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Friska Ernawati
PEMBINAAN DAN PENGAWASAN TERHADAP PENYIDIK BADAN NARKOTIKA NASIONAL DALAM PEMBERANTASAN PENYALAHGUNAAN DAN PEREDARAN GELAP NARKOTIKAFriska Ernawati, Bambang Widodo Umar, Bambang WahyudiPeminatan Kajian Stratejik Penanganan Narkoba, Program Studi Kajian Ketahanan Nasional, Universitas Indonesia, Salemba, Jakarta, 10430, IndonesiaE-mail: friskaerawati@gmail.comAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap penyidik BNN. Penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap Narkotika di Indonesia merupakan ancaman yang sangat serius bagi perkembangan masa depan bangsa. Semakin beratnya tantangan kedepan dalam upaya pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap Narkotika, maka Pembenahan sumber daya manusia menjadi perhatian penting. Pengelolaan yang baik terhadap sumber daya manusia, diharapkan dapat membentuk pribadi penyidik yang mempunyai perilaku dan sikap yang setia dan taat kepada negara dan pemerintah, memiliki moral dan mental yang baik serta professional. Pembinaan pegawai merupakan suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan, mengembangkan dan mengarahkan pegawai supaya didalam bekerja dapat menumbuhkan atau menjadi motivasi gairah kerja serta memiliki tanggung jawab yang tinggi terhadap tugas dan fungsi. Kejahatan Narkotika adalah kejahatan lintas negara yang terorganisasi. Disamping itu kejahatan Narkotika dalam penanganannya diperlukan kewenangan khusus sesuai yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika, yaitu antara lain pembelian terselubung undercover buy , penyerahan dibawah pengawasan control delivery baik antar wilayah dalam satu negara maupun antar negara, maka diperlukan tambahan pengetahuan dan pengalaman tentang kerja sama penyidikan antar negara. Di samping pembinaan, fungsi pengawasan juga merupakan hal penting dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia.

Guidance and supervision of the national narcotics investigator inEradication of Abuse and Illicit Traffic NarcoticsAbstractThis study aims to determine the mechanism of guidance and supervision of BNN investigators. Abuse and illicit traffic Narcotics in Indonesia is a very serious threat to the future development of the Indonesian nation. Given the increasingly tough challenges ahead in efforts to eradicate the abuse and illicit trafficking of Narcotics, the reform of human resources is of paramount concern. Good management of human resources is expected to form a personal personnel, hope can make investigator person who have behavior and attitude that is faithful and obedient to the state and government, has a moral and mental good, professional. Employees supervision who in principle is an attempt to improve, develop and direct employees so that in work can grow or become motivation of passion of work and have high responsibility to duty and its function. on other case to handle narcotic crimanality need super intendent and it regulated on legistation number 35 year 2009 aboute narcotics. amonge other Undercover Buy, Control Delivery on one Country or other Country, so need more coaching and education betwen agent in other, supervisory functions are also important in human resource management. Supervision is observation or monitoring activities so that the tasks that have been planned to be implemented properly according to plan, and if there are deviations held actions for future improvement "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Xavier Junian
"Rencana Aksi Nasional Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkotika (RAN P4GN) merupakan kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah untuk mengatasi masalah narkotika yang ada di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2019, tersangka narkotika di Indonesia mencapai 52.709 orang, yang tersebar di berbagai daerah di Indonesia sehingga pemerintah menerbitkan Instruksi Presiden No.6 Tahun 2018 tentang RAN P4GN untuk menanggulangi masalah narkotika tersebut dengan melibatkan seluruh aktor, baik pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat. Namun, partisipasi aktor secara penuh belum terlihat dalam RAN P4GN tersebut, hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil laporan terkahir RAN P4GN yang menyebutkan bahwa instansi pemerintah yang terlibat belum mencapai 50% dan belum terlihat adanya keterlibatan swasta dan masyarakat dalam laporan tersebut. Penelitian ini mencoba membahas permasalahan pelaksanaan RAN P4GN yang terjadi dari sudut pandang network governance dengan menggunakan teori karakteristik network governance dari Erik-Hans Klijn dan Joop Koppenjan serta teori efektifitas network governance dari Provan dan Milward. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa karakteristik network governance yaitu actor, interaction, institutional features dan network management telah terdapat dalam RAN P4GN tersebut. Selain itu, hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukan adanya beberapa masalah yang menghambat pelaksanaan RAN P4GN yaitu integrasi seluruh aktor yang belum terjalin dengan baik, alat pengawasan berupa aplikasi yang kurang optimal, stabilitas sistem yang belum menjamin partisipasi aktif dari seluruh aktor dan sumber daya yang belum mencukupi, secara umum masalah ini merupakan tanggung jawab BNN sebagai leading sector dalam RAN P4GN ini.

