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"The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the use of xylitol chewing gum and risk of dental caries. The sample was taken from a population of 800 (120 samples). Standard equipment was used in observing the dental plaque, salivary flow rate and pH of the saliva from patients using xylitol chewing gum or non-xylitol chewing gum. The results were analzed using the t-test (one tailed) with 95% confidence intervals (a < 0.05) The results show a significant effect of chewed xylitol gum with increased pH in saliva, increased salivary flow rate (SFR), and decreased plaque score."
[Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claritasha Adienda
"Latar Belakang: Berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013 lebih dari seperempat penduduk Indonesia (25,9%) mempunyai masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan karies gigi sebagai masalah yang memiliki prevalensi tertinggi di angka 53,2%. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah plak gigi, yang dapat dihilangkan dengan perilaku menyikat gigi. Waktu menyikat gigi yang selama ini dianjurkan adalah setelah sarapan dan sebelum tidur. Namun, ditemukan kerugian dan ketidak efektifan dari waktu menyikat gigi tersebut, sehingga dibutuhkan waktu menyikat gigi lain yang dapat menghilangkan plak secara efektif. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan perlakuan menyikat gigi sebelum dan setelah makan terhadap derajat keasaman (pH) plak gigi sebagai faktor risiko karies. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Before-After Randomized Crossover Trial. Subjek penelitian adalah 20 mahasiswa/i FKG UI dengan rentang umur 19-22 tahun yang dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan pH plak pada perlakuan menyikat gigi sebelum dan setelah makan. Perlakuan dilakukan sekali seminggu selama 2 minggu, dengan empat kali pengambilan data setiap perlakuannya, yaitu T0 (sebelum dilakukan perlakuan apapun/baseline), T1 (setelah makan/ setelah sikat gigi sebelum makan), T2 (setelah makan/ setelah sikat gigi setelah makan), dan T3 (setelah 6 jam). Subjek diambil sampel derajat keasaman (pH) plaknya menggunakan digital pH meter Horiba LAQUAtwin. Sample plak diambil di gigi 11-21 dengan menggunakan sample sheet sekali pakai. Hasil: Kedua kelompok sama-sama mengalami penurunan rata-rata pH plak setelah makan dan setelah enam jam paska perlakuan terakhir, serta mengalami kenaikan rata-rata pH plak setelah sikat gigi. Pada kelompok perilaku menyikat gigi sebelum makan rata-rata pH plak pada awal pemeriksaan adalah 7,32 dan turun menjadi 7,27 setelah 6 jam. Sedangkan pada kelompok perilaku menyikat gigi setelah makan rata-rata pH plak pada awal pemeriksaan yaitu 7,49 turun menjadi 7,41 setelah 6 jam. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara perlakuan menyikat gigi sebelum dan setelah makan terhadap pH plak.

