Ditemukan 191987 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bubandt, Nils
"The intention of this article is to discuss the relationship between the processes of fiscal and political decentralization, the outbreak of communal violence, and what I call 'the new politics of tradition' in Indonesia. In 1999 under the President Jusuf Habibie, the Indonesian parliament (DPR) voted in favour of two laws, No. 22 and 25 of 1999, which promised to leave a significant share of state revenues in the hands of the regional governments. Strongly supported by the liberal ideologues of the IMF and the World Bank, the two laws were envisaged within Indonesia as a necessary step towards devolving the centralized power of New Order patrimonialism and as a way of curbing separatism and demands for autonomy by giving the regional governments the constitutional and financial wherewithal to maintain a considerable degree of self-determination. Decentralization was in other words touted as the anti-dote to communal violence and separatist tendencies-an anti-dote administered or at least prescribed by multi-national development agencies in most conflict-prone areas of the world. This paper wishes to probe this idea by looking at the conflict and post-conflict situation in North Maluku. The conflict illustrates how local elites began jockeying for political control in anticipation of decentralization. The process of decentralization is in other words not merely an anti-dote but in some cases an implicated part in the production of violence. One reason for this is simply that the decentralization of financial and political control after three decades of centralization entails a significant shift in the parameters of hegemony-a shift towards which local political entrepreneurs in the regions are bound to react. The new 'politics of tradition' currently emerging in Indonesia is the combined result of changes in global forms of governance, a strong political focus on ethnic and religious identity in the 'era reformasi' and a local willingness to employ these identities to garner support in the new political landscape of decentralization."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bubandt, Nils
"Konflik-konflik berdarah yang menyertai Indonesia setelah jatuhnya Orde Baru cenderung terjadi di Indonesia bagian Timur, dengan pengecualian daerah Aceh. Saat ini banyak analisis akademis, baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris yang telah mulai menguraikan aspek-aspek politis, sosial dan diskursif dari konflik-konflik di Timor Timur, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Poso, Kalimantan dan Papua. Penelitian-penelitian ini telah mulai meninggalkan penelaahan-penelaahan yang terlalu sederhana dan kerap sarat bias yang muncul segera setelah terjadinya konflik. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut mulai memberikan gambaran tentang konteks etnografis yang lengkap dan lebih rumit dari 'perang di Indonesia bagian Timur'. Gambaran ini memperlihatkan tercampur baurnya provokasi politik, ketegangan ekonomi, provokasi diskursif, dan adaptasi buletin lokal terhadap bentuk-bentuk identifikasi berdasarkan agama suku bangsa yang memberikan dorongan dan motif berbeda untuk ikut serta dalam setiap kerusuhan individual yang bergejolak di berbagai wilayah Indonesia Timur setelah tahun 1999. Walaupun setiap bentrokan/pertikaian (bahkan dalam satu wilayah konflik seperti Maluku atau Poso) seringkali bersifat unik secara politis dan pengalaman, mereka saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Setiap kerusuhan memupuk berkembangnya perasaan paranoia nasional yang disebarluaskan oleh media. Dalam prosesnya,setiap pertikaian/bentrokan menaburkan bibit-bibit kekerasan di tempat lainnya."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Minako Sakai
This paper will evaluate the impact of some early years of political reforms, democratization and regional autonomy on agrarian matters. During the New Order period, land resources were appropriated without consultation with local communities and land disputes have emerged to the political surface in many regions of Indonesia. The data I present here derive from South Sumatra, one of the hottest areas of Indonesia for disputed land. It will particularly focus on two key issues of agrarian matters, the position of the hak ulayat and solutions of land disputes."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Talking about tradition, it is kind of imagination of kinship in the past in an idealism positions in an orderly and harmonious level. Everyone respect each other and take position in the clan and their class respectively. The aims of this paper is to find out information about the institutions traditional role in the District Marawola to the conflict in the community. The research start with a literature study then continued with observation and interviews. This paper apply govern mentality theory that triggered by Michael Foucault. The results that found in this research that the traditional institutions began to lose its role, some of which are caused by the gap between the old and the young in the communities itself. Traditional institutions also lose their social legitimacy that seen from the shrinking role of traditional institutions, where traditional institutions only deal with traditional healing rituals, clearing land and harvesting rituals. Rules of traditional institutions such as law regulatory with sanctions are applied only in the form of oral speech in memory of the past in the absence of compliance with customary rules itself."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Parsudi Suparlan, 1938-2007
"Tulisan ini ingin menunjukkan bahwa upaya membangun Indonesia yang multikultural hanya mungkin terwujud bila (1) konsep multikulturalisme menyebar luas dan dipahami pentingnya bagi bangsa Indonesia, serta adanya keinginan bangsa Indonesia pada tingkat nasional maupun lokal untuk mengadopsi dan menjadi pedoman hidupnya; (2) kesamaan pemahaman di antarapara ahli mengenai makna multikulturalisme dan bangunan konsep-konsep yang mendukungnya, dan (3) upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk dapat mewujudkan cita-cita ini."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Johannes Emmed Madjid Prijoharjono
"This article discusses the relevance of applying the concepts of source of origin and system of precedence, that provide legitimacy for the Mosalaki of Lio in their construction and production as well as reproduction of power in everyday life, especially in their traditional political system. The data analyzed in this article is the result of fieldwork undertaken in the villages of Nggela and Tenda, District of Wolojita, the Regency of Ende Lio, Flores, with qualitative methods, specifically through the techniques of in-depth interviews and participant observation. The Mosalakis, as a matter of a fact, dominate the traditional political system as rulers of adat and adat land. Their practices of power are manifested mainly in ritual activities and the management of traditional land rights. The legitimated rights are transmitted through patrilineal descent, and is based upon source of origin and system of precedence, that are embeded in Lio culture."