The National Action Plan for the Prevention and Eradication of Narcotics Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (RAN P4GN) is a policy undertaken by the Government to address the narcotics problem in Indonesia. In 2019, there were 52,709 narcotics suspects in Indonesia, scattered in various regions in Indonesia so that the government issued Presidential Instruction of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2018 concerning RAN P4GN to tackle the narcotics problem by involving all actors including government, private and community. However, the full participation of actors has not been seen in the RAN P4GN, this can be seen from the results of the latest RAN P4GN report which states that the government agencies involved have not reached 50% and there is no private and community involvement in the report. This study tries to discuss the problems of implementing the RAN P4GN that occur from a network governance perspective by using the characteristics of network governance theory from Erik-Hans Klijn and Joop Koppenjan and the effectiveness of network governance from Provan and Milward. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach with qualitative data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and literature study. The results of this research indicate that the characteristics of network governance, namely actor, interaction, institutional features and network management, are contained in the RAN P4GN. In addition, the results of this research also show that there are several problems that hinder the implementation of the RAN P4GN, the integration of all actors that have not been well established, external control tools in the form of less optimal applications, system stability that has not guaranteed active participation of all actors and insufficient resources. In general, this problem is the responsibility of BNN as the leading sector in this RAN P4GN."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Rahmadian Thala
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas efektivitas pelaksanaan kerja sama di tingkat nasional yang menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pelaksanaan program pencegahan dan pemberantasan peredaran gelap Narkotika dan Prekursor Narkotika. Banyaknya instansi pemerintah dan komponen masyarakat yang bersama-sama dengan BNN dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program BNN, yang secara umum terbagi dalam bidang pencegahan, penegakan hukum, rehabilitasi dan penelitian, membutuhkan pendekatan yang komprehensif, efektif dan efisien. Untuk mengumpulkan berbagai data sekunder digunakan pendekatan Studi Dokumen yang dilanjutkan dengan mengolah data sekunder tersebut menggunakan metode Analisis Kualitatif dan SWOT.Pelaksanaan kerja sama yang dilakukan oleh BNN harus memberikan manfaat baik dari segi program hingga peningkatan kemampuan bagi seluruh komponen bangsa yang bekerja sama dengan BNN. Dampak yang diharapkan melalui pelaksanaan kerja sama tersebut diharapkan dapat semakin memudahkan bagi BNN untuk melaksanakan program pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap Narkotika dan Prekursor Narkotika, termasuk di dalamnya untuk semakin meningkatkan kewaspadaan pada masyarakat terhadap penyalahgunaan Narkotika, terkoordinirnya wadah peran serta masyarakat dalam menciptakan lingkungan anti penyalahgunaan Narkotika, terlaksananya pemutusan jaringan kejahatan terorganisir di bidang P4GN dan pelaksanaan rehabilitasi berbasis komunitas terapeutik maupun metode lain yang telah teruji keberhasilannya dan perawatan lanjutan bagi penyalah guna dan/atau pecandu Narkotika.

The purpose of this research is to discuss the effectiveness of the implementation of cooperation at the national level which became an integral part in the implementation of the programs of prevention and eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. The large number of the government agencies and community components which work together with BNN in supporting the implementation of the BNN rsquo s program including prevention, law enforcement, rehabilitation and research requires a comprehensive, effective and efficient approach. To collect various secondary data the researcher writer used Document Study approach and then followed by processing the secondary data using Qualitative Analysis and SWOT method.The implementation of cooperation conducted by BNN should give benefits either to program aspect or the improvement of all nation component 39 s ability for all components which have had cooperation with BNN. It is expected that through the implementation of the cooperation BNN will implement the program of prevention and eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking of Narcotics and Precursor of Narcotics easier, to increase the civic awareness on drug abuse, build well improvement of community participation in creating the environment of antidrug abuse, to implement the program of the termination of organized crime syndicates in the field of P4GN, to implement the therapeutic community based rehabilitation as well as other methods that have been tested for success and further treatment for drug abuse and or Narcotics addicts."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Agung Ramos P.