Background: According to the 2013 Basic Health Research, more than a quarter of Indonesia's population (25.9%) have dental and oral health problems, of which the highest prevalence is held by dental caries at the rate of 53,2%. One of the causes of caries is dental plaque which can be removed by tooth brushing. Most recommended time for tooth brushing is twice a day, after breakfast and before going to bed. However, the ineffectiveness of those brushing time is found. Therefore, the effective time to tooth brushing is needed. Objective: To determine the effect of before-eating tooth and after-eating tooth brushing on the hydrogen-ion concentration (pH) of dental plaque as caries risk factor. Methods: This study used the Before-After Randomized Crossover Trial approach. The research subjects were 20 FKG UI students with an age range of 19-22 years selected through a purposive sampling method. The study was conducted by comparing the pH of plaque to the treatment of tooth brushing before and after eating. The treatment is done once a week for 2 weeks, with four times data collections, there are T0 (before any treatment / baseline), T1 (after eating / after brushing before eating), T2 (after eating / after brushing after eating) , and T3 (after 6 hours). The subjects would be sampled the acidity degree (pH) of dental plaque using a digital pH meter called Horiba LAQUAtwin. Plaque samples were taken in teeth 11-21 using a disposable sheet sample. Results: Both groups experienced a decrease in the average pH of plaque after meals and after six hours, and experienced an increase in the average pH of plaque after brushing. In the group tooth brushing before eating the average pH of dental plaque at the beginning of the examination, which was 7.32, dropped to 7.27 after 6 hours. While in the group of brushing behavior after eating the average pH of plaque at the beginning of the examination, which was 7.49, dropped to 7.41 after 6 hours. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the treatment of tooth brushing before and after eating to the pH of plaque."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andanali Rukhul Finisha
"Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara indeks plak terhadap efikasi Propolis Fluoride dalam menghambat aktivitas karies. Metode: 246 anak dengan karies aktif pada anak usia 36-71 bulan diaplikasikan Propolis Fluoride. 149 anak merupakan kelompok perlakuan dengan diberi perlakuan sikat gigi serta edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut rutin. Sedangkan 97 anak merupakan kelompok kontrol hanya diberi edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada saat baseline. Evaluasi pemeriksaan dilakukan setelah 3 bulan untuk menilai persentase karies yang menjadi arrested dan hubungannya dengan indeks plak. Hasil: Pada saat evaluasi 3 bulan persentase karies arrested pada kelompok perlakuan 62,44 sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol 46,18. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna rata-rata indeks plak dan jumlah karies aktif antara kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan bernilai negatif antara indeks plak dan persentase karies arrested. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan bernilai positif antara skor tindakan dan persentase karies arrested. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara indeks plak dan efikais Propolis Fluoride dalam menghambat aktivitas karies.

Objective To determine the relationship between plaque index and efficacy of propolis fluoride in inhibiting caries activity. Method 246 children aged 36 71 month were applied Propolis Fluoride on every tooth surface that has active caries. 149 children are intervention group, they have been treated toothbrushing program and give them routine Dental Health Education. 97 children are control group only have been given Dental Health Education on the baseline. The evaluation and examination were conducted after 3 months to measure the percentage of arrested caries and the correlation with plaque index. Result At the 3 months evaluation, the percentage of arrested caries for both group of intervention and control were 62,44 and 46,18 respectively. There was a significant difference in mean plaque index and the number of active caries between two groups. There was a significant correlation between the plaque index and the percentage of arrested caries. There was a significant correlation between the behavior score and the percentage of arrested caries. Both correlation has negative and positive value respectively. Conclusion There is a significant correlation between plaque index and efficacy of Propolis fluoride in inhibiting caries activity.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadiya Nur Husniah
"Streptococcus mutans merupakan mikroorganisme yang berkoloni pada permukaan gigi dan membentuk plak penyebab utama terjadinya karies. Salah satu bentuk upaya pencegahan karies yaitu dengan cara menggosok gigi secara teratur menggunakan pasta gigi yang mengandung lilin propolis. Lilin propolis merupakan residu dari proses pean propolis lebah madu yang memiliki kandungan antibakteri.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efektivitas pasta gigi dengan kandungan lilin propolis terhadap pertumbuhan koloni Streptococcus mutans dan pembentukan plak dan membandingkannya dengan pasta gigi yang mengandung propolis.
Metode: Sebanyak 24 subjek karies yang diinstruksikan menyikat gigi 2 kali sehari dan tidak melakukan prosedur kebersihan mulut lainnya. Plak gigi diukur menggunakan indeks plak Sillness-Loe dan sampel plak diambil dari permukaan bukal gigi insisif atas subjek karies sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan pasta gigi selama 7 hari, selanjutnya dibiakan pada media agar TYS20B selama 2x24 jam, kemudian dilakukan penghitungan jumlah koloni S.mutans yang dihitung dalam CFU/ml.
