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Fakri Fauzie
L'industrie de transport est une industrie qui a base sur le systeme informatique qui niussit. Ceci menera a Ia conclusion que les decisions de management pour les systemes d'information et de Ia technologie qui sert les employes dans Ies compagnies de transport sont d'une maniere critique et important a Ia prosperite eta la survie de la compagnie. CMA CGM rend compte cette importance de systemes d'information dans leurs affaires et ainsi elle
dessigne, implante et evalue le systeme d'information.
Un departement important dans I'industrie est le Departement de Flux de Cargaison (Cargo Flow) qui gere le flux de cargaison afin d'atteindre l'utilisation maximum de chaque navire. Ils impliquent jour par jour, avec Ia Direction Commerciale de Ligne, dans Ia coordination avec les agences pour avoir des donnees precises de recapitulation de cargaison, et gerer Ia argaison pour que L'utilisation maximum d'espace a bord de navire peuvent etre atteints. Afin d'atteindre ce bt, cette precision de donnees et l'acces immediat et en temps reel aux donnees sont les facteurs tres importants. Done le role de systeme informatique qui traite et evalue cette information est tres importante.
L'objectif de ce stage est de savoir si le systeme d'information peut aider le Departement de Cargo Flow pour atteindre Ie but de maximisation d'espace et ameliorer ia facon de travail. Cette evaluation d'efficacite de systeme informatique est mesuree par cinq criteres de succes de systeme par Laudon et al., 1996.
Base sur ces mesures, ces systeme informatique de systeme informatique dans le
Departement de Cargo Flow est considere comme efficace pour aider d'utilisateurs d'executer
leurs taches.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutagalung, Rihat
The implementation of quality management system ISO 9001: 2000 is a strategic step of the enterprise to deliver the product and service with high quality to its customer. The reason is because the the satisfaction of consumers is the main goal of organization because it is significant in determining the survival of the company.
PT. X as a company which involve in the furniture industri especially in production of Kitchen
Set and Wardrobe decided to adopt the Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000 to improve the performance of its product and process, aimed to enhance the client satisfaction. By implementing this system, the company is encouraged to make continoual improvements.
The goal of this research is to investigate how far the actual performance of the company is by doing measurement on some indicators of performance 'such as the level of product defect, percentage of the delivery on time, and the level of the costumer satisfaction concerning the over-all performance of the company: quality of product, design, working methode during the installation process in the client's premises. The result of this measurement is compared with the Quality objectives as a barometer which determine whether the performance of the organization has been suitable
Based on the result of this research during June until August 2004, we find that:
1. The level of the product defect is 2.10% in June, 4.85% in July and 2.93% in August
2. The level of the delivery on time in June is 13.11% and 20% in July
3. The Level of the customer satisfaction is 85.51 % based on the questioner distributed to the client in January-March 2004 by Marketing Department.
Based on the result of the actual performance of the company, compared to the Quality objective, the writer give some recommendations:
1. The company, need to make bussiness process reengineering to help the company to
ddiver product on time to the customer ..
2. To enhance the availability of the raw material in tenns of quantity and quality to prevent the lateness of production schedule
3. The company should analyze the consuments satisfaction on the regular basis to help to know the input for the performance improvement quickly and improve the customer satisfaction.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1968
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Isradi Zainal
"Depuis que PT. BKI applique l'ISO 9001:2000 dans 2003, toutes les conditions ont ete remplies, telles que decreer une politique de qualite, de definit des objectifs de qualite, des procedures de qualite, et des instructions de travail. Des problemes demeurent encore aujourd'hui notamment dans jusqu'a present le non-conformite des quelques secteurs et surtout dans le champ de 1'inspection de bateaux. Des problemes trouves dans ces activites sont, les retards de !'execution des rapport d'inspection, les retards dans l'examen des rapport d'inspection, la nombre de rappels d'inspecteur et les retards dans !'emission de certificats permanents. Ces problemes peuvent cause la plainte de clients et peuvent affecter la production.
Portant des problemes ci-dessus mentionnes, l'ecrivains' est attache a rechercher les cause pour resoudre les problemes. La recherche est de !'evaluation du management de la qualite dans l'activite inspection de bateaux et le voies d'amelioration. L'objectif de recherche est d'identifier les non conformes ( les services et produit non qualite ) , analyser la performance du management de la qualite, diminuer les services et produit non qualite (les retards de livraison du raport d'inspection au division de !'inspection , les retards de l'examan du rapport d'inspection,les retards d'emission du certificat permanent , les rappels d'inspecteur, etc), suggere permettant d'ameliorer le systeme management de la qualite (la rapidite de livraison du raport de inspection a division de 1'inspection ' la rapidite d'examan du rapport d'inspection, la rapidite d'emission du certificat permanent, etc) dans l'activite inspection de bateaux.
Cette recherche a ete dirigee a l'unite d'assurance de qualite & Division d'inspection de PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesie de 16 juin a 15 septembre 2004 et la recherche etait le focalisee sur les activites d'inspection de Janvier a Juin 2004 . La methode utilisee pour faire cette recherche consist a mesurer et evaluer directement !'execution des procedes d'inspection et a l'aide de la methode des Why-why et des diagramme de Pareto.
De !'evaluation et des !'analyses ci-dessus mentionnees, nous savons que la cause de nonĀ­ conformite (les retards de livraison du raport d'inspection au division de !'inspection, les retard de l'examen du rapport d'inspection,les retards d'mission du certificat permanent, !'emission de rappel d'inspecteurs, etc) sont les retards dans d'execution de rapports d'inspection et plus precisement de la font des inspecteurs confrontes a des inspections qui a necessitent beaucoup de formulaires de documents inspection de reference.