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih rendahnya pengungkapan jaringan sindikat narkotika dan prekursor narkotika di dalam negeri dan luar negeri, dimana kompetensi dan pelatihan penyidik intetdiksi merupakan bagian dari Pendekalan kuantitatif diterapkan dengan mengukur kesenjangan kompetensi aktual dan idecl penyidik sehingga dapat diidentifikasi kebutnb.an akan peningkallm 1erhadap kesenjangan kompeteru;i tersebut melalw pelarihan, dan untuk me!akukan pelatihan yang tepa!1erhadap kesenjangan knmpeteru;i !crsebu1; diperlukanTraining Needs Analisis suatu kajian analisis kebutuhan pelatihan.
Analisis terhadap kesenjangan kompetensi aktua1 dan ides] da!am penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan alat analisis qji T, dan untuk mengidentifikasikan kebutuhan pelatihan diutamakan model analisis kebutuhan pelatihan Me Cann. Metode pengumpu1an data dan informasi dilakukan dengan pengisian kaesioner terhadap respooden yang terdiri dari Peeyidik Utama,.Madya, Muda dan Peeyidik Pratama.
Hasil analisis 1erhadap kompetensi penyidik , terdapat kesenjangan yang signifikan dari bel1empa knmpetensi baik dari berbagai lingkalan penyidik yang dapat di minimalkan melalui pelatihan untuk meminima1kan kesenjangan lmmpetensi yang bervariasi tersebut diperlukan skala priorita pclarilum sesuai dengan tingkat penguasaan kemampuan dan hasil dari Focus Group Discusion (FGD.

This thesis is conducted with the background that there is still low result of the dismantling of narcotics and narcotic prescursors syndicate network, in which the competence and 1he training of interdiction personnel are part of the problems. This research is a study using a quantitative approach to measure actual competency gaps and ideal investigator to identity the needs fur improving and narrow the gap throught training effort. By mapping the competencies, we can identify the necessity of improvement of the competency gaps through training,and for doing the right training to the competency gaps, we need Training Need Analysis.
The analysis of actual and ideal competency gaps in1he study,used ibe T test analysis 1n0ls, and to identify training needs, researchers used a model of training needs analysis Mc Cann. Methods of data collection and information is done by filling the questionnaire from respondent consist of 1he Main Investigator. Associa1e, Junior and Primary Investigator.
The results of the analysis of investigator competency interdiction, is that there is a significant gap of some competence, in the various levels of investigator !bat can minimize throught training. To minimize the competency gaps that vary,we need a required priority scale of training according 1n level of mastery and the result of Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puti Ayudia
"Indonesia menetapkan kejahatan narkotika sebagai kejahatan luar biasa dengan ancaman hukuman bagi pengedar adalah hukuman mati. Salah satu lembaga non kementerian di Indonesia yang menangani pemberantasan peredaran gelap narkotika adalah Badan Narkotika Nasional BNN . Tugas dan tanggung jawab BNN adalah untuk menanggulangi peredaran narkotika di Indonesia. Intelijen BNN mempunyai strategi khusus untuk menggagalkan penyelundupan narkotika dengan menggunakan teknik controlled delivery. Teknik controlled delivery dipakai dalam sebuah penyelidikan dan menjadi salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk membongkar kasus-kasus kejahatan narkotika yang bersifat jaringan terorganisir. Tulisan ini akan membahas mengenai penggambaran tahapan teknik controlled delivery. Tulisan ini menggunakan teori organized crime dan konsep traditional policing dalam pembahasan mengenai teknik controlled delivery dengan kasus yang penulis pilih untuk dikaitkan dan kemudian ditariklah kesimpulan mengenai penggambaran teknik controlled delivery yang dipakai BNN dalam pemberantasan peredaran gelap narkotika. Hasil dari tulisan ini adalah berhasilnya penanganan pemberantasan yang dilakukan oleh Intelijen BNN terhadap kasus peredaran gelap narkotika yang penulis pilih dengan menggunakan teknik controlled delivery.

