalam menganalisis permasalahan tersebut, penulis menggunakan teori Etika
Imperatif Kategoris Immanuel Kant dan Etika Situasi menurut Joseph Fletcher, Teori Sosiologi
tentang Perubahan Sosial menurut Parsudi Suparlan, Teori Penyimpangan Seksual menurut Tb.
Ronny Nitibaskara, Teori Hak Asasi Manusia menurut Koesparmono Irsan, Teori Hiperrealitas
dalam Media Massa menurut Jean Baudrillard, dan konsep Pemolisian Masyarakat (Community
Policing). Penulis menggunakan teori tersebut sebagai pisau analisis untuk mengupas teori dan
dikaitkan dengan fakta yang ada. Analisis yang penulis tuangkan pada tesis ini akan dikaitkan
antara teori dan fakta yang ada, tiap teori dihubungkan dengan fakta-fakta yang ada. Fakta
menunjukkan bahwa kelompok LGBT diperlukan pendekatan secara persuasif oleh anggota
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dalam merangkul mereka sebagai kelompok masyarakat.
Solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dalam
medekatkan diri kepada kelompok LGBT yakni menonjolkan sifat kasih sayang pada mereka dan
menjalankan tugas pokoknya sebagai anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dengan
penuh rasa tanggung jawab secara moral dengan kata lain demi kewajiban. Kesimpulan yang
dapat penulis ambil dari tesis ini bahwa kelompok LGBT bukan kelompok yang dijauhi karena
mereka memiliki hak yang sama dan sebagai anggota Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia
wajib memberikan pendekatan kepada mereka. Selain itu, dalam bertindak anggota Kepolisian
Negara Republik Indonesia senantiasa menjunjung tinggi Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) termasuk
dalam memberikan arahan dan pendekatan kepada kelompok LGBT

This thesis analyses the phenomenon of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
in South Jakarta. Rumour has shown that United Nations Development Program
(UNDP) will donate their movement in Indonesia. Within the context of analysis,
there are several theories and one concept will be put to use, such as categorical
imperative theory by Immanuel Kant, situation ethic by Joseph Fletcher,
sociological theory of social change by Parsudi Suparlan, sexual deviance theory
by Tb. Ronny Nitibaskara, human rights theory by Koesparmono Irsan, hyperreality
theory in mass media by Jean Baudrillard, and community policing
concept. In terms of police duty, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender need to
care with persuasive approach as a part of society. Indonesian National Police
(INP) must get closer to them in order to fulfil their social responsibilities. As a
conclusion, Lesbian, Gay, Bisex, and Transgender isn?t prohibited group in
society because they are equal in society. Indonesian National Police needs to
uphold human rights value in every way. In terms of police duty, Lesbian,Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender need to care with the persuasive approach as a part of
society. Indonesian National Police must use persuasive approach to encourage
them as a social group. They need to treat them carefully by using their
consciousness (moral value) as a human. Indonesian National Police must closer
to them in order to fulfil their social responsibilities. As a conclusion, LGBT
aren?t prohibited group in society because they are equal in society. Indonesian
National Police needs to uphold human rights value in every way"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, 2007
R 158.3 HAN
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Rayinda Ajeng
Perilaku konsumen adalah hal yang terus menarik dibahas dalam bisnis. Jika tidak
ada konsumen, sudah tentu bisnis tidak akan berjalan. Persaingan yang ketat di era
globalisasi membuat perusahaan harus terus menjaga kredibilitas merek dan loyalitas
konsumen. Penelitian Alam et al (2012) menyatakan bahwa agama menjadi aspek
penting dalam proses pembelian. Konsumen cenderung akan membeli produk dari
merek yang sesuai dengan ajaran agama konsumen (Alam et al : 2012). Berdasarkan
penelitian tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat
pengaruh antara brand credibility terhadap customer loyalty. Serta apakah variabel
religious orientation menjadi variabel moderator antara brand credibility dan
customer loyalty di Universitas Indonesia pasca dukungan Kafe Kopi terhadap
komunitas LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual dan Trangender). Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang mahasiswa/i
di Universitas Indonesia. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner dan
dianalisis menggunakan linier regression dan moderated regression analysis. Hasil
dalam penelitian menemukan bahwa kredibilitas merek menjadi aspek yang lebih
berpengaruh daripada aspek agama terhadap customer loyalty. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara brand credibility terhadap customer
loyalty serta variabel religious orientation tidak menjadi variabel moderator antara
antara brand credibility terhadap customer loyalty pada Kafe Kopi di Universitas

Consumer behavior is something that continues to attract discussion in the business.