Pour minimiser des problemes, il est recommende aux inspecteurs de succursale d'execution le rapport d'inspection a l'heure, de remplir le rapport d'inspection avant qu'ils determiner l'activite d'inspection, et faire un rapport d'inspection regularite et complete avec tousles documents necessaire et d'envoyer de rapidement rappels d'inspection. la methode consiste a applique les technologie de !'information dans l'activte inspection de bateaux qui changera automatiquement les procedure manuelles.

Since PT. BKI applied ISO 9001:2000 in 2003 as quality management system, all of the requirements have been fulfilled such as the creating of quality policy, quality objectives , quality procedures, and work instructions. The problems are that until now, it is still found the non conformities in some areas especially in the field of ships classification . Some problems found in this activities are the late of the survey report execution, the late of survey report examination , the amount of surveyors reminders and the late of permanent certificate issuance. This condition will cause the customers complaint and can affect to the decrease of production.
Based on the above statement of problem, the writer is interested to do research to solve it. The research is about the quality management evaluation and improvement analysis in the field of ships inspection activities. The aim of these research are : to identiy the non conformities ( Non quality service and product ) , to analyse the performance of quality management, to decrease non quality service and product ( the late of the sending of survey report to survey division , the late of survey report examination, the late of the issuance of permanent certoificate , surveyors reminder, etc), to suggest the method to improve quality management system ( the velocity of the sending of survey report to the survey division , the velocity of survey report examination, the velocity of the issuance of permanent certificate ,etc) ship survey activities.
This research was conducted at the Quality Assurance Unit & Survey Division PT. Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia from 16 june to 15 september 2004 and the research was focus on the inspection activities from January to June 2004. The methode used to do this research are by measuring and evaluating directly the performance of inspection process and then analyzed using the Why-why and the Pareto diagram methodes.
From the above evaluation and analysis, we know that the cause of the non conformance (the late of the sending of survey report to survey division , the late of survey report examination, the late of the issuance of permanent certoificate , surveyors reminder, etc ) are the late of survey report execution and the non accurately of the surveyor especially for the kind of survey which need many forms and supporting ducument.
To minimise the problems, it is recommended to the branch office surveyors to make the survey report on time, to fill in the survey report concept before closing it, to make the right survey report and equipped with the complet document, and try to respond the surveyor reminder soon after receiving them. Another methodes is the application of information technology in the ship survey activities which automatically will change the quality manual."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1970
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irman D. Rumadja
Improving The Billing System of Eau Et Force, Ondeo Services, Paris ? Ile de
- To understand what is Eau Et Force, the enterprise of water distribution, the filial
of Ondeo Services (Lyonnaise Des Eaux), Paris ? 11e de France. The aim is to
explain: their major activities, how they do the service to their clients.
- To understand the financial project through one case study of: Prestation de
Service. How do we treat problems and some feasible solution to resolve the
financial problems.
- Analysis of the existing organizational structure system.
- Interviews with the principal actors of the project.
- Application on the project.
Contents/In Brief:
Eau Et force (built 1928) is the major tor of water distribution in Ile de France.
Their competence and service to the client are as follows:
. Potable water, Production and Distribution from the source up to the water tap of
the clients.
. Collection and treatment of the Used Water.
. Surveillance of the quality of water distribution, through their Water Station and
Treatment Plant Observation of Water Quality).
Water Sales and distribution is decreasing from time to time. This is due to the
people now ? not only in France - is wiser and wiser in using water. Not only
because the price of water now expensive, some people realize the importance to
save the nature.
For example: We could see the utilization of the flushing system in everywhere of
the toilette. 2 (two) flushing buttons for different kinds of Utilization, and this
become commonly use in France.
Therefore, Eau Et Force try to anticipate this problem (decreasing sales) by
providing another service to the clients called: Prestation de Service.
Prestation the Service is the service that provided to the client to help them with
their internal installations. This work is not for free, the client will have to pay for
the work.
The process, in fact, is not so easy to implement. Financial problems appeared
because different department in charge of each Prestation de Service, with different
kind of reporting, responsibilities and using different sub-contractors.
After having interviews with the Major Actors of the Prestation de Service and doing
some analysis of the problem, THE WRITER realize that the problem that Eau et
Force facing could be resolved with a very simple excel table that could monitor all
the activities of Prestation de Service, financially. See Annexe 14-15.
THE WRiTER then creates the excel table, together with financial staff at Eau et
Force. The excel table that has been created can fulfilled with all information that
needed by Finance and Accounting Department of Eau et Force, so that they can bill
the customer just in time.
In fact, this simple excel table is adopted from the same kind of table that has been
used by PT. PAM LYONNAISE JAYA, Jakarta - the company where THE
WRITER work for ? the same filial of ONDEO Services like Eau et Force.
When this simple excel table -called work order- works, Eau et Force definitely has
save a lot of times of monitoring financial process of billing, and also could gather
as much as possible the data of the cash flows of each departments concerned.
With this table, Eau et Force could monitor easily the Prestation de Service activities
and bill the customer without creating any delays.
This table was implemented at Eau et Force on mid of July 2001, as soon as the
Finance Director of Eau et Force got the explanations from THE WRITER."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1967
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joris, Lieve
Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2001
BLD 839.313 JOR d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Claus, Hugo, 1929-2008
Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij, 1963
BLD 839.36 CLA d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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