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Rima Anindita Primandari
"Latar belakang: Gangguan fungsi kognitif merupakan salah satu defisit neurologis kedua tersering setelah sakit kepala pada tumor intrakranial. Gangguan fungsi kognitif yang paling sering terjadi pada tumor otak adalah gangguan fungsi eksekutif. Penilaian fungsi kognitif sebelum dilakukan operasi maupun radioterapi penting sebagai data dasar klinis pasien.
Tujuan: Mendapatkan informasi mengenai penilaian fungsi kognitif sebelum dilakukan operasi maupun radioterapi sebagai data dasar klinis pasien.
Metode: Disain penelitian ialah survei potong lintang dengan pengambilan sampel secara konsekutif. Data diperoleh dari Divisi Fungsi Luhur Poliklinik saraf dan Departemen Rekam Medis RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2009-Maret 2016. Subjek penelitian berusia 18-65 tahun dan telah terdiagnosis tumor otak, memiliki hasil histopatologi, serta telah menjalani pemeriksaan fungsi luhur preoperatif.
Hasil: Terdapat 77 subjek penelitian dengan proporsi subjek laki-laki (50,6%) dan perempuan (49,4%) hampir sama, terbanyak berusia 40 tahun ke atas (67,5%), serta berpendidikan terutama 12 tahun ke atas (61%). Glioma (46,7%) dan meningioma (63,2%) merupakan dua tumor otak primer terbanyak, sedangkan paru (34,4%) dan payudara (18,8%) adalah asal metastasis otak terbanyak. Hampir semua subjek mengalami gangguan fungsi kognitif (96,1%), terutama ranah jamak (93,2%). Ranah memori dan fungsi eksekutif merupakan dua ranah yang paling sering terganggu. Proporsinya semua metastasis dan 80% tumor otak primer mengalami gangguan memori. Sebesar 77,5% tumor primer dan 89,7% metastasis otak mengalami gangguan fungsi eksekutif.
Kesimpulan: Hampir semua fungsi kognitif pada tumor otak primer dan metastasis terganggu, tetapi gangguan pada metastasis otak lebih berat. Ranah jamak merupakan ranah yang paling banyak terganggu, terutama memori dan fungsi eksekutif.

