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Muhammad Damm
"Death can be understood merely as a transition from one life to the next or simply as an end of life. These two conceptions are established due to our lack in knowledge about what will happen to us after we die. In order to make any sense, both conceptions require an understanding of death (and also life) as individual matter, that the only death (and life) I experienced is always my own. Nevertheless, in the first conception death does not exterminate one?s self, while in the second conception death exterminate one?s self. However, nonexistence of any access to the first-person death experiences causes our understanding about death is always constructed from third-person point of view?in this case, live person?s point of view. As the result, we see that death also brings ontological transformation regarding to one?s corporeal body and identity. As endeavors to undertand what death is, there are tendencies to bring these conceptualizations of death to such philosophical universalism or anthropological particularism. This paper suggests that explanations about death must explain this event without strictly take one of these tendencies."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2011
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Siburian, Robert
"Entikong, salah satu daerah yang berbatasan dengan negara Malaysia, merupakan daerah yang merespon krisis ekonomi secara berbeda dari sebagian besar daerah di tempat lain. Jika sebagian besar wilayah negara Indonesia mengalami 'kebangkrutan' akibat krisis ekonomi, sebaliknya, masyarakat di daerah perbatasan ini justru meraup keuntungan. Masyarakat Entikong justru menginginkan tetap berlangsungnya krisis ekonomi, karena hal itu membuat semakin bergairahnya kehidupan mereka. Harga jual komoditi pertanian, perkebunan, kehutanan, dan keperluan barang sehari-hari melalui lintas batas antarnegara relatif tinggi. Hal itu terjadi karena selisih kurs yang sangat tinggi. Bahkan, harga barang yang dibeli dari warga negara Indonesia jauh lebih murah daripada harga barang yang sama di Malaysia. Faktor itulah yang mengakibatkan masyarakat Malaysia bersedia membeli barang-barang Indonesia. Faktor pendukung dari keuntungan masyarakat Entikong itu berkaitan dengan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana di Entikong yang relatif memadai. Warga Indonesia atau warga Malaysia tidak terlalu sulit mencapai garis perbatasan sebagai titik pertemuan mereka untuk melakukan interaksi. Selain itu, tingkat ekonomi warga Malaysia relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tingkat ekonomi warga Indonesia. Warga negara Indonesia pun mampu menawarkan komoditi dengan kualitas yang tidak terlalu rendah dan harga bersaing dengan barang-barang yang diperjualbelikan di Malaysia. Bahkan, tingkat harganya sangat rendah dipandang dari sudut kacamata ekonomi Malaysia."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi Indrizal
"The increasing of elderly proportion is now being a new challenge in Indonesian population. It needs further reinterpretation and comprehensive studies which uncover its interrelation with social organization system, tradition continuity and the dynamic of local community, so that the impact, of the growing number of the elderly can be explained. In this article the author explores the problems of elderly without children in Minangkabau society, well known as an ethnic matrilineal system and strong traditions of migration. The author identifies three categories of elderly without children in Minangkabau: childless elderly never got married, childless elderly due to reproductive failure, and the elderly not having children. The author also describes that elderly without children in Minangkabau face problems socially and psychologically, specifically relations between man and woman in matrilineal system, marriage relationship problems and migration."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2005
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nasrum
"This paper is intended to provide an overview of anthropological perspectives on corruption as political, social, and cultural phenomenon. The author attempted that anthropological concerns on corruption was driven by a number of epistemological reasons, institutionalized and embedded in the broader context of power relations both of globally and locally. The biggest challenge for anthropology, which deals with the complexity of corruption, lies in: how to explain or interpret such phenomenon without apprehensively will be going into ethical and moral pitfalls. On the one hand anthropologists should be described corruption as an inevitable part of wider power relations at the heart of the state and the law, where in many cases are not clearly demarcated or intentionally obscured; and the other, there was a need of a reflexive anthropological understanding which traditionally always been trying to understand the rules and norms of social orders as a cultural framework."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Belanawane
Theoretical shifts in anthropological studies in recent decades has given way to renewed recognition of looking at issues of identity, namely that the sociall life, the arena in which the identity plays in, must be fundamentally understood as negotiating meanings. This is where Clifford Geertz?s interpretative approach becomes important yet problematic. Important because Geertz offers a humanistic approach which examines how meanings and symbols become important in the view of the community itself. Therefore, he argues, cultural interpretation requires a more in-depth analysis, also more intelligent and complex in which its purposes and those complexed cultural forms that can not simply be reduced to the effects on the social engines and organisms as claimed by structuralist and functionalist scholars before him. At the same time, it is also problematic because of Geertz?s position that searches for meaning makes him seem neglective or underestimative of the process of how interaction ? the arena of where meanings work ? is produced. In this case, Geertz?s critics have ?helped? by reminding him of what is power relations and agency. Refering to the conception of Sherry Ortner, the author argues that through the agency there is a way to see this debate from the mid. The side which is not for eliminating the significant influence of Geertz is also not to ignore the significance of the critics? arguments, but to bridge the two (meaning and power relations). Efforts in connecting this theory through the concept of agency consequently will include the significance of one party, at the same time improve its insignificance through the criticism of others and vice versa."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopher R. Duncan
