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Eny Yuliawati
Pertumbuhan penumpang angkutan udara mengalami peningkatan sejalan dengan
pertumbuhan penduduk dan perekonomian di suatu negara. Revenue passenger
kilometers (RPK) di seluruh dunia dalam kurun waktu 10 Tahun tumbuh rata-rata 4,7 %
per tahun, dan untuk wilayah Asia Tenggara pertumbuhan RPK dalam periode yang sama
adalah sebesar 6,6 % per tahun. Hal itu menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pertumbuhan lalu
lintas udara di Asia Tenggara melebihi tingkat pertumbuhan dunia. Pertumbuhan
angkutan udara di Indonesia termasuk dalam 10 besar dunia dan tertinggi di kawasan
Asia Pasifik dengan jumlah penumpang angkutan udara yang mencapai 72,4 juta.
Pertumbuhan penumpang angkutan udara yang sangat pesat tersebut tentu harus
diimbangi dengan penyediaan infrastruktur transportasi udara. Sementara saat ini alokasi
anggaran pemerintah di bidang infrastruktur transportasi sangat terbatas. Untuk sektor
infrastruktur bandar udara, pemerintah hanya mengalokasikan anggaran sebesar 19,5
triliun/5 tahun sedangkan anggaran yang diperlukan untuk pengembangan 233 bandar
udara adalah sebesar Rp.54 trilliun/5 tahun. Dengan demikian terjadi gap pembiayaan
sebesar Rp.34,5 trilliun atau 63 % dari kebutuhan anggaran belum dapat terpenuhi.
Dengan keterbatasan dana tersebut maka perlu mengoptimalkan fasilitas bandar udara
yang ada tanpa mengabaikan keselamatan penerbangan.
Salah satu untuk upaya mendukung optimasi fasilitas bandar udara dapat dikembangkan
model prediksi penumpang angkutan udara dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem
dinamis. Keunggulan dari pengembangan model optimasi fasilitas bandara berdasarkan
potensi prediksi penumpang angkutan udara dengan pendekatan sistem dinamis adalah
variabel yang digunakan untuk mengukur potensi demand ditentukan melalui proses
systems thinking yaitu penentuan variabel dengan mental model yang mempertimbangkan
hubungan kausalitas antar variabel secara dinamis, sistematis, logis dan realistis dari
sebuah sistem yang bersifat komplek. Model prediksi penumpang angkutan udara yang
komprehensif dapat membantu dalam menganalisa pengambilan sebuah keputusan dalam
mengoptimalkan fasilitas bandar udara

The growth of air passengers has increased in line with the population and economic
growth ofthe country. Revenue passenger kilometers (RPK) around in the world during
ten years grew on average of 4.7 % per year, and in the Southeast Asian region. RPK
growth in the same period was 6.6% per year. It shows that the rate of traffic growth in
Southeast Asia exceeds the growth rate of the world.
The growth of air transport in Indonesia, including in top ten in the world and the highest
in the Asia Pacific region with a number of air passengers reached 72.4 million. The
growth of passenger air transport is very rapid course must be balanced with the
provision of air transport infrastructure, while the government budget in transport
infrastructure sectorhas a constraint. Budgeting for the airport infrastructure sector the
government only allocates 19.5 trillion / 5 years while the necessary budget for the
development of 233 airports amounted to Rp.54 trillion / 5 years hence a financing gap
amounting to Rp.34 , 5 trillion or 63 % of the budget requirements. Based on the
limitation of airport budgeting, needed optimization of airport facilities. The one of
policy istruments is define a model air passenger demand forecasting using a dynamic
systems approach to support optimization of airport facilities.
The advantage of demand forecasting model using dynamic systems approach is the
variables to measure the potential demand is determined through a process of systems
thinking , namely the determination of the variable with the mental model that considers
the causality relationship inter variables dynamically , systematic , logical and realistic.