Aim: To obtain information about cognitive assessment before surgery and radiotherapy.
Methods: This study was a cross-sectional retrospective study using consecutive sampling. Data obtained from neurobehavior division of Neurology Clinic and Medical Record Department of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital started at January 2009 to April 2016. Subjects, aged 18 to 65 years old, diagnosed brain tumors, had histopatologic data, and done cognitive exam before surgery.
Results: There were 77 subjects, with no notable difference in gender proportion (50,6% male subjects and 49,4% female subjects). All were aged 40 years old above (67,5%) and had education level not lower than 12 years (61%). Glioma (46,7%) and meningioma (63,2%) are two most common primary brain tumors, whilst lungs (34,4%) and breast (18,8%) are two most major brain metastasis origin. Most subjects had cognitive impairments (96,1%), predominantly multidomain (93,2%). Of all domain, memory and executive function are mostly affected. All metastasis, and 80% primary brain tumor had memory impairment and 77,5% primary brain tumor and 89,7% brain metastasis had executive impairment.
Conclusion: Almost all cognitive domain impaired in brain tumors, particularly in brain metastasis. It suggested that multiple cognitive domain impairment were majorly impaired, with memory and executive function as the most common domain.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riwanti Estiasari
"Latar Belakang: Lupus Eritematosus Sistemik (LES) dapat melibatkan berbagai sistem organ termasuk sistem saraf dengan manifestasi klinis terbanyak berupa gangguan kognitif. Rana kognitif yang terganggu dapat bervariasi. Gangguan fungsi kognitif ini dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup penderita LES. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran gangguan kognitif pada penderita LES.
Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan populasi target semua penderita LES yang terdaftar sebagai anggota Yayasan Lupus Indonesia. Pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif yang dilakukan adalah Mini Menrai Sfaius Examination (MMSE), Forward Digit Span, Backward Digit Span, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure, Trail Making part A dan B serta Finger Tapping Test.
Hasil: Dari 66 subyek gangguan kognitif ditemukan sebanyak 71.2%. Gangguan kognitif Iebih banyak ditemukan pada kelompok umur < 40 tahun (76.6%) dengan aktivitas penyakit yang tidak terkontrol (51.1%). Rana kognitif yang terganggu adalah fungsi eksekutif (80.9%), visuospasial 59.6%, memori 21.3% dan atensi 8.5%. Gangguan rana tunggal ditemukan sebanyak 53.2%, 2 rana 27.7% dan kurang lebih 3 rana 19.2%. Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara gangguan kognitif dengan aktifitas penyakit (p=0.013; OR 5.68 IK95% l.43;22.53).
Kesimpulan: Prevalensi gangguan kognitif pada penderita LES adalah 71.2%. Rana kognitif yang sering terganggu adalah fungsi eksekutif. Penderita LES dengan usia < 40 tahun dan aktivitas penyakit tidak terkontrol mempunyai kecenderungan mengalami gangguan kognitif."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purnama Sidih
"Latar belakang. Kognitif merupakan proses berpikir akibat aktivitas sejumlah fungsi kompleks dari berbagai sirkuit di otak. Adanya gangguan kognitif menunjukkan terjadinya gangguan fungsi otak. MCI ( Mild Cognitive Impairment ) merupakan gangguan kognitif ringan yang sudah terjadi pada kelompok lanjut usia nondemensia. Berbagai studi menunjukkan gambaran dan prevalensi MCI pada lanjut usia nondemensia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran fungsi kognitif dan prevalensi MCI pada kelompok lanjut usia nondemensia .
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan cara potong lintang dengan populasi semua lanjut usia nondemensia di Puskesmas Tebet dan Pasar Minggu yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua subyek dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik umum dan neurologis , Dilakukan pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif dengan menggunakan CERAD dan Trail Making Test - B. Diagnosis MCI menggunakan kriteria dari Petersen RC. Data diolah dengan menggunakan tes chi-square, Fisher's Exact dan memakai program SPSS versi 12
Hasil. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 300 lanjut usia (> 60 tahun) nondemensia, rentang usia antara 60-76 tahun (rerata 63,5 ± 4,1 tahun) dengan kelompok usia terbesar 60 - 65 tahun (75,0%) , terdiri dari 177 (59%) wanita dan 123 (41%) pria. Sebanyak 269 subyek (89,6%) memenuhi kriteria MCI. Subkelas MCIa 22 kasus (7,3%), MClsdnm 81 kasus (27%) dan MCImd 166 kasus (55,3%). Gangguan kognitif terbanyak pada MCIa adalah Memori Rekognisi (81,8%) , pada MClsdnm adalah Fungsi Eksekutif (100%) dan pada MCImd adalah Fungsi Eksekutif (89,1%) beserta Memori Rekognisi (64,5%). Didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara MCIa dengan DM ( p = 0,038 ; OR 0,10 ; IK 95% 0,01;0,88 ) dan MCImd dengan pendidikan rendah ( SD dan SLP) (p = 0,000 ; OR 5,32 ; IK95% 2,12;13,31 ) dan DM (p = 0,008 ; OR 0,26 ; IK95% 0,10;0,70 ).
Kesimpulan. Prevalensi MCI pada lanjut usia nondemensia ( > 60 tahun ) ditemukan sebesar 89,6% .Rana kognitif yang paling banyak terganggu adalah Memori Rekognisi dan Fungsi Eksekutif . Faktor risiko terbanyak adalah pendidikan rendah dan DM