"This paper looks at the deteriorating relations between the population of Sulawesi Utara and the approximately 35,000 internally displaced people (IDPs) who fled there from the neighboring province of Maluku Utara. These IDPs first began arriving in large numbers in November of 1999 when communal violence broke out on the islands of Ternate and Tidore in Maluku Utara. They continued arriving until the violence came to a halt in June of 2000.Initially, relations between the two groups were positive. However, the extended presence of 35,000 IDPs created several problems, including a decrease in wages and an increase in housing costs. Negative perceptions of IDPs and jealously over IDP aid have created further misunderstandings. Additionally, IDP experiences with locals have led them to distrust the local population. On a few occasions these tensions have broken out into violence, and some fear this is a foreshadowing of the future should large numbers of IDPs decide to stay in Sulawesi Utara. This paper examines the relationships between these groups, as well as some of the efforts made by international NGOs to address these issues."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dede Mulyanto
"This paper represents Engels? theory of human origin with more modern facts and theories from contemporary fossil record. In Engels? theory, brain and cognitive ability is not the essential attribute of humanity. Brain capacity is not a cause; it is result or effect of evolution of more essential attribute in hominid evolution, that are terrestrial-bipedal life style and the use of tools by which labour social organisation emerge in hominid evolution."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"In this article I discuss the impact of Village Law No.5, 1979 on the social actions of local elites. Using a case study of a traditional community (marga) located in Lahat, South Sumatera, I argue that Village Law No.5, 1979 did not marginalize tradition or the traditional community. At a practical or behavioral level, actors, in this case local elites used both tradition and Village Law as references for their actions. However, these two structures, tradition and Village Law were subject to selection. The selection was based on the actors understanding about particular context and the goal(s) of their actions. When tradition offered efficient means for achieving their goals, they selected tradition as a reference point for their behavior. In another context, when they saw that the Village Law offered more to suit their interest, they referred to it. It was also possible that, in a particular context, actors used and ignored the existence of some elements of both structures. In conclusion, I suggest that despite the fact that the application of the Village Law should have been understood to replace the traditional system of marga, people still used it as reference for their actions. Therefore, it would be misleading to say that Village Law has marginalized the traditional social organization."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutjipto Rahardjo
"One of the characteristic of legal anthropology, according to the author, is the refusal law in its formal and absolute form. The Vollenhoven's thesis on the importance of studying law as it is rooted in the Indonesian society and culture can be regarded as the emergence of legal anthropology in Indonesia. Nevertheless, studies on law from anthropological viewpoint have just been intensified since 1970s. In describing the history of law and the position of legal anthropology in the legal history, the author reveals the main contribution of ideas from some law scientist. One among the ideas is the importance of analyzing the contents of law in recent context without precluding its historical dimension. The analysis on the history of law should constitute explanation on how events emerge and develop so as to provide better understanding on various rules, concept, and institutions of law at recent times. The legal anthropology provides us with such understanding on how certain laws emerge, develop, and change, since it analyzes law in its very "natural" context or as the manifestation of socio-cultural aspects of a society."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"There are two arguments that have led scholars and politicians turning their attention into local autonomy issues concerning current discourse and practice of the political resource management systems in Indonesia. Firstly, it is argued that the authoritarian and centralized political and resource management systems of the New Order regime has led Indonesia to a multi crisis situation. Secondly, one of the main strategies coping with this problem is to give local autonomy to the local government and communities to develop their own ways to organize their political and resource management systems. This article challenges the arguments. Two cases of conflict concerning Grouper fishing business-using a symbolic interactionism approach-the author argues that even in the New Order era, there are some indications that local elites, and even ordinary members of the communities, practiced some sort of local autonomy. The discussed cases show that local elites and communities, with power in their hands, will not always develop an effective, just, and sustainable political and resource management systems."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library