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Dedi Adhuri
Marine tenure in Maluku has become the main focus in the discussion of traditional marine resource management in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this discussion remains unbalanced in the use of an approach which excessively emphasizes questions on the modes of sea resource management. The agents of management, together with the socio-cultural aspects of such people on relation to resource use, are barely raised. Based on these concerns, this paper will highlight the social context of marine tenure practices in Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku. Focusing on a conflict over coastal boundaries between two villages on Kei Besar Island, the paper demonstrates how people use the issue of marine tenure in the discourse and practice of precedence. The conflict reveals the power struggles of two social groups, the mel (noble) and the ren ('free people'), involved in the issue of sea territory and how each group interpreted and responded to changes occurring in their environment"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"Natural resource management discourse and practice, as in politics but in different level, are shifting from centralized to local autonomy. Consequently, local government has to undertake many tasks. One important task is to formulate natural resource management policy that can contribute to enhance social welfare without disturbing natural resource sustainability. Hence, it is useful to evaluate existing management practices to learn its weaknesses and strengths as the basis in formulating new management policy. This article discussed conflict potential among stakeholders in the exploitation of sea natural resources in Kei islands, Southeast Mollucan. By analyzing the conflict, the discussion will identify stakeholders and power relations among them (interests, strategies and resource controls) to reveal challenges in natural resource management practices in the local autonomy era."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"In this article I discuss the impact of Village Law No.5, 1979 on the social actions of local elites. Using a case study of a traditional community (marga) located in Lahat, South Sumatera, I argue that Village Law No.5, 1979 did not marginalize tradition or the traditional community. At a practical or behavioral level, actors, in this case local elites used both tradition and Village Law as references for their actions. However, these two structures, tradition and Village Law were subject to selection. The selection was based on the actors understanding about particular context and the goal(s) of their actions. When tradition offered efficient means for achieving their goals, they selected tradition as a reference point for their behavior. In another context, when they saw that the Village Law offered more to suit their interest, they referred to it. It was also possible that, in a particular context, actors used and ignored the existence of some elements of both structures. In conclusion, I suggest that despite the fact that the application of the Village Law should have been understood to replace the traditional system of marga, people still used it as reference for their actions. Therefore, it would be misleading to say that Village Law has marginalized the traditional social organization."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Adhuri
"There are two arguments that have led scholars and politicians turning their attention into local autonomy issues concerning current discourse and practice of the political resource management systems in Indonesia. Firstly, it is argued that the authoritarian and centralized political and resource management systems of the New Order regime has led Indonesia to a multi crisis situation. Secondly, one of the main strategies coping with this problem is to give local autonomy to the local government and communities to develop their own ways to organize their political and resource management systems. This article challenges the arguments. Two cases of conflict concerning Grouper fishing business-using a symbolic interactionism approach-the author argues that even in the New Order era, there are some indications that local elites, and even ordinary members of the communities, practiced some sort of local autonomy. The discussed cases show that local elites and communities, with power in their hands, will not always develop an effective, just, and sustainable political and resource management systems."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"There are a set of questions that needs to be answered in relation to the Mataram tragedy which has been known as the 'Tragedy One Seven One' (Tragedy Satu Tujuh Satu). One of the question is: if the tragedy has the basis of religious conflict, why did the conflict occur only between the Moslems and the Christians, and not between the Moslems and the Hindus which has a greater number of followers than the Christians? By looking at the main target of the tragedy, the churches, not the individuals, as well as its short duration, a cultural analysis is the most probable way to find relevant answers. The author argues that the Mataram tragedy was not staying apart from the development of an increasing number of churches. The building of Christian churches, their quantity, quality, and geographical distribution was seen as the emergence of the new opposed culture. The latter was perceived as threatening the culture of 'Thousand Mosques', the native ethnic identity, and the majority of the people of Pulau Lombok. In this article, the author examines the culture of 'Thousand Mosques', its relation to the Mataram tragedy."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bubandt, Nils
