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Ditemukan 1964 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Picoult, Jodi, 1966-
"Ruth Jefferson is a labor and delivery nurse at a Connecticut hospital with more than twenty years' experience. During her shift, Ruth begins a routine checkup on a newborn, only to be told a few minutes later that she's been reassigned to another patient. The parents are white supremacists and don't want Ruth, who is African American, to touch their child. The hospital complies with their request, but the next day, the baby goes into cardiac distress while Ruth is alone in the nursery. Does she obey orders or does she intervene? Ruth hesitates before performing CPR and, as a result, is charged with a serious crime. Kennedy McQuarrie, a white public defender, takes her case but gives unexpected advice: Kennedy insists that mentioning race in the courtroom is not a winning strategy. Conflicted by Kennedy's counsel, Ruth tries to keep life as normal as possible for her family, especially her teenage son, as the case becomes a media sensation. As the trial moves forward, Ruth and Kennedy must gain each other's trust, and come to see that what they've been taught their whole lives about others, and themselves, might be wrong."
Jakarta: Bhuana Sastra, 2016
813.6 PIC s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Picoult, Jodi, 1966-
"Ruth Jefferson is a labor and delivery nurse at a Connecticut hospital with more than twenty years' experience. During her shift, Ruth begins a routine checkup on a newborn, only to be told a few minutes later that she's been reassigned to another patient. The parents are white supremacists and don't want Ruth, who is African American, to touch their child. The hospital complies with their request, but the next day, the baby goes into cardiac distress while Ruth is alone in the nursery. Does she obey orders or does she intervene? Ruth hesitates before performing CPR and, as a result, is charged with a serious crime. Kennedy McQuarrie, a white public defender, takes her case but gives unexpected advice: Kennedy insists that mentioning race in the courtroom is not a winning strategy. Conflicted by Kennedy's counsel, Ruth tries to keep life as normal as possible for her family, especially her teenage son, as the case becomes a media sensation. As the trial moves forward, Ruth and Kennedy must gain each other's trust, and come to see that what they've been taught their whole lives about others, and themselves, might be wrong."
Waterville: Maine Thorndike Press Large Print, 2016
813.6 PIC s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arundhati Roy
808.3 Roy g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nababan, Mangihut
"Untuk menyampaikan gagasannya secara lebih efektif, banyak sastrawan
menggunakan paradoks. Setelah dianalisis dcngan menggunakan pendekatan New
Criticism, ditemukan bahwa dalam novelnya 7711: God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
menggunakan paradoks pada peristiwa, penokohan, dan penceritaan untuk mengkritik
budaya Anglophilia dan pralctek ajaran Kristen aiiran Suriah di Kerala, negara bagian di
India bagian Selatan.
Orang ?berkulit putih,? terutama orang lnggris, yang dianggap bcrbudaya tinggi
dan berperilaku baik, ternyata berperilaku jahat dan menyebabkan kesengsaraan bagi
peududuk asli yang mengaguminya, dan yang sebenarnya memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan.
Secara ironis, pemujaan secara berlebihan terhadap Sophie Mol, seorang peranakan
?berkulit putih? yang sedang berkunjung ke rumah kakeknya di Ayemenem, Kerala,
merupakan pemicu dari berbagai kejadian mcnyedihkan, termasuk kematian Sophie Mol
Gereja mengajarkan persamaan martabat rnanusia di hadapan Tuhan. Akan tetapi,
agama Kristen aliran Suriah di Kerala menggolong-golongkan umatnya berdasarkan
kasta. Umat yang berasal dari ketumnan Brahmana (Touchables), polisi dan orang
?berkulit putih" ditempatkan pada kelas atas, kelas terhormat, sementara kaum paria
(Untouchables), Arnmu yang dikucilkan karena melanggar atumn keluarga, bersama anak
kembarnya, ditempatkan pada kelas bawah, kclas terbuang.
Akan tetapi, kedua kelompok manusia ini dibuat lebih hina dari binatang dan
serangga. Seperti binatang, kelompok atas ini begitu kejam dan kasar terhadap kaum
bawah. Kaum Untouchable.: diperlakukan begitu hina dan tidak berdaya, sehingga
kehidupan binatang dan serangga seolah-olah lebih langgeng dari kehidupan mereka.
Sementara itu, binatang dan serangga menunjukl-can sifat-sifat manusia dan diperlalcukan
seperti manusia. Selanjutnya kaum Untouchable: dan keluarga tersnsih Ammu dibuat
lebih berguna dari kaum Touchables, polisi dan orang ?berkulit putih?, karena kelompok
pertama membuat yang tidak berguna dan terbuang menjadi berguna, sedangkan
kelompok kcdua membuat barang yang baru dan berguna menjadi tidak bcrguna.
Perscllngkuhan Ammu dari keluarga Brahmana dengan Vclutha dari kclompok
paria merupakan hujatan terhadap pihak yang menguiuk ikatan antara insan dari kedua
kelompok tersebut. Perbuatan incest anak kembar Arrunu bisa dilihat, antara lain, sebagai
ejekan terhadap praktek agama Kristen aliran Suriah yang mengutuk pemikahan
antarsuku dan antaragama, dan menekankan pemikahan sesama mere]-ca. Perbuatan
terkutuk tersebut bisa juga dilihat sebagai akibat dari patahnya cinta pada kehidupan
mercka. Tidak seorang pun mencintai mcrcka, dan orang-orang yang pemah mereka
cintai tclah mcninggal.

In order to convey their message more effectively, many writers use paradoxes.
Analytical study of The God of Small Things employing New Critcism reveals that in his
novel, Arundhati Roy uses paradoxes in the plot, characterization, and language to
criticise Anglophlia and Syrian Christian practices in Kerala, a Southern state in India.