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2012
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Nirarta Samadhi
"Urban design projects aim at achieving better environments in the sense that they are supportive of the culture of the inhabitants. Careful consideration of socio-cultural aspects of a space is a precursor to approach this goal. The existence of traditional settlements (i.e. desa adat) as spatio-cultural units in a Balinese setting has never been accommodated in the contemporary projects of urban spatial design. In this respect, the opportunity to achieve supportive environments is certainly become remote. Long known for the extensive traditional and religious role it has played in the life of the Balinese, the desa adat is central to that culture. Essentially, this unit is cosmologically independent and socio-religiously meaningful, and thus needs to be treated accordingly in a socio spatial manipulation process. With regard to the spatial design of the Balinese space, this cosmological unit (Geertz 1959, 1980) determines land use, street layout, location of settlement's elements, and the like (Parimin 1985; Samadhi 2001).This paper aims to explore the existence of desa adat as a Balinese cultural institution, and argues for its utilization as an urban design unit. Ultimately, it tries to promote multiculturalism and pluralism in the urban design as a socio-spatial process in the Indonesian planning system."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
Marine tenure in Maluku has become the main focus in the discussion of traditional marine resource management in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this discussion remains unbalanced in the use of an approach which excessively emphasizes questions on the modes of sea resource management. The agents of management, together with the socio-cultural aspects of such people on relation to resource use, are barely raised. Based on these concerns, this paper will highlight the social context of marine tenure practices in Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku. Focusing on a conflict over coastal boundaries between two villages on Kei Besar Island, the paper demonstrates how people use the issue of marine tenure in the discourse and practice of precedence. The conflict reveals the power struggles of two social groups, the mel (noble) and the ren ('free people'), involved in the issue of sea territory and how each group interpreted and responded to changes occurring in their environment"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Usman Pelly
"This article explores the roots of riots that have occurred in several cities and places in Indonesia, the author assumes that the accumulative and chronic social - economic gap shrouded by the ethnic and religious factors, underlined the occurrence of riots in the early Indonesian reformation era (May 1995). The differences in gaining access to economic resources, as well as the discriminative policies of the New Order Regime, created a social-economic gap between the ethnic groups in Indonesia. While some groups had privileges and easy access to economic resources, other did not. As a consequence, some groups were subject to oppression and marginalized. The potential for conflict increased structurally as marginal groups used ethnicity and religious attributes in framing the social-economic gap between them and the advantage groups. From the functionalist viewpoints, ethnicity can be seen as an easy way to heighten solidarity among people. The riots could be legitimated by using cared religious symbols. The author argues that the conflict among ethnic groups increased as a 'cultural protest' to the government's discriminative policy. The conflict does not represent the people's desire to return to their 'tribal' culture"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Thung, Ju Lan
"Conflict studies are a social science field that identifies and analyses violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending social conflicts. This article seeks to analyze the methodology and conceptual problems in studying conflicts in Indonesia which is greatly influenced by Western social sciences tradition. The development of social sciences in Indonesia in describing conflict is supposed to be part of the root of Indonesian realities. However, Indonesian scholars lack of their own theoretical discourses which should have been developed by Indonesians to analyze conflict problems in the same level of understanding as if they were analyzed by Western perspective. As scientific discourses are socio-historical related, they go beyond than just ethic and emic principle in representing local perspective. The author also discusses conceptual misapprehension within Indonesian scholar regarding Modernist and Post-Modernist approach and research management"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library