Consider reversing, business will not run without consumers. Intense competition in
the era of globalization makes companies have to continue to maintain the credibility
of the brand and customer loyalty. Alam et al (2012) stated that religion became one
of important aspect of the purchasing process. Consumers tend to buy products from
brands that conform to religious teachings consumers (Alam et al : 2012). Based on
these studies, this study aimed to analyze whether there is influence between brand
credibility of the customer loyalty and whether the variable religious orientation
become a moderator variable between brand credibility and customer loyalty in the
University of Indonesia after the support Kafe Kopi against the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and transgender). This study uses a quantitative approach. The samples in
this study conducted using sample of 100 students at the University of Indonesia. The
research using questionnaires and analyzed using linear regression and moderated
regression analysis. Results of the study found that the credibility of the brand
become more influential aspects than the religious aspects of the customer loyalty.
The results of this study indicate that there is influence between the brand and
customer loyalty as well as the credibility of the religious variable orientation did not
become a moderator variable between the brand credibility of the customer loyalty at
Kafe Kopi at the University of Indonesia"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Although the vast majority of LGBT persons are healthy, resilient, and hardy individuals who do not seek social work intervention, some have been or will be clients in social work agencies. The third edition updates this classic text and expands its scope to include new content on social work with older and younger LGBT people. Written by a team of highly experienced experts, this book provides a knowledge base for practice that will better prepare students and practitioners for working sensitively, competently, and effectively with LGBT individuals and groups. Comprehensive and practical, this unique text discusses the pragmatic aspects of social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. It will improve and reinforce competent practice with LGBT persons and their families in multiple settings. Complete with a highly detailed appendix of symbols, definitions, and terms, Social Work Practice with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People, third edition is an invaluable resource for social workers and mental health professionals as well as for students and educators at all levels of experience. "
London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
362.896 SOC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A Companion to Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies is the first single-volume survey of current discussions taking place in this rapidly developing area of study. --
The Companion breaks new ground for scholarship on gender and sexuality. Recognizing the multidisciplinary nature of the field, the editors gathered original essays by established and emerging scholars, addressing the politics, economics, history, and cultural impact of sexuality. The book engages the futures of queer studies by asking what sexuality stands in for, what work it does, and how it continues to structure discussions in various academic disciplines as well as contemporary politics. --Book Jacket."
Hoboken : Wiley Balckwell, 2015
306.766 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Routledge, 1995
305.906 64 DEF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kekerasan seksual adalah sebuah kejahatan dimana koban sering kali menjadi pihak yang disalahkan karena dianggap sebagai penyebab terjadinya kejahatan tersebut. Ketika kejahatan ini terjadi pada perempuan cisgender heteroseksual, banyak orang yang cenderung menjadikan menampilan dan tingkah laku korban sebagai justifikasi untuk menyalahkannya. Saat kejahatan yang sama terjadi pada lesbian, perempuan, biseksual, dan transgender female-to-male (LBT), situasinya pun menjadi lebih kompleks, dimana identitas seksual dan/atau identitas gender mereka cenderung dijadikan alasan tambahan untuk menjustifikasi tindakan pelaku terhadap mereka. Anehnya, berlawanan dengan hal tersebut, kejahatan ini juga sering kali dianggap sebagai penyebab seseoarang menjadi LBT. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi paradoks terkait kekerasan seksual terhadap LBT, dampaknya pada kehidupan LBT, dan upaya yang dilakukan unmtuk membongkar paradoks itu sendiri."