The Whites who are thought to be highly civilized and., therefore well-behaved,
tum out to be notorious and cause sufferings to the natives who admire them. These
natives are thought to be inferior, but actually are worthy. Ironical ly, excessive devotion
towards visiting Sophie Mol, an English mixed-blood young girl, triggers tragedies,
including the death oi' Sophie Mol herselti
The church preaches equality of men before God. But the Syrian Christian church
puts her faithfuls in castes. Descendants of former Brahmins (Touchables), the police and
the Whites are put in the highest position, and are highly respected, whereas the pariahs
(Umauchables), Ammu for breach of family regulation, together with her twins, are put
in the lowest one, and considered worthless.
But these two groups of people are made inferior to animals and insects. Like
animals, Ybuchables, thc police and the Whites are so cruel towards Unrouchables,
Arnmu, and her twins that animals and insects seem more viable than them. Furthermore,
the Umouchables are made worthier than the Unrouchables. in that the former make
useless and discarded things useful, whereas the latter make new and useful things
. Adultery commited by Arnmu, a Brahmin descent, with Velutha, a pariah, is seen
as a blow to those who consider marriages between two different castes impossible and
condemned. Incest done by Ammu?s twins is seen, among others, as a ridicule to Syrian
Christian practices which denounces marriages between different tribes and ditTerent
religions, engouraging marriages among themselves. It may also be viewed as a result of
love deprivation in their life, because no one loves them and the people they loved have
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herriot, James, 1916-1995
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2014
636.089 HER a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pugh, Philip
"Observing the Messier Objects with a Small Telescope contains descriptions and photographs of the 103 Messier objects, with instructions on how to find them without a computerized telescope or even setting circles. The photographs show how the objects appear through a 127mm Maksutov (and other instruments, where applicable). The visual appearance of a Messier object is often very different from what can be imaged with the same telescope, and a special feature of this book is that it shows what you can see with a small telescope.
It will also contain binocular descriptions of some objects.
Messier published the final version of his catalog in 1781 (it contains 103 different objects), a catalog so good that it is still in common use today, well over two centuries later. In making a catalog of all the 'fixed' deep-sky objects that observers might confuse with comets, Messier had succeeded in listing all the major interesting deep-sky objects that today are targets for amateur astronomers."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vital, DAvid
London: Oxford University Press, 1971
328.34 VIT s (2)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahayu Puji Haryanti
"Anglophilia is a kind of state of mind in which the owner (the anglophile) adhores English people or English things. In this research the meaning of this term is broadened into a state of mind of people who adhore white people (including white American) and all their properties (way of life, culture, language, etc). This research tries to undo what has happened to the anglophiles especially those who live in am ex-British and American colonized areas as described in two novels - The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy and Dog-eaters by Jessica I Tagedorn. First, it reveals that the theme of those novels is how the people in the novels, in facing the conflicts between their traditional (eastern) culture and the colonizer's (western) culture, strive for a cultural identity. After that, this research shows how anglophi/ia is developed within the frame of the theme. It can be infered that, then, anglophilia is a dilemma for those people (especially the main characters) as, on one side, it does not give a clear stance to the upholders but, on the other side, it cannot be completely avoided. When the anglophiles try to get rid of the western culture and turn to their ancestors' culture, the are faced with dislocation. They cannot deny that they still need self actualization by embracing the western culture.
This research finds out that both novels offer a temporary solution to the problem. It is the idea of hybridization. The conflicts are regarded as historical impact that has to be taken by the new generation in the colonial areas. They are not anymore purely local while, at the same time, the cannot be fully western. Their identity is in the grey area (between black and white). However, as said before, it is a temporary stance since with their position, they are not yet satisfied. They sill continue searching while being active and dynamic in living their life."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Darmawan
"Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi di era revolusi industri 4.0 memicu berkembangnya paradigma Internet of Things (IoT) yang memudahkan otomasi dan monitoring rumah. Artinya bertambah pula kerentanan pada jaringan rumah yang menyebabkan resiko penurunan performa jaringan, hingga kebocoran data. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem keamanan jaringan IoT berbasis Raspberry Pi sebagai solusi IDS beserta tambahan secure access point yang terjangkau. Sistem keamanan yang dikembangkan dipercaya dapat mengisolasi jaringan IoT dengan lebih baik agar serangan tidak mempengaruhi kinerja perangkat IoT, dan memberikan alerting mengenai intrusion kepada pengguna untuk mengambil langkah terhadap resiko yang dapat terjadi. Intrusion Detection System berhasil mendeteksi serangan yang ada pada skenario dengan hasil maksimum: tingkat false alarm dibawah 15%, tingkat keberhasilan deteksi diatas 50% dan akurasi deteksi diatas 75% untuk skenario serangan Evil Twin, Reconnaissance, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), dan Man In The Middle (MITM) dan dapat mencegah serangan Evil Twin dan MITM.

The rapid development of information technology in the industrial revolution 4.0 era triggers the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm in everyday life, facilitating automation and monitoring for home. This phenomenon introduces vulnerabilities in the home network and may lead to the risk of decreased network performance, and privacy leak. This study proposes an IoT network security system implementing Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and secure access point based on Raspberry Pi as an affordable IDS solution. The proposed security system is believed to better isolate the IoT network and not affect the performance of IoT devices in case of attacks, also providing  intrusion alerts to encourage users to take steps against risks that may occur. The system is able to detect a maximum of: false alarm rate under 15%, successful detection rate above 50% and detection accuracy of 75% for Evil Twin, Reconnaissance, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), and Man In The Middle (MITM) attack scenarios with increased robustness in case of Evil Twin deauthentication and MITM attacks.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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