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Christensen, Mary, 1951-
"As far as career opportunities go, network marketing is hard to beat. It costs almost nothing to start, allows for flexible hours, and paves the way for financial independence. Network marketing -- also known as direct selling and multi-level marketing -- has turned millions of people into successful business owners."
New York: American Management Association, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yarnell, Mark, 1950-
New York : Three Rivers Press, 1998
658.86 YAR y
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christensen, Mary, 1951-
"Network marketing - also known as direct selling and multi-level marketing - has turned millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need to successfully grow their business by recruiting the right people. Written by a true network marketing superstar who personally signed over one thousand people in her first year, the book reveals a proven, innovative approach to recruiting that gets results fast. Filled with advice and inspiration, as well as helpful worksheets and exercises, this indispensable guide gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to grow their enterprise and become top earners."
New York: American Management Association, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Di dalam dunia bisnis ada 3 kelompok besar bisnis, yaitu bisnis konvensional, franchise dan network marketing. Umumnya bisnis konvensional memerlukan modal yang relatif besar dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang penuh ketidakpastian. Disisi lain bisnis franchise memerlukan modal yang relatif kecil dan mempunyai tingkat keberhasilan yang tinggi karena sistemnya yang telah teruji. Dan yang terakhir adalah network marketing atau multilevel marketing, yang modalnya sangat kecil dan hampir tanpa resiko.
Penelitian ini membahas Retensi Distributor Dalam Multilevel Marketing dan mengambil kasus MLM High Desert, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi food supplement, propolis, royal jelly, dan pollen. Perusahaan ini merupakan anak perusahaan CC Pollen Company yang berkantor pusat di Arizona, Amerika Serikat.
Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 7 variabel laten, yang terbagi dalam 39 pertanyaan yang merupakan indikator ketujuh variabel laten tersebut Ketujuh variabel Iaten tersebut adalah retensi distributor, kepercayaan, komitmen, support perusahaan, jiwa wirausaha distributor, kinerja dan kepuasan kerja distributor. Sedangkan respondennya adalah para distributor yang telah bergabung di High Desert minimum 1 tahun, dengan jumlah sampel 125 orang responden yang berasal dari Bandung dan Jakarta yang diambil dengan metode convenience sampling. Selanjutnya pengolahan data menggunakan 4 metode analisis, yaitu : analisis deskriptif, analisis faktor, analisis varian multivariate, disamping regresi berganda dan regresi polynomial.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 96 % responden yang bergabung 2-3 tahun minimum sudah menduduki posisi distributor director. Disamping itu lama bergabung, peringkat dan pendidikan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap ketujuh variabel laten tersebut, sedangkan jenis kelamin tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang sinifikan. Interaksi antara komitmen distributor dengan kepuasan kerja distributor mempunyai pengaruh yang sinifikan terhadap retensi distributor. Selanjutnya faktor utama support perusahaan, interaksi antara jiwa wirausaha distributor dengan support perusahaan, dan interaksi antara kepercayaan distributor dengan support perusahaan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap komitmen distributor. Komitmen distributor mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kinerja distributor, dan kinerja distributor mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja distributor.

There are 3 big groups in the business world, that is conventional business, franchise and network marketing. Generally, conventional business needs more capital with the highly uncertain efficacy storey. On the other hand; franchise business needs less capital and have the high efficacy storey; because its system have been tested. Finally, network marketing or multilevel marketing needs capital relatively small and almost without risk.
This research study the Distributor Retention In Multilevel Marketing and take the case AIM of High Desert, a company producing food supplement : propolis, royal jelly, and pollen. This company represent the subsidiary company of CC Pollen Company having a head office in Arizona, United States.
In this research used 7 latent variable, which divided in 39 question representing 7 latent variable mentioned before. The 7 latent variable consist of : distributor retention, trust, commitment, distributor support, entrepreneurship, performance and job satisfaction. While its respondent is all distributor joined in High Desert at minimum 1 year periods, with the sample amount 125 respondent who come from Bandung and Jakarta using convenience sampling methods. And data processing using 4 kind of analyzing method, that is : descriptive analysis, factor analysis, variant multivariate analysis, beside quadratic regression and polynomial regression.