Indonesia establishes narcotics crime as an extraordinary crime with the threat of punishment for dealer is the death penalty. One non-ministerial agencies in Indonesia, which handles the eradication of illicit trafficking is the National Narcotics Agency BNN . BNN 39;s duty and responsibility is to tackle the illicit circulation of narcotics in Indonesia. BNN Intelligence has a special strategy to thwart smuggling of narcotics using controlled delivery techniques. Controlled delivery techniques are used in an investigation and are one way that can be used to dismantle narcotics crime cases that are organized networks. This paper uses the theory of organized crime and traditional policing concept in the discussion of controlled delivery techniques and after that the results of the findings of this data will the author try illustrating the controlled delivery technique with the case that the authors choose to be linked and then drawn conclusions about the description of controlled delivery techniques used by BNN in the eradication illicit circulation of narcotics. The results of this paper are successful elimination programs conducted by the Intelligence BNN against illicit circulation of narcotics that authors choose to use the technique of controlled delivery.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Rotua
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan perempuan sebagai
kurir dalam peredaran gelap narkotika serta serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor
yang mendorong perempuan terlibat sebagai kurir dalam peredaran gelap
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengandalkan analisis data
deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara yang mendalam dengan 8
(delapan) informan perempuan dari beberapa tempat yaitu : di Lembaga
Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Wanita Tangerang, Banten, Rumah Tahanan (Rutan)
Klas IIA Wanita Jakarta Timur, Rutan Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika
Bareskrim Polri dan Rutan Badan Narkotika Nasional. Data juga diperoleh
dengan pengamatan dan studi kepustakaan.
Keterlibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika, seperti diketahui
bahwa perempuan memiliki peranan yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja,
karena banyaknya peranan perempuan baik didalam keluarga serta dalam
kehidupan ekonomi, sosial, kebudayaan, pendidikan, politik dan agama.
Kedudukan perempuan sangat strategis didalam keluarga, khususnya dalam
membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang militan, kekuatan seorang perempuan bukan
hanya mengubah hidup keluarganya, melainkan juga mengubah sebuah bangsa
atau bahkan dunia. Namun kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan, banyak
perempuan yang terlibat dalam peredaran gelap narkotika sebagai kurir.
Perempuan sebagai kurir tidak serta merta terjadi, ada sindikat narkotika yang
mengendalikan perempuan dengan berbagai modus, ada karena ketidaktahuan
mereka, ketergantungan kepada laki-laki yang mempunayi hubungan dengan
perempuan sebagai suami atau pacar, ada juga karena dititipi barang narkotika.
Perempuan terlibat tanpa mengetahui resiko atas tindakannya dan berakhir dalam
hukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.

This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary, This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprilya Setyawati
"Pelajar/mahasiswa adalah sumber dayamanusia yang menentukan masa depan pembangunan kesehatan dan kemakmuran suatu bangsa. Pada tahap perkembangannya banyak remaja yang mulai merokok, minum alkohol dan melakukan seks pranikah hingga melakukan penyalahgunaan narkoba. Faktor-faktor yang dapat menyebabkan pelajar/mahasiswa terjerumus dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba antara lain faktor dari narkoba itus endiri, faktor biologis, faktor psikologi dan faktor sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku penyalahgunaan narkoba pada pelajar/mahasiswa di Indonesia.
Desain studi penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan mengunakan data survei perilaku penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba di kalangan pelajar/mahasiswa di Indonesia oleh BNN dan PPK-FKM UI tahun 2016. Penelitan ini dilakukan pada bulan November sampai Desember 2017. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi univariat, bivariat dan multivariat denganmenggunakan Program Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS software versi 20.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah didapatkan bahwafaktor-faktor yang paling berhubungan terhadap perilaku penyalahgunaann arkoba pada pelajar/mahasiswa dari faktor biologis adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki OR=5,5. Dari faktor psikologi yang paling berhubungan adalah riwayat pernah ditawari narkoba OR=9,0, sedangkan untuk faktor sosial yang paling berhubungan adalah kerawanan lingkungn sekolah/kampus OR=1,8 setelah dikontrol dengan variabel lainnya.