Hasil: Pasta gigi lilin propolis dapat menurunkan jumlah koloni Streptococcus mutans dan indeks plak gigi. Secara statistik terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara jumlah koloni S.mutans dan indeks plak sebelum dan sesudah pemakaian pasta gigi dan tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara penggunaan pasta gigi yang mengandung lilin propolis dan propolis.
Kesimpulan: Pasta gigi lilin propolis berpotensi sebagai alternatif pencegahan karies gigi.

Streptococcus mutans is a microorganism that colonizes on the tooth surface and forms plaque which is the main cause of caries. One form of prevention of caries is by tooth brushing regularly with toothpaste containing propolis wax. Propolis wax is a residue from the purification process of pure honey bee propolis which has antibacterial contents.
Purpose: To analyze the effectiveness of toothpaste containing propolis wax on growth of Streptococcus mutans and dental plaque formation and compare it with toothpaste containing propolis in caries patient.
Methods: 24 caries subjects were instructed to brush their teeth twice daily refrain from any other oral hygiene procedures. The plaque was measured using the Sillness Loe plaque index and plaque samples were collected from subjects buccal surface upper incisors before and after using toothpaste for 7 days, subsequently cultured on TYS20B agar medium for 2x24 hours then counting the number of colonies of S.mutans in CFU ml.
Results: In this study toothpaste containing propolis wax can decrease the number of Streptococcus mutans colonies and dental plaque index. There is a significant difference between the amount of S.mutans colony and plaque index before and after using toothpaste.
Conclusion: The use of toothpaste containing propolis wax has the potential as an alternative to prevention of dental caries.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Xylitol is reported to inhibit the growth of C. albicans. Objectives: Investigating serum factor role in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans and the effect of 1%, 5%, 10% xylitol in C. albicans resistance in serum in vitro. Methods: Identification of C. albicans (oral swab of candidiasis patient) was conducted using CHROMAgar, confirmed by germ tube test. The cultures were serially diluted, inoculated in Saburoud Dextrose Broth (SDB) contained 0% (control), 1%, 5%, or 10% xylitol, and kept for 3 or 7 days. These inoculations were then exposed to either active or inactive serum (Fetal Bovine Serum heated in 65°C for 30 minutes) for 2 hours in 37°C. The colony forming unit (CFU) of C. albicans in Saburoud Dextrose Agar (SDA) were counted after 2 days. C. albicans ATCC 10231 strain was used as a comparison. One-way ANOVA with a 0.05 was used. results: After 3 days cultured in media with or without xylitol, the CFU of C. albicans exposed to active serum were significantly lower than those exposed to inactive serum (p=0.032). Although not statistically significant (p=0.689), increased concentration of xylitollead to increased resistance of C. albicans in active serum. Only 7 day exposure of 10% xylitol resulted in significantly higher growth of C. albicans (p=0.034). No significant difference of C. albicans CFU in active or inactive serum (p=0.404). Conclusion: Serum factor has role in inhibiting C. albicans growth in vitro. Exposure of 1%, 5%, or 10% xylitol for 3 or 7 days has no significant effect on C. albicans resistance in serum."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Streptococcus mutans serotype C is a major causative agent to caries and is found predominantly in dental plaque and saliva. Dentifrice containing xylitol has been shown to inhibit the growth of mutans streptococci. The aim of the study was to identify in vitro the influence of dentifrice containing xylitol on S. mutans serotype C. The solution of dentifrice containing xylitol was first diluted with sterile aquadest at 1:1, and then to concentrations of 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, also with positive and negative controls. These solutions were exposed to S. mutans Serotype C by diffusion and dilution method. The results of the study show that the inhibition zone formed at concentration of 10% and 100%. There was a significant positive correlation between the concentration of dentifrice and the growth of mutans streptococci (p<0.05), with MBC point at 10%. In conclusion, dentifrice containing xylitol has an antibacterial effect and can inhibit the growth of S. mutans serotype C. Increasing concentration of dentifrice containing xylitol increases the size of the inhibition zone."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Linggriani
"Karies gigi merupakan penyakit rongga mulut yang sering terjadi. Prevalensi karies pada anak di berbagai negara masih tinggi. Cara mencegah karies dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian agen antibakteri, dimana penggunaan antibakteri alami semakin diminati. Flavonoid yang berasal dari bahan alam dapat menghambat glukosiltransferase GTF . GTF memfasilitasi pembentukan plak/ biofilm. Dari penelitian terdahulu, flavonoid propolis diketahui memiliki efek antibakteri terhadap Streptococcus mutans namun belum ada penelitian yang menggunakan strain S.mutans klinis. S.mutans diisolasi dari plak gigi anak, kemudian dilakukan uji biofilm dengan crystal violet pada 96-microwell plate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh flavonoid propolis konsentrasi 0,05 dan 0,1 terhadap pembentukan biofilm S.mutans p>0,01 . Hal ini berarti flavonoid propolis 0,05 memiliki efek antibakteri yang sama dengan flavonoid propolis 0,1 dalam menghambat pembentukan biofilm S.mutans.