The robust model of demand forecasting could support to analyze a decision making on
optimization of airport facilities."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
TB. Royyansyah Sastika
"Adanya kenaikan harga batubara akibat tingginya konsumsi PLTU dan permintaan luar negeri, produksi batubara di Indonesia sejak tahun 2003 menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan. Dengan dukungan faktor geologi yang membuat wilayah Indonesia kaya akan cadangan batubara, maka hal ini akan mampu menjadi salah satu kegiatan perekonomian yang dominan dimasa yang akan datang terutama mengenai investasi pertambangan batubara untuk pemenuhan energi baik untuk dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Namun selama ini, kelimpahan sumber daya tersebut belum cukup meningkatkan pengusahaan batubara nasional sehingga terhadap penerimaan negara belum memperlihatkan potensi sesunggunnya. Simulasi sistem dinamis sebagai sebuah metode analisis menawarkan kelebihankelebihan yang tidak mampu diberikan oleh metode analisis lainnya. Sistem dinamis sanggup memberikan kedinamisan dalam proses pembelajaran perilaku sistem dan umpan balik yang cepat, kedua hal tersebut merupakan hal penting dalam sebuah metode analisis sistem yang efektif. Dalam dunia nyata, potensi penerimaan negara dari pengusahaan batubara (PKP2B) diperoleh dari iuran tetap (deadrent) dan royalti. Namun upaya peningkatan penerimaan negara ini terhambat beberapa variabel seperti kebijakan lingkungan, mekanisme perizinan yang tidak efektif dan beberapa variabel eksternal lainnya seperti harga at sale point dan kurs dollar terhadap rupiah. Oleh sebab itu, pendekatan sistem dinamis diperlukan untuk memberikan suatu model prediksi penerimaan negara dari pengusahaan batubara. Hasil penelitian ini adalah model yang dapat dijadikan media pembelajaran bagi para pengambil keputusan di Departemen ESDM mengenai efektivitas kebijakan investasi pertambangan batubara.

The increasing of coal price that caused by increasing PLTU consumption and international market demand since 2003, have shown the increasing of production in Indonesia significantly. Supported by geologhical factor that make Indonesian area has a rich in coal reserve, this fact will boost the economical sector in the future especially with coal investment to fulfill energy demand both domestic and foreign. However, this great coal resource hasn?t increased sufficient for national coal investment so that hasn?t been good yet in showing the riil potencial for state revenue. System dynamics simulation as an analysis method offers more advantages that cannot be given by any other analysis method. System dynamics is able to give dynamics interaction in learning system behaviour and direct feedback of the decisions. Those two factors are crucial factors in an effective analysis method of a system. In the real model, state revenue potencial from PKP2B?s coal investment is obtained from deadrent and royalty rate. However, the effort to increase state revenue is prohibited by several variables such as environemntal policy, ineffectiveness investment pattern, and several external variables like at sale point price and foreign exchange especially for dollars to rupiahs. So that, the perspective of dynamic simulation is required to give a prediction model from coal investment. The result of research is hoped can provide a model predicition that can be used for complementing the learning process the decision makers in Department of ESDM about policy effectiveness of coal investment."