362 JP 20:4 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Roudledge, 2001
R 306.766 209 2 WHO
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanisa Purwantari
"LSL merupakan populasi kunci HIV yang paling berisiko dibandingkan dengan populasi lainnya. Salah satu strategi penanggulangan HIV/AIDS adalah VCT yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan penemuan kasus HIV. Diketahui baru 59% LSL yang sudah pernah memanfaatkan VCT di Indonesia. Persepsi individu terhadap HIV/AIDS dan VCT dan faktor modifikasi diketahui dapat mempengaruhi LSL dalam memanfaatkan VCT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan VCT pada LSL di Bogor tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan secara daring dengan jumlah responden 108 orang. Pemanfaatan VCT sebagai variabel dependen, sedangkan faktor modifikasi (umur, pendidikan terakhir, pekerjaan, dan pengetahuan), persepsi individu (persepsi kerentanan, persepsi keparahan, persepsi manfaat, dan persepsi hambatan) serta isyarat untuk bertindak sebagai variabel independen. Data dianalisis dengan uji chi-square. Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapatkan hasil proporsi tertinggi pada kelompok LSL yang pernah memanfaatkan VCT sebesar 70,4%, 84,3% berumur £ 30 tahun, 63,0% pendidikan terakhir menengah, 63,9% bekerja, 59,3% memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah, 55,6% memiliki persepsi kerentanan tinggi atau rentan, 51,9% memiliki persepsi keparahan tinggi atau parah, 52,8% memiliki persepsi manfaat tinggi, 60,2% memiliki persepsi hambatan rendah, dan 68,5% memiliki isyarat untuk bertindak tinggi. Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan (p=0,034), persepsi manfaat (p=0,001), dan persepsi hambatan (p=0,001) dengan pemanfaatan VCT. Hasil penelitian menyarankan untuk optimalisasi kegiatan penyuluhan terkait HIV/AIDS dan pemanfaatan VCT kepada kelompok LSL oleh petugas kesehatan dan LSM.

MSM is the key HIV population most at risk compared to other populations. One of the HIV/AIDS prevention strategies is VCT which aims to increase HIV case finding. It is known that only 59% of MSM have used VCT in Indonesia. Modifying factors and individual perceptions of HIV/AIDS and VCT are associated to the utilization of VCT among MSM. This study aims to determine the factors related to the use of VCT in MSM at ​​Bogor in 2021. This study used a cross-sectional design with purposive sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed online with a total of 108 respondents. Utilization of VCT as the dependent variable, while the modifying factors (age, last education, occupation, and knowledge), individual perceptions (perceived vulnerability, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and perceived barriers) and cues to action as independent variables. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the highest proportion of MSM groups who had used VCT was 70.4%, 84.3% aged £30 years, 63.0% had secondary education, 63.9% worked, 59.3% had low knowledge, 55.6% had a high perception of susceptibility, 51.9% had a high perception of severity, 52.8% had a high perceived benefit, 60.2% had a low perceived barrier, and 68.5% had a high cue to action. There is a relationship between knowledge (p=0.034), perceived benefits (p=0.001), and perceived barriers (p=0.001) with the use of VCT. The results of the study suggest optimizing counseling activities related to HIV/AIDS and the use of VCT to MSM groups by health workers and NGOs."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"n this landmark collection of Australian writing spanning well over a century, an Australia emerges that is radically different from the cliched land of bronzed lifesavers and long-suffering sheepfarmers' wives. Robert Dessaix's anthology reflects the diversity, non-conformity and ambiguity that have always been features of Australian society. Remarkably, it confirms that few of the country's most celebrated writers, regardless of their sexuality, have not, at one time or another, written on homosexual themes. Patrick White, David Malouf, Elizabeth Jolley, Frank Moorhouse and Helen Garner are all included, along with a number of newer writers. This rare openness to the illicit and the subversive is just one of the revelations in an entertaining and provocative volume. Through the fiction, poetry and drama of over forty writers, the collection traces the flowering of a rich variety of homosexual sensibilities from colonial times to the present. In a long introductory overview of the literature, Robert Dessaix suggests a number of stimulating readings, and states that his primary consideration is always pleasure for the reader. Erotic, raffish, refined, romantic, rebellious and always perverse, this anthology celebrates the adventurousness and sophistication of Australian writing in ways that cast an exciting new light on Australian cultural history"
Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1993
820.805 AUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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