"The intention of this article is to discuss the relationship between the processes of fiscal and political decentralization, the outbreak of communal violence, and what I call 'the new politics of tradition' in Indonesia. In 1999 under the President Jusuf Habibie, the Indonesian parliament (DPR) voted in favour of two laws, No. 22 and 25 of 1999, which promised to leave a significant share of state revenues in the hands of the regional governments. Strongly supported by the liberal ideologues of the IMF and the World Bank, the two laws were envisaged within Indonesia as a necessary step towards devolving the centralized power of New Order patrimonialism and as a way of curbing separatism and demands for autonomy by giving the regional governments the constitutional and financial wherewithal to maintain a considerable degree of self-determination. Decentralization was in other words touted as the anti-dote to communal violence and separatist tendencies-an anti-dote administered or at least prescribed by multi-national development agencies in most conflict-prone areas of the world. This paper wishes to probe this idea by looking at the conflict and post-conflict situation in North Maluku. The conflict illustrates how local elites began jockeying for political control in anticipation of decentralization. The process of decentralization is in other words not merely an anti-dote but in some cases an implicated part in the production of violence. One reason for this is simply that the decentralization of financial and political control after three decades of centralization entails a significant shift in the parameters of hegemony-a shift towards which local political entrepreneurs in the regions are bound to react. The new 'politics of tradition' currently emerging in Indonesia is the combined result of changes in global forms of governance, a strong political focus on ethnic and religious identity in the 'era reformasi' and a local willingness to employ these identities to garner support in the new political landscape of decentralization."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Khidir Marsanto
"This article discusses the cultural history sketch of Orang Suku Laut (the Sea Tribe) and its implications for social relations patterns with the Malays in Riau Islands, Indonesia. Problems arise now in nomadic ethnic tribe when they interacting with the Malays. Many Malays people perceive Orang Suku Laut as a backward or primitive people. This point of view emerged from a long history of Orang Suku Laut in Riau Islands, and at present, the discourse is supported by the government which resettled them from the sea to the land as part of the modernization of disadvantaged areas in the New Order era. This government label to them was later influenced the Malays perception. Moreover, negative assumption also appears along with the cultural identity differences between both of the tribes, of which the Malays condense with Islamic tradition, while Orang Suku Laut doesn?t. At this situation, thus the identity of Orang Suku Laut is staked within socio-cultural dispute or contestation (the attraction process) among themselves in practicing their everyday lives."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Surya Mansjur
"This article describes and explains the complexity of dynamic process of sea fishery in Pulau Sembilan since the ancient up to now. With the application of the concepts such as diverging, homogenizing, continuity, and temporal, it has been found that the complexity of dynamic process of the fishing economy has oscillated between divergence and homogeneity. The divergence refers to different kinds of fishing activities based on various fish species by different traditional catch techniques, on the other hand, homogeneity refers to the concentration of fishermen activities on one or more similar kinds of fishing activities such as catching life fish (kerapu, sunu, napoleon) and life lobster as top commodities in the period of 1990s. When the populations of the main fish species were decreased as negative impact of overexploitation since the beginning of the 2000s, there were many fishermen returning again to different kinds of fishing activities. It means that the diverging process began its era. The process of diverging and homogenizing of fishery involve cognitive systems as guide for fishermen decision making. These processes indicate persistent and temporal functions of traditional and new fishing techniques of Pulau Sembilan fishing communities. By processual and contextual explanation, it was clear that diverging and homogenizing of fishery is a continuum of its dynamic process. The processes are influenced by internal and external socio-cultural factors and the change of sea physical environment and natural resource conditions. From this explanation known that new practice of using potassium cyanide contributes significantly to the serious degradation of large part of coral reef zones in and outside of Pulau Sembilan water."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bubandt, Nils
"Konflik-konflik berdarah yang menyertai Indonesia setelah jatuhnya Orde Baru cenderung terjadi di Indonesia bagian Timur, dengan pengecualian daerah Aceh. Saat ini banyak analisis akademis, baik dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris yang telah mulai menguraikan aspek-aspek politis, sosial dan diskursif dari konflik-konflik di Timor Timur, Maluku, Maluku Utara, Poso, Kalimantan dan Papua. Penelitian-penelitian ini telah mulai meninggalkan penelaahan-penelaahan yang terlalu sederhana dan kerap sarat bias yang muncul segera setelah terjadinya konflik. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut mulai memberikan gambaran tentang konteks etnografis yang lengkap dan lebih rumit dari 'perang di Indonesia bagian Timur'. Gambaran ini memperlihatkan tercampur baurnya provokasi politik, ketegangan ekonomi, provokasi diskursif, dan adaptasi buletin lokal terhadap bentuk-bentuk identifikasi berdasarkan agama suku bangsa yang memberikan dorongan dan motif berbeda untuk ikut serta dalam setiap kerusuhan individual yang bergejolak di berbagai wilayah Indonesia Timur setelah tahun 1999. Walaupun setiap bentrokan/pertikaian (bahkan dalam satu wilayah konflik seperti Maluku atau Poso) seringkali bersifat unik secara politis dan pengalaman, mereka saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Setiap kerusuhan memupuk berkembangnya perasaan paranoia nasional yang disebarluaskan oleh media. Dalam prosesnya,setiap pertikaian/bentrokan menaburkan bibit-bibit kekerasan di tempat lainnya."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library