Depok: [Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia;, ], 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Akbar
"Keberadaan Cumulonimbus dapat menyebabkan hujan lebat, tornado, badai petir dan peristiwa ekstrem lainnya. Pengamatan Radiosonde telah digunakan untuk memprediksi potensi keberadaan awan CB dalam periode prakiraan cuaca jangka pendek dengan menggunakan pendekatan machine learning. Salah satu metode machine learning yang populer dan handal digunakan untuk prediksi potensi pertumbuhan awan CB adalah Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Namun, ANN masih sensitif terhadap inisialisasi nilai awal pada parameter weight dan bias. Metode yang terbukti paling handal untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut adalah Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO). Oleh sebab itu, studi ini menggunakan GWO untuk mengoptimalkan parameter weight dan bias pada ANN berdasarkan kinerja MSE di setiap iterasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja ANN dalam memprediksi keberadaan awan CB. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa GWO memberikan peningkatan kinerja ANN dengan rata rata peningkatan akurasiakurasi sebesar 14,88 %. Akurasi terbaik didapatkan dengan nilai 89.6% dengan menggunakan 5 input indeks Radiosonde SI, LI, TT, CAPE, SWEAT pada epoch 250, dengan nilai MSE 0.071, serta nilai koefisien korelasinya sebesar 0.86

The presence of Cumulonimbus can cause heavy rain, tornadoes, thunderstorms and other extreme events. Radiosonde observations have been used to predict the potential presence of CB clouds in the short-term weather forecast period using a machine learning approach. One of the popular and reliable machine learning methods used to predict the potential growth of CB clouds is Artificial Neural Network (ANN). However, ANN is still sensitive to initialization of initial values ​​in weight and bias parameters. The most reliable proven method to solve this problem is the Gray Wolf Optimizer (GWO). Therefore, this study uses GWO to optimize weight and bias parameters on ANN based on MSE performance in each iteration so as to improve ANN performance in predicting the presence of CB clouds. The results of the study show that GWO provides an increase in ANN performance with an average increase in accuracy of 14.88%. The best accuracy was obtained with a value of 89.6% using 5 inputs Radiosonde SI, LI, TT, CAPE, SWEAT at epoch 250, with an MSE value of 0.071, and the correlation coefficient value of 0.86"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nuraini
"Sistem klasifikasi citra lidah telah banyak digunakan dalam kepentingan medis dan diagnosis kesehatan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada peningkatan peforma akurasi klasifikasi pada sistem prediksi perokok berdasarkan analisis letak persebaran Smoker Melanosis pada citra lidah. Teknik diagonis lidah yang dibangun adalah metode yang non-invasif serta berbasis pencitraan hiperspektral (HSI). Berbagai pendekatan dan arsitektur Deep Learning  telah diusulkan untuk mengatasi analisis data HSI dan telah mencapai akurasi klasifikasi yang relatif tinggi. Pada penelitian ini, arisitektur Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) dipakai dalam konfigurasi spektral-spasial yang terutama digunakan dengan tujuan ekstraksi fitur dan klasifikasi. Peneliti membuat beberapa arsitektur CNN untuk melakukan beberapa pengujian. Peneliti mengklasifikasikannya sebagai Single CNN dan Hybrid CNN. Pada algoritma Single CNN ada 2 arsitektur yang dibuat  yaitu CNN-Autoencoder dan CNN-Alexnet. Pada algoritma Hybrid CNN ada 2 arsitektur yang dibuat yaitu Proposed Hybrid CNN dengan satu cabang dan Hybrid CNN Resnet18 dengan 8 cabang. Peneliti menguji dampak kernel pada setiap subjek segmentasi yang berbeda dan terlihat bahwa akurasi klasifikasi tertinggi setiap subjek bervariasi terhadap ukuran kernel. Oleh karena itu, model Hybrid-CNN ini diusulkan untuk dapat membuat arsitektur hibrida dan skala konvolusi hibrida. Pada model Proposed Hybrid CNN yang diusulkan, akurasi pada subjek Lateral A bisa mencapai 90,6%, Lateral B mencapai 86,5%, dan Persepsi Dokter mencapai 99,2%. Pada model Hybrid CNN-Resnet18 yang diusulkan, Lateral A bisa mencapai 89,4%, Lateral B mencaapai 84,6%, dan Persepsi Dokter mencapai 97,4%. Secara umum hasil akurasi model yang diusulkan berhasil mencapai peforma yang lebih baik.