Students are the human resources that determine the future of health development and prosperity of a nation. At this stage of development many teenagers start smoking, drinking alcohol and having premarital sex to do estimates of drugs. Factors that can cause students to fall into drug custody include factors from the drug itself, biological factors, psychological factors and social factors. This research was conducted with the aim to know the factors related to the behavior fixed to the students students in Indonesia.
The design of this study is cross sectional study by using surveillance data and illicit circulation among students students in Indonesia by BNN and PPK FKM UI in 2016. This research was conducted in November to December 2017. The analysis was conducted en univariate, bivariate and multivariate with using software program of Statistics for Social Sciences SPSS version 20.
The result of this research is the result of factors most related to certain behavior in student student of biological factor is male gender OR 5, 5. Of the psychologically related factors, history has been offered drugs OR 9.0, whereas for social factors most closely related is the school campus environment OR 1,8 after controlled with other variables.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putut Tjahjo Widodo
"Penyalahgunaan narkoba di Indonesia sangat memburuk. Perkembangan dari tahun ke tahun rata-rata mengalami kenaikan 51% (Data mabes Polri , Juni 2005). Penelitian ini mengevaluasi permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan implementasi kebijakan strategi pencegahan dan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba (P4GN) di Indonesia dengan menghitung efektifitas outcome atau dampak dengan output hasil nyata implementasi menggunakan regresi berganda dengan program SPSS Versi 14.
Dalam teori evaluasi untuk kebijakan publik dibagi menjadi dua tugas yang berbeda. Pertama, evaluasi ditujukan untuk menentukan konsekuensi-konsekuensi apa yang ditimbulkan oleh suatu kebijakan dengan cara menggambarkan dampak atau pengaruhnya. Kedua, evaluasi ditujukan uutuk menilai keberhasilan atau kegagalan dari suatu kebijakan berdasarkan standar atau kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebeiumnya. Dari penjelasan pada latar belakangan nampaknya terdapat hubungan antara dampak (endogen) dari implementasi kebijakan P4GN di dalam rnasyarakat dengan hasil nyata (eksogen) yang telah dicapai akibat dari implementasi kebijakan P4GN. Adapun standar atau kriteria yang ditetapkan sebagai dasar evaluasi adalah semua output dari implementasi kebijakan P4GN berdasarkan Kepres No. 17 tahun 2002. Mengacu pada ketentuan UNODC (United Nations Organization of Drug Convinion) dalam penelitian BNN dan P4LP-UI, menyatakan bahwa penyalahgunaan narkoba yang merupakan dampak implementasi P4GN ditentukan dan dihitung dari mereka yang terlibat menyalahgunakan narkoba.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi penegakan hukum secara signifikan sangat berpengaruh terhadap penurunan jumlah masyarakat yang terlibat narkoba. Program pencegahan, pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba masih perlu ditingkatkan dan disempurnakan agar dapat diimplementasikan secara efektif.

Drug abuse conditions in Indonesia progressively get worse. The growths of drug abuse mount by significant every years. Case data of drug abuse from State of Police Headquarter of Republic Of Indonesia from 1997 up to 2005, increase 50.1% per year (Data of Mabes Polri, June 2005), This research evaluate the problems of related to policy of prevention and eradication of illegal distribution and drug abuse in Indonesia recognized with the P4GN policy by measuring relation between the outcome or policy affect by the output or result of reality of policy implementation with multiple regression using SPSS 14 version.
The evaluation theories to public policy become two different duty. First, evaluate addressed to determine the consequence what generated by that policy by depicting impact or its influence. Second, evaluation addressed to assess the efficacy or failure fiom that policy of pursuant to standard or criterion which have been specified previously. As for standard or criterion specified by as base evaluate is all output from implementation of policy P4GN of pursuant to Kepres No. 17 year 2002. Policy pickings more refer at "real manifestation" from policy public, things which is in fact conducted] by according to decision fiom policy statement.