Background. Cognitive function is the process of several complex functions of various circuits in the brain. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a transition state between normal and probable dementia. The aim of this study was to describe the cognitive impairment profile and the prevalence of MCI in non demented elder
Methods. This was an analytical cross sectional study which included all non demented elder patients who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Medical history, physical and neurology examination were performed.. The patient's cognitive function was examined using neurophsycology test of CERAD and Trail Making Test-B. Diagnostic criteria of mild cognitive impairment were confirmed by using criteria from Petersen RC (< 1.5 SD below normative value ). The data were analyzed using chi-square, Fisher' exact and using SPSS for Windows ver. 12.
Result. There were found 300 non demented elder ( age > 60 years old ), 177 (59%) subjects were female and 123 (41%) were male , range of age was 60-76 years old (mean 63,5 ± 4,1 years old ) with largest age group were 60-65 years old ( 75,0%). There were 269 (89,6%) subjects fulfilled the MCI criteria with MCIa 22 (7,3%) , MClsdnm 81 (27%) and MCImd 166 (55,3%) . The most affected cognitive domain in MCIa was Recognition Memory ( 81,8%) in MClsdnm was Executive Function (100%) and in MCImd were Recognition Memory (64,5%) together with Executive Function (89,1%) . In addition, a significant correlation was found between the MCIa and DM ( p=0.038;OR 0,10; CI95% 0,01;0,88) and between MCImd with poor education (p=0.000;OR 5,32; C195% 2,12;13,31) and DM (p=0.008;OR 0,26; CI95% 0,10;0,70.
Conclusion. Prevalence of MCI in non demented elder (> 60 years old ) 89,6% . The most affective cognitive domains were Recognition and Executive Function . The most risk factors were poor education and DM
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Oktaria Safitri
"Latar belakang. Tumor otak metastasis berpotensi menyebabkan distres dan psikopatologi, serta menurunkan kualitas hidup pasien. Kerentanan ini terjadi karena beban gejala fisik dari tumor primer dan gejala dari metastasis otak yang dialami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh psikoterapi suportif pada perbaikan distres, psikopatologi dan kualitas hidup pasien.
Metode. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji klinis randomisasi, tersamar tunggal, desain paralel tanpa matching, pragmatis. 15 pasien kelompok perlakuan adalah pasien tumor otak metastasis yang mendapatkan intervensi psikoterapi suportif sebanyak 6 sesi selama 30-45 menit pada setiap sesi dan perawatan standar dari dokter saraf, sedangkan 15 pasien kelompok kontrol mendapatkan terapi standar dari dokter spesialis saraf saja. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner distress thermometer (DT) untuk menilai distres, Self-rating Questionnaire 20 (SRQ 20) untuk menilai psikopatologi dan World Health Organization Quality of life-Bref (WHOQOL-Bref) untuk menilai kualitas hidup pasien sebelum dan setelah intervensi. Sebelum dilakukan intervensi, dilakukan validasi isi pada modul psikoterapi suportif yang akan digunakan. Tidak ada subjek yang dropped out (lepas pantau) dan loss to followup dalam penelitian ini.
Hasil. Hasil penelitian semua subjek kelompok perlakuan sebanyak 15 (100,0%) mengalami perbaikan skor distres, psikopatologi, dan kualitas hidup yang bermakna secara bermakna(P=0,00) sebelum dan sesudah psikoterapi suportif. Selain iut, didapatkan juga perbedaan yang bermakna secara bermaknadalam proporsi pasien yang mengalami masalah psikososial berupa masalah praktis sehari-hari, masalah emosional, dan masalah gejala tumor otak metastasis antara sebelum dan setelah intervensi (P<0,05). Ditemukan juga penurunan rata-rata skor variabel gejala tumor otak metastasis (p=0,00) berupa nyeri kepala (p=0,00), kelemahan (p=0,00), kejang dan penglihatan ganda antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi psikoterapi suportif, pada kedua kelompok. Nilai keseluruhan validasi modul psikoterapi suportif 96,21% dan validasi isi setiap sesi lebih dari 90% sehingga menunjukkan hasil yang valid. Faktor demografi yang memengaruhi perbaikan skor psikopatologi adalah status ekonomi (p=0,03).
Kesimpulan. Psikoterapi suportif berpengaruh secara bermaknadalam menurunkan distres dan psikopatologi, serta meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien tumor otak metastasis.