The tongue image classification system has been widely used in medical interests and health diagnosis. This research emphasizes on improving the performance of classification accuracy in the Smoker prediction system based on the location analysis of the SmokerMelanosis distribution on the tongue image. The tongue diagonalization technique developed is a non-invasive method based on hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Various considerations and architecture In-depth learning have been proposed to overcome the analysis of HSI data and has obtained relatively high classification completion. In this study, the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture is used in the spectral-spatial configuration used for feature extraction and classification. CNN to do some testing. Researchers classified it as Single CNN and Hybrid CNN. In the Single CNN algorithm, there are 2 architectures created, namely CNN-Autoencoder and CNNAlexnet. In the Hybrid CNN algorithm, there are 2 architectures created, namely Proposed Hybrid CNN with one branch and Hybrid CNN Resnet18 with 8 branches. Learn more about the kernel in each different subject segmentation and look at the kernel classification. Therefore, the Hybrid-CNN model is proposed to be able to make hybrid architecture and hybrid convolution scale. In the approved Proposed Hybrid CNN model, approved on the subject of Lateral A can reach 90,60%, Lateral B reaches 86,5%, and Doctor Perception reaches 99,2%. In the CNN-Resnet18 Hybrid model obtained, Lateral A can reach 89,4%, Lateral B reaches 84,6%, and Doctor Perception reaches 97,4%. In general, the results of the completion of the approved model have achieved better performance. "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janindri Wiranti
"Semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan akan pasokan listrik serta semakin terbatasnya minyak bumi sebagai bahan baku pembangkit listrik menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa Sumber Daya Energi terbarukan (Renewable Energy) perlu dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin. Salah satu Sumber Daya Energi Terbarukan yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai Pembangkit Listrik adalah Angin. Studi dan Analisis potensi Angin diawali dengan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data kecepatan angin yang berasal dari Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) sehingga didapatkan Nilai Statistik Potensi Angin. Analisis lebih lanjut dilakukan untuk menentukan Turbin Angin yang digunakan berdasarkan nilai Capacity Factor (CF). Parameter yang mempengaruhi nilai Capacity Factor antara lain power yang dihasilkan turbin sesuai spesifikasi turbin selama satu tahun serta power yang dihasilkan oleh kecepatan angin pada ketinggian turbin tertentu. Dari Analisis yang dilakukan pada Bandara Depati Amir, Pangkal Pinang dengan kecepatan angin rata-rata tahun 2011 sebesar 3.3 m/s pada ketinggian 33 meter maka Turbin yang tepat untuk digunakan di lokasi tersebut adalah turbin 2g dan 3f dengan kapasitas masing-masing 600kW dan 750 kW.

Increasing demand for electricity and limited supply of petroleum as a raw material power are some reasons why the renewable energy resources is very advantageous. One of which can be used as power plant is wind (power). The study and analysis of wind potential begins with collection and processing of wind speed data derived from the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agencies (BMKG), thus obtained wind potential statistic value. Further analysis was done to determine the wind turbines used on capacity factor (CF) value basis. Parameters that affect the capacity factor value are the energy resulted by turbines suitable to its specification within a year and produced by the wind speed at certain height of turbine. The analysis has been carried out at Depati Amir Airport, Pinang Kuala, in 2011. With an average wind speed by 3.3 m/s at a height of 33 meters, the appropriate turbines to be used in the location are 2g and 3f turbines, each with a capacity of 600 kW and 750 kW."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Humaid Thalib
"Dengan melimpahnya sumber daya perikanan Indonesia, sudah selayaknya pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia mengarah pada sektor perikanan. Namun terdapat masalah klasik yaitu fluktuasi hasil tangkapan ikan akibat faktor musiman yang menyebabkan ketidakstabilan harga ikan dan pendapatan nelayan. Selain itu dengan tidak ada cold storage untuk menyimpan ikan saat ikan melimpah menyebabkan kualitas ikan akan menurun. Penerapan kepemilikan cold storage dibagi menjadi dua model, yaitu commercial-owned dan community-owned. Kedua model kepemilikan tersebut memiliki instrumen keuangan yang berbeda. Cold storage perikanan adalah industri yang memakai energi yang intensif. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya transisi energi dalam penggunaan energinya. Indonesia merupakan negara tropis dengan potensi penyinaran matahari yang melimpah. Namun karena keterbatasan regulasi, penerapan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) di Indonesia masih belum optimal. Dengan Peraturan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, pengguna PLTS tidak bisa surplus energi listrik ke jaringan PLN dan hanya berupa pengurangan tagihan per bulan. Enam skenario regulasi telah dikembangkan dan dianalisis. Hasil simulasi didapatkan dengan mengubah asumsi regulasi dengan hasilnya yaitu sistem PLTS On-grid memiliki Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) yang lebih rendah karena dapat menghasilkan listrik tiga kali lipat lebih banyak yang bisa dijual ke jaringan dengan kapasitas inverter yang lebih tinggi. Kemudian harga sewa cold storage berbasis komunitas untuk seluruh topologi sistem energi rata-rata bisa 16% lebih murah daripada harga sewa cold storage berbasis swasta. Lebih lanjut, dengan berkurangnya biaya investasi modul surya dan baterai pada tahun 2030 menyebabkan LCOE PLTS dapat lebih murah rata-rata 20% dibandingkan saat ini. Hal ini akan berdampak pada pengurangan rata-rata 10% atas harga sewa cold storage. Terakhir, dengan adanya perubahan nilai variabel input sistem energi dapat merubah nilai LCOE.