Result of research indicate that the implementation is straightening of law by significant is very having an effect on to degradation of amount of society in concerned drug. Prevention program, eradication of illegal distribution and drug abuse still require be improving and completing so that earning implementation effectively."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Weriansyah
"Pandangan hakim terhadap status kewarganegaraan asing pada penjatuhan pidana dalam perkara peredaran gelap narkotika di Indonesia masih belum konsisten. Dalam beberapa putusan, status kewarganegaraan asing dicantumkan sebagai keadaan yang memberatkan sedangkan pada beberapa putusan lainnya status kewarganegaraan asing tersebut tidak dipertimbangkan sama sekali bahkan terdapat putusan yang menjadikan faktor tersebut sebagai alasan meringankan. Melalui metode penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara terhadap beberapa hakim di Indonesia, penelitian ini berupaya menjelaskan persoalan mengenai relevansi status kewarganegaraan asing dalam penjatuhan pidana ditinjau dari 3 (tiga) aspek yakni falsafah penjatuhan pidana, pengaturan penjatuhan pidana dalam perkara peredaran gelap narkotika dan perbandingannya terhadap Indonesia, Belanda, dan Amerika Serikat, serta pandangan hakim dari masing-masing ketiga negara tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status kewarganegaraan asing terdakwa dapat dijustifikasi melalui general deterrence theory walaupun justifikasi melalui teori tersebut terbilang lemah. Selanjutnya, ditinjau dari pengaturan penjatuhan pidana, kendati tidak ditemukan status kewarganegaraan asing sebagai faktor yang relevan dalam penjatuhan pidana dari ketiga negara di atas, hakim masih memiliki diskresi untuk menentukan sendiri faktor-faktor yang relevan menurutnya, sehingga masih terbuka kemungkinan untuk faktor kewarganegaraan asing dipertimbangkan. Terakhir, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa hakim di Belanda dan beberapa hakim di Indonesia menilai status kewarganegaraan asing tersebut relevan untuk dipertimbangkan dalam penjatuhan pidana dengan alasan general deterrence theory dan beberapa alasan yang bersifat politis. Spesifik di Belanda, status kewarganegaraan asing juga dipertimbangkan dalam penjatuhan pidana karena terkait dengan adanya kendala eksekusi dalam beberapa jenis pidana tertentu. Namun, Amerika Serikat secara tegas menolak status kewarganegaraan asing untuk berpengaruh dalam penjatuhan pidana karena dipandang inkonstitusional.

The perspective of judges regarding foreign citizenship status in sentencing for drug trafficking cases in Indonesia remains inconsistent. In some decisions, the status of foreign citizenship is identified as an aggravating circumstance whereas in several other decisions it is not considered at all or may even be considered as a mitigating factor. Through normative juridical research method, which involves literature review and interviews with several judges in Indonesia, this research aims to elucidate the issue of the relevance of foreign citizenship status in criminal sentencing, considering three aspects: sentencing philosophies, the regulation of criminal sentencing in drug trafficking cases and a comparison with Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the United States, as well as the views of judges from each of the three countries. The research finding indicate that the defendant’s foreign citizenship status can be justified based on the general deterrence theory although the justification relatively weak. Furthermore, in terms of regulations on criminal sentencing, although foreign citizenship status is not recognized as a relevant factor in criminal sentencing from the three countries above, judges still have the discretion to determine the relevant factors themselves, so it is still possible for foreign citizenship factors to be considered. Finally, this study reveals that judges in the Netherlands and several judges in Indonesia considered the status of foreign citizenship relevant to be considered in sentencing for general deterrence theory and several political reasons. Particularly in the Netherlands, foreign citizenship status is also considered in sentencing due to execution constraints in certain types of punishment. However, the United States firmly rejects the notion that foreign citizenship status has an impact on criminal sentencing as it is deemed unconstitutional."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutapea, Bontor
"Penelitian ini berfokus pada peningkatan kinerja dalam kerangka 7'S Mc Kiney Satuan Tugas Airport Interdiction BNN yang berada di bandara udara internasional Soekarno-Hatta, Jakarta dalam melaksanakan pemberantasan penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap Narkoba Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Model operasional menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan informan pemangku kepentingan BNN, dan 19 orang anggota satgas yang mewakili masing-masing unit kerja. Satgas Airport Interdiction merupakan implementasi Keppres 17 tahun 2002 dan Perpes 83 tahun 2007 sebagai bentuk operasional pelaksanaan P4GN yang bertugas berkoordinasi dalam pengawasan pemberantasan, pencegahan peredaran gelap narkoba melalui bandara udara internasional. Penelitian ini didasari atas fokus masalah faktual karena masih ada kesenjangan antara mekanisme yang tertuang dalam aturan (Skep Ketua BNN) dengan implementasi di lapangan.