Background. Patients with metastatic brain tumors are in risk of distress, psychopathology, and reduced quality of life. This vulnerability occurs because of the burden of physical symptoms from the primary tumor and symptoms of metastatic brain tumors experienced by the patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of supportive psychotherapy in alleviating distress, psychopathology, and quality of life of patients with metastatic brain tumors.
Method. This study is a randomized, single-blind, parallel design without matching, pragmatic clinical trial study. 15 patients in the treatment group were metastatic brain tumor patients who received 6 sessions of supportive psychotherapy (30-45 minutes each) and standard care from neurologists, while 15 patients in the control group received standard therapy from neurologists only. This study used distress thermometer (DT) to measure distress, Self-rating Questionnaire 20 (SRQ 20) to measure psychopathology, and World Health Organization Quality of life-Bref (WHOQOL-Bref) to measure quality of life before and after intervention. Prior to intervention, content validation was carried out on the supportive psychotherapy module. There were no dropped out and lost to follow-up subjects in this study.
Results. This study showed that all subjects in the treatment group (n=15; 100%) experienced significant improvements on distress, psychopathology, and quality of life scores (P=0.00) before and after supportive psychotherapy. The proportion of patients experiencing psychosocial problems including daily activities, emotional problems, and symptoms of metastatic brain tumor between before and after the intervention showed a significant difference (P<0.05). There was also a decrease in the average score for metastatic brain tumor symptoms (p=0.00) including headache (p=0.00), weakness (p=0.00), seizures and double vision between before and after supportive psychotherapy intervention. In both groups, the overall validation value of the supportive psychotherapy module is 96.21% and the content validation value of each session is more than 90%, which means that it shows valid results. The demographic factor that affects the improvement of psychopathology scores was economic status (p=0.03).
Conclusion. Supportive psychotherapy shows significant effects in alleviating distress, psychopathology, and quality of life of patients with metastatic brain tumors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yesi Astri

Pendahuluan:  Pasien dengan tumor otak pada umumnya mengalami nyeri kepala (90%) yang biasanya muncul pada malam hari sesuai dengan fisiologis tubuh. Hal ini menyebabkan pasien dapat berisiko mengalami gangguan tidur atau perubahan pola tidur. Sebaliknya, pasien tumor otak dapat mengalami penurunan kesadaran berupa cenderung tidur hingga sulit dibangunkan. Hal ini harus bisa dibedakan oleh dokter dan keluarga dengan gangguan tidur. Polisomnografi merupakan baku emas pemeriksaan klinis gangguan tidur yang akan menghasilkan luaran berupa arsitektur tidur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran arsitektur tidur pada pasien tumor otak primer yang mengalami gangguan tidur dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. 

Metode: Studi ini bersifat deskriptif dengan metode potong lintang pada pasien tumor otak primer dengan penapisan menggunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).  Pasien yang dinyatakan poor sleepers akan dilakukan pemeriksaan polisomnografi (PSG).

Hasil: Sebanyak 40 subjek penelitian, terdiri dari 14 laki-laki dan 26 perempuan. Rerata usia subjek penelitian adalah 45,5±11,7 tahun dengan median durasi sakit 12 (2-72) bulan. Arsitektur tidur didapatkan sleep latency 8,5 (1,0-212,5) menit, sleep efficiency 88,0 (22,0-99,0) menit, total sleep time342 (92,0-462,5) menit, N1 19,5 (4,0-99,0)%, N2 59,5 (1,0-92,0)%, 8,0 (0-29,0)%, REM 4,5 (0-24,0)%, dan arousal index 8,9 (0,4-36,9). Terdapat kemaknaan secara statistik antara jenis kelamin, nyeri kepala, efek desak ruang, riwayat penurunan kesadaran, dan lama tidur malam dengan total sleep time, N1, N3, dan REM.

Kesimpulan: Pasien tumor otak primer yang mengalami gangguan tidur memiliki abnormalitas arsitektur tidur dan memiliki kecenderungan tidur hanya sampai fase light sleep.

Kata Kunci: arsitektur tidur, gangguan tidur, polisomnografi, tumor otak primer

Background: Brain tumor patients run into cephalgia (90%) and commonly experienced at night that conform to physiology of the body. It generate the patients have higher risk to underwent sleep disorders or change the sleep cycle. Whereas brain tumor patients also experience altered consciousness in the form of tend to sleep and difficult to wake up.This condition must be able to be distinguished with sleep disoders by doctor and family. Polysomnography known as gold standard method to examine sleep disorder and obtain sleep architecture. This research aimed to get sleep architecture profile in primary brain tumor that experience sleep disorder and the influenced factors.

Method: This is a cross sectional research in primary brain tumor patients that passed the screening of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Poor sleepers then undergoing polysomnography.