With the abundance of Indonesia's marine resources, it is appropriate for Indonesia's economic growth to gear towards the fisheries sector. However, there is clasic problem is a fluctuation in fish catch due to seasonal factors that cause instability in fish prices and fishermen's incomes. Furthermore, there is no cold storage for storing fish when the fish are abundant, so that the quality of the fish will decrease. Applying ownership of cold storage is divided into two models, namely commercial-based and community-based. Both models of ownership have different financial instruments. Fishery cold storage is an energy-intensive industry. Therefore, there needs to be an energy transition in energy use. Indonesia is a tropical country with abundant potential for solar irradiation. However, due to limited regulations, the application of solar photovoltaic (PV) in Indonesia is still not optimal. With Regulation from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, solar photovoltaic users will not be able to export electricity to the electricity grid and only reduce bills per month. The six regulation scenarios have developed and analyzed. The simulation gives a new result by changing regulation assumptions: the solar photovoltaic on-grid system has a lower Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) because it can produce three-fold more electricity to the grid with higher inverter capacity than before. Furthermore, the rental price of community-based cold storage can be 16 % cheaper on average with all energy system topologies than the rental price for cold storage based on commercial ownership model. Then, by reducing the investment costs of solar modules and batteries in 2030, PV system LCOE can be cheaper by an average of 20%. This will result in an average reduction of 10% on cold storage rental prices. Finally, with a change in the value of the energy system input variable, it can change the LCOE value."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulya Khairani
"Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang mengkaji potensi setiap wilayah di DKI Jakarta terhadap kendaraan berbahan bakar gas (NGV), padahal informasi ini dibutuhkan untuk menentukan lokasi pembangunan SPBG yang optimal di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai besarnya potensi NGV di DKI Jakarta dan wilayah yang potensial bagi pembangunan SPBG berdasarkan hasil simulasi.
Hasil penelitian berupa proyeksi jumlah NGV berdasarkan proyeksi jumlah mobil pribadi setiap wilayah di DKI Jakarta melalui pendekatan pemodelan sistem dinamis, serta visualisasi pola perjalanan mobil pribadi di DKI Jakarta melalui perancangan model spasial.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa potensi NGV di DKI Jakarta cukup besar, dimana diperkirakan akan terdapat 8.507 unit SPBG apabila tingkat konversi dari mobil berbahan bakar minyak ke NGV sebesar 30% per tahun. Selain itu, didapatkan informasi bahwa perjalanan harian mobil pribadi cenderung menuju daerah pusat DKI Jakarta dengan volume kendaraan terbesar berada pada jalan-jalan protokol di DKI Jakarta.

Availaibility of research on potential area for natural gas vehicles is necessity for optimal allocation of gas refueling unit stations in DKI Jakarta. This research is conducted to provide projected natural gas vehicles (NGV) number in certain area in DKI Jakarta and propose potential area for refueling gas stations in terms of demand projections.
The results of this research are projected number of NGV based on system dynamics approach and a visual model of commuter pattern of private cars in DKI Jakarta based on spatial modeling and simulation method.