The result of research indicate that 96 % respondents joining at minimum 3 years have occupied the position of distributor director. On the other hand, the joining periods and education having a significant influence toward 7 latent variable, while gender is not having a significant influence. The interaction between distributor commitment and job satisfaction having a significant influence toward distributor retention. Hereinafter main factor of distributor support, interaction between entrepreneurship and company support system, and interaction between trust and company support system having a significant influence toward distributor commitment. Distributor commitment having a significance influence toward distributor performance, and distributor performance having a significance influence toward job satisfaction."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjutju Fatimah
"The research aims to get the valid empirical data (Sahih, valid and trust worthy) about how to describe:
1. Entrepreneurship characteristics of distributor in Direct selling Multi Level Marketing at PT Amindoway Jaya Jakarta
2. Behavior of distributor Chain in Direct Selling Multi Level Marketing at PT Amindoway Jaya Jakarta
3. Motivation of Distributor in direct selling Multi Level Marketing ay PT Amindoway Jaya Jakarta
4. Business success of distributor in direct selling Multi Level Marketing PT Amindoway Jakarta
The population of research PT Amindoway Jaya distributors. The research use a survey method with descriptive analysis approach.The time for research on Januari 2006 to Juni 2006. The research is carried out on 30 distributors as sample for respondent and took with simple random sampling method in form of questionnaire to know the percentage, the data analysis is directed to solve problem formulation as a relative distribution frequency, which means data csllifed into a number of groups and stated and measured in percentage analisis beetwen variables and their indicators.
The research shows that:
1. Entreprenuership Characteristics variable and its indicators: 14.6 percent of respondents says Strongly Agree, 6.2 percent Agree, 0.1 percent Doubtful, 4.4 percent Less Agree, and 4.7 percent Strongly Disagree.
2. Distributor Behavior variable and its indicators: 13.4 percent of respondents says Strongly Agree, 14.1 percent Agree, 0.6 percent Doubtful, 1.7 percent Less Agree, and 0.2 percent Strongly Disagree.
3. Distributor Motivation variable and its indicators: 18.4 percent of respondents says Strongly Agree, 9.4 percent Agree, 1.3 percent Doubtful, 0.6 percent Less Agree, and 0.3 percent Strongly Disagree.
4. Business Success variable and its indicators: 13.2 percent of respondents says Strongly Agree, 14.0 percent Agree, 0.1 percent Doubtful, 2.3 percent Less Agree, and 0.4 percent Strongly Disagree."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
William, Miller
"For salespeople, prospecting is as important as it is difficult. For some, it's downright terrifying -- especially the cold calling. Knock Your Socks Off Prospecting shares the hard-won, in-the-trenches prospecting and cold-calling secrets of the most successful salespeople -- in the trademark, fun style of the best-selling Knock Your Socks Off series."
New York: American Management Association, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riska Indriani
Dalam perkembangan perdagangan dunia, yang terarah pada perdagangan bebas,
maka Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang terus berusaha mengimbanginya, dengan
membuka peluang bisnis bagi masyarakat. Peluang ini ditanggapi secara positif,
dibuktikan dengan munculnya berbagai sistem perdagangan dan salah satu yang
sedang berkembang pesat adalah bisnis Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), dimana daya
tarik dari sistem ini adalah penghasilan dari dua sumber, yakni: selisih harga produk
yang dipasarkan dan rabat yang akan didapat dari perusahaan sesuai dengan
tingkatan yang diperolehnya. Oleh karenanya potensi penghasilan dari bisnis ini
sangatlah besar dan yang perlu kita ingat penghasilan adalah salah satu obyek pajak
yang berpengaruh besar dalam pendapatan perpajakan. Permasalahan yang dibahas
dalam penulisan ini adalah: (1) Penerapan Withholding Tax oleh perusahaan MLM,
yang memiliki sistem berbeda (lebih rumit) dengan perusahaan bisnis lainnya (yang
saat ini diterapkan); (2) Penerapan self assessment system dalam kaitannya dengan
penghasilan distributor MLM yang didapat dari keuntungan perdagangan. Peraturan
perpajakan mengenai bisnis MLM sudah ada, namun belum lengkap dan belum
sesuai dengan UUD RI Tahun 1945. Dimana pengaturan yang dibuat hanya
mengarah pada penghasilan rabat dari distributor perseorangan dan pengaturan
tersebut dalam bentuk surat edaran yang bukan merupakan peraturan perundangundangan.