Dari analisis terhadap hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa : 1) Strategi yang digariskan oleh BNN dalam pembentuk Satgas Airport Interdiction adalah pengawasan terhadap penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba melalui bandara udara Internasional situasinya sangat mengkhawatirkan berkaitan dengan ketahanan nasional Indonesia. 2) Analisis Strategi, kurang dipedomaninya acuan pembentukan satgas atau Skep Ketua BNN untuk melaksanakan P4GN. 3) Analisis Struktur, menguatkan faktor komunikasi antara pimpinan dan barahan harus dieleminir. 4) Analisis Sistem, manajemen sistem harus memasukkan anggaran yang kuat untuk operasional dan unsur-unsur yang bersifat pengawasan melekat (waskat) pada setiap jenjang organisasi, diikuti dengan budaya organisasi dan nilai-nilai kepercayaan serta rasa memiliki yang tinggi. 5) Analisis Staf, bahwa pemenuhan petugas yang profesional didukung oleh struktur kerja dari anggota Satgas Airport Interdiction yang sesuai dengan bidang kerja dan kewenangannya. 6) Analisis Gaya/ Style, bahwa pimpinan dapat menerapkan penggunaan waktu dan berperilaku (behave) dalam mencapai tujuan dari satgas. 7) Analisis Keahlian/ Ketrampilan, ternyata banyak harapan dari anggota Satgas untuk dilakukan pelatihan dan keterampilan internasional, dengan memanfaatkan mitra kerja sama Satgas (instansi pemerintah maupun penyelenggara jasa angkutan bandara). 8) Analisis Nilai kersamaan, mewujudkan sikap profesionalisme dengan berbagai pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing satuan anggota satgas akan mendukung analitik masing unit kerja
This study focuses on improving performance within the 7'S Mc Kiney framework of the BNN Airport Interdiction Task Force located at Soekarno-Hatta international airport, Jakarta in carrying out the eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. The operational model uses in-depth interviews with BNN stakeholder informants, and 19 members of the task force representing each work unit. The Airport Interdiction Task Force is an implementation of Presidential Decree 17 of 2002 and Perpes 83 of 2007 as an operational form of P4GN implementation which is tasked with coordinating the eradication and prevention of illicit drug trafficking through international airports. This research is based on the focus of factual problems because there is still a gap between the mechanisms contained in the rules (Skepticism of the Head of BNN) and implementation in the field.
From the analysis of the results of the interviews, it was concluded that: 1) The strategy outlined by BNN in forming the Airport Interdiction Task Force was the supervision of drug abuse and illicit trafficking through international airports, the situation was very worrying related to Indonesia's national security. 2) Strategy analysis, lack of guidelines for the formation of a task force or the Skep of the Head of the National Narcotics Agency to implement P4GN. 3) Structural analysis, strengthening the communication factor between the leadership and materials must be eliminated. 4) System Analysis, system management must include a strong budget for operations and elements that are inherent in supervision (waskat) at every level of the organization, followed by organizational culture and values of trust and a high sense of belonging. 5) Staff analysis, that the fulfillment of professional officers is supported by the work structure of members of the Airport Interdiction Task Force in accordance with their field of work and authority. 6) Analysis of Style / Style, that the leader can apply the use of time and behave (behave) in achieving the goals of the task force. 7) Expertise/Skills Analysis, it turns out that there are a lot of expectations from members of the Task Force for international training and skills, by utilizing the cooperation partners of the Task Force (government agencies and airport transportation service providers). 8) Analysis of the value of cooperation, realizing a professional attitude with various knowledge and skills possessed by each member of the task force will support the analysis of each work unit.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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