Objective This study was conducted to analyze the effects obtained with different concentrations 0.5 and 0.1 of propolis flavonoids on in vitro biofilm formation by clinical Streptococcus mutans S. mutans strains isolated from children rsquo s dental plaque. Methods S. mutans isolated from children 39 s dental plaque was assayed for biofilm formation in 96 microwell plates using crystal violet. Results The effects on S. mutans biofilm formation were the same for propolis flavonoids administered at concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1 p 0.01 . Conclusion A 0.05 propolis flavonoids concentration was deemed as effective as a 0.1 concentration at inhibiting S.mutans biofilm formation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Setijono
"Latar Belakang : Penggunaan CPP-ACP secara kombinasi bersamaan dengan agen antibakterial propolis masih belum banyak diteliti dan dikembangkan.
Tujuan : Membandingkan efikasi penggunaan CPP-ACP yang mengandung propolis dan tanpa propolis terhadap jumlah Streptococcus mutans pada anak usia 7-9 tahun.
Metode : Subjek penelitian adalah 32 anak yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kedua kelompok melakukan pengambilan data awal (baseline) pada variabel jumlah S. mutans dan indeks plak, kemudian dilakukan pengolesan pasta tiap hari selama 4 minggu, dan dilakukan pengambilan data akhir setelahnya.
Hasil : Terdapat penurunan bermakna pada jumlah S. mutans dan indeks plak dari masing-masing kelompok perlakuan (p<0.05). Namun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara penurunan jumlah Streptococcus mutans dan indeks plak dari kedua kelompok yang dibandingkan.
Kesimpulan : CPP-ACP yang mengandung propolis tidak terbukti lebih baik dari CPP-ACP tanpa propolis dalam penurunan jumlah Streptococcus mutans, namun berpotensi untuk dijadikan alternatif sebagai agen remineralisasi gigi.

Background : The use of CPP-ACP in combination with antibacterial agent propolis still hasnt been researched and developed much yet.
Objective : To know the difference in Streptococcus mutans count on subjects teeth, before and after applied with CPP-ACP with and without propolis.
Methods : The subject of the experiment are 32 grade school children aged 7-9 which divided into 2 groups, would have their baseline data taken on Streptococcus mutans count and plaque index, have their teeth applied with both CPP-ACP paste, with and without propolis for 4 weeks, then would have their data taken again.
Results : After 4 weeks, there is a significant decrease in Streptococcus mutans count and plaque index for both groups (p<0.05). However, there is no significant difference in the decrease between the two groups.