In conclusion, in the end of 2019, DKI Jakarta is projected to has 8.507 unit NGVs within scenario of 30% annual conversion rate. Moreover, the result of spatial modeling and simulation indicates that most of cars in Jabodetabek area tend to commute to the center of DKI Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arief Sudrajat
"Obat ARV adalah obat yang digunakan untuk menghambat perkembangan virus HIV dan memperpanjang harapan hidup ODHA (Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS). Kompleksitas demand obat ARV sangat dipengaruhi oleh pola penularan penyakit HIV/AIDS, tuntutan pengobatan seumur hidup, dampak program jangkauan pelayanan ART dan tingkat kepatuhan pasien. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu perancangan model inventory yang menjamin service level di rumah sakit yang tinggi. Tesis ini membahas mengenai cara perancangan model inventory sistem logistik desentralisasi obat ARV berdasarkan model epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS dengan pendekatan sistem dinamis. Penggunaan sistem dinamis dapat menunjukkan keterkaitan hubungan antara model epidemi penyakit HIV/AIDS dengan model inventory. Hasil perancangan model kemudian diverifikasi dan divalidasi dengan serangkaian pengujian. Struktur prilaku dari model yang dihasilkan menunjukkan prilaku yang sama dengan keadaan yang sebenarnya. Hasil dari analisa kebijakan inventory untuk sistem logistik desentralisasi dengan sistem dinamis menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan buffer inventory di rumah sakit sebesar 2.5 bulan , gudang propinsi 4 bulan dan gudang pusat 15 bulan tetap menghasilkan service level 100% dan inventory cost yang minimal.

ARV Drugs are drugs used to hinder the development of HIV virus and prolong life expectancy of People Living with HIV/AIDS (ODHA/Orang Dengan HIV/AIDS). The demand complexity of ARV drugs is largely influenced by infection pattern of HIV/AIDS disease, requirement of lifetime treatment, impact of ART outreach program and patient adherence level. There is a need for an inventory model design that guarantees high service level at hospitals. This thesis explains about inventory model design of ARV drugs decentralization logistics system based on HIV/AIDS epidemic model with dynamic system approach. The use of dynamic approach can show relationship between HIV/AIDS epidemic model and inventory model. The result of model design is then verified and validated with a series of testing. Behavioral structure of the result model shows the same behavior occuring in real situation. The result of inventory policy analysis for decentralization logistics system with dynamic system shows that inventory buffer policy at hospitals for 2,5 months, provincial warehouse for 4 months and central warehouse for 15 months still results in 100% service level and minimum inventory cost."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pongoh, Ivonne
"State Owned Enterprises (SOE's) in Indonesia, had a significant role in national economics, but its performance did not show satisfying results. So, in 1988, government made reformation efforts in SOE through issued Presidential Instruction No. 5/1988 on State Owned Enterprises Soundness and Management improvement. But until 1998, all SOE that have been reformed still did not perform an improvement. It indicated from the ratio of Return on Asset were only under 4 %. With economical crisis in 1997, government convincing to continue the improvement effort of SOE to become an efficient and effective corporation.
PT Indosat Tbk, as the one of SOE indicated as anomaly in majority of SOE, because of it showed an increasing performance, after government effort to reform that corporation through privatization program in 1994. While several years the financial performance growth rapidly, and PT Indosat Tbk was admitted as The Managed Company from Far Eastern Economic Review. The performance as the result of activities of organization earned profit. However the performance information from financial reports could net be references for defining sustainable performance.
According to Kaplan and Norton theory, in performance measurement Balance Scorecard (BSC), BSC model was relationship model that characterized in systemic and dynamics from financial and non financial aspects. Financial aspects represented from profitability and revenue, whereas non financial aspects were customers, internal business process, growth and learning perspectives. Nowadays, with existing information technology, the relationship model of systemic and dynamic BSC model could be mapped through dynamics system approach. By means of Dynamic System those causal relationship were described in causal loops (cause-and effect relationship), which informed the state of the performance system and this information can be used in current decision making.
Model of system dynamics approach was useful, because of: first, described a simplified representation of system relationship without losing of essence of main object; second, system dynamics method was suitable for mechanism, pattern and trend based on structuring and analyzing of system, pattern of complex system, dynamics, and uncertainties; third, system dynamics could view dynamic process naturally in non linear behavior through simulation.
According to research results by PowerSim program, system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk indicated that financial performance (especially SLI) was referencing of " Limit To Growth" behavior. That means financial performance as reflected of corporate performance could not be forced to increase till the certain point. From simulation result, revenue indicator showed increase till year 2000, after that revenue will decrease. Whereas on profit, growth curve still growth until 2003 and then curve would decline.