Results: There are 40 subjects consist of 14 male and 26 female. Age median 45,5±11,7 years and duration of illness 12 (2-72) months. Sleep architecture’s profiles are sleep latency 8,5 (1,0-212,5) minute, sleep efficiency 88,0 (22,0-99,0) minute, total sleep time 342 (92,0-462,5) minute, N1 19,5 (4,0-99,0)%, N2 59,5 (1,0-92,0)%, 8,0 (0-29,0)%, REM 4,5 (0-24,0)%, and arousal index 8,9 (0,4-36,9). There are statistical significancy of gender, cephalgia, space occupying effect, altered conccioussness, and duration of sleep with total sleep time, N1, N3, and REM.

Conclusion: Primary brain tumor patients experience abnormal of sleep architectures and tend to have light sleep.

Keywords: polysomnography, primary brain tumor, sleep architecture, sleep disorder




Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mellia Ambarningrum
Hubungan Gangguan Kognitif dengan Kelainan Mikrovaskular Retina dan Otak pada Penyandang HipertensiMellia Ambarningrum , Diatri nari Lastri , Eva Dewati , Jacub Pandelaki , Joedo Prihartono Departemen Neurologi, FKUI-RSCM, Jakarta Departemen Radiologi, FKUI-RSCM, Jakarta Departemen Ilmu Kedokteran Komunitas, FKUI, Jakartamelliaambarningrum@yahoo.com AbstrakLatar Belakang : Hipertensi merupakan penyakit sistemik yang berisiko terkena aterosklerosis dan mengakibatkan kerusakan multi organ. Serebral small vessel disease SVD dan retinopati merupakan sebagian komplikasi mikrovaskular dari hipertensi. Manifestasi klinis tersering dari serebral SVD adalah infark lakunar dan penurunan fungsi kognitif. Struktur mikrovaskular retina dan otak secara embriologis memiliki pola vaskularisasi, morfologi dan fungsional yang sama. sehingga pembuluh darah retinadapat dianggap sebagai cerminan dari vaskulatur otak. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui adakah hubungan antara gangguan kognitif dengan retinopati dan serebral SVD pada penyandang hipertensi.Metode : Studi ini dilakukan secara potong lintang terhadap 39 subyek penyandang hipertensi yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Subyek berusia antara 23-65 tahun yang berobat rawat jalan ke poli ginjal hipertensi dan poli saraf RSUP Cipto Mangunkusumo antara bulan September-November 2016. Subyek kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan funduskopi, foto retina, neuropsikologi dan pencitraan otak tanpa kontras.Hasil : Ranah kognitif yang paling sering terganggu pada penyandang hipertensi dengan serebral SVD adalah memori, psikomotor, bahasa, visuospasial, fungsi eksekutif dan atensi. Sebanyak 43 subyek memiliki penyempitan arteriol dan 48,7 subyek dengan lesi white matter. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara subyek yang mengalami serebral SVD dengan gangguan kognitif p=1,000; R:0,324 , retinopati dengan serebral SVD p=1,000; R:0,235 dan retinopati dengan gangguan kognitif p=0,727; R:0,424 .Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan yang lemah antara gangguan kognitif dengan retinopati dan serebral SVD pada penyandang hipertensi.