Conclusion : CPP-ACP with propolis is not proven to be better than CPP-ACP alone in terms of reducing Streptococcus mutans count on children aged 7-9 years old, but it could be used as an alternative remineralizing agent.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faiz Abdurrahman
"Latar belakang: Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2013, proporsi anak kelompok usia 5-9 tahun yang memiliki permasalahan gigi dan mulut yaitu 28,9%. Penyakit yang paling sering terjadi adalah karies gigi yang salah satu penyebabnya adalah plak gigi, sehingga dibutuhkan bahan yang dapat menghambat pembentukan plak gigi.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efek dari aplikasi CPP-ACP yang mengandung Propolis dan tanpa Propolis terhadap indeks plak anak usia 7-10 tahun di SDN Cipinang Besar Utara 09 Pagi, Jakarta Timur.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimental dengan menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membandingkan rata-rata indeks plak anak sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi CPP-ACP yang mengandung Propolis dan tanpa Propolis. Aplikasi dilakukan sekali sehari selama empat minggu. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 anak (CPP-ACP Propolis n=16; CPP-ACP n=16) usia 7-10 tahun yang dipilih melalui metode purposive sampling. Rata-rata indeks plak diperoleh dengan pengukuran menggunakan modifikasi metode indeks plak Loe dan Silness yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi hari ke-7, 14, dan 28.
Hasil: Kedua kelompok sama-sama mengalami penurunan indeks plak setelah aplikasi selama empat minggu. Pada kelompok aplikasi CPP-ACP yang mengandung Propolis indeks plak pada awal pemeriksaan yaitu 1,79 turun menjadi 0,97 pada hari ke-28. Sedangkan pada kelompok aplikasi CPP-ACP tanpa propolis, indeks plak pada awal pemeriksaan yaitu 1,72 kemudian pada hari ke-28 turun menjadi 1,18.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada efek dari aplikasi CPP-ACP yang mengandung Propolis dan tanpa Propolis selama empat minggu terhadap indeks plak.

Background: According to the 2013 Basic Health Research, the proportion of children in the population of 5-9 years who had dental and oral problems was 28.9%. The most common disease is dental caries, which one of the causes is dental plaque. Therefore, materials which can inhibit the formation of dental plaque are needed.
Objective: To determine the effect of the application of CPP-ACP containing propolis and without propolis against plaque index of children aged 7-10 years at SDN Cipinang Besar Utara 09 Pagi, East Jakarta.
Methods: This research was a quasi-experimental study using one group pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted by comparing the plaque index mean of children before and after the CPP-ACP application containing Propolis and without Propolis. Application is carried out once a day for four weeks. The research subjects were 32 children (CPP-ACP Propolis n= 16; CPP-ACP n=16) ages 7-10 years who were selected through a purposive sampling method. The plaque index mean was obtained by measurement using a modification of the Loe and Silness plaque index method carried out before and after the application of the 7th, 14th, and 28th days.
Results: Both groups experienced a decrease in plaque index after application for four weeks. In the CPP-ACP Propolis, plaque index mean at the initial examination was 1.79 then dropped to 0.97 on the 28th day. Whereas in the CPP-ACP without Propolis, the plaque index mean at the initial examination was 1.72 then on the 28th day it dropped to 1.18.