From mapping system dynamics model of PT Indosat Tbk performance, factors that influence and had a causal relationship with the model consist of: traffic volume, revenue, profit, expenditures, dividend payable, maintenance & administration & general cost, marketing budget, research & development budget, personnel cost, total cost, material cost per unit, discount margin, price, government tariff, customer satisfaction index (CSI), operating excellent index (OEI), training index, external factors. Causal loops that formed of system model was presented by: marketing loop which impact to market share, and customer satisfaction; business internal process loop which includes factors due to all cost that spent for production process, and finally directed to operating excellent index; human development loop that was described through training index.
Following the sensitivity analysis on selected key variables from system PT Indosat Tbk performance resulted that customer factor such as customer satisfaction related to product price had a significant impact on revenue and profit. Increasing price to 5 % could be enough to increase the financial performance, although market share decreased. However taking 10 % discount on price would decreased a financial performance, although there were an escalation of market share. Changing 10 % to CSI and market share had a significant impact on revenue and profit. This conditions meet along with behavior of Telecommunication industries structure in Indonesia, that still had an opportunity in market (because of Oligopoly structure), and fast growing information technology. Because of that, market research was needed to understand customer expectation and perception of product and services, with the result fitting and matching between customer and corporate goals.
Besides all factors above, an available capital for expenditures and reinvestment of business operation development had a significant impact on sustainable performance, it identified from changing behavior of the model. It was accordance with behavior telecommunication that had difficulties of barrier to entry. Because of investment was necessarily in network infrastructures far staying with appropriate technology development. Therefore government could support this condition with provided regulation that facilitated the corporation to cooperate with foreign investors, so PT Indosat could improve the infrastructures quality and operational efficiency, to generate more revenues for the forthcoming years.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gede Arya Satya Dharma
"Pertumbuhan industri penerbangan telah mendorong peningkatan permasalahan runway allocation dan gate assignment di bandara. Permasalahan tersebut mendorong terjadinya permasalahan kelebihan kapasitas dan akan sangat berpengaruh pada tingkat pelayanan bandara tersebut, salah satunya Terminal 1 Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Pada penelitian ini dibuat formulasi model optimasi stokastik yang merupakan kombinasi model runway allocation dan gate assignment, dengan menggunakan 4 fungsi tujuan yaitu maksimalisasi lalu lintas pesawat, minimalisasi keterlambatan, minimalisasi jumlah ungated flights, dan minimalisasi total jarak jalan penumpang.
Model ini dibangun menggunakan genetic algorithm dengan output berupa runway and gate assignment order yang optimal. Dari solusi tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa saat simulasi model mampu menampung rata-rata 98% dari total lalu lintas pesawat, serta penurunan rata-rata sebesar 52% untuk total waktu keterlambatan, penurunan rata-rata sebesar 36% untuk jumlah ungated flights, dan penurunan rata-rata sebesar 13% untuk total jarak jalan penumpang. Kedepannya, diperlukan pengembangan penelitian meliputi pengembangan model berbasis real time, penggunaan algoritma stokastik lainnya, serta pembangunan model berdasarkan persepektif maskapai.

The growth of the aviation industry has enhanced the increase of airport runway allocation and gate assignment problem. Those problems led to the overcapacity problem and will affect on the level of service of the airport, Terminal 1 Soekarno Hatta International Airport. This research constructed a model formulation of stochastic optimization model, which is basically the combination of runway allocation and gate assignment, with the objectives are to maximize the aircraft traffic, to minimize the flight tardiness, to minimize the number of ungated flights, and to minimize the total passenger travelling distance.
This model was constructed using genetic algorithm, which the model outputs are the optimal runway and gate assignment order. Based on the optimal solution generated, the model was successfully to accommodate in average 98% of total flights and also was contributed to the 52% average decreasing of flight tardiness, 36% average decreasing of ungated flights, and 13% average decreasing of total passenger travelling distance. This research may be developed in the future by constructing real time based model, using another stochastic algorithm, and building the model by the airline perspective.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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