The Association between Cognitive Impairment with Retinal and Cerebral Microvascular Abnormalities in Hypertensive PatientsMellia Ambarningrum , Diatri Nari Lastri , Eva Dewati , Jacub Pandelaki , Joedo Prihartono Neurology Department, FKUI RSCM, Jakarta Radiology Department, FKUI RSCM, Jakarta Community Medicine Department, FKUI, JakartaAbstractBackground Hypertension is a systemic disease in which patients are prone to multi organ diseases and atherosclerosis. Cerebral small vessel disease SVD and retinopathies make up part of the microvascular complications of hypertension. The most common clinical manifestations of cerebral SVD is a cognitive decline due to a lacunar infarct. The microvasculature of the brain and the retina is an analog to brain 39 s. We aim to observe if there a significant association between cognitive decline and retinopathy with cerebral SVD in hypertensive patients.Method This cross sectional study analysed a population of 39 chronic hypertensive patients which met our inclusion criteria. Subjects were aged bertween 23 65 years old, and visited the Renal Hypertension Clinic at RSUP Cipto Mangunkusumo between September and November 2016. we performed on each patient a funduscopy, a retinal photograph, a neuropsychological assessment and a non contrast brain imaging.Results The most common neurological deficits in our population with cerebral SVD were memory, psychomotoric, language, visuospatial, executive function and attention deficits. 43 of our subjects had some degree of arterial occlusion, and we observed white matter lesions WML in 48,7 of our patients. We did not find any differences between subjects who had cerebral SVD with cognitive impairment p 1,000 R 0,324 , retinopathy with cerebral SVD p 1,000 R 0,235 and retinopathy with cognitive impairment p 0,727 R 0,424 .Conclusion There is a weak association between cognitive impairment with retinopathy and cerebral SVD in chronic hypertensive patients. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wastuti
"Transisi demografi di Indonesia mengubah struktur umur penduduk yang menua. Meningkatnya jumlah penduduk lansia di Indonesia berpotensi besar terhadap permasalahan kesehatan mental, salah satunya Penyakit Demensia. Demensia merupakan stadium akhir dari kemunduran fungsi kognitif, yang sebelumnya diawali dari mudah lupa dan gangguan kognitif ringan MCI . Penelitian sebelumnya di negara lain menunjukkan bahwa salah satu faktor risiko penurunan fungsi kognitif yang dapat dimodifikasi adalah keterlibatan sosial. Namun, penelitian mengenai pengaruh keterlibatan sosial pada konteks negara berkembang khususnya di Indonesia masih terbatas.
Penelitian ini mengukur pengaruh keterlibatan sosial terhadap fungsi kognitif dari 228.216 orang lansia di Indonesia berdasarkan data SUPAS 2015. Keterlibatan sosial lansia diukur melalui kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan, mengasuh cucu, dan pasangan hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi multinomial logit. Umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, gangguan penglihatan, gangguan pendengaran, aktivitas fisik, dan aktivitas kognitif digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa keterlibatan sosial lansia berpengaruh terhadap fungsi kognitif pada lansia di Indonesia. Partisipasi lansia dalam aktivitas sosial kemasyarakatan, mengasuh cucu dan keberadaan pasangan hidup dapat mengurangi risiko gangguan fungsi kognitif MCI dan Demensia pada lansia di Indonesia.

Demographic transition in Indonesia changes the age structure of ageing population. Increasing number of elderly population in Indonesia has big potential to mental health problem, one of them is Dementia Disease. Dementia is the final stage of cognitive decline, preceded by forgetfulness and mild cognitive impairment MCI . Evidence from previous studies in other countries suggests that one potential modifiable risk factor for cognitive decline may be social engagement. However, research that identifies the modifiable risk factors in the context of developing countries, especially in Indonesia is still scarce.
This study analyses the influence of social engagement on cognitive function of 228.216 elderly people in Indonesia from SUPAS 2015. Social engagement is measured through social activities, looking after grandchildren, and the presence of a spouse. This study uses the multinomial logistic regression method. Age, sex, education, visual impairment, hearing loss, physical and cognitive activity are used as covariates. The results suggest that social engagement influences cognitive function of elderly in Indonesia. Participation in social activities, looking after grandchildren and the presence of spouses can reduce the risk of cognitive decline, both MCI and dementia, in the elderly in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Reyhan Gamal
"Latar belakang : Gangguan kognitif sebagai komplikasi dari penyakit serebrovaskular terkait hipertensi merupakan masalah kesehatan global seiring dengan meningkatnya angka harapan hidup. Baku emas diagnostik Vascular Cognitive Impairment (VCI) adalah pemeriksaan neuro imaging. Penelitian ini menggunakan modalitas neurosonologi dimana nilai pulsatility index (PI) arteri serebri media (MCA) berdasarkan pemeriksaan Trans Cranial Doppler (TCD) diharapkan menjadi alternatif prediktor gangguan kognitif pada penderita hipertensi.
Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan nilai PI MCA bilateral antara penderita hipertensi kognitif normal dengan kognitif terganggu. Secara spesifik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai apakah PI MCA dapat menjadi prediktor gangguan kognitif.
Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat potong lintang dengan subyek hipertensi tanpa komplikasi makrovaskular di poliklinik Saraf RSCM. Terdapat 66 subyek yang dipilih berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Seluruh subyek menjalani pemeriksaan Montreal Cognitive Assesment versi Indonesia (MoCA-Ina) untuk menilai status kognitifnya. Berdasarkan hasil MoCA-Ina seluruh subyek akan dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok kognitif normal dan terganggu. Kedua kelompok lalu menjalani pemeriksaan TCD untuk menilai PI MCA bilateral.
Hasil : Kelompok dengan gangguan kognitif memiliki nilai PI MCA lebih tinggi dibanding dengan kelompok kognitif normal (p<0,001). Peningkatan nilai PI MCA kiri lebih besar kecenderungannya untuk mengalami gangguan kognitif dibanding peningkatan nilai PI MCA kanan. Faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi gangguan kognitif selain nilai PI MCA adalah lama menderita hipertensi, usia dan Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2 (DMT2).
Kesimpulan : Terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai PI MCA bilateral antara kedua kelompok kognitif. Pulsatility Index MCA dapat menjadi prediktor timbulnya gangguan kognitif pada penderita hipertensi.