Hal tersebut mengakibatkan hukum mengenai perpajakan tidak dapat
dijalankan dan diterapkan kepada seluruh masyarakat dan hal ini tidak sesuai dengan
teori keadilan sebagaimana diungkap oleh Aristoteles yang pada intinya dalam
perlakuan yang sama untuk setiap orang di mata hukum. Sehingga dibutuhkan
peraturan khusus yang mengatur mengenai pengenaan pajak penghasilan atas
penghasilan yang diterima oleh distributor MLM, dari tarif sampai dengan prosedur
pemungutan, serta diperlukan sosialisasi yang lebih tepat sasaran, sehingga seluruh
kalangan masyarakat dapat memahami dan mengetahui tentang peraturan perundangundangan

In the development of world trade, which focused on free trade, then Indonesia as
developing countries will remains to open up business opportunities for the
community. This opportunity is responded positively, evidenced by the emergence of
various trading systems which one growing rapidly is the business of Multi-Level
Marketing (MLM), where the appeal of this system is the income from two sources,
namely: the difference in prices of products that are marketed and rebates that will be
obtained from the company in accordance with the level obtained. Therefore, the
potential income from this business is very large and we need to remember is one
object of income tax profound effect on tax revenues. The problems raised in this
research are: (1) Implementation of Withholding Tax by the MLM company, which
has a different system (more complicated) with other business enterprises (which are
currently applied); (2) The application of the self-assessment system in relation to
income derived by MLM distributor of trading profits. Tax regulations regarding
MLM business is already there, but not complete and not in accordance with the
Constitution of Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Where regulations are made only
lead to the rebate income from individual distributor and those regulations which was
made in circular letter is not the legislation. This resulted in laws regarding taxation
can not be executed and applied to the entire community and this is not in accordance
with the theory of justice as revealed by Aristotle that essentially in equal treatment
for everyone in the presence of the law. So it takes a special regulation governing the
imposition of income tax on income earned by MLM distributors, from tariffs to
collection procedures, and its required more targeted socialization, so that the entire
community can understand to the legislation., In the development of world trade, which focused on free trade, then Indonesia as
developing countries will remains to open up business opportunities for the
community. This opportunity is responded positively, evidenced by the emergence of
various trading systems which one growing rapidly is the business of Multi-Level
Marketing (MLM), where the appeal of this system is the income from two sources,
namely: the difference in prices of products that are marketed and rebates that will be
obtained from the company in accordance with the level obtained. Therefore, the
potential income from this business is very large and we need to remember is one
object of income tax profound effect on tax revenues. The problems raised in this
research are: (1) Implementation of Withholding Tax by the MLM company, which
has a different system (more complicated) with other business enterprises (which are
currently applied); (2) The application of the self-assessment system in relation to
income derived by MLM distributor of trading profits. Tax regulations regarding
MLM business is already there, but not complete and not in accordance with the
Constitution of Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. Where regulations are made only
lead to the rebate income from individual distributor and those regulations which was
made in circular letter is not the legislation. This resulted in laws regarding taxation
can not be executed and applied to the entire community and this is not in accordance
with the theory of justice as revealed by Aristotle that essentially in equal treatment
for everyone in the presence of the law. So it takes a special regulation governing the
imposition of income tax on income earned by MLM distributors, from tariffs to
collection procedures, and its required more targeted socialization, so that the entire
community can understand to the legislation.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Dewi
"Sistem Multi Level Marketing (MLM) masih menjadi permasalahan yang kontroversial hingga saat ini, terutama bagi ummat Islam terhadap kebolehan penggunaan sistem ini; karena berbagai kasus sering terjadi yang menyangkut dengan sistem MLM. Meskipun kemudian telah muncul MLM Syariah, namun kekhawatiran terhadap penggunaan sistem ini tetap ada. Skripsi ini dibuat untuk dapat mengetahui secara jelas bagaimana kedudukan sistem ini bila di tinjau dari Hukum Perikatan Islam, serta bagaimana pelaksanaan dan penerapan sistem MLM yang ada pada PT. Ahad-Net Internasional sebagai MLM syariah ."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kiyosaki, Robert T., 1947-
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2003
650.07 KIY b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhenald Kasali
Jakarta: Primamedia Pustaka, 2006
658.409 REN r (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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