Conclusion: There was no significant difference in the effect of the application of CPP-ACP containing Propolis and without Propolis for four weeks on the plaque index.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tince Arniati Jovina
"Peningkatan prevalensi karies gigi terutama disebabkan karena adanya perubahan-perubahan dalam pola makan dari makanan berserat menjadi makanan mudah melekat pada permukaan gigi. Bila seseorang malas untuk membersihkan giginya setelah makan makanan yang manis dan lengket, maka sisa-sisa makanan tersebut akan diubah menjadi asam oleh bakteri yang terdapat dalam mulut, kemudian dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya karies gigi. Menurut Matram (2007), berdasarkan SKRT 2004, penyebab tingginya prevalensi karies hanya sedikit orang Indonesia mengerti cara menyikat gigi benar (10%). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh kebiasaan menyikat gigi terhadap status pengalaman karies dengan menganalisis data Rriskesdas 2007. Dalam Penelitian ini terdapat 198.023 responden berusia 35 tahun ke atas yang diperiksa giginya Desain penelitian cross sectional, populasi adalah seluruh penduduk Indonesia tahun 2007. Analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan distribusi frekuensi karakteristik responden, responden yang mempunyai gigi yang sehat, DMF-T = 0 adalah hanya 11,76 % dan responden yang mengalami kerusakan gigi atau DMF-T  1 adalah sebanyak 88,24%. Prevalensi pengalaman karies paling tinggi terjadi pada kelompok umur 65 tahun ke atas yaitu 96,51%. Pada kelompok yang menyikat gigi 1x/hari 1,063 kali berisiko terjadinya kerusakan gigi dibanding sikat gigi 2x/hari. Kelompok yang jarang menyikat gigi 1,23 kali berisiko terjadinya kerusakan gigi dibandingkan yg sikat gigi 2x/hari. Setelah dikontrol oleh variabel umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Sebaiknya masyarakat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya dengan rajin menyikat gigi 2 kali sehari yaitu setelah makan pagi dan sebelum tidur malam untuk dapat mengurangi terjadinya karies gigi.
Increased prevalence of dental caries was due to changes in dietary fiber foods into food from easily attached to the tooth surface. When someone lazy to clean his teeth after eating sweet or sticky foods, the leftovers will be converted into acid by bacteria contained in the mouth, and can cause dental caries. According Matram (2007), based on the 2004 Household Health Survey, the cause of the high prevalence of caries in Indonesia that few people understand how to brush teeth correctly (10%). The purpose of this study is to see the effect of tooth brushing habits of the status of caries experience by analyzing the data Riskesdas 2007. In this study there were 198 023 respondents aged 35 years and over who checked his teeth cross sectional study design, population is the entire population of Indonesia in 2007. The analysis used is multiple logistic regression. The results based on the frequency distribution characteristics of respondents, respondents who have healthy teeth, DMF-T = 0 is only 11.76% and the respondents who experienced damage to their teeth or DMF-T  1 is as much as 88.24%. The highest prevalence of caries experience occurred at age group 65 years and over is 96.51%. In the group that tooth brushing 1 times/day 1.063 times the risk of tooth decay than two times/day toothbrush. Groups who rarely brush my teeth 1.23 times the risk of tooth decay compared to toothbrush who 2times/day. Once controlled by the variables of age, gender, education and employment. Community should maintain healthy teeth and mouth with diligent brushing their teeth two times a day after breakfast and before bedtime to reduce the occurrence of dental caries.;Increased prevalence of dental caries was due to changes in dietary fiber foods into food from easily attached to the tooth surface. When someone lazy to clean his teeth after eating sweet or sticky foods, the leftovers will be converted into acid by bacteria contained in the mouth, and can cause dental caries. According Matram (2007), based on the 2004 Household Health Survey, the cause of the high prevalence of caries in Indonesia that few people understand how to brush teeth correctly (10%). The purpose of this study is to see the effect of tooth brushing habits of the status of caries experience by analyzing the data Riskesdas 2007. In this study there were 198 023 respondents aged 35 years and over who checked his teeth cross sectional study design, population is the entire population of Indonesia in 2007. The analysis used is multiple logistic regression. The results based on the frequency distribution characteristics of respondents, respondents who have healthy teeth, DMF-T = 0 is only 11.76% and the respondents who experienced damage to their teeth or DMF-T  1 is as much as 88.24%. The highest prevalence of caries experience occurred at age group 65 years and over is 96.51%. In the group that tooth brushing 1 times/day 1.063 times the risk of tooth decay than two times/day toothbrush. Groups who rarely brush my teeth 1.23 times the risk of tooth decay compared to toothbrush who 2times/day. Once controlled by the variables of age, gender, education and employment. Community should maintain healthy teeth and mouth with diligent brushing their teeth two times a day after breakfast and before bedtime to reduce the occurrence of dental caries."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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