Background : Cognitive impairment as neurologic complications of hypertension related cerebrovascular disease has become global health issue due to increasing life expectancy. Gold standard diagnostic of vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) is through radiologic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) cerebral. This study utilize another modality by using Transcranial Doppler (TCD) pulsatility index (PI) value of middle cerebral artery (MCA) to evaluate peripheral resistance. The purpose of this study was to determine if pulsatility index of MCA can be a predictor for cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients.
Methods : This is a cross sectional study conducted in Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Sixty six hypertensive subjects which lacked of macrovascular complications were selected and screened using Montreal Cognitive Assesment-Indonesia version (MoCA-Ina) to determine their cognitive status. Scores ≥ 26 were grouped under cognitively normal subjects while scores ≤ 26 grouped under cognitive impairment subjects. Both groups then underwent TCD examination to determine values of PI MCA bilateral.
Results : Pulsatility index MCA were significantly higher in cognitive impairment group than normal group (p<0,001). Subjects with elevated left side MCA PI has more tendency to suffer cognitive impairment rather than right side. Other confounding factors related to cognitive impairment would be ages and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2).
Conclusion : Cognitive impairment hypertensive subjects has significantly higher PI MCA compared to cognitively normal hypertensive subjects. Pulsatility index of MCA can be a predictor for cognitive impairment in hypertensive subjects.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Theresia Caroline
Latar belakang : Usia lanjut berhubungan dengan terjadinya gangguan kognitif ringan. Pada umumnya usia lanjut memiliki keterbatasan mobilitas. Sebuah metode latihan yang dapat meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada usia lanjut dengan keterbatasan mobilitas sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh latihan koordinasi terhadap peningkatan fungsi kognitif pada usia lanjut dengan gangguan kognitif ringan
Metode : Metode penelitian pra-eksperimental dengan jumlah sampel 35 orang usia lanjut dengan gangguan kognitif ringan pada sebuah pusat kesehatan, Rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Program latihan koordinasi metode Jockey Club for Positive Aging (JCCPA) diberikan 3x seminggu selama 8 minggu. Penilaian fungsi kognitif menggunakan MoCA-Ina pada sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan.
Hasil : Latihan koordinasi selama 8 minggu menghasilkan nilai fungsi kognitif MoCA Ina yang meningkat secara statistik dengan uji T-test berpasangan ( mean 21,23 sebelum perlakuan menjadi 26,00 sesudah perlakuan; p<0,001). Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada ranah-ranah fungsi kognitif yaitu visuospatial/ fungsi eksekutif (p<0,001), atensi (p=0,005), bahasa (p=0,004), abstraksi (p=0,002), memori tunda (p<0,001), orientasi (p=0,0025) kecuali pada ranah penamaan (p=0,157) .
Kesimpulan: Latihan koordinasi bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan fungsi kognitif pada usia lanjut dengan gangguan kognitif ringan.

Background: Elderly is associated with the occurrence of mild cognitive impairment and limited mobility. An exercise method that can increase the cognitive function in elderly with limited mobility is therefore needed. This study aimed to measure the effect of coordination exercise in increasing the cognitive function in elderly with mild cognitive impairment..
Methods: A pre-experimental study with 35 participants from one health center (RSCM) were given 3 session per week for 8 weeks of JCCPA coordination exercise method. MOCA-Ina was used to measure the cognitive function of the subjects. This assessment is performed before and after the program.
Results: Paired-t test using MoCA-Ina score increases significantly from mean score of 21.23 before intervention to mean score of 26.00 after intervention (p< 0.005). Wilcoxon test showed improved scores in the cognitive domains of visuospatial / executive function (p <0.001), attention (p = 0.005), language (p = 0.004), abstraction (p = 0.002), delayed memory (p <0.001), orientation (p = 0.0025) except naming (p = 0.157).
Conclusion: Coordination exercise is beneficial to increase the cognitive function elderly with mild cognitive impairment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Marsintauli Hasudungan
Tumor otak (TO) merupakan penyebab kematian kedua dari
semua kanker yang terjadi pada anak. TO memiliki gambaran klinis, radiologis
dan histopatologis yang sangat bervariasi karena proses pengembangan sel-sel
jaringan otak masih berlanjut sampai usia 3 tahun. Data penelitian mengenai TO
pada anak masih sedikit.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis, radiologis, histopatologis dan faktor
prognostik TO di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI/ RS. Dr.
Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta periode tahun 2010 - 2015.
Metode Penelitian: Kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada semua anak dengan TO
primer yang berobat/dirawat di Departemen Ilmu Kesehahatan Anak FKUI/RS
Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta.
Hasil: Didapatkan 88 pasien TO primer, terdiri dari 16 pasien berusia kurang dari
3 tahun dan 72 pasien berusia lebih dari 3 tahun, laki-laki 53% dan perempuan
47%. Anak usia kurang dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (63%) dan
kejang (56%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebral
ventrikel (25%) dan cerebellum (24%), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang
terbanyak adalah Astrositoma (31%) dan Medulloblastoma (25%). Anak usia
lebih dari 3 tahun mengalami gejala sakit kepala (81%) dan gangguan penglihatan
(65%), berdasarkan radiologis letak TO yang terbanyak adalah di cerebellum
(24%) dan suprasellar (10 %), berdasarkan histopatologis jenis TO yang
terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma (21%), Astrositoma (18%) dan Glioma (17%).
Angka kehidupan TO adalah 37 %. Tidak didapatkan faktor prognostik TO yang
Kesimpulan: Gejala TO tersering adalah sakit kepala, berdasarkan radiologis
letak tumor terbanyak adalah di cerebellum serta berdasarkan histopatologis jenis
tumor terbanyak adalah Medulloblastoma dan Astrositoma. Tidak didapatkan
faktor prognostik TO pada anak.

Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.;Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor., Background: Primary brain tumors rank second as the most frequent neoplasm in
children. The lesions occurring in neonates or infants have been reported to differ
from those in older children in terms of their clinical presentation, radiology and
histopathology features.
Objective To clarify the clinical presentation, radiology, histopathology features.
and prognostic factor of primary brain tumors in Child Department
Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta in 2010 - 2015.
Method: Retrospective cohort using medical records and neuroradiological dan
histopathological studies, we analyzed each patient?s clinical presentation, tumor
location, histopathological diagnosis and treatment then we compared between
under 3 years of age and more 3 years of age . The patients were followed until
their death or until the end of October 2015.
Result: 88 patient of primer brain tumor that consist of 16 patients with under 3
years of age and 72 patients with more 3 years of age. Boys are 53% and girls
are 47% . The most symptoms of children under 3 years of age is headache (63%)
and seizure (56%), based on radiology the most location tumor is cerebral
ventrikel (25%) and cerebellum (24%), based on histopathology the predominant
tumor is Astrositoma (31%) and Medulloblastoma (25%). The most symptoms
of children more 3 years of age is headache (81%) and visual difficulties (65%),
based on radiology the most tumor location is cerebellum (24%) and suprasellar
(10 %), based on histopathology the predominat tumor is Medulloblastoma
(21%), Astrositoma (18%) and Glioma (17%). The life expectancy rate is 37 %.
There is no prognostic factor of brain tumor.
Conclusion: The most symptom of brain tumor is headache, based on radiology
the most tumor location is cerebellum, and based on histopathology the
predominant tumor is Medulloblastoma and Astrositoma. There is no prognostic
factor of brain tumor.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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